Ohio History Journal

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"Paul Laurence Dunbar and William Dean Howells," Volume 67, Number 2, April, 1958, pp. 95-108.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 67 NUMBER 2 A P R I L 1958 Paul Laurence Dunbar and William Dean Howells By JAMES B STRONKS IN THE SUMMER OF 1896 William Dean Howells then the most influential author and critic in the United States favorably reviewed a book of poems by a young Dayton Negro Paul Laurence Dunbar The review in the Harper's Weekly of June 27 1896--by a happy coincidence it was Dunbar's birthday--instantly and dramatically created a national reputation for ...

"Charles F. Brush and the First Public Electric Street Lighting System in America," Volume 70, Number 2, April, 1961, pp. 128-144.
... Charles F Charles F Brush and the First Public Electric Street Lighting System in America By MEL GORMAN THE DEVELOPMENT OF street lighting is one of the most important factors which can be considered in gauging the social history of urban life Until the middle of the eighteenth century there was very little incentive for the dweller to leave his house after dark but with the advent of the industrial revolution the tempo of life exerted more and more pressure of activities which could not be ...

"A New Letter of Hiram Powers," by Thomas B. Brumbaugh. Volume 65, Number 4, October, 1956, pp. 399-402.
... A New Letter of Hiram Powers A New Letter of Hiram Powers By THOMAS B BRUMBAUGH Make me as I am Mr Powers and be true to nature always and in everything Andrew Jackson reportedly told the sculptor Hiram Powers 1805-1873 born in Vermont trained as a young man in Watson's clock factory in Cincinnati and later employed by Dorfueille's Western Museum scarcely needed such advice for on the road to making High Art he had also been a maker of writhing wax figures controlled by automatic insides for ...

"Index to Minutes of Fortieth Annual Meeting of the Society and the Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees," Volume 35, , Binding Supplement, , pp. 689-692.
... INDEX TO THE MINUTES OF THE FORTIETH INDEX TO THE MINUTES OF THE FORTIETH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SOCIETY AND THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Alexander T B 228 278-280 Cockerell Mrs Clinton 228 Alexander Mrs T B 228 278-2 Cole W H 228 260-261 Allen William 234 269 Constitution of Society Amendments to Architect State 230 254-258 262 suggested 232 read and adopted 277Armaments Limitation of 282 278 Armstrong Carl 237 Co-operation with Ohio State University Artifacts from Seip Mound ...

"Housing the City: The Better Housing League and Cincinnati, 1916-1939," by Robert B. Fairbanks. Volume 89, Number 2, Spring, 1980, pp. 157-180.
... ROBERT B ROBERT B FAIRBANKS Housing the City The Better Housing League and Cincinnati 1916-1939 A varity of historians have dealt with the housing movement in America prior to the Great Depression examining how the reformers viewed the housing needs around them Robert H Bremner in From the Depths explained how the environmental emphasis of Progressive housing reform reflected the changing view of poverty from the mid-nineteenth century notion which had blamed individual moral breakdown Roy ...

"Claude Meeker: Journalist-Diplomat-Gentleman," by Lowry F. Sater. Volume 40, Number 4, October, 1931, pp. 591-600.
... CLAUDE MEEKER CLAUDE MEEKER JOURNALIST-DIPLOMAT-GENTLEMAN BY LOWRY F SATER A stranger entering the office of Claude Meeker in his absence would have recognized almost at a glance the unusual qualities that characterized the man The arrangement and completeness of the room evidenced a well-ordered and discriminating mind a love of the beautiful a familiarity with good literature an enthusiasm for outdoor life a wide acquaintanceship with the leading men of the State and nation the elements of a ...

"George Rogers Clark Monument," report by H. R. McPherson. Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 628-629.
... 628 Ohio Arch 628 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Preble County Historical Society due to his removal from Preble County but predicts continued growth and development of Fort St Clair Park in the days to come H R MCPHERSON Columbus Ohio September 26 1927 GEORGE ROGERS CLARK MONUMENT During the year the committee has sought to care for and improve the grounds The monument is located on high ground overlooking the Mad River Valley with a rather steep slope to the south and west Before ...

"Learning and Piety in Ohio Colleges, 1865-1900," by Sherman B. Barnes. Volume 69, Number 4, October, 1960, pp. 327-352.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 69 NUMBER 4 OCTOBER 1960 Learning and Piety in Ohio Colleges 1865-1900 By SHERMAN B BARNES BECAUSE IN THE Gilded Age a flood of new knowledge was received into the collegiate curriculum the question often arises whether traditional Protestant piety impeded or hastened the adoption of new curricular offerings in science history psychology philosophy fine arts and modern languages Excellent histories of a number of Ohio colleges ...

Volume 93, , Summer-Autumn, 1984, pp. 209-221.
... Index Index COMPILED BY LAURA RUSSELL ABSTRACT of Book I and Book A Hamilton County Ohio Probate Records 1829-1834 89 Adams family Descent From Glory Four Generations of the John Adams Family by Paul C Nagel rev 97-98 Adams John Quincy 166 167 AFL See American Federation of Labor Ake Harvey 81 82-83 Alcott Amos Bronson Amos Bronson Alcott An Intellectual Biography by Frederick C Dahlstrand 184 Alexander Charles C book rev 109-10 Allen Charles C 173-74 Amalgamated Association of Iron Steel and ...

Volume 70, Number 4, October, 1961, pp. 391-403.
... Index Index ABOLITION MOV'EMENT and aboAnderson William C trustee Wool litionists T Corwin unsympathetic and Cotton Manufacturing Company toward 8 and Corwin amendment 20 107 Adams Charles Francis 2 9 and the Andrews Israel Ward 340 341 Corwin amendment 17 18 19 20 Annual Report of the Society for Adams Charles Francis Jr 18 1960 247-253 Adams Henry quoted on secession Antioch College 227 285 ethics at crisis 2 10 17 19 24 26 220 philosophy of education at 235 Adams John Quincy 6 241-243 and ...

"Municipal Government in an Average City: Cleveland, 1876-1900," Volume 62, Number 1, January, 1953, pp. 1-24.
... MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT IN AN AVERAGE CITY MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT IN AN AVERAGE CITY CLEVELAND 1876-1900 by JAMES B WHIPPLE Instructor in History Western Reserve University I Studies of municipal politics have tended to emphasize the best governed city or the worst In many ways this may be an accurate reflection of the national scene where contemporaries were preoccupied with the same extremes Cleveland between 1876 and 1900 does not fall into either of these classifications Nevertheless taken as ...

"Lenau's Ohio Venture," by Homer D. Blanchard. Volume 78, Number 4, Autumn, 1969, pp. 237-251.
... HOMER D HOMER D BLANCHARD Lenau's Ohio Venture It is not often that we find in America documentary source material relating to events in the lives of German men of letters In the case of the poet Nikolaus Lenau however we do have such sources because he spent some time in the United States and purchased land in Crawford County Ohio This writer has discovered new documentary evidence which dispels the old legends about Lenau's visit to America and his speculation in Ohio land The time ...

"Report of the Local Historical Societies," Volume 49, Number 3, July, 1940, pp. 239-241.
... OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 239 OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 239 moved that the members of the Society assembled in annual business meeting memorialize the members of the General Assembly and the members of the Finance Committee in particular to make a more careful study of the needs and requirements of the Society and give the biennial budget presented more adequate consideration and approval The motion was unanimously carried The Nominating Committee unanimously recommended ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 89, Number 3, Summer, 1980, pp. 345-347.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The fourteenth annual Duquesne University History Forum will be held on October 27 28 and 29 1980 at the William Penn Hotel in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Well established as one of the major professional meetings of its type having sessions in all fields of history the Forum is the largest annually held meeting in the northeastern United States Those interested in submitting proposals for papers andor complete sessions or who desire to serve as a moderator or ...

"Land and Community in Rural Nineteenth Century America: Claridon Township, 1810-1870," Volume 97, , Summer-Autumn, 1988, pp. 101-121.
... ROBERT A ROBERT A WHEELER Land and Community in Rural Nineteenth Century America Claridon Township 1810-1870 In 1812 Horace Taylor of Hartland Connecticut traveled to Ohio to buy and settle lands in the Western Reserve of Connecticut on the Trans-Appalachian frontier He chose a relatively new township in the heart of the Reserve later called Claridon in Geauga County There in the western portion he located his farm helped found the Congregational church and established one of the backbone ...

"Ohio Sons of the American Revolution," Volume 12, Number 3, July, 1903, pp. 337-338.
... Editorialana Editorialana 337 OHIO SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION On Saturday April 18 1903 the Ohio Society Sons of the American Revolution held its annual meeting at the Great Southern Hotel Columbus Ohio There was a goodly attendance of members from various parts of the state The usual reports of officers and committees were heard and in the afternoon the election of officers occurred resulting in the following President Colonel James Kilbourne Columbus Vice-Presidents Isaac F Mack ...

"Bread and Doctrine at Oberlin," by Robert Samuel Fletcher. Volume 49, Number 1, January, 1940, pp. 58-67.
... BREAD AND DOCTRINE AT OBERLIN BREAD AND DOCTRINE AT OBERLIN By ROBERT SAMUEL FLETCHER Reform is manifold and yet it is one declared President Asa Mahan of the Oberlin Collegiate Institute in an address before the American Physiological Society in Boston in 1839 The true Christian reformer he said was a universal reformer seeking the correction of all evils No man could consistently be a temperance advocate and not an opponent of slavery nor an enemy of war and not a sponsor of moral reform He ...

"Index to Minutes of Forty-Second Annual Meeting of the Society and the Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees," Volume 36, Binding Supplement, , , pp. 702-707.
... INDEX TO MINUTES OF THE FORTY-SECOND ANNUAL INDEX TO MINUTES OF THE FORTY-SECOND ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SOCIETY AND THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Accessions to Museum 600-605 Braden James A 584 599 Allyn M Q 645 Braun Herman Sr 599 Amos Frank C 584 Brundage Dr H M 645 Archaeological and Historical Society Buchwalter Captain E L 636 holds Annual Meeting 584-683 new Burr Karl E 645 policies 647-651 change in fiscal year Burroughs John Address on by G amendments to Constitution ...

"Registrar's Report and List of Accessions," Volume 42, Number 3, July, 1933, pp. 353-357.
... Report of the Forty-Seventh Annual Meeting 353 Report of the Forty-Seventh Annual Meeting 353 and expectancy the action of the Legislature and the administration on the forthcoming permanent budget REGISTRAR'S REPORT During the past year a number of accessions have been made to museum collections as per attached list In each case the proper acknowledgment has been made and the various items catalogued placed on exhibition or stored as seemed advisable As Staff Artist I take pleasure in ...

Volume 85, Binding Supplement, , 1976, pp. 345-356.
... Index Index COMPILED BY EDWARD LENSE AND NANCY SUMMERS ABA See American Bar Association Abbot David and Tappan 136 136n 137-38 139 140 Abolition of slavery 49 50 56 abolitionism in Western Reserve 50 56 and Benjamin Tappan 109 111 ACLU See American Civil Liberties Union Adams John 121 220 Adger John B American delegate to World Evangelical Alliance 302 Aeschbacher W D book rev 338 Alexander Charles C book rev 342-43 Alexander James 148 Alien and Sedition Acts 224 Allen Frederick Lewis quoted ...