Correspondence to the Governor and Adjutant General of Ohio,
September 30, 1861-November 13, 1861.
September 30, 1861
William H. Seward, Department of State, [Washington, D.C.]. To Governor William Dennison. Letter introducing Lieutenant Lauritz Barentzen, formerly of the Danish army, who Dennison had kindly enabled to receive a commission in the Ohio Volunteers as a 1st Lieutenant; and stating that Barentzen was capable of any duty to which Dennison might assign him either in the line or staff, and that Barentzen spoke English fluently.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 70]
October 3, 1861
Lauritz Barentzen, New York, New York. To Governor William Dennison. Letter stating that having received his appointment as a 1st Lieutenant in the 58th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry on September 30, he called on Dennison at Washington with a letter of introduction from W[illiam] H. Seward, but Dennison had left the city the day previous, and that he was uniforming and would be ready in a few days; and asking what he should do in the meantime.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 70]
October 3, 1861
W[illiam] S. Smith, Colonel Commanding, 13th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Huddleston, western Virginia. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that his regiment was very greatly in need of the company officers whose appointment he earnestly requested about three weeks ago, that besides the seven vacancies, three of his Lieutenants were so badly wounded as to be unfit for service, that three other officers were absent on duty, that one officer was assigned to General [Henry Washington] Benham's staff as his acting Assistant Adjutant General, that his Quartermaster Lieutenant, James A. Laizure, died at Parkersburg about two weeks ago, that Laizure had not been commissioned in three years service, but he permitted Laizure to act under the commission Laizure held in the three months' service which had not expired through any limitation it contained, and that Laizure was so active and efficient that he could not replace him; and requesting the appointment of Thomas Loudon of Georgetown, Brown County, Ohio to the rank of 1st Lieutenant to act as his regimental Quartermaster.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 184]
October 4, 1861
J[ames] A. Andrews, Captain, and Charles B. Russell, 1st Lieutenant, Company B, 6th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp at Elkwater, Virginia. To Whom It May Concern. Letter stating that William R. Bartlett had been an active member of Company B, 6th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry since May 20, 1861, and had performed all the duties required of him with promptness and fidelity, and that Bartlett was about to apply for a higher position in the service of the U.S.; and recommending Bartlett as one in every way worthy and suitable for promotion. Bears the endorsement of A[lexander] C. Christopher, Major, 6th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 230]
October 5, 1861
J.B. Myers, Bellefontaine, Logan County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that he was getting up a company and proposed to raise 40 men per county in Logan County, Hardin County, Marion County, and Union County, and that if Buckingham thought best, he would take Shelby County in place of Hardin County as they were now raising a regiment in Hardin County; and requesting that a Lieutenancy be given to each of the specified counties either upon a vote of the company or the recommendation of the Military Committee.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 101]
October 7, 1861
Lewis D. Campbell, Hamilton, Butler County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter recommending William Birch of Montgomery County as a proper person to be conditionally appointed a 2nd Lieutenant for the purpose of recruiting for the 69th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Bears the endorsement of John Howard and William Egry, members of the District Recruiting Committee for Montgomery County.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 6]
October 9, 1861
E[dward] P. Ransom, Regimental Quartermaster, 71st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry. To the War Committee of Clark County. Letter stating that Lieutenant Colonel Barton S. Kyle, 71st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, at Camp Dave Tod, Troy, Ohio, requested the appointment of Sol J. Houck as a recruiting officer. Bears a note from H. Vinal, Chairman, War Committee, Clark County, to Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham, recommending the appointment.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 231]
October 12, 1861
James M. Gaylord, et. al., [Military] Committee for Morgan County, McConnelsville, Morgan County, Ohio. To ? Letter stating that the committee, after consideration of a petition signed by a large number of the citizens of Morgan County, adopted certain resolutions, that for the purpose of stimulating the enlistment of men within the bounds of Morgan County and adjacent counties, the committee deemed it important that authority should be had from the War Office, Columbus, to raise a regiment of infantry to rendezvous at McConnelsville, that General James Cornelius should be recommended to the proper authority as a suitable person to superintend the formation of said regiment, that the committee would take active measures for the purpose of securing the appointment of Cornelius with authority to commence at once the enlistment of said regiment, and that the committee resolved that William P. Sprague, John E. Hanna, and Charles Potwin be appointed as a committee to wait on the Governor of Ohio to solicit an order authorizing the enlistment of a regiment to rendezvous at McConnelsville under the superintendence of General James Cornelius of Malta. Bears a note from the [Military] Committee for Morgan County certifying that Henderson A. Chappelear, Eli G. Coulson, Basil Rodgers, and Alexander Stinchcomb were gentlemen of good moral character and of such attainments as would fit them for the command of a company in the field, and could recruit men for the service in Morgan County; and recommending that they be appointed 2nd Lieutenants for the purpose of enlisting men in Morgan County.
3 pp. [Series 147-16: 10]
October 12, 1861
J. Reinhard, H.M. Hubbard, and Lorenzo English, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio. To ? Letter stating that they had known the bearer, John H. Reel, the applicant for authority to recruit, for a number of years; and believing him a suitable person for the service and that he would be successful in making up a company, recommended him to the [county military] committee for a recruiting certificate. Bears a note from the [county military] committee stating that on the personal application of Colonel [Valentine] Bausenwein, 58th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, the committee recommended Reel for recruiting.
2 pp. [Series 147-16: 132]
October 14, 1861
W.O. Crosby, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio. To the Military Board of Franklin County. Letter requesting an appointment as 2nd Lieutenant for the purpose of recruiting. Bears a note signed by M.C. Lilley, et. al., recommending Crosby as a suitable person for the position of 2nd Lieutenant in the recruiting service. Also bears the endorsement of the Franklin County Military Committee.
2 pp. [Series 147-16: 7]
October 14, 1861
John Hutchins, for Wade & Hutchins, Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter stating that George W. Snyder of Hartford, Trumbull County, Ohio was a suitable person to recruit for the 6th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, and that L.C. Jones would aid Snyder.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 5]
October 15, 1861
Samuel F. Cooke, Secretary, Military Committee of Washington County, Ohio, Marietta, Washington County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that [Jesse] Hildebrand, Colonel of the 77th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, had called upon the committee to recommend ten more Lieutenants in addition to the ten already commissioned, that the committee thought this might conflict with Buckingham's regulations, and that the committee therefore recommended, if it did not conflict with Buckingham's regulations, that Buckingham either authorize Colonel Hildebrand or the committee to recommend such additional number as they thought advisable under existing circumstances. Bears a note from J[esse] Hildebrand, Colonel, 77th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, stating that Cooke's letter was written in his presence at the instruction of the committee.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 11]
October 15, 1861
J[esse] Hildebrand, Colonel, 77th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Headquarters, Camp Tupper. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter requesting, provided Buckingham could appoint more than ten Lieutenants as recruiting officers for the 77th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, that J.L. King, the bearer, be appointed as the eleventh Lieutenant; and stating that King had procured the recommendation of the Military Committee of Franklin County.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 11]
October 15, 1861
William S. Sergeson, 2nd Lieutenant, Company G, 4th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Headquarters, Camp Pendleton, Maryland. To Lieutenant Colonel Cantwell, Commanding, 4th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Letter tendering his resignation as 2nd Lieutenant of Company G, 4th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry for private reasons; and requesting that the resignation take effect on October 25.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 169]
October 15, 1861
Peter J. Sullivan, Colonel Commanding, 48th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Headquarters, Camp Dennison, Hamilton County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter requesting the appointment of the Reverend John J. Geer of Clermont County, Ohio as 2nd Lieutenant in the 48th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, with power to recruit in Brown County, Clermont County, Shelby County, Madison County, Clark County, and Allen County; and stating that Geer was a regularly ordained minister of the gospel, and a gentleman of fine talents and pious and exemplary habits and character.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 126]
October 16, 1861
Isaac N. Hathaway, Lieutenant Colonel, 67th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Oliver. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that the bearer, Augustus Porter, was an applicant for a Lieutenant's commission to recruit for the 67th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, that Porter was a man entitled to a commission, that Porter was endorsed by the Williams County Military Committee and the District [Military] Committee, and that Porter's recruits would come from the extreme portions of Williams County bordering on Michigan.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 9]
October 16, 1861
A.M. Pratt, et. al., Bryan, Williams County, Ohio. To Gentlemen of 5th Congressional District Military Committee. Letter stating that since there was no county [military] committee appointed for Williams County, they took the liberty of recommending that a 2nd Lieutenant's commission in the 67th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry be procured from the proper authority for Augustus Porter of Williams County, that they took pleasure in recommending Porter as a highly worthy and efficient man and one most likely to succeed in the recruiting service, and that Porter's residence and extensive acquaintance in the northern part of Williams County, from which many men had been seduced into adjoining states because no local residents had been appointed as officers, rendered his appointment exceedingly desirable. Bears endorsements from Richard Mott, M[orrison] R. Waite, and Edward Bissell, Chairman, Military Committee.
3 pp. [Series 147-16: 9]
October 16, 1861
Alex[ander] Rogers, et. al., Camp Ewing, Virginia. To ? Letter signed by fifty-six members of Company B, 26th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; petitioning for the appointment of A.R. Franklin to the vacancy of 2nd Lieutenant caused by the resignation of Captain [Raymond] Allston and the subsequent promotion of 1st Lieutenant [Samuel H.] Ewing; and requesting that the Honorable C.A. Trimble use his influence to procure the appointment.
2 pp. [Series 147-16: 72]
October 16, 1861
Samuel T. Worcester, Member of Congress, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio. To General [William S.] Rosecrans. Letter stating that William S. Foster of Norwalk, Ohio was a Private in Company D, 8th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry and stationed in western Virginia, that William S. Foster's father, John H. Foster, had lately been commissioned as a Major in the 3rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Cavalry now in camp at Monroeville, Ohio, and that Major Foster wanted his son transferred from the 8th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry to the 1st Battalion of the 3rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Cavalry; and requesting that the transfer be made. Together with a letter from Governor William Dennison to Rosecrans stating that he hoped the transfer could be made if consistent with the interests of the public service.
2 pp. [Series 147-16: 216]
October 17, 1861
S.O. Vellolson, et. al., Fremont, Sandusky County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that the [Military] Committee for Sandusky County recommended H.J. McCord as a suitable person to be a 2nd Lieutenant in the 72nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, that McCord was a man of good character and capable of commanding a company, and that they thought McCord could recruit a company.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 5]
October 19, 1861
John B. Armstrong, et. al., Military Committee [of the 2nd Subdivision of Hamilton County], Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter certifying that Charles Loomis, Corporal of Company A, 6th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, now at Camp Elkwater in western Virginia, was a gentleman of good moral character and of such attainments as would fit him for the command of a company in the field; stating that they believed Loomis could recruit a company in Hamilton County, and that they pledged to aid Loomis in so doing; recommending Loomis for a commission as 2nd Lieutenant; and stating that they hoped Loomis might be transferred at once from the ranks in Virginia.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 121]
October 19, 1861
R[alph] P. Buckland, Fremont, Sandusky County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that he desired the appointment of H.J. McCord as a 2nd Lieutenant in the 72nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, that McCord was a prominent Democrat and would recruit a class of men which no other man could, and that he would take measures to have his Lieutenants report regularly.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 5]
October 19, 1861
William H. Hivling, Xenia, Greene County, Ohio. To A.P. Russell. Letter requesting that Russell apply to the Governor on his behalf for an appointment as Adjutant of one of the new Ohio regiments; and stating that he was willing to undergo an examination in military tactics and considered himself competent to take any position in a regiment, and that he had received three and a half years of military education at the U.S. Military Academy at Annapolis. Bears an endorsement from A.P. Russell.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 152]
October 21, 1861
C.H. Sargent, Colonel, 52nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter recommending Samuel G. Harvey as a suitable and important person to be granted a recruiting commission to enlist a company for the 52nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Bears a note dated November 6, 1861, from the Military Committee of the 3rd Subdivision, Hamilton County, to Governor William Dennison, recommending Harvey as a suitable person to receive a Lieutenant's commission with authority to recruit as an assistant to M.T. Williamson who was recruiting the Burnet Rifle Company for the 52nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 142]
October 22, 1861
Joseph Darr, Jr., A.A.A.G., Headquarters, Department of Western Virginia, Tompkins Farm, Virginia. To Governor William Dennison. Letter stating that the commanding General directed him to say that the transfer requested in the accompanying paper could only be made by Lieutenant General Scott. Bears a note dated November 1, 1861, from W.T. Coggeshall, stating that the transfer request was referred to Lieutenant General Scott by order of Governor Dennison. Also bears a note dated November 8, 1861, from George D. Ruggles, Assistant Adjutant General, returning the transfer request to Dennison, and stating that if Dennison appointed the young man a commissioned officer, he would be discharged from service to enable him to accept the appointment, and that transfers of the kind requested were not allowed in any case.
2 pp. [Series 147-16: 216]
October 22, 1861
E[dward] P. Fyffe, Camp Ewing, Virginia. To Mrs. Renick. Letter stating that there was a vacancy in Company B, [26th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry] occasioned by the resignation of Captain [Raymond] Alls[t]on, that [Samuel H.] Ewing being the 1st Lieutenant would be made Captain, that [John L.] Watson being the older 2nd Lieutenant would be made the 1st Lieutenant, that the 2nd Lieutenant would be appointed by the Governor, that Mrs. Renick would have to look to the Governor to have Felix [Renick] appointed 2nd Lieutenant, that if Mrs. Renick desired Felix's appointment, she had better get some friends to go to Columbus to see the Governor or go herself, that Felix was a good boy and the appointment would be a stepping stone for something better hereafter, that the company was composed of good men and many of them would make good officers, that situated as he was, he never interfered with the appointment of officers, that many of the men in Company B had called on him for recommendations and all he had said or done was to give them the same advice he had given Mrs. Renick, that he hoped Mrs. Renick would see at once the propriety of the course he had marked out for himself and would appreciate his position, that Mrs. Renick could rest assured that he would do everything in his power to preserve Felix's health and make him as comfortable as the service they were engaged in would allow, and that he believed the boys would bear witness that he at all times did everything in his power to make them comfortable and happy.
2 pp. [Series 147-16: 28]
October 22, 1861
Thomas Kilby Smith, Lieutenant Colonel Commanding, 54th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Headquarters, Camp Dennison, Hamilton County, Ohio. To Assistant Adjutant General Rodney Mason. Letter introducing D.T. Jones of Dayton who controlled some twenty-five men; and stating that Jones wanted to recruit these men for the 54th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and that this required a commission as 2nd Lieutenant. Bears a note from the Military Committee of Montgomery County stating that they had examined the credentials and qualifications of Jones and found them satisfactory, and that they approved the recommendation of Jones for a commission.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 85]
October 23, 1861
E.C. Stanley, Secretary, Military Committee of Cuyahoga County, Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. To the Military Committee of Fairfield County, Ohio. Letter stating that the bearer, Jno. J. Carran, came highly recommended to the Military Committee of Cuyahoga County, that Carran wanted to recruit in Fairfield County, and that they unanimously recommended Carran as a suitable person for the position of Lieutenant.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 37]
October 24, 1861
John J. Robinson, New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter applying for authority to raise a company for the 80th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry recruiting at Camp Meigs. Bears a note from C.H. Mitchener and John English, appointed to raise the 80th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, approving Robinson's application, and recommending that Robinson be commissioned to raise a company for the 80th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Also bears a note from C.H. Mitchener, Chairman, and C.H. Robinson, Secretary, Tuscarawas County Military Committee, recommending Robinson as qualified and prepared to raise a company for the 80th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and that Robinson be commissioned for that purpose.
2 pp. [Series 147-16: 8]
October 24, 1861
C.H. Sargent, Colonel, 52nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter recommending James E. Sherwood of Cincinnati as a suitable and competent person to be granted a recruiting commission for the 52nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Bears a note dated October 29, 1861, from Robert Hedger, President, and Joseph J. Dobmeyer, Secretary, [Military Committee of the 3rd Subdivision of Hamilton County], Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio, stating that the committee recommended James E. Sherwood as a suitable person to be commissioned as Lieutenant with authority to recruit.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 127]
October 24, 1861
William Wilson, Camp Elkwater, Virginia. To Colonel W.H. Young. Letter stating that since he and his brother had been in the service, they had been the recipients of frequent solicitations from friends in Noble County to come and take charge of a company which could be enrolled within the limits of their acquaintanceship, that they at once stated their case to their Colonels who expressed a willingness to aid them, but at the same time said it was impossible to grant them furloughs since it would be contrary to orders from higher authorities, that they were baffled, and that he believed a Colonel recruiting a regiment could give any one considered competent authority to muster a company; asking if Young by his influence could secure him an order to raise the company; and stating that a rough experience in western Virginia had proven that he and his brother were physically adapted to the hardships of soldiering, and that they had studied and practiced the drill with dilligence.
3 pp. [Series 147-16: 128]
October 25, 1861
S[amuel] C. Erwin, Captain Commanding, Company E, 6th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter asking if the new regiments forming in Ohio had their field officers all appointed; and stating that if there were any vacancies, he had testimonials of fitness and other documents of recommendation, that he had been actively employed all summer in western Virginia, and that he was on a short leave of absence to visit his family in Pittsburgh.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 77]
October 25, 1861
E[dward] P. Fyffe, Colonel, 26th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Ewing, Virginia. To Governor William Dennison. Letter stating that as there were vacancies in the 26th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry which would doubtless be filled by Dennison's appointments, and being aware Dennison wished to bestow merit on whom it was due, he recommended Orderly Sergeant Thomas S. Pennington of Company K as a young man eminently qualified for the position of 2nd Lieutenant. Bears the endorsement of five officers of the 26th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 73]
October 25, 1861
J[ames] W.C. Smith, Captain, Company A, 26th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Headquarters, Tompkins Farm, [Virginia]. To Governor William Dennison. Letter stating that having served as Captain in western Virginia for over four months, he was requesting an appointment as a field officer in the 50th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry or some other regiment now organizing in Ohio. Bears a note from W[illiam] S. Rosecrans, Brigadier General, U.S. Army, Headquarters, Department of Western Virginia, stating that while serving under his immediate command, Smith had exhibited spirit and military capacity, and sustained so good a reputation for both that he cheerfully recommended Smith for promotion.
2 pp. [Series 147-16: 104]