January 23, 1862
E[dward] Siber, Colonel, 37th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Headquarters, Camp Clifton. To L[orenzo] Thomas, Adjutant General, U.S.A., Washington, D.C. Letter stating that having just returned from an expedition to Logan Courthouse and Guyandotte Valley, he found an order of Brigadier General [Jacob D.] Cox which released the 37th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry from Cox's command and directed that he report immediately to the Adjutant General at Washington, D.C. until a commander of the Kanawha and New River District was appointed, that in consequence of this order, he enclosed a morning field report showing the force of the regiment under his command which consisted exclusively of Americans speaking the German language, that Thomas would see by this report that the 37th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry had not attained the maximum force fixed by law owing to the fact that it had been suddenly sent into the field in the first days of October 1861, that the regiment was consequently in want of one hundred and ninety-nine recruits for which he had made several requisitions, that he now requested that Thomas support these requisitions with his influence, that he also enclosed a report of his recent march from the Kanawha to Logan Courthouse where the regiment lost one of its best officers in Captain Henry Goecke and one Corporal, that he would send an inventory of the effects left by the deceased officers, and that he also enclosed the immediate and unconditional resignation of 1st Lieutenant [Anton] Peterson of Company F.
2 pp. [Series 147-25: 192]
January 24, 1862
C.H. Babcock, and F.J. Dickman, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter recommending Sergeant George W. Hicks of the 23rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry to fill the vacancy of 1st Lieutenant in Company B, 23rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; and stating that Hicks was well qualified to fill the office of 1st Lieutenant, that Hicks was well drilled and a man of strict military discipline, that Hicks had been in the service for nine months and had a thorough military knowledge, and that Hicks was presently on detached service at Cincinnati as drill master for the general recruiting service. Bears a note from Major O. Bennet, stating that he formed the acquaintance of Hicks at Camp Chase in June 1861, that he took pleasure in recommending Hicks for promotion, and that Hicks was qualified for the position.
1 p. [Series 147-25: 85]
January 24, 1862
Israel Green, Findlay, Hancock County, Ohio. To W.T. Bascom. Letter stating that he had a brother who was a Private in the 13th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry under General [Ormsby M.] Mitchel in Kentucky, that his brother wished to be transferred to the 65th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry so that he could procure employment under Brigade Commissary J.M. Palmer of Findlay, that Palmer was a member of General [Richard W.] Johnson's staff, that his brother was a young man possessing clerical abilities of a high order and was exceedingly anxious to get out of the ranks, that he was desirous of having his brother occupy a place better suited to his talents, that he had done as much to bring the present state and national administrations into power as any other man of his limited influence, and that he asked nothing for himself, but would like to have the influence of Governor David Tod acting upon General [Don Carlos] Buell to procure the transfer of his brother (Allen Green); and requesting Bascom to bring the matter before the Governor.
1 p. [Series 147-25: 129]
January 24, 1862
R.F. Hickman; A.M. Huston, and E.S. Colborn, District Military Committee; and John H. Kelly, E. Rose, and Thomas Selby, County Military Committee, New Lexington, Perry County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter written on behalf of Captain John W. Fowler, Company D, 30th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry at Camp Union, Fayetteville, Virginia; and stating that they were informed that the onerous duties of Colonel, Major, etc., had been discharged by Fowler since September 1861, owing to the constant absence of said officers, that Fowler's claims to promotion had been overlooked, that Fowler was a man of more than ordinary military capacity and of the best morals and habits, that Fowler had the entire confidence of his associates and was undoubtedly worthy of a higher position than now occupied, that they submitted Fowler's case for Tod's consideration and hoped for a favorable result, that Perry County had sent some 900 men, among whom were individuals of talent averaging with any in the State, that until recently (with the promotion of Captain L[yman] J. Jackson as Major), Perry County had not been represented by a regimental officer, and that they thought further consideration in this respect was due them.
1 p. [Series 147-25: 40]
January 25, 1862
I.G. Allen, Office of the Daily, Tri Weekly & Weekly Ohio State Journal & Steam Printing Establishment, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter stating that he understood that Captain H[arry] G. Armstrong had been recommended to Tod for appointment as Major of the 5th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, that he took the liberty of commending Armstrong as a gentleman and an officer in every way qualified and worthy, that Armstrong was now Acting Aid to General [Frederick W.] Lander, but would prefer being with the 5th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry as Major, that Major [William] Gaskill had resigned, that he had known Armstrong from his boyhood, that Armstrong entered the service as a Private in the three months' service, was made 1st Lieutenant, served the term out, immediately re-enlisted, and was made Captain of a company in the 5th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry with which he had remained in service constantly, that Armstrong was a brave and true hearted man, a good scholar, and a Christian gentleman, and that he hoped Armstrong's application would receive favorable consideration.
1 p. [Series 147-25: 102]
January 25, 1862
James M. Allen, [Quartermaster, 1st Battalion, 1st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Cavalry], Lebanon, Kentucky. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that he had served in his place without an hour's intermission since his duties commenced in November 1861, and was in every respect satisfied, that believing that his duty to his family demanded it, he had offered his resignation to take effect on February 1 or as soon as his successor reported for duty, that he felt it an act of courtesy to state his reasons for leaving a post in which he was placed by Buckingham's kindness, that his arrangements at home had so failed that he could not expect any income from his farm and therefore could hardly afford (in a pecuniary sense) to remain as Quartermaster while there were many men as capable who were not in the army and who were willing to take his place, that as he was not allowed Sergeants until after Colonel [Owen P.] Ransom resigned, he was obliged to hire his son to assist him in his double duties as Quartermaster and Acting Commissary of Subsistence, that when he had gotten his Sergeants appointed and partly trained and his son was about to leave for home, his Commissary Sergeant was taken sick and sent to the hospital at Louisville and he had to employ his son to come with him to Lebanon, Kentucky, that his son had fairly gotten the knack of both branches and had so well satisfied the Captains and other officers of the Battalion who had done business with him, that they had all petitioned the Governor to appoint him to fill the place of Quartermaster, that he had not only done well, but had provided a successor ready to enter on duty and entirely acceptable to the battalion and the regiment, that therefore he claimed a right to withdraw and trusted he would be discharged, that if his country needed him, he would remain at any personal sacrifice, that he could do better service at a station than on a march because, although he was healthy, he was not rugged, that should the Governor appoint his son (Madison), he would have a faithful officer, that if Buckingham saw fit and would mention the matter to the Governor, he would regard it as a favor to be gratefully remembered not only by himself and his son, but also by the battalion, that he thought the petition from the officers had gone out that day, that Major [Minor] Millikin, their new Colonel, was not there yet although greatly needed, that Millikin was of their mess and well acquainted with his son and the way he did business, that he thought Millikin was at Hamilton, that their horses were in fine plight and their men would do well if well officered, that if they had been well officered at first, he thought it would now be a crack regiment, and that they had too much "Dandyism"; requesting that Buckingham ask the Governor to send a man to take his place; and stating that stock, good will and fixtures were all at a bargain, that if his son took his place, he would be pleased, and that if any other good Quartermaster took his place, he would be satisfied.
3 pp. [Series 147-25: 92]
[January 25?, 1862]
Sheet which accompanied a letter (not present) from sundry officers of the 1st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, requesting the appointment of Madison Allen as Battalion Quartermaster of the 1st Battalion.
1 p. [Series 147-25: 88]
January 25, 1862
J[acob] Ammen, Colonel, 24th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Commanding 10th Brigade, 4th Division, Headquarters. To Captain J.B. Fry, Assistant Adjutant General, Department of the Ohio. Letter stating that in obedience to the instructions given at Headquarters, Department of the Ohio regarding the resignation tendered by Captain D[avid] J. Higgins of the 24th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, he had the honor to state that Higgins had discharged the duties of Captain faithfully, and that Higgins was a man of high moral character and had done good service in the regiment, that he did not mean to say that Higgins proved himself a better officer than two other Captains in the regiment, one of whom was promoted to the vacant Majority of the regiment, that the commissions of these Captains were all of the same date, with the supposed seniority depending upon the letter of the company which each Captain commanded, that about December 20, 1861, there was a rumor in camp that Mr. F[rederick] C. Jones (a stranger) had been appointed to the vacant Lieutenant Colonelcy of the regiment, that on January 15, 1862, he received a communication from Jones, Acting Lieutenant Colonel, 31st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, that Jones said he had received a commission as Lieutenant Colonel of the 24th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, but that Colonel [Moses B.] Walker and General [Albin F.] Schoepf desired him to remain with the 31st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry until General [Don Carlos] Buell made an order in the premises, that he told Jones that the 24th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry required all the officers to be present for duty, and that he had no official information that the vacant Lieutenant Colonelcy in the 24th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry had been filled; and requesting that the officer appointed report for duty or that his place be supplied. Bears a note dated January 31, 1862, from James B. Fry, Assistant Adjutant General, Headquarters, Department of the Ohio, Louisville, Kentucky, referring the letter to the Governor of Ohio by command of General [Don Carlos] Buell.
3 pp. [Series 147-25: 124]
January 25, 1862
Earl Bell, United States Marshal's Office, Northern District of Ohio, Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter stating that the enclosed memorial was prepared hastily that afternoon and partially signed under the impression that something of the kind might be needed as Tod's justification for bestowing a Colonelcy upon Captain [John W.] Sprague, that at the stage of the matter disclosed by the paper itself, they received information that the appointment had already been made by Tod and that further signatures were deemed unnecessary, that he took the liberty, however, to enclose the memorial as a testimonial of the signers' high appreciation of the honor Tod had done himself and the State of Ohio in making the appointment in question, and that knowing the high qualifications which Sprague would bring to the post conferred upon him, they felt very sure a great acquisition had been made to the effective service in quelling the existing unholy rebellion.
1 p. [Series 147-25: 8]
January 25, 1862
Lyman J. Jackson, Major, 11th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Somerset, Perry County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that at the time he saw Buckingham in relation to his promotion, Buckingham suggested that he must assist to recruit the regiment in which he was appointed Major, that on January 24, he commenced by inducing D.W.D. Marsh, a popular lawyer of New Lexington, Ohio, to "invest" in the regiment, that he presented Lieutenant Benjamin S. Shirley of Somerset for the same purpose, and that Shirley served in the three months' campaign as 2nd Lieutenant of the company under his command; recommending Shirley as a very suitable person to hold a company commission in the 11th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, the same as Marsh, for the purpose of recruiting the regiment; and stating that he made these suggestions without knowing the present arrangements for recruiting, that in general terms, he wished Marsh and Shirley to recruit for the regiment and command the recruits they might enlist, that he had strong hopes and fair prospects that they could recruit a full company, that one was in the northern part of Perry County and the other was in the southern part of the county, that with one on each flank and tending to the whole matter himself, he thought they could force Perry County to "surrender" another company, and that these recommendations were made under the information that the regiment lacked an entire company.
2 pp. [Series 147-25: 3]
January 25, 1862
R.F. Paine, District Attorney, et. al., Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter signed by thirteen individuals; calling Tod's attention to the merits and claims of Captain John W. Sprague of Erie County; stating that at the breaking out of the present wicked rebellion against the Government of the United States, Sprague was one of the very first to forsake his own interests (an extensive and valuable mercantile enterprise) and to enlist in the volunteer army, that Sprague successfully brought his own powerful personal influence to bear in enlisting the young men of his county in the same patriotic cause, that these young men unanimously chose Sprague as their leader, that when the volunteer troops thus raised were organized into regiments, the only obstacle to Sprague's election as Colonel was his own modesty, that Sprague took the field with the 7th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry as Captain, that how well Sprague served his country at the head of his efficient company (whose undivided confidence he possessed), how he was taken prisoner while on duty after further resistance would have been madness, and how he suffered with unshaken firmness the horrors of a most brutal captivity for about five months, had become matters of public history, that many of the signers had been honored by a long acquaintance with Sprague, that they knew how well Sprague had sustained the character of a man of honor and a Christian gentleman, that Sprague's intelligence and general ability were such as to fit him for a high command in the volunteer army, and that they were of the opinion that the country could not afford to overlook Sprague's claims; requesting that Tod bestow upon Sprague an appointment of Colonel in the volunteer army should a vacancy arise; and stating that they felt assured Sprague would do honor to such an appointment and to the State of Ohio.
2 pp. [Series 147-25: 9]
January 26, 1862
William R. Creighton, Lieutenant Colonel Commanding, 7th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Kelly, Patterson's Creek, Virginia. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter reporting the appointment of the Reverend Dean C. Wright as Chaplain of the 7th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and that Wright was regularly mustered into the United States service by Colonel John S. Mason, mustering officer.
1 p. [Series 147-25: 151]
January 26, 1862
Oliver D. Greene, Assistant Adjutant General, Headquarters, Department of the Ohio, Louisville, Kentucky. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Extract from Special Orders No. 22; stating that the resignation of 2nd Lieutenant Henry Williams, 24th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry was accepted to take effect on January 26, 1862. By command of Brigadier General [Don Carlos] Buell.
1 p. [Series 147-25: 20]
January 26, 1862
Henry B. Morgan, Wilmington, Clinton County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter stating that he had noticed in Tod's message of January 14, the recommendation for military schools throughout the State and drill masters at camps, that his services could be had as a drill master in the school of the soldier and manual of arms if desired, that he was a graduate of Colonel William W. Tompkins in the city of New York in 1841, that he held a commission as 1st Lieutenant in the Washington Greys, that afterwards, he was transferred to New York City's 27th National Guards, now called the 7th Regiment, that he held his commissions under William H. Seward when Governor of New York, that he often served as Colonel in the Colonel's absence, that he was in the service some ten years altogether, that he found that many officers who held a high position in the field knew very little if anything as to what a military officer should understand to go in the field to do duty, that there was not one in ten in the western army who understood the first position of a soldier let alone the first three lessons, that if these lessons were not understood, no man could make a good soldier, that if Tod gave him a commission with the rank of Colonel, he would do as much or more service than any man Tod might find in Ohio for he understood the drill, that he had a brother who was Colonel of the 18th Missouri, and that he was his brother's tutor.
1 p. [Series 147-25: 10]
January 27, 1862
William O. Collins, Lieutenant Colonel, 6th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, Battalion Headquarters, Camp Crittenden, Hillsborough, Highland County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that he was anxious for Major John O. Ferrell to have the place of senior Major of the 6th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, that there had been several conversations upon the subject, that as Ferrell was going up to Columbus, he gave him the letter with a statement of the facts as recollected, that on September 29, 1861, soon after he was authorized to raise the regiment, he gave an order to Ferrell to raise two or more companies, promising him the place of Major, that about October 6, 1861, he wrote to Governor William Dennison or Buckingham to that effect, but could not recollect what he said as to the position Ferrell was to occupy in the regiment, that on October 25, 1861, in a conversation with the Governor and Buckingham at Columbus, he recommended Ferrell as Major and it was agreed that the appointment should be made out, that it was late at night and on returning to their room, he gave Ferrell a written recommendation since the one at Buckingham's office had been verbal, that they both left early in the morning, Ferrell for Piqua and he for Hillsborough, that Ferrell said he sent the letter of recommendation from Piqua by mail immediately upon his return, that getting no reply, Ferrell returned to Columbus about November 6, 1861, to ascertain the cause of the delay, that when it was found that the appointment had not been made out and forwarded to him as expected, it was then issued to him, and that if the facts would justify Ferrell's appointment being dated earlier than November 6, 1861, so as to give him seniority, he would be pleased.
2 pp. [Series 147-25: 84]
January 27, 1862
B[radford] R. Durfee, Headquarters, 82nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Grafton, Virginia. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that Buckingham's letter of January 15, notifying him that he had been mustered out of the U.S. service on December 10, 1861, was received, and that he was at that date entitled to be mustered in as Lieutenant Colonel of the 82nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; and enclosing his commission with the request that it bear the date of December 10, 1861.
2 pp. [Series 147-25: 157]
January 27, 1862
Tobias Hahn, et. al., New Middletown, Mahoning County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter signed by six individuals; recommending Jacob Faus as a brave, resolute young man qualified to fill a respectable office in a cavalry company; stating that Faus was in the regular service at present and had been there for about six months, and that Faus was well drilled and belonged to the 6th U.S. Cavalry; and requesting that Faus be promoted to some office in a cavalry company whenever an opportunity permitted. Bears a note reading "no authority to transfer".
1 p. [Series 147-25: 4]
January 27, 1862
R.B. Harlan, Captain in the three months' service, et. al., Wilmington, Clinton County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter signed by sixteen officers, county officials, attorneys, doctors, etc.; certifying that Henry B. Morgan was capable of having an office with the rank of Colonel as drill master; and stating that Morgan was an excellent drilled man in all the different positions in the drill and capable of doing much good for their soldiers at camp and throughout the State, especially with regard to the first three lessons and the manual at arms, and that Morgan understood the light infantry and infantry tactics thoroughly. Bears a note from Morgan stating that he lost his son in the service at Camp Dennison, and that his son had drowned.
1 p. [Series 147-25: 10]
January 27, 1862
J. Parsons Owen, Norwalk, Huron County, Ohio. To Dear Sir. Letter requesting a pass to return to his regiment; asking where his regiment was; and stating that he obtained a furlough when the regiment left Columbus on account of sickness until such time as he was able to follow, that his officers told him to apply for a pass when he got able to follow and that it would be granted, that he thought his health was so far improved as to insure his return and he would like to go immediately, and that he had no money and no way of going to the regiment unless he was granted a pass.
1 p. [Series 147-25: 3]
January 27, 1862
John I. Parrill, Captain, Company B, 53rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, et. al., Camp Diamond, Jackson, Jackson County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter signed by seven officers of the 53rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; stating that they were anxious for the regiment to be organized without further delay; requesting the appointment of J[oseph] W. Fulton, 1st Lieutenant of Company B, as Captain to assist Lieutenant Messenger and Lieutenant Gray in organizing the company now being recruited by them, together with authority for the Colonel to transfer from Parrill's company all exceeding 83 men and from each of the other organized companies all exceeding 85 men; and stating that said transfer was to be made with the consent of the Captains and men in accordance with the recommendation of Colonel J[essie] J. Appler addressed to Buckingham some time since.
1 p. [Series 147-25: 2]
January 27, 1862
F[rancis] M. Shipley, Captain, Thomas L. Mackey, Captain, Hamer Hayes, Captain, and P[eter] W. Van Winkle, Captain, 6th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, Battalion Headquarters, Camp Crittenden, Hillsborough, Highland County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter requesting that Major John O. Ferrell be assigned to the battalion.
1 p. [Series 147-25: 82]
January 27, 1862
W[illiam] S. Smith, Colonel Commanding, 13th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Jefferson, Bacon Creek, Kentucky. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that he had just received the commission of Sergeant Sussman which he was holding until he could send Buckingham an urgent and earnest request that it might be recalled, that the Orderly Sergeant of the same company was a far more deserving man and his claims were inferior to those of Sergeants Lambert and Lindenberg already recommended, that the promotion of Sussman would cause very serious difficulty not only in his company but throughout the class of non-commissioned officers to whom he had held out promotion as an inducement to a prompt, energetic, and faithful discharge of their duties, and that in his opinion, the capacity of the Sergeant promoted was not such as to enable him to discharge the duties of a 2nd Lieutenant creditably. Bears a pencilled note instructing that the commission be recalled and that a copy of Order No. 3 be sent.
1 p. [Series 147-25: 11]
January 28, 1862
William Beckett, N.C. McFarland, John M. Millikin, and Cyrus Falconer, Hamilton, Butler County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that the bearer, M.H. Haynes, was appointed assistant Surgeon on October 7, 1861, and that for the past three months, Haynes had been actively employed as Surgeon of the 69th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry now in camp at Hamilton.
1 p. [Series 147-25: 15]
January 28, 1862
William D. Bickham, Cincinnati Commercial. To Governor David Tod. Letter stating that he understood that Captain Theophilus Gaines of the 5th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry and Judge Advocate on General [William S.] Rosecrans' staff desired promotion to the Majority of his regiment, that he wished to add his testimony to Gaines' worth as a citizen and value as a soldier, that he had the honor to be a volunteer aide to Rosecrans in his arduous and successful western Virginia campaign during which he was cognizant of the valuable services of Gaines, that for some weeks, Gaines and his company were the vanguard of the army in dangerous service and he knew Gaines' enterprise and determination elicited the hearty approbation of Rosecrans and the officers of his gallant army generally, and that he would not recommend Gaines to Tod if he did not know that Gaines merited promotion by service in the field.
1 p. [Series 147-25: 17]
January 28, 1862
George F. Dern, 2nd Lieutenant, Company L, Van Alen Cavalry, Camp Bates, near Poolesville, Maryland. To the Honorable A.G. McBurney. Letter stating that he was the son-in-law of R.S. Lockwood of Franklin, Warren County, Ohio, that during the latter part of August 1861, he enlisted as a Private in Captain Jeptha Garrard's cavalry of Cincinnati (6th Independent Company, Ohio Volunteer Cavalry) and was promoted to 1st Sergeant of that company soon after, that in November 1861, 2nd Lieutenant Joseph C. Grannan was tried before the Board of Examiners for conduct unbecoming an officer and gentleman and was dismissed from the service, that soon after, he was recommended by the Captain for promotion to the vacancy, that he was strongly recommended to Governor William Dennison by Richard Smith (editor of the Cincinnati Gazette) and the Honorable Joseph H. Barrett of Washington, but by some means unknown to himself, he had not yet been commissioned, that he could not account for this unless former political associations had influenced the Ex-Governor to withhold from him the commission, that he had already received the appointment from the Colonel commanding and was receiving the pay, etc. of Lieutenant, but it was necessary that he get the commission in order to accept of higher promotions, and that he expected before many weeks to get the Captaincy of the company as Captain Garrard would in all probability receive the appointment of Major of the 2nd Battalion of the regiment; requesting McBurney to see the new Governor and have him send the commission; and citing the Honorable Benjamin Eggleston of the Ohio Senate and Robert Hedger, Door Keeper of the Ohio House of Representatives, as references.
2 pp. [Series 147-25: 164]