SERIES 1: | Adjutant General, Quartermaster General. Abstracts of clothing and equipment issued to 1st-80th Regiments, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, 1863-1864 , 3 items |
SERIES 2: | Adjutant General, Quartermaster General. Record of arms issued, 1857-1887, 4 items |
SERIES 8: | Adjutant General, Quartermaster General. Arms on hand and memoranda of arms received by the Ohio State Arsenal, 1858-1863(volumes), 2 items |
SERIES 127: | Adjutant General, Quartermaster General, Appropriation book, 1863-1864, 3 items |
SERIES 128: | Adjutant General, Quartermaster General’s daybooks, May-December, 1986, .3 cf |
SERIES 130: | Adjutant General, Quartermaster General. Ordnance issued and received books, 1861, 1863-1866, 2 items |
SERIES 131: | Adjutant General, Letter books of the Quartermaster General, 1861-1865(microfilm), 7 items |
SERIES 132: | Adjutant General, Copies of orders sent to the Ohio State Arsenal and Warehouse from the Quartermaster, May 1861-April 1862(microfilm), 2 items |
SERIES 134: | Adjutant General, Telegraphic dispatches to the Quartermaster General, 1861-1865, .7 cf |
SERIES 1382: | Adjutant General, Quartermaster General. Contracts, 1861(volume), 2 items |
SERIES 1483: | Adjutant General, Quartermaster General. Returns, abstracts, and vouchers for clothing and camp equipment, 1861-1865, 1 cf |
SERIES 1607: | Adjutant General, Quartermaster General, Record of arms issued, and requisitions referred to the Adjutant General for endorsement, 1863-1864, 1 item |
SERIES 2223: | Adjutant General, Quartermaster General, Record of ordnance issued, 1863-1871, 1878-1879, 2 items |
SERIES 2224: | Adjutant General, Quartermaster General, Ordnance and ordnance stores, 1860-1863, 1876-1879, 1888, 2 volumes |
SERIES 2225: | Adjutant General, Quartermaster General’s account book, 1861-1867, 4 items |
SERIES 2226: | Adjutant General, Quartermaster General, Invoice of ordnance received from the U.S. government, 1808-1884, 1 volume |
SERIES 2227: | Adjutant General, Quartermaster’s cash journal, 1861-1862, 1 item |