November 4, 1861
R.C. Smith, Secretary, et. al., [Military Committee of Richland County], Mansfield, Richland County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter recommending the appointment of James S. Crall of Richland County as a suitable person to raise a company to be attached to the Brigade now being formed at Camp Buckingham or to the 82nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; stating that they believed Crall was qualified and possessed of sufficient energy and influence to succeed in the undertaking; requesting Crall's appointment as a 2nd Lieutenant; recommending the appointment of Patrick Phalin and John Costin of Richland County as recruiting officers to assist Crall; and stating that it was proposed to enroll Irishmen and, if possible, to have none but Irishmen in the company, that it was believed that a company of Irishmen could be raised in the area in a very short time, that Phalin and Costin were Irish by birth and Crall was of Irish descent, that Costin had been a member of Company H, 15th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry (three months' service), and that Crall, Phalin, and Costin were very popular with the Irish population generally.
2 pp. [Series 147-16: 48]
November 4, 1861
S.B. Sturges, Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that he was convinced that the question of Captaincy of Company M, 2nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, now in Camp Wade, demanded Buckingham's attention to preserve the good discipline and interests of that corps, and that he was informed that Edmund Ward, who had been acting Adjutant of the regiment upon the resignation of Captain Franklin, was placed in command of Company M against the wishes of the Lieutenants and members.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 66]
November 4, 1861
E[zekiel] H. Tatem, Captain, Company D, 6th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. To ? Letter stating that having been requested to express an opinion in regard to the capabilities of James H. Cochnower for the position of a Lieutenancy in the volunteer service, he did not hesitate to say that Cochnower was in every way qualified for such a place, that during the past six months, Cochnower had been acting Orderly Sergeant of Company D, 6th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and that by his strict attention to the duties of his position, Cochnower merited esteem and total confidence.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 131]
November 4, 1861
J.S. Trimble, J.S. Trimble's Bank, Mt. Gilead, Morrow County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that his nephew, Asa M. Trimble, son of John Trimble of Mount Vernon, Ohio, wanted to obtain the position of Sutler in one of the regiments of [John] Sherman's Brigade, and that he believed Asa M. Trimble to be in every way qualified for and worthy of such a position.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 76]
November 4, 1861
Justin H. Tyler, Chairman, and Edward Sheffield, Secretary, [Military Committee of Henry County], Napoleon, Henry County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that on November 1, Lieutenant Colonel S[amuel] H. Steedman made a report to the committee showing that 299 recruits from Henry County had already been enrolled and sworn in for the 68th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and that the committee had the assurance that there would be four full companies from Henry County ready for the 68th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry by December 1; recommending the renewal of the commissions to Hiram H. Poe, Andrew Jackson, and Thomas Quigley, who were recruiting for the 68th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; stating that the importance of having the camp equipage, etc., sent on to Camp Latta forthwith was so perfectly apparent as to need no suggestions from the committee since everyone knew it would greatly facilitate the recruiting service; recommending the immediate appointment of James G. Haly of Napoleon to the office of Quartermaster for the 68th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; and stating that Haly was a moral, upright, highly efficient, reliable, and pecuniarily responsible man, and that the committee would do all in its power to aid the cause of their common country in "this most unfortunate" struggle.
2 pp. [Series 147-16: 63]
[November 4?, 1861]
O[ctavius] Waters, Chairman, and O.B. Verity, Secretary, [Military Committee of Fulton County, Ohio]. To the Adjutant General of Ohio. Letter stating that the committee resolved that the Governor of Ohio be requested to extend the commissions of H.S. Commager and Lewis Butler as Lieutenants for the 67th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry for the space of thirty days, and that for the purpose of assisting Lieutenant Commager's company, it was expedient that Jacob Lipe and Charles P. Shaffer be authorized to assist in raising recruits for said company in the 67th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
2 pp. [Series 147-16: 64]
November 4, 1861
C.P. Wolcott, Akron, Summit County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter stating that Augustus N. Bernard of Akron volunteered as a Private in the 2nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, but had already shown so much aptitude and capacity that Colonel [Charles] Doubleday had designated him as acting 2nd Lieutenant of Company K, that this appointment needed Dennison's sanction to make it effectual, that the appointment of Bernard was one altogether fit to be made, and that Bernard was capable of much higher things, but was content to fight his way upward.
2 pp. [Series 147-16: 165]
November 4, 1861
W.H. Young, 79th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Headquarters, Camp Wool, Athens, Athens County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter stating that it was with much pleasure that he presented the name of President Robert Allyn of the Wesleyan Female College, Cincinnati, for appointment to the Chaplaincy of the 79th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, that in addition to Allyn's excellence as a Christian gentleman and scholar and his high attainments as a useful man in both public life and the Gospel ministry, he commanded a vast personal influence (from his sojourn of several years in the University) in the communities from which the 79th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry was to be made up, and that Allyn's appointment would be entirely satisfactory to all.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 35]
November 4, 1861
W.H. Young, Recruiting, 79th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Headquarters, Camp Wool, Athens, Athens County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that since the publication of his appointment to assist in recruiting for the 79th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, a number of gentlemen (former students at Ohio University), residing outside of the regimental district, had asked to be recommended for commissions to recruit for the 79th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, that feeling honor bound not to trespass on others, he had steadily refused these gentlemen, that the two Brothers Wilson, former pupils, were young men of great energy and rare excellence of character who, orphaned and unaided, had worked their way through college, that at the first call, with a pure patriotism and utter abandon of self, the Brothers Wilson went into the ranks and he was sure could exhibit an unblotted record, that such men ought not to be in their present position while the country needed them elsewhere, that Noble County had yet done but little and was very convenient of access to Athens, that he presumed the [Adjutant General's] Department, for good reasons, might make exceptions to its general regulations in reference to regimental districts, that he thought from precedent they would be allowed more than ten commissions, and that he only urged this matter as an act of justice to deserving men.
2 pp. [Series 147-16: 129]
November 5, 1861
C.J. Albright, President, and J.D. Taylor, Secretary, [Military Committee of Guernsey County], Cambridge, Guernsey County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that the committee unanimously recommended John T. Rainey as a person suitable to be commissioned to recruit a company for the 78th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and that the committee thought Rainey could in a short time recruit a full company.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 89]
November 5, 1861
B. Bartlett, 88.90 West Pearl St., Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that he had enclosed certain papers which he hoped would be considered sufficient to obtain for his son, William R. Bartlett (now a Private in Company B, 6th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry), an appointment as assistant recruiting officer.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 230]
November 5, 1861
Edward Briggs, 2nd Lieutenant, 61st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Massillon, Stark County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that at the earnest solicitation of his men, he was induced to request that their company be transferred to the 65th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, [John] Sherman's Brigade, that if Buckingham found it impossible to comply with this request, their second choice was to be assigned to the 80th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, that lest Buckingham considered them troublesome, they would remind him that their transfer to the 19th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry was no move of theirs, but was made without their knowledge or consent, and that as he wanted to move his men to regimental camp by November 8, he needed to know immediately if Buckingham consented to the transfer.
2 pp. [Series 147-16: 107]
November 5, 1861
James Burke, Mt. Vernon, Knox County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that the bearer, S.J. Williams, was visiting Buckingham with the view of obtaining a position in the regiment now ordered to camp at Mt. Vernon, that he was certain Williams was just such a man as Buckingham should appoint from Knox County, and that Williams was competent, popular, and very energetic, and would make a good Adjutant at the very least.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 92]
November 5, 1861
John W. Caldwell, Chairman, and Joseph F. Wright, Secretary, 6th Subdistrict Military Committee. To ? Letter recommending William R. Bartlett for appointment as assistant to T[heodore] J. Keckeler, Lieutenant recruiting for the 75th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Bears the endorsement of N[athaniel] C. McLean, Colonel, 75th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 230]
November 5, 1861
James Cantwell, Colonel, 82nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Kenton, Hardin County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that the bearer, Preston Faught, wanted to recruit for the 82nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry in Hardin County, Allen County, Auglaize County, and Logan County, that Faught was recommended by the county military committee, and that Faught wanted to be appointed to assist Lieutenant P[eter] C. Boslow.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 108]
November 5, 1861
Isaac S. Gardner, William G. Kennedy, James Walker, and J.B. McLaughlin, Military Committee of Logan County, Bellefontaine, Logan County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that a fellow citizen, Jno. B. Myers, was contemplating an effort to raise a battery of artillery, that Myers had been a resident of Bellefontaine for a number of years and possessed an efficiency sufficient to justify recommending him, that Myers' moral character and loyalty were indisputable, and that Myers had the industry to consummate what he undertook.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 101]
November 5, 1861
Jos. Jewett, Chairman, et. al., [Military Committee of Athens County], Athens, Athens County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter stating that the committee recommended the bearer, David Devore, for appointment as recruiting officer, and that the committee was well satisfied that an authority to recruit in Devore's hands would be used with ability and discretion.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 114]
November 5, 1861
Andrew Kilgore, Chairman, James Sargent, and Samuel Cutler, [Military Committee of Pike County], Piketon, Pike County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that the committee believed it to be necessary to have an assistant appointed to aid Thomas McIntire in raising his company; recommending Franklin Barger as a proper and suitable person to assist McIntire, and that Buckingham extend the time heretofore allowed McIntire; and stating that McIntire was using every possible effort and was now succeeding well.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 122]
November 5, 1861
Jno. M. Kirkbride, Secretary, [Monroe County Military Committee], Woodsfield, Monroe County, Ohio. To ? Copy of an entry from the Journal of the Monroe County Military Committee, stating that Nathaniel J. Manning, Sergeant Major of the 25th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry and now in service in western Virginia, was recommended for a Lieutenancy to fill any vacancy there might be in said regiment.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 104]
November 5, 1861
M[ortimer] D. Leggett, Headquarters, 78th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, No. 132 Main Street, over Potwin's Store, Zanesville, Muskingum County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter stating that George W. Murphy of Monroe County was visiting Dennison to make application for a Lieutenancy to recruit a company for the 78th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, that one of the gentlemen commissioned, Mr. Jackson, refused to accept and had not been sworn, that Mr. Conger gave up his commission as a failure and that Mr. Norris would do so on November 6, that he had the best assurances that Murphy would raise a company and desired Murphy's immediate appointment, and that the recommendation of Murphy from his county [military] committee was on file at Columbus.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 56]
November 5, 1861
M[ortimer] D. Leggett, Headquarters, 78th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, No. 132 Main Street, over Potwin's Store, Zanesville, Muskingum County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter stating that the bearer, John L. Rainey, was visiting Dennison with the proper recommendations from the Military Committee of Guernsey County; requesting that Rainey be furnished with the proper authority to recruit for the 78th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry in Guernsey County and adjoining counties; and stating that he supposed they nominally had their ten 2nd Lieutenant's commissions, but two of them were issued without their request, that one had not been sworn in and did not expect to be, and did not wish to recruit, that two others would only hold their commissions a few more days if they had not already returned them to Columbus, that it was hoped Rainey would be furnished with a commission so that he might go to work immediately, and that they had no recruiting officer in Guernsey County and that was just where J.C. Douglass' influence would avail them the most.
2 pp. [Series 147-16: 88]
November 5, 1861
Charles H. Mitchener, and John English, New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that the company of recruits at Massillon, under Lieutenant Briggs, had made application to be admitted into Camp Meigs and transferred to the 80th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, that the 80th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry was progressing as well as could be expected, that they would have three companies in by November 9, and have two others about half made up, and that by the transfer of Briggs' men, such an impetus would be given that they could fill up the regiment in a very short time for the field.
2 pp. [Series 147-16: 161]
November 5, 1861
W[illiam] Mungen, Lieutenant Colonel Commanding, 57th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Headquarters, Camp Vance, Findlay, Hancock County, Ohio. To Assistant Adjutant General R[odney] Mason. Letter stating that he had learned there were two companies in Highland County unattached to any regiment, that one of these companies was under Captain Payne at Greenfield and the other Captain's name escaped his memory, and that in as much as he had a hard time recruiting and had come pretty nearly to his bottom dollar, and being very anxious to be off and in service, he suggested that if Mason assigned one or both of the pertinent companies to the 57th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, the regiment would be ready for the field in a very few days.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 110]
[November 5?, 1861]
A.L. Neely, et. al. To the Adjutant General of Ohio. Letter signed by seventeen individuals; introducing Dr. G.B. Black as a man of good moral character and well qualified for a position in the army as an officer; and stating that the efforts Black had made to advance the cause of the government entitled him to special notice.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 107]
November 5, 1861
John Orme, New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter applying for an appointment as a Lieutenant to raise a company for the 80th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Bears the endorsement of C.H. Mitchener, and John English.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 67]
November 5, 1861
S.S. Osborn, Chairman, and C.D. Adams, Secretary, Military Committee [of Lake County], Painesville, Lake County, Ohio. To the Adjutant General of Ohio. Letter stating that the committee certified that Eugene A. Osborn was a man of good moral character and of such attainments as would fit him for the command of a company in the field, that the committee believed that Eugene A. Osborn could recruit a company of artillery in Lake County and adjoining counties, and that the committee pledged to aid him in so doing.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 176]
November 5, 1861
William L. Perkins, Painesville, Lake County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter stating that the bearer, S.S. Osborn, was one of their best citizens, a member elect of the [Ohio] Legislature, and Chairman of the County Military Committee, that Osborn was visiting in respect to the raising of a battery of artillery locally and the appointment of his son, now in the service in Kentucky, as Lieutenant to recruit for that purpose, that he joined with the military committee in recommending the appointment of Osborn's son, and that from a long, intimate business and social acquaintance with S.S. Osborn, he knew that Dennison could place entire confidence in all representations and statements Osborn might make. Bears the endorsement of Reuben Hitchcock.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 175]
November 5, 1861
F[rancis] B. Pond, Colonel, 62nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Goddard, Zanesville, Muskingum County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that George R. Murphy of Monroe County wanted a commission as 2nd Lieutenant to recruit and report to the 62nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; requesting that Murphy be given a commission; and stating that he was anxious to fill the regiment as soon as possible, that he had been disappointed in a company from Noble County, that a good many commissions had expired, the officers having failed to succeed, and that he thought Murphy could succeed. Together with a note from Pond, stating that Bazil Rogers of Morgan County had applied to Buckingham for an extension of his time as a recruiting officer, that Rogers had been a faithful officer and would succeed, and that Rogers now had some 20 men.
2 pp. [Series 147-16: 66]
November 5, 1861
C.H. Sargent, Colonel, 52nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Headquarters, Camp Dennison, Hamilton County, Ohio. To the Adjutant General of Ohio. Letter stating that Lieutenant Charles A. Junghanns, holding a commission to recruit for the 52nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry and now having nearly sixty men at Camp Dennison, wanted Abner J. Sennett appointed as one of his assistants, that Sennett was a suitable person to receive the appointment, and that Sennett wanted to recruit in Washington County where he had previously enlisted some recruits.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 93]
November 5, 1861
N[ewton] Schleich, Colonel, 61st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Medill, Lancaster, Fairfield County, Ohio. To Assistant Adjutant General R[odney] Mason. Letter stating that he transferred from the list of 2nd Lieutenant D[aniel] J. Schleich to that of 2nd Lieutenant S.M. Morrison recently appointed, forty-two men; requesting that Mason subtract that number from the list of the former and place to the credit of the latter; and stating that he was informed that efforts were being made to transfer the company of Captain Barker, Logan from his regiment to that of the Dutchman Colonel Bausenwein, that against this he most earnestly protested, and that if he could not have the companies raised in his own district, he despaired of ever filling up.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 103]
November 5, 1861
George B. Senter, Chairman, and E.C. Stanley, Secretary, [Military Committee of East Cuyahoga County], Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter listing thirty individuals who were unanimously recommended by the committee as suitable for the position of Lieutenant.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 98]
November 5, 1861
Thomas Sherlock, Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter stating that his friend, Edward Brookfield of Colerain, Hamilton County, wanted an appointment as Major of Ohio volunteers, that he had known Brookfield several years, that although Brookfield had only such military knowledge as he had been able to acquire since the rebellion broke out, yet he was an apt scholar, and his energy, perseverance, and tact would enable him to learn readily and thoroughly all that any volunteer officer could learn, and that Brookfield was as loyal as the most loyal.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 174]
November 5, 1861
William S. Smith, Colonel Commanding, 13th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Huddleston, Virginia, 8 miles below Gauley Bridge. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that it was his painful duty to confirm the news of the death of Lieutenant James A. Lazuire, the former Quartermaster of the 13th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; requesting the early appointment of Thomas J. Louden to fill the vacancy, and that the remaining vacancies, occasioned by resignations and promotions in his regiment, be filled at the earliest possible moment; stating that Lieutenant James B. Doney was so severely wounded as to render his final recovery uncertain, while it was manifest that Doney would be unfit for duty for several months, that it was inadvisable to promote Doney to the rank of Captain as he would not be able to take command, and that the unfitness of 2nd Lieutenants [James W.] McConnell of Company H and [John] Murphy of Company A for their present positions should make their promotions out of the question; reporting the resignation of 2nd Lieutenant [W.D.] Mitchell of Company D; stating that with the exceptions specified, he had no particular objections to following the rule of promotion by seniority in his regiment, and that he urged the immediate appointment and promotion of officers to fill all the vacancies which now existed in his regiment; recommending Samuel C. Gold, Jno E. Ray, Miles J. Sanders, and William B. Lambert for such appointments as Buckingham found it necessary to make to complete their regimental organization; and stating that Gold, Ray, Sanders, and Lambert were known to him and his men.
2 pp. [Series 147-16: 151]
November 5, 1861
Charles Whittlesey, Colonel, 20th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp King. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that he was informed on good authority that Nelson N. Kelley of Delaware County could, if authorized, speedily raise a company for the 20th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and that Captain James Powers and 70 men joined that day.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 90]
November 5, 1861
A.H. Yeazel, Kenton, Hardin County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that he was authorized by Colonel [William O.] Collins to raise a cavalry company to be attached to his regiment, that he presented Collins' letter of authority to the [Military] Committee of Hardin County to have them endorse it as Collins required, that the committee refused for fear it would interfere with recruiting for a regiment forming locally, that he did not think this would be the case since there had been no recruiting for cavalry locally, and that there could be a company of cavalry raised very easily in the counties he requested.
1 p. [Series 147-16: 94]