Ohio History Journal

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"Editorialana," Volume 14, Number 4, October, 1905, pp. 465-475.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA BIG BOTTOM MASSACRE DEDICATION It is one hundred and fifteen years since the little band of pioneers were massacred in their fort at Big Bottom on the Muskingum This settlement was an off-shoot of the one at Marietta It was the remotest outpost of the Ohio Company Scarcely had Marietta been settled when there pushed out from the protecting walls of Fort Harmar small bands of settlers to build homes and clear the fields in other favorable locations Belpre on the Ohio ...

"Early Ohio Camp Meetings, 1801-1816," by Charles A. Johnson. Volume 61, Number 1, January, 1952, pp. 32-50.
... EARLY OHIO CAMP MEETINGS 1801-1816 EARLY OHIO CAMP MEETINGS 1801-1816 by CHARLES A JOHNSON Instructor in American History University of Maryland On Military Leave As soon as we came upon the ground Mechanicsburg Ohio I felt that God was with the meeting Give us a chimney that we may have fire it was done God was with us and souls were converted--BISHOP FRANCIS ASBURY1 In challenging the lawlessness and immorality of the frontier the western churches forged new religious weapons Among the most ...

"A Visit in 1929 to the Sites, in Western Ohio, of Forts Built by Generals Arthur St. Clair, Anthony Wayne and William Henry Harrison," by James A. Green. Volume 38, Number 4, October, 1929, pp. 601-626.
... A VISIT IN 1929 A VISIT IN 1929 TO THE SITES IN WESTERN OHIO OF FORTS BUILT BY GENERALS ARTHUR ST CLAIR ANTHONY WAYNE AND WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON BY JAMES A GREEN CHAPTER I On the Fourth of July 1929 I made a patriotic pilgrimage visiting the sites of some of the forts erected in western Ohio in St Clair's and Wayne's Indian Campaigns and by Harrison in the War of 1812 As showing the immeasurable difference between the slow and laborious progress of our early armies and the speed of the modern ...

"A Quaker Section of the Underground Railroad in Northern Ohio," by Wilbur H. Siebert. Volume 39, Number 3, July, 1930, pp. 479-502.
... A QUAKER SECTION OF THE UNDERGROUND A QUAKER SECTION OF THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD IN NORTHERN OHIO BY PROFESSOR WILBUR H SIEBERT of the Ohio State University One of the main lines of the Underground Railroad which traversed Ohio from south to north began at Ripley in Brown County on the Ohio River and ran through Highland Fayette Madison Franklin Delaware Marion Morrow and Richland counties to Greenwich in Huron whence branches ran to the lake north through Erie County and northeast through ...

"William Allen Trimble: United States Senator from Ohio," by Mary McArthur Thompson Tuttle. Volume 14, Number 3, July, 1905, pp. 225-246.
... WILLIAM ALLEN TRIMBLE WILLIAM ALLEN TRIMBLE UNITED STATES SENATOR FROM OHIO MARY MCARTHUR THOMPSON TUTTLE A woman's way of writing History differs essentially from the conventional style and methods approved by great historians It is well that this is so for the student of history obtains thus now and then a lighter more transparent atmosphere a more sympathetic view of a life than could be presented by the massive outlines of the great scholars who strive for the philosophy of life as well as ...

"Fort St. Clair," Volume 11, Number 1, July, 1902, pp. 161-163.
... Editorialana Editorialana 161 mouth begin to move and approaching the immobile features silent for centuries he placed his ear to the stone lips and heard a sound like a subdued murmur you're another As Artemus Ward would say of this controversy of the critics it would be funny if it were not serious The Mound Builders builded better than they knew Their works are food for thought and subjects for study Certain it is that they were a vast and enterprising and interesting race whence and ...

"The Miami Country, 1750-1815, as Described in Journals and Letters," by Elizabeth Faries. Volume 57, Number 1, January, 1948, pp. 48-65.
... THE MIAMI COUNTRY 1750-1815 THE MIAMI COUNTRY 1750-1815 AS DESCRIBED IN JOURNALS AND LETTERS by ELIZABETH FARIES Senior Assistant Reference and Catalog Department Dayton Public Library During the late 1700's and the early 1800's the Miami Country was a definite geographic area in the Northwest Territory This area has been defined as a region of approximately 5000 square miles in southwestern Ohio with a small adjoining wedge of southeastern Indiana It was particularly the land that forms the ...

"John Stewart: Pioneer Missionary of the Methodist Episcopal Church," by N. B. C. Love. Volume 17, Number 3, July, 1908, pp. 337-349.
... JOHN STEWART JOHN STEWART PIONEER MISSIONARY OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH N B C LOVE DD The Methodist Episcopal Church from its organization in 1773 was missionary in its spirit It made continuous efforts towards the conversion of the w hites and blacks but the red men of the forest were passed by The minutes of the annual conferences at the beginning of the last century reported in separate columns the numbers of whites and blacks in each society but no figures for the Indians The ...

"Editorialana," Volume 14, Number 1, January, 1905, pp. 89-100.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY On September 19 1904 a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was held in the rooms of the society Page Hall O S U with the following members present Mr George F Bareis Col John W Harper Mr W H Hunter Prof B F Prince Secretary E O Randall Hon D J Ryan Hon S S Rickly Prof G F Wright and Mr E F Wood The Secretary presented the resignation of Professor J P MacLean as Trustee of ...

"Bowman's Expedition Against Chillicothe: May-June 1779," Volume 19, Number 4, October, 1910, pp. 446-459.
... BOWMAN'S EXPEDITION AGAINST CHILLICOTHE BOWMAN'S EXPEDITION AGAINST CHILLICOTHE May-June 1779 Draper MSS Border Forays 5 D chap 27 pp 1-20 The following account of Captain Bowman's expedition against Chillicothe on the Little Miami in 1779 is from the original manuscript of the Draper collection in the archive department of the Wisconsin Historical Society Madison Wisconsin During the past summer 1910 through the courtesy of Dr Reuben Gold Thwaites Secretary of the Wisconsin Historical Society ...

"Logan's Campaign-1786," Volume 22, Number 4, October, 1913, pp. 520-521.
... LOGAN'S CAMPAIGN -1786 LOGAN'S CAMPAIGN -1786 From the Draper MSS Wisconsin Historical Society Archives Mr Henry Hall was out on this campaign Were some 8 or 9 hundred men-Colos James Garrard Benj Harrison Thos Kennedy and Hugh McGary were the principal officers under Logan When Logan reached Meckacheck some 18 or 20 Indians remained and the men rode after and killed them most all Capt Irvine and others were pursuing an Indian with a broken thigh amp did not rush upon him as quick as they ...

"The Campaigns of the Revolution in the Ohio Valley: Their Effect on the Growth of the United States," Volume 14, Number 1, January, 1905, pp. 39-59.
... THE CAMPAIGNS OF THE REVOLUTION IN THE THE CAMPAIGNS OF THE REVOLUTION IN THE OHIO VALLEY THEIR EFFECT ON THE GROWTH OF THE UNITED STATES JULIETTE SESSIONS In 1903 the Ohio Society Sons of the Revolution offered a prize of 100 for the best essay which might be submitted upon the subject heading this article Miss Sessions a member of the teaching corps of The Columbus High School entered the contest and was awarded the prize The essay is herewith made public for the first time through the ...

"Historical Address" (Croghan Celebration) by Basil Meek. Volume 16, Number 1, January, 1907, pp. 35-52.
... The Croghan Celebration The Croghan Celebration 35 HISTORICAL ADDRESS BY BASIL MEEK ESQ FREMONT OHIO We have met today on this ground famous in history because of the victorious defence of Fort Stephenson then standing on this spot by Major George Croghan and the band of heroes under his command ninety-three years ago--not only to commemorate that brilliant achievement but also to further consecrate and make sacred the spot by the re-interment of the remains of its gallant defender To Col Webb ...

"Chillicothe's Elite: Leadership in a Frontier Community," by Jeffrey P. Brown. Volume 96, , Summer-Autumn, 1987, pp. 140-156.
... JEFFREY P JEFFREY P BROWN Chillicothe's Elite Leadership in a Frontier Community The Northwest Territory was dominated by its small urban communities even though most settlers were farmers The towns became crucial regional centers for business politics and cultural affairs They served as headquarters for wealthy and powerful merchants provided a base for lawyer-politicians and often contained the homes of prominent rural landowners A few of the Northwest's towns eventually grew into great ...

"An Early Abolition Colony, and its Founder," by A. A. Graham. Volume 4, Annual, January, 1896, pp. 30-43.
... 30 Ohio Arch 30 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications VOL 4 AN EARLY ABOLITION COLONY AND ITS FOUNDER BY A A GRAHAM About nine miles north of the capital of Ohio is a village the foundation of which marks an important epoch in the history of Ohio The conflict between freedom and slavery began before the successful growth of the young republic was assured Thrifty New Englanders were waiting the encroachment of slavery and among them were men not afraid to lift up their voices in loud and ...

"The Copus Battle Centennial," by Eugene Ellis Williams. Volume 21, Number 4, October, 1912, pp. 379-395.
... THE COPUS BATTLE CENTENNIAL THE COPUS BATTLE CENTENNIAL BY REV EUGENE ELLIS WILLIAMS Sept 15 191 2 the day of the centennial of the Copus Battle was a very gloomy day with rain from early morning until evening But despite the inclement weather about 1000 people gathered in Milligan's grove near the Copus monument situated near Mifflin ten miles east of Mansfield At 11 o'clock Prof G F Wright of Oberlin called the meeting to order and after singing America Rev Eugene E Williams offered prayer ...

"Wayne's Strategic Advance From Fort Greenville to Grand Glaize," by O. W. Priddy. Volume 39, Number 1, January, 1930, pp. 42-76.
... WAYNE'S STRATEGIC ADVANCE FROM FORT WAYNE'S STRATEGIC ADVANCE FROM FORT GREENVILLE TO GRAND GLAIZE BY O W PRIDDY The government of the United States went into effect in 1789 and General George Washington was its first president While the new republic was busily engaged in adjusting its domestic affairs an Indian confederation was formed in the region of the Miami of the lakes Maumee River that seriously challenged the sovereign power of the national government in the Northwest Territory In a ...

"Maumee Valley Travel Tour," Volume 50, Number 1, January-March, 1941, pp. 91-98.
... MAUMEE VALLEY TRAVEL TOUR MAUMEE VALLEY TRAVEL TOUR By MAUMEE VALLEY INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL CONVENTION From From Toledo Fort Wayne Miles Miles 000 Commodore Perry Hotel Toledo 1069 Superior Street entrance South 12 block to Monroe Street Turn right W 2 blocks to Erie Street Turn left S on Erie Street 5 blocks across Swan Creek to Anthony Wayne Memorial Trail 09 Anthony Wayne Memorial Trail 1060 Turn right on Anthony Wayne Memorial Trail which is a new super-highway constructed upon the bed ...

"Address of Hon. Samuel D. Dodge" (Croghan Celebration) Volume 16, Number 1, January, 1907, pp. 18-26.
... 18 Ohio Arch 18 Ohio Arch and Hist Society P ublications Time like an ever-rolling stream Bears all its sons away They fly forgotten as a dream Dies at the opening day 0 God our help in ages past Our hope for years to come Be Thou our Guard while troubles last And our eternal home Thou who hearest prayer for Jesus' sake give ear to these our prayers and praises which we sum up in the words of our Lord Our Father Who art in heaven Hallowed be Thy name Thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth ...

"The Ohio Workmen's Compensation Law," by H. R. Mengert. Volume 29, Number 1, January, 1920, pp. 1-48.
... medicines and such compensation as is provided by this act for injured employees and in the event of death shall pay such amounts as are herein provided for funeral expenses and for compensation to the dependents of those partially dependent upon such employee and no such contract shall agree or be construed to agree to indemnify such employer other than hereinbefore designated for any civil liability for which he may be liable on account of ...