January 8, 1862
Charles A. DeVilliers, Colonel Commanding Post, 11th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Headquarters, Pt. Pleasant, Virginia. To Robert Hume, Military Secretary. Letter stating that there seemed to be a misunderstanding in Hume's department with reference to what was required for the good of his regiment and as to his wishes, that there was no difficulty or misunderstanding in regard to Lieutenant J[oshua] H. Horton and the Adjutancy of the regiment, that Horton had been acting in that capacity since July 1861 and had given entire satisfaction as to his abilities as a military man and had proven himself worthy of still greater promotion, that Lieutenant Colonel J[oseph] W. Frizell had resigned, been discharged, and gone home, and that as his health was not at all good, and as he had not only the military but the civil machinery to carry on at the post, he desired the vacancy to be speedily filled; requesting that Major A[ugustus] H. Coleman be promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and that Horton be commissioned as Major; and stating that by complying immediately with his request, the Governor would not only promote the welfare and effectiveness of his command and the public service, but confer a lasting obligation.
1 p. [Series 147-23: 13]

January 8, 1862
J[ohn] W. Fowler, Captain, Company D, Commanding 30th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Union, Fayetteville, Virginia. To the Governor of Ohio. Letter reporting on the condition of the 30th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; and stating that Company A and Company B had Enfield rifles, that the other companies had altered muskets (rifled), that accoutrements were very poor, that the cartridge boxes were too small to hold 40 rounds, calibre 69/100 minie, that there were no box plates or other ornaments, that the cap boxes were generally made out of poor, flimsy leather, that the knapsacks were inconvenient and hung too low on the back to carry with ease, that he did not think the pattern was good, that the overcoats, blankets, and shoes were good, that the other clothing was not sufficient for comfort in the winter, that the Quartermaster said he would have pants and socks in a day or two, that many of the men were wearing the same pants and blouses they got at Camp Chase, there having been no general issue since, that the ammunition was sufficient for present use, that the camp kettles were old when they got them and they were now worn out in the service and not fit for use, that the plates, knives, forks, tin cups, and spoons were insufficient in quality and quantity, that transportation was rather "short", that subsistence was sufficient, but he thought "slapjacks" were an abomination, that the aggregate force of the regiment was 697, that 534 were present, that approximately 150 were unfit for duty, that 16 commissioned officers were present and 12 were absent, and that there were no field officers present.
2 pp. [Series 147-23: 53]

January 8, 1862
Oliver D. Greene, Assistant Adjutant General, Headquarters, Department of the Ohio, Louisville, Kentucky. To Colonel [Timothy R.] Stanley, Commanding, 18th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Copy of Special Order No. 4, stating that the resignation of 2nd Lieutenant S[amuel] H. Martin, 18th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry was accepted to take effect from January 8, 1862. By command of Brigadier General [Don Carlos] Buell. Together with a letter dated January 9, 1862, from T[imothy] R. Stanley, Colonel, 18th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Headquarters, Camp Jefferson, Kentucky, to Governor William Dennison; stating that he had written some days since in relation to Martin's resignation, recommending Henry H. Welch of the 13th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry now at home at Athens (on leave) for the place, and that he was anxious to have the appointment made as soon as possible; and requesting that Dennison immediately forward the same to Welch at Athens so that he might rejoin the regiment without delay.
2 pp. [Series 147-23: 192]

January 8, 1862
W[illiam] B. Hazen, Colonel, 41st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Headquarters, Camp Wickliffe, Kentucky. To ? List of officers and non-commissioned officers of the 41st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry recommended for promotion to fill vacancies now existing therein. Bears a note stating that this was a correct list of recommendations for promotion already forwarded through the proper channels, and that it was very necessary that they should have these officers for duty with the regiment.
1 p. [Series 147-23: 200]

January 8, 1862
S.G. McKee, Alliance, Stark County, Ohio. To Assistant Adjutant General R[odney] Mason. Letter stating that the Honorable B.F. Leiter of Canton wanted him to go in with his son to raise a company for the 71st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, which he believed was Mason's regiment, and that if Mason would send him a commission, he would enter into the work with all his energies; providing references; stating that men were hard to raise, but he had the promise of some few and they promised to lend their influence in assisting him, and that he had charge of a military company (a regular State organization) at Alliance prior to the war; requesting power to subsist men; asking if he should enlist a few teamsters; and stating that he could get several.
2 pp. [Series 147-23: 27]

January 8, 1862
Emerson Opdycke, 1st Lieutenant Commanding, Company A, 41st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Wickliffe, Kentucky. To the Honorable B.F. Hoffman, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio. Letter enclosing a list of recommendations for promotions; and stating that the recommendations were made at the proper time by Colonel [William B.] Hazen, that the service was suffering for want of these appointments, that regimentally, these appointments were just as the U.S. regulations required, that Hazen wished him to send the recommendations to someone who would give them quick attention, and that the first appointment on the list ought to date from November 27, 1861, as that was the date Captain [Seth A.] Bushnell's resignation took effect.
1 p. [Series 147-23: 198]

January 9, 1862
Charles O. Baker, Toledo, Lucas County, Ohio. To Assistant Adjutant General [Rodney] Mason, Troy, Ohio. Letter stating that he had seen a call for additional men to fill up the 71st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, that he was writing to inquire what position Mason would give him if he raised 25 or 30 good men, and that he had been in active service as a non-commissioned officer in the 25th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry in Virginia for the past six months; providing references; and stating that he was at Toledo on furlough for 20 days.
2 pp. [Series 147-23: 56]

January 9, 1862
Henry B. Banning, Captain, Company B, 4th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Keys, Romney, Virginia. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that as the Majority of the regiment was not yet determined, he wished to call Buckingham's attention to Section 4 of General [Henry B.] Carrington's Special Order No. 246 regarding the organization of the three months' regiments into three years' regiments, and that according to the order, the original regimental organization would remain unchanged; asking if under the order he was the senior Captain in the regiment if seniority was determined by letter; and stating that the Captain of Company A had been elected Colonel, that the organization of the regiment had never been changed, and that the first Captain of Company A had been promoted.
2 pp. [Series 147-23: 58]

January 9, 1862
Caleb Bates, Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. To Assistant Adjutant General R[odney] Mason. Letter reporting that he had as yet been unable to report any men at the City Barracks, but had the promise of some fifty men; and requesting that Mason give to Austin S. Beecher, Mantua Station, the power to recruit for a 1st Lieutenant.
1 p. [Series 147-23: 4]

January 9, 1862
Caleb Bates, Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. To A.S. Beecher. Letter stating that Beecher's communication to the Adjutant General of Ohio had been referred to him, that he had asked the Adjutant General of Ohio to appoint Beecher a 1st Lieutenant with power to recruit fifty men for the 17th Battery now recruiting under his command, and that upon receipt of his power, Beecher was to proceed with recruiting and report daily. Bears an endorsement dated January 14, 1862, from the Military Committee of Portage County, Ohio.
2 pp. [Series 147-23: 97]

January 9, 1862
Otto Burstenbinder, Colonel, et. al., Council of Administration, 67th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry. To the Governor of Ohio. Letter soliciting a revocation of the order closing the sutler's department of the 67th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; and stating that the 67th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry had its regularly appointed and qualified sutler who had violated no provision of the law relating to sutlers and was an integral part of the regiment and interested in the good will, comfort, and wants of the men comprising the regiment, that all such considerations were of but little moment to the post sutler, that the post sutler was complained of as being exacting and exorbitant in his charges and provided inferior articles in his trade, that since the military post of the State was at Camp Dennison and Camp Chase was not a post, but simply a temporary camp, they thought no post sutler should be allowed the monopoly of all the trade to the volunteers in said camp and especially against regiments having their own sutlers who were appointed to their respective regiments before they moved to Camp Chase, and that the patriotic men of the State who had left the comforts of their homes, the bliss of peaceful society, and the endearments of their mothers, wives, daughters, etc., were entitled to the benefits of a fair competition in the purchases they were compelled to make. Bears the endorsement of [Valentine] Bausenwein, Colonel Commanding Post, Camp Chase.
2 pp. [Series 147-23: 160]

January 9, 1862
E.Y. Chase, Assistant Surgeon, 13th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Jefferson, near Bacon Creek, Kentucky. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter regarding Buckingham's letter which stated that his name appeared as Surgeon of the 13th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry and Dr. S[amuel] D. Turney's name did not appear as Surgeon in the three years' service; and stating that he had laid the whole matter before Colonel [William S.] Smith whose letter Buckingham had doubtless received, that it did indeed appear singular that two mistakes should have occurred (the omission of Turney's name from the list of Surgeons and recording his name as Surgeon), that he did not wish to occupy a false position and thought that if those mistakes had not occurred, he would have been promoted before now, that there were letters of recommendation for promotion from his superior officers on file in the Governor's office, that he thought these letters would fully satisfy Buckingham of the propriety of sending him a commission as full Surgeon, that he was satisfied to leave the whole matter to be adjusted as might be thought best for the public good by the superior authorities, but he wished to be perfectly certain of his position, and that he had no particular choice as to which regiment he was appointed to serve.
3 pp. [Series 147-23: 37]

January 9, 1862
J[ames] A. Jones, Colonel, 25th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Headquarters, Huttonsville, Virginia. To Governor David Tod. Letter stating that he had notice from General [William S.] Rosecrans that the resignation of 2nd Lieutenant Harlow Mulliken of Company K, 25th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry had been accepted and that Mulliken was discharged from duty, that he therefore recommended the appointment of Sergeant Edward H. Severance to fill said vacancy, and that Severance was distinguished for his good conduct at Camp Baldwin, Alleghany Summit on December 13, 1861.
1 p. [Series 147-23: 206]

January 9, 1862
Granville Moody, Colonel Commanding, 74th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Lowe, Xenia, Greene County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that they desired the transfer of 2nd Sergeant David J. Decamp from Company F, 6th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry to the 74th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry with the position of 2nd Lieutenant by promotion as he, with the aid of a large circle of influential friends in Cincinnati, expected to be able to raise a company or part of a company for the 74th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and that Buckingham's office had already issued a recruiting commission to Decamp, but they learned that he could not or would not be released from his regiment now in Kentucky on that commission; and asking Buckingham to request Decamp's release from Washington.
1 p. [Series 147-23: 7]

January 9, 1862
George D. Ruggles, Assistant Adjutant General, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, D.C. To the Governor of Ohio. Letter reporting that 1st Lieutenant F[rederick] W. Moore, 5th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry had resigned effective January 2, 1862.
1 p. [Series 147-23: 75]

January 9, 1862
J.R. Widgeon, Lieutenant, 1st Regiment, U.S. Mechanical Fusileers, Camp Douglas, Chicago, Illinois. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that sometime in September 1861, he and others got up a company for Colonel Wilson's regiment of fusileers, that they found they had been deceived and wanted to get into some other regiment, with the whole or part of the company under a new organization, that he supposed they should have a different Captain from the one they had now, and that this was the reason he was writing in place of the Captain; asking if Buckingham could find them a place in some regiment such as Colonel Canfield's or the one at Findlay; stating that their company was raised at Bucyrus, Ohio where he had been in the foundry business; and citing Mr. Upton, Buckingham's partner in that business, as a reference.
1 p. [Series 147-23: 28]

January 9, 1862
D[ean] C. Wright, Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter enclosing the certificate of his election and appointment to the Chaplaincy of the 7th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; stating that he was anxious to report himself at headquarters the following week; requesting that a commission be sent as soon as possible; and stating that he was ignorant of any forms to be used in this application and could only speak "right out", and that if any fees were necessary or any other thing to facilitate procuring the commission, they would be forthcoming.
1 p. [Series 147-23: 227]

January 10, 1862
Joseph L. Antram, Sergeant, Company E, 6th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Wickliffe, Kentucky. To Assistant Adjutant General R[odney] Mason. Letter stating that he was informed by Brigadier General [William] Nelson, commander of the division, that to procure a furlough for any length of time, it would be necessary to obtain an order from the Governor of Ohio which was to be endorsed by Brigadier General [Don Carlos] Buell, that Nelson could give a furlough for a few days only, that being anxious to accomplish the object in view and feeling confident of success in raising the company, he was asking to have the Governor commission him to raise said company, that in the event of his failing to strictly fulfill his obligation, he would willingly give up his commission and return to his regiment, that as a guarantee for the faithful performance of the above promises, he enclosed a list of the commissioned officers in the regiment who had readily endorsed him in this matter and who would willingly go his security that any confidence the State authorities might place in him would not be abused, that if this matter could be arranged, the sooner it could be accomplished the better, and that he was submitting the matter to Mason for consideration.
2 pp. [Series 147-23: 112]

January 10, 1862
James Barnett, Colonel Commanding, 1st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Light Artillery, Headquarters, Camp Dennison, Hamilton County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that he was sure that he represented to Buckingham the case of Lieutenant Brechtel correctly, that Brechtel's enlistment roll showed one hundred and twenty men recruited by him, that [Silas A.] Burnap's name was never mentioned until the last recruits were reported at Camp Dennison, that having counted upon these recruits for their regiment, he had withdrawn other recruiting officers, that their transfer seriously retarded the organization of the regiment, that in his opinion, Burnap had no particular claims more than would have been conceded to him in their regiment except political claims which he had invariably ignored in asking for any appointments, and that the transfer would be made as Buckingham directed; and requesting an order for the transfer.
1 p. [Series 147-23: 11]

January 10, 1862
John Beatty, Lieutenant Colonel, Commanding, 3rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Headquarters, Camp Jefferson, Kentucky. To Governor William Dennison. Letter requesting the appointment of Sergeant Elias C. Nicholas of Company I, 3rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry to fill the vacancy in said company occasioned by the death of 2nd Lieutenant Joseph D. Moore; and stating that Nicholas would make a good officer and was the choice of the company.
1 p. [Series 147-23: 184]

January 10, 1862
Henry B. Carrington, Colonel, 18th U.S. Infantry, Headquarters, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that he had received Special Order No. 17 (current series), that three companies would be detached from the 18th U.S. Infantry to participate in the ceremonies of the inauguration of the Governor elect of Ohio on January 13, and would be in line at the hour named in the order of the day, and that having been assigned to the command, he would transmit the order of detail as soon as conference could be had with the Colonels commanding the regiments detailed for duty on that occasion.
1 p. [Series 147-23: 16]

January 10, 1862
John H. Carter, Lieutenant Colonel, 52nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter sending the election roll of Captain Johnson's company; and stating that Johnson's company was entitled to be the right flank company of the regiment, that he hoped Buckingham would so designate the company, and that he hoped Buckingham would send Johnson his commission and his officers their commissions.
1 p. [Series 147-23: 45]

January 10, 1862
Owen Cole, Chillicothe, Ross County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter stating that he had been recruiting for some time and had raised thirty-three men, and that he enclosed these names with the date of enlistment; requesting a commission as 2nd Lieutenant; and stating that he proposed to go into the 22nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry if he could obtain a 2nd Lieutenant's commission, that if he could not obtain said commission, he would disband his men, that if Tod could do anything for him, he requested that it be done immediately, that he would have to disband soon if there was not something done as the expense of boarding the men was too much to stand for long, and that if Tod could not grant his request and give him a commission, he wanted his roll sent back.
2 pp. [Series 147-23: 87]

January 10, 1862
H[enry] E. Cunard, Captain, and James St. John, 1st Lieutenant, Company I, 3rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Jefferson, Kentucky. To ? Letter stating that an election for 2nd Lieutenant was held in Company I, 3rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry on January 2, 1862, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of 2nd Lieutenant Joseph D. Moore, and that the whole number of votes cast was 72, with 46 going to Sergeant Elias C. Nicholas and 26 going to Corporal Edwin Reid.
1 p. [Series 147-23: 57]

January 10, 1862
E[phraim] C. Dawes, Adjutant, 53rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Diamond, Jackson, Jackson County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that they now had eight organized companies each over the minimum number and some full to the maximum; requesting authority to transfer men from these companies, with 1st Lieutenant J. Warren Fulton of Company B to be Captain of the 10th company to be formed in connection with Lieutenant G[eorge] N. Gray and Lieutenant S[tiles] B. Messenger; stating that from these companies they could transfer some 65 men, 50 with Fulton and 15 to Lieutenant [David F.] Harkins who had over 60 men, and that with these transfers they could be in the field in the shortest possible time which was what they wanted above all things; and requesting that the necessary authority be granted immediately. By order of J[essie] J. Appler, Colonel Commanding, 53rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
2 pp. [Series 147-23: 85]

January 10, 1862
S[amuel] C. Erwin, Captain, Company E, 6th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, et. al., Camp Wickliffe, Kentucky. To Assistant Adjutant General R[odney] Mason. Letter signed by eighteen commissioned officers of the 6th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; recommending Joseph L. Antram, Sergeant, Company E, 6th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry as a suitable person to recruit a company and hold a commission in the same when organized; and stating that Antram held his present rank in the regiment since its organization (April 20, 1861) and had discharged his duties faithfully, and that they therefore reposed confidence in Antram's patriotism and ability, and cordially recommended his promotion.
1 p. [Series 147-23: 211]

January 10, 1862
J. Fisler, Lieutenant and Quartermaster, 50th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Beckett, Hamilton, Butler County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that being a novice in his present occupation and desirous of doing as near right as possible, he wished to trouble Buckingham with a few questions, that they had many persons recruiting for the regiment under recruiting commissions as 2nd Lieutenants, that they frequently sent him orders for clothing, and that they also brought one, two, and three men into camp at a time to be clothed and turned them over to other officers at Camp Beckett; asking if their receipt was all that he required to make him secure, and if he had any right to send clothing away to those officers even by verbal orders of the Colonel; stating that he was issuing to the men, by order of Colonel [S.J.] McGroarty, two blankets to each man which would leave him nearly one thousand short for a full regiment; and asking if the officers had a right to draw rations of any kind, or clothing, or blankets from him as Quartermaster or Acting Commissary of Subsistence.
2 pp. [Series 147-23: 54]

January 10, 1862
M. Friedman, Colonel Commanding, Cameron Dragoons, Camp Griffin, Virginia. To Governor William Dennison. Letter stating that he was in command of a full regiment of cavalry which he raised and organized himself, that he would not leave it under any circumstances, unless to command a brigade of 2 or 3 regiments, that he had conferred with the Secretary of War on the subject, and that as Dennison's feelings towards him had been so friendly, he might intimate that if Dennison or his successor (David Tod) would desire a Brigadier General of cavalry in Ohio, there would be no difficulty (if his name was handed in from Ohio by the Governor) of his being immediately appointed; and requesting that Dennison confer with Tod regarding his situation.
2 pp. [Series 147-23: 71]

January 10, 1862
E[dward] P. Fyffe, Colonel, 26th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Urbana, Champaign County, Ohio. To ? Letter certifying that he had been intimately acquainted with Captain Jesse Meredith, senior Captain in the 26th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, since the organization of the regiment; stating that he knew Meredith to be a good officer and drill instructor, and that he knew of no Captain in the service who had so constantly attended to the comforts of his men as Meredith; and recommending Meredith to the Governor of Ohio for promotion.
1 p. [Series 147-23: 227]

January 10, 1862
Oliver D. Greene, Assistant Adjutant General, Headquarters, Department of the Ohio, Louisville, Kentucky. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Extract from Special Orders No. 6, stating that the resignation of Captain Samuel Smith, 16th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry was accepted to take effect on January 10, 1862. By command of Brigadier General [Don Carlos] Buell.
1 p. [Series 147-23: 33]