August 20, 1861
T[homas] Worthington, Colonel, 46th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that he was complying with Special Order No. 691 and reporting that he had issued letters of authority for the formation of companies to seven individuals.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 37]

August 21, 1861
James Barnett, George Worthington & Company, dealers in hardware iron and nails, corner of Superior & Water Streets, Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that [William E.] Standart had commenced recruiting his battery in earnest with the assurance that Lieutenant Bennett would be transferred to his battery; suggesting that this be done since Pelton would not get up his battery; stating that their goal was to get experienced men, and that Standart's order was to recruit 85 men; and requesting that Buckingham change the order so that Standart could recruit the requisite number of men for a six-gun battery.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 52]

August 21, 1861
John B. Blessing, Gallipolis, Gallia County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that he had been authorized to raise a company of cavalry consisting of not less than 90 men for the term of three years in the U.S. Army, that he was required to report on August 21, that he had not been able to raise the required number of men, that he currently had fifty-five names on his roll, and that he thought the full number could be made up in two weeks; asking if qualifying an enrolled volunteer by a Justice of the Peace would hold that volunteer to the service; stating that infantry companies were received at Marietta and Portsmouth with sixty members and allowed time to recruit; and asking if a cavalry company could be received with the same number.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 111]

August 21, 1861
Jno. Brown, Camp Chase, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter accepting his appointment as 1st Lieutenant of Company B, 30th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 43]

August 21, 1861
M[elvin] Clarke, Camp Putnam, Marietta, Washington County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that there were two companies, one in Morgan County and one in Monroe County, that had applied for admission to Camp Putnam, and that if these companies were permitted to rendezvous at Camp Putnam, they were willing to be assigned to any regiment having one military man among its field officers; and requesting authorization to receive these companies into camp.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 39]

August 21, 1861
M[elvin] Clarke, Lieutenant Colonel, 36th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Putnam, Marietta, Washington County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter listing 21 Privates not yet mustered out of three months' service who wished to join the 36th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Bears note reading "Must be mustered out & re-enlist. Cannot be transferred."
2 pp. [Series 147-5: 109]

August 21, 1861
Maurice Converse, Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter stating that he had served with the Cleveland Grays during their term of service as Ohio Volunteer Militia and had given much attention to the study of military matters, and that he wanted to recruit and take command of a company of infantry to enter the service, and an order to recruit such a company. Bears endorsements of L. Prentiss and E. Cowles, Editor of the Cleveland Leader.
2 pp. [Series 147-5: 86]

August 21, 1861
I. Craner, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter requesting authority to raise a battalion for three years' service and to maintain the battalion at State expense in Darke County; and stating that the battalion would be ready for service on or before October 1.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 33]

August 21, 1861
George P. Este, Lieutenant Colonel, 14th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that S.B. Moe and Daniel H. Nye had been appointed to receive commissions as Lieutenants in the 14th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; requesting that Buckingham notify them that they would respectively be appointed Adjutant and Quartermaster in the regiment; and stating that their post office address was Toledo.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 30]

August 21, 1861
Hugh Ewing, Colonel, John Ferguson, Major, 30th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Chase, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter recommending Gordon Loffland, Jr. of Cambridge, Ohio as a suitable person to receive the appointment of 1st Lieutenant in one of the Ohio regiments; and stating that Loffland's capacity and morals were of the best order, and that his appointment would be of value to the service and gratifying to his numerous friends whose feelings and desires should not be disregarded.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 25]

August 21, 1861
Thomas H. Ford, Colonel Commanding, Headquarters, 32nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Buckingham. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter enclosing the poll book of an election held by Captain Baning's company from Mt. Vernon, Ohio; and stating that all of this company's recruits who had enlisted and been sworn in were satisfied with the officers, and that the company would undoubtedly be filled up by the next day.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 42]

August 21, 1861
William H. Gibson, Colonel, Headquarters, 49th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Tiffin, Seneca County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter enclosing the roll of Company A, 14th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry enlisted by Captain Albert Langworthy.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 7]

August 21, 1861
Charles W. Hill, Brigadier General Commanding, Headquarters, Ohio Volunteers for U.S. Service, Camp Chase, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter certifying that the cavalry company known as the Buckingham Dragoons under the control of Nathan D. Menken had 62 men enrolled and 51 men in attendance that morning; and stating that said company was without horses and horse equipage, that said company held an election for officers the day before, and that he was not advised of any fact which should prevent their being commissioned.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 24]

August 21, 1861
A.E. Jones, Lieutenant Colonel Commanding, Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that the pay rolls had been made out and sent on August 19 to Paymaster Phelps in duplicate, that the amounts were not made out because some of the companies thought they would be entitled to a full month's pay and he was unwilling to certify more than the 22 days that they were actually in service, that although not ordered, some of the men served for more than 22 days under instructions from officers and in good faith, that he hoped it would not be inconsistent to pay these men for such time, that if the muster and pay rolls could not be found or were not correct, he would have others made out, that he thought ten companies would be ready for camp in a few days, that he would quarter them in the Orphan Asylum building without expense to the State until ready to go into camp, that the citizens of Cincinnati had offered to provide subsistence, and that two German companies would report ready when paid.
2 pp. [Series 147-5: 214]

August 21, 1861
A.E. Jones, Lieutenant Colonel Commanding, Headquarters, 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, Ohio Volunteer Militia, Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter stating that as per order, the officers of the Militia of the Reserve met that morning, that 14 companies were represented and reported themselves ready to respond to Dennison's call for temporary service whenever issued, that several men ready to serve for the war had met that afternoon, that he had urged these men to organize an active regiment and had assured them of acceptance, that he had no doubt the regiment could be raised, but that a change might be required in some of the officers, and that the companies had generally been ordered to meet that evening to determine the number ready for active duty; asking if Dennison would accept Captain Hotel's artillery company; and stating that Hotel had 65 good men and was anxious to get into service, that Hotel said he never agreed to go with Mr. Corwine and would not go with Major Constable, that Hotel preferred enlisting in Ohio for the war, and that Hotel said he could fill his company to any number required.
2 pp. [Series 147-5: 120]

August 21, 1861
D. Kenny, Jr., Geneva, Ashtabula County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter acknowledging receipt of Buckingham's authorization to recruit a battery of artillery; stating that considerable effort was being made in Ashtabula County to fill up the 29th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, that other parties were recruiting for cavalry, and that he thought he could fill up a battery of artillery with little difficulty; requesting a copy of instruction for field artillery; and stating that he supposed their battery composition would be the same as in U.S. service.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 56]

August 21, 1861
Anson G. McCook, Major, 2nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter acknowledging receipt of Buckingham's communication notifying him of his transfer to the 2nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; accepting the transfer; and stating that he had already reported to Colonel [Leonard A.] Harris.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 40]

August 21, 1861
James McDonald, Urbana, Champaign County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter accepting an appointment in the 17th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; and stating that he would report to Colonel [John M.] Connell without delay.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 45]

August 21, 1861
D.W. Marshall, Adjutant, 16th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Coshocton, Coshocton County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that he had written asking for an extension of time for reporting the company which he was authorized to raise, and that he needed until August 28 to report; requesting that Buckingham telegraph his decision that evening; and stating that he would pay for the telegram, that he had been ordered to report at Zanesville on August 22, that his company contained many former three months' men who had not yet been paid off or mustered out, and that these men felt reluctant to leave until they were discharged from and paid for prior service.
2 pp. [Series 147-5: 32]

[August?] 21, 1861
George Moore, Utica, Licking County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that Buckingham had given him permission to let the Licking County Dragoons furnish their own horses, but that, after talking with the Captain, he concluded that it would be best to be sure there would be men enough to organize.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 60]

August 21, 1861
Barnabus Powell, General Kelley's Headquarters, District of Grafton, Grafton, Virginia. To Governor William Dennison. Letter stating that he was a member of Captain [James] Washburne's company (B), 25th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, that he had assisted Captain Alberts in getting up a different company in Monroe County, that since two companies had already been accepted from Monroe County, their company was not accepted, that he did not anticipate at the time that another call would be made soon since many thought the war would be brief, that he was 1st Lieutenant of the company he helped raise, that he joined Captain Washburne's company as a Private when there appeared to be no chance that his company would be accepted, and that the Captain of the company he assisted in raising did not seem to care about taking it into service; requesting a commission as a Captain or as a 1st Lieutenant and an order to raise a company for immediate service; stating that this was the only way he could be detached from Captain Washburne's company and placed in the situation he felt was owed him since he had been among the first to encourage enlistments in Monroe County, that he was aware this was not the usual way of commissioning officers yet he trusted that circumstances would justify the request, and that he was the law partner of Judge Cowen; providing references; stating that he had labored hard in promoting the spread of Republican principles; and citing his military experience as a guarantee of his capacity.
3 pp. [Series 147-5: 87]

August 21, 1861
W[illiam] H. Rhoades, Athens, Athens County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter stating that he had received assurances from a number of citizens of Highland County that he could raise a company for the war in that county, that he had been serving as 1st Sergeant of Company B, 22nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry (three months' service), and that Colonel [William E.] Gilmore had instructed him to write Dennison requesting authority to recruit for Gilmore's regiment; and providing references.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 148]

August 21, 1861
C.L. Russell, Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter stating that he proposed raising an artillery company with a battery of five or six guns, that the men could be had in Cleveland provided the State furnished the guns and equipments, and that he offered his services at that time because the defense of the country was not a burden to be shunned, but an inalienable right which was to be asserted and a sacred duty which was to be fulfilled.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 89]

August 21, 1861
Colonel W[illiam] S. Smith, 13th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Flatwoods, Virginia. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter certifying that George McCrea was duly appointed Sutler of the 13th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry in accordance with U.S. Army regulations on June 25, 1861.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 102]

August 21, 1861
Colonel W[illiam] S. Smith, 13th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Flatwoods, Virginia. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that he had retained on duty as Adjutant and Regimental Quartermaster, [Reason A.] Henderson and [James A.] Leisure, who held those positions in the three months' service, that their time had expired and they must be re- commissioned or thrown aside, and that he was not inclined to recommend their re- appointment at present nor did he wish to have them mustered out of service until they had completed their returns and reports which would be finished in a few days.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 102]

August 21, 1861
Colonel W[illiam] S. Smith, 13th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Flatwoods, Virginia. To ? Letter certifying that James Webster McConnell was duly chosen 2nd Lieutenant of Company H, 13th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry on July 10, 1861, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the promotion of 2nd Lieutenant Howard C. Woodrow to 1st Lieutenant in the U.S. Army.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 102]

August 21, 1861
Colonel W[illiam] S. Smith, 13th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Flatwoods, Virginia. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter certifying that the Rev. Anthony W. Smith, a regularly ordained minister of a Christian denomination, was appointed Chaplain of the 13th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry in accordance with U.S. War Department General Order No. 15, on July 8, 1861.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 102]

August 21, 1861
Colonel W[illiam] S. Smith, 13th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Flatwoods, Virginia. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that he had been moving his regiment constantly, much of the time by forced marches and cut up into detachments, and that it had been impossible for him to complete the regiment's organization and report it to Buckingham; enclosing a certificate of the nomination as 2nd Lieutenant of James W. McConnell; requesting that McConnell be commissioned accordingly; and stating that McConnell was Orderly Sergeant of his company before his nomination.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 102]

August 21, 1861
Colonel W[illiam] S. Smith, 13th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Flatwoods, Virginia. To Governor William Dennison. Letter stating that, at the earnest request of the Surgeon of his regiment, he was asking for the appointment of William H. Campbell as Hospital Steward of the 13th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry to date from June 22, 1861, since which time he had been serving in that capacity with great zeal and fidelity.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 125]

August 21, 1861
W[illiam] S. Smith, Colonel, 13th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Flatwoods, Virginia. To Governor William Dennison. Letter stating that Captain [James] McGarr had tendered his resignation on account of physical disability, and that McGarr's 1st Lieutenant declined promotion; requesting that Hoffman Atkinson be appointed to fill the vacancy; and stating that Atkinson had done much valuable and dangerous service with his regiment, and that Atkinson had military talent and education.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 125]

August 21, 1861
E. Sowers, Monroeville, Huron County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that President Hovey of Illinois had been authorized by the Department at Washington to enlist a regiment of teachers and students, and that with Hovey's consent, he proposed to enlist a company for that regiment in Ohio; and asking if the company could be mustered into service in Ohio and then be transferred to the regiment in Illinois, if he should obtain authority from Ohio to recruit, if he would be authorized to send the enlisted men to a rendezvous to be mustered into service, and if the cost of transportation from the place of enlistment to the rendezvous would be paid by the Government.
2 pp. [Series 147-5: 103]

August 21, 1861
Isaac Ulman, Office of Common Pleas Clerk, Carrollton, Carroll County, Ohio. To Adutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter asking if the company reported to Buckingham by General H.A. Stidger could get into service soon under the agreement made by Stidger; stating that if they could not get into service soon, he wanted authority to raise a cavalry company; and requesting information regarding the minimum and maximum acceptable numbers for a cavalry company.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 73]

August 21, 1861
Samuel L. Yourtee, Chaplain, 5th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Parkersburg, [Virginia]. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that he wanted to know the exact pay of the Chaplains serving in the Ohio volunteer regiments, that he had learned that the pay had been fixed by the late Congress, that he wished to make out his pay roll immediately, and that he wanted it correct.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 106]

August 22, 1861
James M. Allen of Fredericktown, Ohio, 35 Courtland St., New York, New York. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that General [Columbus] Delano had done him the honor of saying that he was well qualified to serve as Regimental Quartermaster and had placed his name before Governor William Dennison, that Delano recommended that he write and ask Buckingham to mention the matter to Dennison, that he had some doubt about his competency and hesitated to apply, that he wished to be left out if better officers could or might be had, and that their cause needed good officers.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 112]

August 22, 1861
Major C[harles] Ankele, Commanding Officer, 37th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Headquarters, Camp Brown, Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter requesting some certificates of transportation and recruiting certificates; asking if the different recruiting officers could send less than 50 men at the first shipment; and stating that since they had to recruit at different stations and could not get 50 at some stations, it would be a great deal of trouble and expense to collect the quota together, and that by sending smaller squads, they could get the regiment completed sooner.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 117]

August 22, 1861
Major Charles Ankele, Commanding, 37th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter stating that in Canal Dover, Tuscarawas County, Ohio, there was a German infantry company of about 40 men, that this company could be filled in about 10 or 12 days, that if Dennison requested or ordered these men to join the 37th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, they would do so, that without such a request or order, it would be difficult to get these men since they were old Democrats, and that he would send a recruiting officer in case they declined coming.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 124]

August 22, 1861
Joseph L. Antram, 6th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Beverly, Virginia. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that a vacancy had occured in Company E of the 6th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry by the resignation of their 1st Lieutenant; and seeking Buckingham's opinion regarding how the vacancy should be filled.
2 pp. [Series 147-5: 168]

August 22, 1861
G.P. Ashmun, Hudson, Summit County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter stating that soon after Abraham Lincoln had issued his first proclamation for the enlistment of volunteers, the students of Western Reserve College organized themselves into a company electing one of their professors as Captain and other officers from among their own number, and that with regular drilling assisted by some of the best officers from Cleveland, they had become one of the best trained companies in the State in every particular except the use of arms; requesting 75 stands of arms for the use of the company; and stating that the officials of Western Reserve College were connected with and cordially approved the formation and continuance of the company, that this served as a guarantee for the care and safe keeping of the arms and for their return whenever requested by the proper authorities, and that if any citizen soldiers were needed for the defense of the State, he was sure that the company would be ready and anxious to respond.
3 pp. [Series 147-5: 98]