August 27, 1861
B.S. Porter, Captain, Company B, 49th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Noble, Tiffin, Seneca County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter accepting his appointment as Captain and assignment to Company B in the 49th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; and stating that he had reported to Colonel [William H.] Gibson.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 225]
August 27, 1861
D.A. Porterfield, New Paris, Preble County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter requesting authorization to raise a company of infantry; stating that he felt like doing something for his country and thought he could raise a company in a few days; requesting all necessary instructions; asking where the company would be stationed if raised, and how many men Ohio had yet to furnish; and stating that he had received a letter from Governor William Dennison requesting him to undertake raising a company.
2 pp. [Series 147-5: 232]
August 27, 1861
C.W. Potwin, Zanesville, Muskingum County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter stating that Mr. V. Best, a prominent citizen of Zanesville, had a son in Company E of the 3rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry serving in western Virginia, that Best's son had been very sick with flux and was currently down with camp fever, that Best was very anxious to go to his son and wanted such facilities as would allow him to pass from Grafton to the hospital six miles from Huttonville, and that if Best found that his son could be moved, he wanted him given a furlough of a few weeks and intended to bring him home to recover.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 177]
August 27, 1861
Barna Powell, General Kelley's Headquarters, Grafton, Virginia. To Governor William Dennison. Letter reminding Dennison of an earlier request for a commission as 1st Lieutenant or Captain; and stating that a company was nearly full in Monroe County and no one seemed willing to urge the thing along and get the men in service, that he had been 1st Lieutenant of this company, that the company was reported by Captain Albert, but was rejected because more men were offered than could be accepted, that he then volunteered as a Private in Captain Washburn's company where he had been serving until 3 weeks ago when he was detailed as secretary of General Kelley's brigade, that he thought the requested commission was deserved, that he guaranteed the delivery of a company to Columbus in a few days after reaching Ohio, that the late Democratic Convention in Columbus had a tendency to dampen the volunteer spirit to some extent in eastern Ohio, and that it behooved them to use every effort to fill up the army and "cleanse" western Virginia which was imperiled by the secession forces.
2 pp. [Series 147-5: 195]
August 27, 1861
A.T. Ready, New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter requesting an order for Christopher Tittus and Charles Mueller of New Philadelphia and Canal Dover to raise a German infantry company; stating that Tittus and Mueller were good, reliable men; and requesting that they be ordered to report by September 15.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 212]
August 27, 1861
Percy W. Rice, Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter stating that some days ago, he called on Dennison with letters of introduction from Messrs Stone, Benedict and others of Cleveland, soliciting a position in one of the new regiments being formed or a command of one of the six-gun batteries to be recruited in Cleveland; and asking if there was any possibility of being appointed to either position.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 178]
August 27, 1861
Jacob Slentz, et. al., New Franklin, Stark County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that the five undersigned citizens of New Franklin considered themselves greatly insulted by C. Turenne Myers of Canton who said that he was a commissioned officer with the rank of Captain and who was recruiting his company, that Myers came to New Franklin for the purpose of recruiting, that there were men in the area who were anxious to go and who would probably have enlisted under Myers, that none of these men were at New Franklin when Myers visited, that Myers called the citizens of New Franklin damned cowards and told them they were not fit to live in the United States, that Myers had drawn his revolver and called the citizens of New Franklin anything but what a gentleman would have called them and dared them to fight, that Myers had imposed upon a gentleman who had been in the U.S. service for five years and who had only been at home about six months, that this gentleman intended to enlist again and had applied for a commission as a Captain, and that this gentleman wanted to raise a full company and already had between 30 and 40 men.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 216]
August 27, 1861
Alfred Taylor, Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that he had received a commission as Surgeon in the 2nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Cavalry; accepting the commission; and stating that he would do the duties of medical officer to the best of his ability, that in the present incomplete state of organization of the regiment, he respectfully suggested that his present attachment to Camp Wade be considered a matter of temporary convenience at least until the regimental staff was organized, that the object in sending the telegraphic dispatch was to aid in hastening the organization of the companies and regiment and not with a view to a special assignment, and that the officers of the regiment would signify their choice of Surgeon.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 174]
August 27, 1861
L.P. Thompson, New Paris, Preble County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter asking if a man not sworn in could be legally elected to a Lieutenantcy, and if he had no order to recruit, could he obtain a commission if thus elected outside the company.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 155]
August 27, 1861
J[ohn] M. Woodbridge, Lieutenant and Quartermaster, 36th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that he had a leave of absence for a week from Lieutenant Colonel [Melvin] Clark, that he had arrived via Loveland at four that morning, that he had intended to accompany Mr. Kendrick via Zanesville, but could not obtain his papers in time for the boat, that Kendrick requested him to inform Buckingham that he expected to reach Columbus by noon, that Captain [Henry] Belknap had mustered in Captain [Hiram F.] Devol's company on August 24 and expected to muster in two additional companies on August 26, that Belknap supposed all of the companies would be full that week and intended to muster in as fast as filled up, that he had learned from Major Charles Grosvenor that there were two companies at Athens ready to be mustered in, that Grosvenor promised to notify Belknap of this fact at once, that Major [Robert N.] Barr had arrived at Camp Putnam, Marietta and had commenced the discharge of his duties as Surgeon, that the 36th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry was pleased with Barr's appointment and with Captain Belknap because both individuals sought to expedite matters, that Major [Ebenezer B.] Andrews had not yet returned, that Major Bennet and Adjutant Fearing gave general satisfaction, that Reuben Nye had received no commission as Adjutant, that there were a few cases of sickness at the hospital, that the men were generally happy, healthy, and contended, that the regiment was filling up with unusually good material, that the men's wants had been faithfully attended to, that there was no cause of complaint from want of attention, healthy regimen, or good quarters, that he thought the regiment would be completely organized by August 31 and would do honor to the country and the State, that he found Major McDowell absent, that he had informed McDowell of his intention to return and would continue to assist McDowell if Buckingham desired it, and that he was willing to be employed by Buckingham in any capacity which did not interfere with his duties as Quartermaster of the 36th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
4 pp. [Series 147-5: 124]
August 27, 1861
J[ohn] M. Woodbridge, Lieutenant and Quartermaster, 36th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that he had an interview with Captain [T.J.] Cram that morning and had learned that it was necessary for him to obtain from Buckingham a certificate or copy of the certificate given by George S. Mygatt attesting to the fact that the oath had been administered to him on July 31, in order for his name to be entered on the muster roll of the 36th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry by Captain [Henry] Belknap, and that while in Columbus, he would decide whether or not to offer his resignation as Quartermaster of the 36th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; asking if his resignation would be acted on in Columbus or whether it would be necessary to forward it to Washington, and how long it would be before an answer was given; stating that he had no property or money in his possession as Quartermaster and presumed therefore that his resignation could be acted upon without delay should he conclude it his duty to resign; asking if he could expect a temporary or permanent position in some other capacity from the Adjutant General's Department if he resigned his position as Quartermaster; and stating that he would follow Buckingham's instructions and assist Major McDowell until he received further orders.
3 pp. [Series 147-5: 124]
August 28, 1861
Moses Abbott, Camp Noble, Tiffin, Seneca County, Ohio. To Dear Sir. Letter accepting his appointment as 2nd Lieutenant of Company B, 49th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; and stating that he had reported for duty to Colonel [William H.] Gibson.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 224]
August 28, 1861
Richard Allen, Captain, Company I, 8th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Grafton, Virginia. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter requesting that Buckingham send by the bearer, Sergeant [Oramel G.] Daniels, the commissions for his company; and stating that they might not be at Grafton for long.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 198]
August 28, 1861
E[than] M. Armstrong, Salem, Columbiana County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that he had been a musician in Company E of the 7th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry (three months' service) under Captain C.W. Sprague, that he was granted a furlough when his place in the band was filled by a three years' man, and that his term of service had expired on July 25; asking what steps he should take to secure his wages as a musician and his discharge; and stating that he was in great need of the money.
2 pp. [Series 147-5: 237]
August 28, [1861]
George A. Barber, Detroit, Michigan. To Governor William Dennison. Letter stating that he desired to serve his country in the present strife, that for many years, he had been a resident of Lorain County, Ohio, that his parents currently resided in Lorain County, and that he wanted to raise a company in the Lorain County area; providing references; and stating that he would go as a Private from Ohio if necessary.
2 pp. [Series 147-5: 244]
August 28, 1861
M.H. Bartilson, New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that his company was filling up fast and he had no doubt would be complete by the specified date, that an order of subsistence for three or four days was absolutely necessary, that the men were scattered all over the county and that it would take about two days to collect them, that this could only be done by having some means to keep them together, that he could not move the men from New Philadelphia to Camp Chase the same day, that it would take one day to get to the railroad where the men would have to be fed and kept overnight, and that the expense for two meals should not fall on him. Bears note from A.T. Ready stating that he hoped Buckingham would comply with Bartilson's request.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 205]
August 28, 1861
E.Y. Chase, Zanesville, Muskingum County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter accepting his commission as Surgeon to the 13th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; stating that he would report as directed at Flatwood, Virginia; and requesting that Buckingham authorize Quartermaster Thompson to issue passes for himself and a servant.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 175]
August 28, 1861
C.W. Coates, New Franklin, Stark County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that he wished to correct a mistake made by the citizens of New Franklin in speaking against C. Turenne Myers, and that the culprit was his brother (Ed Myers), a Corporal in a company in Canton. See [Series 147-5: 216].
2 pp. [Series 147-5: 247]
August 28, 1861
J.L. Conklin, Court House, Troy, Miami County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter introducing John C. Frankeberger of Troy, who was very anxious to serve his country in the war against the rebels; and stating that he had never known a truer, braver, more prompt, energetic and reliable man than Frankeberger, that Frankeberger wanted a Captain's commission and believed that he could raise a company of the best material, that Frankeberger had no military experience, but had endured camp life and other trials which tested his pluck and endurance while in California, that Frankeberger's general intelligence, business qualifications and habits were superior, that Frankeberger would make a valuable officer in the Commissary or Quartermaster Departments, but preferred service in the field, and that Frankeberger's numerous friends in Miami County would be greatly gratified if his wishes could be granted.
2 pp. [Series 147-5: 211]
August 28, 1861
E[dwin] M. de Bruin, Camp Morrow, Portsmouth, Scioto County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter accepting his appointment as 1st Lieutenant in Company B of the 33rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; and stating that he had reported himself to Colonel J[oshua] W. Sill.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 242]
August 28, 1861
E[phraim] J. Ellis, Camp Morrow, Portsmouth, Scioto County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter accepting his appointment as Captain of Company B, 33rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; and stating that he had notified Colonel [Joshua W.] Sill.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 242]
August 28, 1861
E.T. Ellsworth, Township Treasurer, Richfield, Summit County, Ohio. To any one to whom presented. Letter stating that he was well acquainted with the bearer, Captain A.N. Goldwood, and knew him to be a good, loyal citizen, and that Goldwood was well skilled in military drill, of good character, and possessed of sufficient courage for any undertaking; and recommending Goldwood. Bears note from B.H. Rouse, Merchant, Richfield, Summit County, Ohio, concurring in the above.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 246]
August 28, 1861
William H. Gibson, Colonel, 49th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Noble, Tiffin, Seneca County, Ohio. To Dear Sir. Letter stating that Jno. Smith had been mustered into service, that since then Smith's family had met with a casualty rendering his absence an "absolute inhumanity," that Smith brought into camp as good a man as himself, asking to be discharged and to substitute the other man, and that he hoped this could be done.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 217]
August 28, 1861
Philo O. Goodell, Justice of the Peace, Richfield, Summit County, Ohio. To ? Letter certifying that the bearer, Captain A.N. Goldwood, was a good, loyal citizen and possessed of sufficient courage for any undertaking, and that Goldwood was of good moral character and would fill almost any position he sought to obtain with requisite skill.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 245]
[August 28?, 1861]
Henry T. Grier, Surgeon. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter accepting his appointment as Surgeon of the 30th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 231]
August 28, 1861
L.A. Harris, Colonel, 2nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Dennison, Hamilton County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that he required fifty muster rolls, ten copies of Hardee's "Light Infantry Tactics," and eleven copies of the new edition of "Army Regulations."
1 p. [Series 147-5: 189]
August 28, 1861
D. Kenny, Jr., Geneva, Ashtabula County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that it would facilitate the speedy filling up of his battery if he could send forward fifty or seventy-five men to form a positive nucleus in camp for a company, that men were being picked up in squads of five and upwards and sent immediately into camp by recruiting officers for U.S. service, and that it would be a decided advantage for him to have that privilege.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 196]
August 28, 1861
Roswell Marsh, Steubenville, Jefferson County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter asking if the original muster roll of Company I, 20th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry (three months' service) was on file in the Adjutant General's Department; and stating that he feared the inexperienced officers had not preserved any authentic rolls of the company as then constituted, that a few including himself had the misfortune to be rejected by the inspecting officer (Dr. Loveing) at Columbus, that they were entitled to pay and rations from April 22 to May 10 inclusive and to pay to May 14 inclusive, that he computed the amount to be $5.40 for 18 days rations and $8.05 for 22 days service, that he cared little about the money, but others needed it, that if they were not paid, a prejudice against enlisting would result, that the rural population lagged behind the urban population in coming forward for military service, that unless the young farmers could be aroused, the companies from the Jefferson County area would be tardy in filling up, that they had many home guards in uniform, but that few of these were willing to advance to active service, and that he hoped to wake them up.
2 pp. [Series 147-5: 201]
August 28, 1861
Minor Milliken, Hamilton, Butler County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter accepting his appointment as Major in the 1st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Cavalry; and stating that he would report on August 31 or immediately if required, and that he asked for this delay and would probably beg a further postponement of exacting duty because of the involved state of his affairs resulting from his heavy and "disastrous" investment in his former company.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 202]
August 28, 1861
Moore & McMillen, Williamsburg, Clermont County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that on or about August 17, they forwarded a package to Captain William Feeny in care of Buckingham which Feeny had not received, that the package contained uniform suits for Captain Feeny, Lieutenant [George] McDonough, and Lieutenant [John V.] Sroffe who were in Company K of the 27th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry at St. Louis, and that the package was forwarded by express; and requesting that Buckingham notify them if the package was received.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 241]
August 28, 1861
Philipp Muller, Captain, Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter asking if Buckingham had decided upon the merits of his claim for three months' pay as Captain of the Lafayette Guards (1st Company, 2nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Militia); and stating that he had left his family at the first call for volunteers, that he had served his country faithfully during the Mexican War in the same position as Captain of the Lafayette Guards, the oldest volunteer company of Cincinnati, that his circumstances were such that he could not afford to give up his claim which ought not to be denied, that it was bad enough to suffer as he did without the addition of injustice to he and his family, that his claim was a small one in amount, but a great one in principle for the whole volunteer system and for the State, and that his claim had become a matter of urgent necessity.
3 pp. [Series 147-5: 238]
August 28, 1861
George S. Mygatt, Major, 41st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Wood, Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter requesting that Buckingham notify Captain [John H.] Dickerson, U.S. Quartermaster at Cincinnati, of the resignation of Lieutenant E.A. Scovill, Quartermaster of the 41st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and of the appointment of W[illiam] S. Chamberlain as Regimental Quartermaster so that Dickerson would recognize Lieutenant Chamberlain as Quartermaster; and stating that they needed a Surgeon, either as Post Surgeon or as their regular Surgeon, for the examination of recruits and so that the men might be properly cared for, that they would be gratified to have Dr. Thomas G. Cleveland assigned as Regimental Surgeon, that Cleveland had been recommended by the Board of Examiners, that if Cleveland had not kindly volunteered his services thus far, they would have been obliged to employ a physician, that cavalry and artillery recruiting interfered with infantry recruiting, that they would be glad if Buckingham assigned two full companies to their regiment, that they had two companies mustered into service, that three other companies in camp were recruiting, and that a company of fifty men from Lorain County were to report that day.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 218]
August 28, 1861
E.R. Patterson, Camp Chase, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter accepting his appointment as 1st Lieutenant of Company D in the 30th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 239]
[August 28?, 1861]
A[braham] Sanders Piatt, Colonel, 34th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, et. al. To Governor William Dennison. Letter signed by thirteen officers of the 34th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; and recommending that Dennison appoint Rev. George W. Collier of the Methodist Episcopal Church and a resident of West Liberty, Logan County, Ohio as Chaplain of the regiment.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 197]
August 28, 1861
Sumner Pixley, M.D., Richfield, Summit County, Ohio. To ? Statement certifying that he had been acquainted with Captain A.N. Goldwood from his boyhood; and recommending Goldwood as possessing all the qualities of a gentleman and scholar and one that might be trusted to any position.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 247]
August 28, 1861
William L. Reece, Lyndon Station, Ross County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that he was a Private in Company C, 22nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry (three months' service), and that he could get up a company for three years' service; and requesting authority to raise said company.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 232]
August 28, 1861
Dr. Richling, Canal Dover, Tuscarawas County, Ohio. To the Adjutant General. Letter stating that Captain Titus from the German rifle company was willing to reorganize and recruit his company for three years' service either for the German regiment at Cleveland or for the regiment to be organized at Tuscarawas County in accordance with the wishes of the men who would meet the next day and decide upon it, that he deemed it far better for Titus and his men to join the German regiment at Cleveland, that upon his return to Cleveland he hoped to find five companies in Camp Brown, and that he expected three more companies the following week.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 193]
August 28, 1861
S[amuel] Shelabarger, Springfield, Clark County, Ohio. To Dear Colonel. Letter asking advice as to James A. Mitchell's artillery company consisting of about 100 men; stating that Mitchell had an order from Colonel [Walter G.] Sherwin to recruit a company for Sherwin's regiment, that it was understood Sherwin had authority from the Secretary of War to raise a regiment and that Sherwin's efforts in that regard had "exploded," that Mitchell wanted to know how and when he might have his men mustered most speedily into the artillery, and that Mitchell's men would not enter the infantry; asking if there was any way of connecting Mitchell's men as a company with the infantry regiment at Springfield if it went on or with any other regiment in the State; stating that Mitchell wanted his men sworn in as soon as possible; and asking how few would be received at camp.
1 p. [Series 147-5: 200]