October 17, 1861
E. Stillings, et. al., County Military Committee, Kenton, Hardin County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that a man representing himself as Captain John Bridle had recruited some 30 men in Hardin County claiming authority under [General John C.] Fremont, that Bridle had promised his recruits to muster them into a regiment at St. Louis which he called Colonel Burge's "Fremont Sharp Shooters", that Bridle had administered the oath himself, that the recruits had become dissatisfied, fearing they had been deceived, and would be glad to enter the 57th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry if they were free to do so, and that fearing the effect of their oaths, they desired instructions from Buckingham.
1 p. [Series 147-13: 168]

October 17, 1861
D.L. Wood, Captain, U.S. Army, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter stating that he appreciated the honor Dennison proposed to confer on him by the appointment of Lieutenant Colonel of artillery, and that it would give him great pleasure again to be in command of his old comrades of the artillery, but since the War Department had ruled that he could not have the leave of absence as requested, it appeared that he had no alternative but to remain in his present position.
1 p. [Series 147-13: 137]

October 18, 1861
J.M. Estep, President, [Military Committee of Harrison County], Cadiz, Harrison County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that by order of the Military Committee of Harrison County, it was recommended that a commission as 2nd Lieutenant be granted to Moses J. Urquehart, Jr. to recruit a company of volunteers in Harrison County for the war, that Urquehart was a man of good moral character and had already served honorably for three months in western Virginia, that Urquehart was well qualified to command a company in the field, that Urquehart could recruit a company in Harrison County, and that the Committee pledged to assist Urquehart.
1 p. [Series 147-13: 205]

October 18, 1861
Charles T. Fitch, 2nd Lieutenant, 70th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Batavia, Clermont County, Ohio. To Assistant Adjutant General R[odney] Mason. Letter stating that he did not intend to make unnecessary trouble, but he must again request blanks including the Act of Enlistment, that there were several recruits who had been waiting to be sworn in for some time, and that he understood they could not be sworn in until he got the Act of Enlistment.
1 p. [Series 147-13: 220]

October 18, 1861
J.W. Fouts, 1st Lieutenant, 63rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Putnam, Marietta, Washington County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that he had recruited 62 men and had them mustered in on October 10, that he had 24 others enrolled but not sworn in, and that as the officers at Camp Putnam understood Buckingham's late order, he was entitled to a Captain's commission when he had 60 men in camp; and asking if the Captain's commission would date from the time the men were mustered in.
1 p. [Series 147-13: 219]

October 18, 1861
Thomas Fraser, et. al., Military Committee, 1st District, Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter recommending Samuel D. Schooley as a suitable person to be commissioned as 2nd Lieutenant; and stating that Schooley was fully qualified for the position and competent to recruit in that district the quota of men required.
1 p. [Series 147-13: 211]

October 18, 1861
Daniel Gotshall, Canton, Stark County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that he wanted to enter the military service of the country as a member of a cavalry company or regiment, that he believed he could raise such a company in Stark County, and that he did not have a list of cavalry or other regiments; requesting such a list so that he could procure the proper papers to apply for a commission in accordance with the rule contained in a note dated October 12 to County Military Committees of Ohio; and stating that, but for that note, the Military Committee of Stark County would have recommended him at their meeting on October 16, that he would refer to W.B. Thrall, State Comptroller, or Samuel Medary if Buckingham wanted to make any inquiry about his moral character, that he was anxious to try his hand, that a number of young men were waiting for his authority to enroll their names, and that if he had a list of regiments where cavalry companies were wanted and the names of the commanders, he would not be long choosing.
2 pp. [Series 147-13: 223]

October 18, 1861
M.M. Greene, Office of the Hocking Valley Salt Company, Athens, Athens County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter introducing his friend, L.M. Stewart of Athens; and stating that Stewart was the cashier of the Branch Bank of Athens and was a Number 1 man in all respects, that Stewart came to Columbus to request the appointment of A.M. Lacy for Quartermaster to the 79th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and that any representations Stewart might make could be relied on with confidence.
1 p. [Series 147-13: 213]

October 18, 1861
A[lexander] L. Haskin, Major, 63rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Headquarters, Camp Putnam, Marietta, Washington County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that Captain J[ohn] W. Fouts had been actively engaged in enrolling men since October 1 and even earlier, that if consistent with Buckingham's custom, Fouts wanted his appointment to date back to the time since which he had been exclusively employed in enlisting, and that Fouts was a worthy man of unblemished moral character and would look well to the wants of his men.
1 p. [Series 147-13: 219]

October 18, 1861
S[tephen] S. L'Hommedieu, Jr., Adjutant, 1st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. To Colonel O[wen] P. Ransom. Letter providing a statement of the dates when full companies were first reported by Captain J[ames] N. Scott, Company M, and Captain T[homas] W. Forshee, Company K. Bears a note from O[wen] P. Ransom, Colonel, [1st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Cavalry], Camp Chase, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio, stating that according to the records, Scott should have precedence over Forshee.
2 pp. [Series 147-13: 215]

October 18, 1861
J.A. Lindsay, 2nd Lieutenant, 19th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Salineville, Columbiana County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter stating that he had enlisted twelve men and could enlist twenty more if he could assure them they would be properly officered or that they would have an opportunity of voting for their officers, that he wished his time extended ten days, that if his time could not be extended, he wanted Uriah Irwin commissioned and his men transferred to Irwin, that the County [Military] Committee would meet on October 21, and his time expired on October 22, and that he was going into the service and sacrificing a business worth twelve hundred dollars a year.
2 pp. [Series 147-13: 217]

October 18, 1861
A. Parsons, et. al., Athens, Athens County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter stating that upon application of Colonel R.A. Constable at a regular meeting of the Military Committee of Athens County, it was voted that said committee recommend the appointment of Horace Deshler as a Recruiting Lieutenant for the 79th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, that Deshler possessed all the qualifications required by the instruction of the Adjutant General addressed to the Military Committee under date of September 27, and that the committee believed Deshler could recruit a company in Athens County and would aid him in so doing.
1 p. [Series 147-13: 214]

October 18, 1861
William R. Putnam, Chairman, and Stephen Newton, Secretary, Military Committee of the Sixteenth Congressional District, Marietta, Washington County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that on October 14, the application of A.W. Fouts came before the committee for recommendation for the position of Captain in the 63rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, that said application was duly considered and Fouts was unanimously recommended as a proper person to receive a commission as Captain, that proper vouchers were issued and had been mislaid or lost, and that they were renewing said recommendation.
1 p. [Series 147-13: 219]

October 18, 1861
J.L. Kirby Smith, Colonel Commanding, 43rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Headquarters, Camp Chase, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter stating that the bearer, Stacy Taylor, Jr., had his consent to raise a detachment of recruits for the 43rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
1 p. [Series 147-13: 185]

October 18, 1861
L. Jeff. Sprengle, Secretary of the Board, Ashland County Military Committee, Ashland, Ashland County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter stating that the Congressional Military Committee had appointed the Military Committee for Ashland County, that the Ashland County Military Committee met on October 12 and organized by electing officers, and that the signatures of these officers on recommendations for Lieutenants should be deemed and taken as the unanimous recommendation of the committee.
1 p. [Series 147-13: 213]

October 18, 1861
Rde Steigner, Jr., et. al., Military Committee [of Athens County], Athens, Athens County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter stating that the Military Committee of Athens County would recommend that John Kinney, commissioned as a Recruiting Lieutenant for the 79th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, be transferred to the 73rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and that such action would have the effect to pacify a very serious difficulty in the recruiting service in Athens County and, in the opinion of the committee, bring into the service a larger number of recruits in the same time. Bears a note from R.A. Constable, Colonel, 79th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, stating that if the department thought the interests of the service would be promoted by the transfer, he assented.
1 p. [Series 147-13: 233]

October 18, 1861
John H. Tripp, Secretary, Carroll County Military Committee, Carrollton, Carroll County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that he was a member of the Military Committee for Carroll County and was selected by the Congressional [District Military] Committee, that as Acting Secretary of the County Military Committee, he had perhaps neglected to discharge his duty in writing the Adjutant General's Department daily as instructions required, that he trusted that his daily absence in efforts to raise volunteers for Carroll County would suffice as an excuse, that they had raised 10 men in the last 2 days, that he hoped they would succeed by the time limit to raise a full company, that the situation was difficult because there were so many recruiting officers from "abroad" recruiting on the borders of Carroll County, and that the loss of 12 individuals who left the southwest portion of Carroll County to join the camp at Dover, Tuscarawas County on October 16, coupled with the activities of other recruiting officers in the northern part of Carroll County, greatly retarded efforts to fill the Carroll County company; asking if there was any opportunity for an appointment as Major or regimental officer in the new regiments being formed; and stating that they thought their little county was entitled to another officer of that grade since they had but one such officer (Lieutenant Colonel Eckley), that the company currently forming would be the third company from Carroll County and there were one hundred or so Carroll County residents in "foreign" companies, that they could most heartily recommend a man of sterling qualities who was 30 years of age, six feet one inch in height, slenderly made with muscular power, and of mental ability, and that this man had as much military experience and more theoretical knowledge of the art of war than Eckley.
2 pp. [Series 147-13: 218]

October 18, 1861
Joseph Wildt, Marietta, Washington County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that since the State election had been held, he wished to lay down his pen as editor at present and exchange it for the sword to defend the Country, that he made application to the County [Military] Committee for a recommendation for a commission to raise a company of infantry and was enclosing same, that he intended to recruit among the German citizens, that since many of these individuals had seen service, they naturally preferred joining German regiments, and that he noticed in another newspaper that the forming of more German companies and regiments in Ohio was favorably viewed at headquarters in Columbus; requesting that his time for recruiting be extended as much as possible; and stating that many of the Germans in the countryside, who were willing to go, insisted on finishing their field work before enlisting. Note: Joseph Wildt was editor of the Marietta Der Beolachter, a Republican German newspaper.
2 pp. [Series 147-13: 226]

October 19, 1861
David Beers, et. al., Greenville, Darke County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that one or two members of the Military Committee for Darke County, being personal enemies of Judge Calderwood who was appointed to recruit, appeared to be taking some steps to have Calderwood's commission recalled, that no better selection than Calderwood could have been made, that to deprive Calderwood of the very flattering prospect which he had at recruiting his company would be doing him and the cause a great injury, that Calderwood had his appointment before the formation of the County Military Committee and neglected to go to Columbus to be sworn in until after said committee made appointments, that before Calderwood went to Columbus to be sworn in, he notified the Chairman of the County Military Committee who did not object to Calderwood's appointment, but on the contrary sanctioned it, and that it would be an "outrage" to remove Calderwood just to gratify the prejudices of one or two men.
2 pp. [Series 147-13: 222]

October 19, 1861
E.C. Dawes, Adjutant, Headquarters, 53rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Diamond, [Jackson, Jackson County, Ohio]. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that the company reported under Captain F.J. Griffith was now full having the requisite number of 83, that a detachment of this company with 1st Lieutenant Davis had been mustered in numbering 57, that the others had been regularly enlisted, and that the company wished an order for election immediately. By order of Colonel J[essie] J. Appler.
1 p. [Series 147-13: 223]

October 19, 1861
A. Howard Hinkle, Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter asking if he could be assigned any other district to recruit in besides Hamilton County; and stating that recruiting in Cincinnati was "impossible" unless one paid from five to ten dollars for a recruit, and was slow at that.
1 p. [Series 147-13: 225]

October 19, 1861
E.H. Moore, et. al., Athens, Athens County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter recommending the bearer, H.B. Lacey, as a man well qualified in every respect for the office of Quartermaster; stating that Lacey was a businessman of large experience, undoubted capacity, and strict integrity, and that as Lacey's personal friends and acquaintances, they earnestly desired his appointment; and requesting Lacey's appointment as Quartermaster for the 79th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
1 p. [Series 147-13: 212]

October 19, 1861
Lewis Cass Simmons, Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter enclosing a petition signed by members of the [Military] Committee of the 3rd Division; requesting that his commission be made out and sent; and stating that he already had some men enlisted.
1 p. [Series 147-13: 221]

October 19, 1861
J.J. Winans, Chairman, William M. Stark, Secretary, Greene County [Military] Committee, Xenia, Greene County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that the Greene County [Military] Committee adopted a resolution advising the continuance in commission of Lieutenants John N. McClung, L.A. Bassford, and L.P. Tedford.
1 p. [Series 147-13: 222]

October 19, 1861
Jno. L. Winner, Chairman, W.M. Wilson, Secretary, and Moses Hart, [County Military Committee], Greenville, Darke County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that an officer named William Kline from Eaton had arrived with authority to recruit in Darke County for a company in Colonel [William H.] Trimble's regiment [60th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry] purporting to be for one year's service only, that this had created great dissatisfaction among volunteers and would stop the Military Committee's business entirely, that it was a great misfortune and they could do nothing, that Kline, being a stranger, could not accomplish much and the only purpose to be served was one of "mischief", that they must be content with stating the effects of what had been done by Buckingham's permission, that if a regiment for one year's service was permissible, the recruiting should be confined to those counties, if there were any, which had already furnished their full quota for the three years' service, and that the policy of allowing regiments for one year's service under any circumstances was very questionable.
2 pp. [Series 147-13: 228]

October 21, 1861
G.N. Clark, Ashley, Delaware County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that as a member of the Military Committee of Morrow County, he had received some thirty or forty woolen and cotton comforts for the use of soldiers, that since receiving them, he had noticed Buckingham's circular of October 12 saying that comforts would not answer the purpose, and that since the Military Committee of Morrow County expected to make a shipment, they needed to know if the comforts should be sent or not.
1 p. [Series 147-13: 231]

October 21, 1861
G. Volney Dorsey, Piqua, Miami County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that a friend, Doctor O'Ferrall, who was actively recruiting a cavalry squad, would visit Buckingham that morning for the purpose of having his order extended to some of the northern counties of the district, that O'Ferrall already had a number of recruits in these counties who were not willing to go with anyone else, that the County [Military] Committees since instituted seemed disposed to interfere with O'Ferrall's operations and might give him some trouble, that as these committees were principally getting infantry recruits while O'Ferrall wished cavalry, there need be no interference, that an order from Buckingham extending O'Ferrall's recruiting territory or perhaps recommending him to the good offices of the County [Military] Committees might have a very beneficial effect, and that O'Ferrall wanted Mercer County, Auglaize County, and Allen County added to his order.
1 p. [Series 147-13: 232]

October 21, 1861
V. Haynes, Secretary pro tem, Guernsey County Military Committee, Cambridge, Guernsey County, Ohio. To Assistant Adjutant General R[odney] Mason. Letter stating that Lieutenant Adair had 32 men mustered into service, that they thought the recruiting prospects were better now than they had been at any time since Adair commenced, and that with the aid they would give him, Adair could fill his company in 10 or 15 days; and requesting that Adair's time be extended.
1 p. [Series 147-13: 224]