January 25, 1862
J[ames] A. Garfield, Colonel Commanding Brigade, 18th Brigade, Headquarters, Camp Buell. To Assistant Adjutant General and Captain J.B. Fry. Letter enclosing a letter from Lieutenant Colonel [Lionel A.] Sheldon, 42nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; reporting that Captain G[aylord] McFall of Company A, McLaughlin's Squadron, Ohio Volunteer Cavalry had been absent from his command without leave for nearly two weeks; and stating that McFall applied for a leave of absence which was refused, that McFall then left and was now supposed to be at his home in Mansfield, Ohio, and that the two cases were respectfully submitted. Bears a note dated February 10, 1862, from Oliver D. Greene, Assistant Adjutant General, Headquarters, Department of the Ohio; referring the letter to the Adjutant General of Ohio with the recommendation to try and ascertain the whereabouts of the officers in question; and stating that said officers should be ordered, in the name of Brigadier General [Don Carlos] Buell, to proceed at once to their regiments.
2 pp. [Series 147-26: 99]
January 25, 1862
Oliver D. Greene, Assistant Adjutant General, Headquarters, Department of the Ohio, Louisville, Kentucky. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Extract from Special Orders No. 21, stating that the resignations of Captain H.N. Easton, 24th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and 1st Lieutenant Erwin Linn, 17th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry were accepted to take effect on January 25, 1862. By command of Brigadier General [Don Carlos] Buell.
1 p. [Series 147-26: 14]
January 25, 1862
William Johnston, Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter stating that his nephew, John W. Johnston, enlisted in the service of his country for three years or during the war, that his nephew was a young man of very decided talent and acquirements, that in former times, his nephew was addicted to sprees, but not more so than others who were doing distinguished services to their country, that of his nephew's habits since enlisting, he had heard nothing except from the Chaplain of the 39th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, that the Chaplain had informed him that his nephew was conducting himself with entire propriety, that his nephew had informed the Chaplain that his habits formerly were bad as to drinking and that he had availed himself of military discipline to reform them, that he wanted Tod to give his nephew a Lieutenant's commission, that his nephew was both able and willing to do good service to his country, and that the commission would be of immense service to his nephew's wife and three small and helpless children.
2 pp. [Series 147-26: 85]
January 25, 1862
C.H. Sargent, Colonel, 52nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Headquarters, Camp Dennison, Hamilton County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter relative to the present appointments for Lieutenant Colonel and Major of the 52nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; and stating that in accepting the unsolicited appointment of Colonel of the 52nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, he was advised that no other appointments of field officers would be made until he deemed it to be in the welfare of the regiment to recommend such persons as were approved of and satisfactory to him as the responsible commanding officer, that the present appointments were made at a time unsuited to the recruiting interest of the regiment, unadvised, and unsatisfactory to him, that Governor William Dennison guaranteed to the regiment the privilege of indicating their field officers subject to the approval of the Governor, that under this privilege, he was honored with his present appointment, that upon written application signed by all the officers including Lieutenant John H. Carter (the present appointee for Lieutenant Colonel), he granted permission for the regiment to take a popular vote indicating their choice for a Lieutenant Colonel, that under this permission, the officers met, selected, and duly nominated Lieutenant William H.H. Bown of Company A and Lieutenant John H. Carter of Company B for the office of Lieutenant Colonel, that each of the respective nominees at once prepared ballots and represented their claims for the position, that the duly certified result of the balloting was a unanimous vote in favor of Bown, and the result was laid before Governor William Dennison, that the present appointee as Major sought by application to the Governor to be appointed to some field officer's position, not indicating any command, that he declined to give E.P. Brookfield his recommendation or sanction for the position of Major, that he respectfully and most earnestly protested against the continuation of the present appointments of John H. Carter as Lieutenant Colonel and E.P. Brookfield as Major and the issuing of lawful commissions to either, that the continuation of their appointments in the absence of the wishes of the officers and men would materially tend to the confusion, insubordination, and bad feeling in the regiment, that neither of these appointees had yet contributed in cash means to the amount of one dollar or caused to be recruited a single enlisted man for the regiment, that on the contrary, their appointment had materially retarded the present and former acquisition of good men to the command, that the notoriety in and out of camp of Lieutenant Colonel Carter's intemperate habits and unpopularity had so completely destroyed proper confidence as to render his continuation as field officer very unpleasant and unfit, that he had the best of feelings and high esteem for Major Brookfield, but Brookfield was entirely destitute of military knowledge and experience, that Brookfield had never been connected or associated with military affairs and was therefore unqualified for the responsible position of an important command in ready service, that Captain William H.H. Bown was the choice of the regiment under the referred to privilege of Governor William Dennison, and was well qualified, that Bown had most energetically devoted his time and attention to the recruiting and welfare of the regiment for over three months, which justly entitled him to the position of Lieutenant Colonel of the regiment, that a number of influential, worthy, and competent persons were available for the position of Major and would be acceptable to the regiment as well as the means of assisting the rapid filling up of the command, that military usage and justice entitled the commanding officer of a regiment, who was held responsible for the character of the command, to a respectful hearing in properly officering and organizing the same, that if commissions had been issued to either or both of the appointees for Lieutenant Colonel and Major, the same must have been granted in the absence of knowledge of the fact that up to this time not one full and complete company attached to the command had been duly and properly organized and mustered into the service, that the unusual precedent of issuing commissions prior to the completion of the required command was manifestly unjust and, in spirit, at variance with law and military regulations, and the appointments should be revoked, and that he hoped Buckingham might find it convenient to give the matter his candid consideration in justice to those who had devoted much time and means for the organization of a regiment which would be most creditable and reliable to the State.
4 pp. [Series 147-26: 12]
January 26, 1862
C.H. Sargent, Colonel, 52nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Headquarters, Camp Dennison, Hamilton County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter enclosing a statement of facts submitted for the consideration of the Adjutant General in council with Tod; and stating that if the gentlemen mentioned must be retained in commission, he asked that they be transferred to some other regiment where their unpopularity was not so unanimously established.
1 p. [Series 147-26: 5]
January 27, 1862
R[obert] H. Folger, Mayor's Office, Massillon, Stark County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter regarding the appointment of Franklin Blackburn of Company A, 13th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry to a 2nd Lieutenancy; and stating that Blackburn was now with his company and regiment in Kentucky, that Blackburn was of good character and education, and that Blackburn was in all respects worthy of Tod's favorable consideration.
2 pp. [Series 147-26: 91]
January 28, 1862
A[lbert] S. Hall, Major Commanding, 24th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Headquarters, Camp Wickliffe, Kentucky. To Governor David Tod. Letter stating that on October 9, 1861, Captain George Arnold of Company H, 24th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, being in ill health, tendered the resignation of his commission, which was duly forwarded to Brigadier General [William S.] Rosecrans, Department of Western Virginia, that upon tendering his resignation, Arnold was relieved from duty by order of Brigadier General [Joseph J.] Reynolds, Cheat Mountain Division, and returned home, that receiving no intelligence from his resignation, Arnold wrote the Adjutant General at Washington early in December, withdrawing his resignation, that on December 27, the Adjutant General answered saying that no official intelligence had been received there of Arnold's resignation, that the letter of withdrawal was forwarded to the General commanding the Department of Western Virginia, that upon receipt of this, Arnold rejoined his regiment on January 6, 1862, assumed command of his company, and since then had remained on duty to the satisfaction of the officer commanding the regiment, that Arnold had just received a letter from the headquarters of the Department of Western Virginia enclosing a Special Order dated January 20, 1862, accepting his resignation and discharging him from the service, that Arnold desired him to relate all the facts to Tod, that the company which Arnold brought into the field was known as the "Garibaldi's" of Cleveland, that they were Germans and better commanded by Arnold than by anyone else in the regiment, that Arnold thought with all the facts presented, Tod could properly re-commission him, and that he referred the whole matter to Tod's consideration. Bears the approval of J[acob] Ammen, Colonel, 24th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Commanding 10th Brigade.
2 pp. [Series 147-26: 137]
January 28, 1862
J. Findlay Harrison, Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter stating that he had a free and frank conversation with General [Robert C.] Schenck and per his advice, was addressing Tod on a subject of vast interest to himself, although of a very disagreeable and humiliating nature, that he wanted Tod to have a favorable opinion of him and would be as open as if Tod was a priest and he was at the confessional, that on April 25, 1861, he was unanimously elected to the Colonelcy of the 11th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry (three months' service), that he fulfilled all his duties as he should have done, that he had the best regiment in the service by the admission of everyone at Camp Dennison who spoke in his presence of the matter, that sometime in the latter part of May, after disappointing an individual who wanted to be Sutler of the regiment, a conspiracy was launched to have him removed, that he learned this later by the testimony of two officers of the regiment, that he had been some years before under the horrible influence of liquor to such an extent as to prevent him from being engaged in any business, that by the mercy of God, he was enabled to throw off this incubus and for years had been free from this vice as could be attested to by citizens of Dayton, that on May 12, he lost the being he loved more than all else in the world, his darling boy, that in this misery of mind, he was assailed by tempters and drank during one night to such an extent as to prevent his being fit for duty the following day, that charges were preferred which he considered as of no moment as they were not recognized in the army regulations, that at the same time, his Adjutant informed him that the Lieutenant Colonel and Major had resigned to induce the regiment to enlist for three years, that he said he would resign for the same reason, that he resigned against the advice of his Adjutant, that his men did not desire it and were in a state of anger at all who had been engaged in the conspiracy, that when it was made known that the Governor would refuse to confirm his appointment if re-elected, five whole companies left the regiment and the majority of the other five companies also left (refused to re-enlist in the regiment), that every man who spoke to him on the subject (some 500) gave this as their sole reason for leaving, that his men were furious, that although he did his best to have them forget his wrongs and do what was best for their country, they would not listen even to him, that they were willing to go into service, but not into the 11th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, that he was informed that the 11th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry had been in a bad condition ever since, that on August 18, 1861, after inquiring into the circumstances of his case, the Secretary of War authorized him to raise a regiment for the war, that he accepted on condition that he should have nothing to do with the then Governor of Ohio, that this condition was for all purposes granted as the authority was forwarded, that after having attended to the mustering out of the field and staff (three months), he began to get men, that in less than five days, he had five full companies in his new regiment, that he found that the officers at Cincinnati would not issue rations or camp equipage without authority from the then Governor of Ohio, that on his return to Dayton, he found an order to report to the then Governor and have his regiment reorganized as seen fit for the good of the service, that he at once resigned his authority, that the five companies entered the service in other regiments, that he had touched not a drop of anything since, that should Tod give him a regiment, he pledged his word of honor as a soldier to touch not a drop while in the service, that as to his abilities to command, he could safely leave the testimony to others, that he had never heard a doubt expressed on the subject by anyone, that he had acknowledged his error and was in no danger in the future, and that he was glad for the opportunity to address one whose character he admired and in whose opinion he was desirous of standing as well as possible.
3 pp. [Series 147-26: 160]
January 28, 1862
M.P. Nolan, Lieutenant Colonel, 50th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Headquarters, Camp Beckett, near Hamilton, Butler County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter recommending the bearer, J. Findlay Harrison of Montgomery County and late Colonel of the 11th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry (three months' service), as a man highly endorsed and qualified to fill any position which Tod might assign him; and stating that Harrison was a gentleman of talent and experience, that Harrison was an excellent tactician, that he had the pleasure of serving under Harrison as Captain of Company G, 11th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry (three months' service), and that by placing Harrison in command of a regiment, Tod would favor a worthy man and do the State some service.
1 p. [Series 147-26: 164]
January 28, 1862
James B. Steedman, [Colonel, 14th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry], Camp Birch Grove, Kentucky. To Dear Governor. Letter stating that the papers had given accounts of the battle [Mill Springs] and overwhelming defeat of the enemy, that it was a terrible rout and worse than Bull Run, that relative to the details, a vast amount of falsehood had been published, that the truth was the enemy completely surprised their troops, that only the indomitable bravery of the 10th Indiana prevented the enemy from taking their camp before their men could form in line of battle, that three companies of the 10th Indiana were in picket and held the enemy back for half an hour, giving their troops time to form, that the remaining companies of the 10th Indiana rallied immediately and went to the rescue of the pickets, that the 10th Indiana alone fought the enemy for three quarters of an hour, that the 4th Kentucky then supported the 10th Indiana, that the 9th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry next went in and fought like tigers, that the 2nd Minnesota went up to the support of their force, but he was sorry to say did not behave well, that on the night of January 17, he was ordered, when within 7 miles of where the battle occurred, to take his own regiment and the 10th Kentucky and march to the lower Columbia road, 7 miles from their line of march towards the Cumberland River, to cut off 125 foraging teams escorted by 1,500 of the enemy, that he made the march after having marched hard all day, arriving at the point designated in the order at 3 A.M. on January 18, that he remained with his force concealed in the woods, with the rain pouring down, until 2 P.M. when he learned the enemy had passed before they left their camp, that he returned, arriving in camp again at 6 P.M., having been on duty with his whole command for 36 hours without sleep, that the next morning (January 19) he heard the firing and started for the scene of action without orders, that he marched with his command for 18 miles through the mud, the deepest ever men marched in, that he bivouacked for the night in the advance, within half a mile of the enemy's intrenchments, that before daylight on the morning of January 20, he moved up to attack the intrenchments, that just at sunrise the 14th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry scaled the breastworks and four of them deserted, that he pursued rapidly to the river expecting to overtake the enemy at the ferry, that he reached the river just as the steamboat in flames was leaving the landing on the opposite side, that his regiment was the only one that pursued the enemy to the river and it was his command that captured the 10 pieces of artillery and all the wagons, baggage, horses, and mules, that but for General [George H.] Thomas' order sending him off the line, his regiment would have been in the thickest of the fight, that Ohio, however, had her full share, that the glorious 9th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry nobly sustained the honor of their State, that if the 14th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry had been with the 9th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Ohio would have won most of the honors, that when he was in western Virginia, [Ebenezer] Dumont and [Robert H.] Milroy of Indiana were both with him, that they were now both Brigadiers and neither of them ever fought in battle in the three months' service, that Colonel [Mahlon D.] Manson of the 10th Indiana sustained the brunt of the fight at Cheat Mountain, that the 14th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry alone whipped [Robert S.] Garnett's forces at Carrick's Ford, that nonetheless, he and Manson were both ranked and commanded by Dumont and Milroy, that he had the vanity to believe that he was better qualified to command a Brigade than either of these gentlemen, that he was as much of a military man as either and had as much energy, that he had sustained the interest of their cause and the honor of his State as well as any man in the service, and that in spite of this, he was left unnoticed to be ranked and commanded by civilians who had entered the service since he did.
4 pp. [Series 147-26: 67]
January 29, 1862
J[oseph] W. Burke, Lieutenant Colonel Commanding, 10th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Jefferson, Bacon Creek, Kentucky. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter forwarding a list of the recommendations for the vacant commissioned offices of the 10th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, with an additional list of officers appointed by Governor William Dennison and who had not yet received their commissions; and stating that the gentlemen selected to fill the vacancies were fully competent to discharge their respective duties, that as the regiment was suffering much for the want of those officers, he trusted that Buckingham would be good enough to forward the commissions at an early day, and that he hoped the selections would meet the approval of Governor David Tod. Bears the approval of William H. Lytle, Colonel, 10th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Commanding U.S. Forces, Bardstown, Kentucky.
3 pp. [Series 147-26: 75]
January 29, 1862
John F. DeCourcey, Colonel, 16th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Duncan, near Somerset, Kentucky. To James B. Fry, Assistant Adjutant General, Louisville, Kentucky. Letter stating that William Spangler, Captain, Company B, 16th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, who was absent at home on sick furlough, died in Millersburg, Holmes County, Ohio on January 19.
1 p. [Series 147-26: 78]
January 29, 1862
P[eter] A. Tyler, Captain, 81st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Danville, Missouri. To Hon. J[onathan] Moffit, [Ohio] House of Representatives. Letter requesting Moffit to find out what Governor David Tod intended to do with the 81st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, one of the best fractions of a regiment now in the field; stating that they had three full companies and four which were not quite full, that they all felt very anxious to be filled up as a regiment, that they had good officers and men, that they did not want to be disbanded, that they all wished to stay in the service with their present officers, that the recruiting system was such that it was hard to get men, that they must depend entirely upon the Governor of Ohio for troops, that there had been some talk they would be ordered to Ohio to recruit and he wished Moffit to determine if this was true, and that he wanted to be Major of the regiment and wished Moffit to speak about him and his qualifications with Tod; requesting that Moffit get [Ohio] Senator [William] Lang to speak a good word about him with Tod; stating that if necessary, Moffit should get all the members of the [Ohio] Legislature to request his appointment, and that he had seen no papers from Ohio for a long time and had not seen the Governor's messages as yet; asking Moffit to see if Tod wanted a petition from the commissioned officers of the 81st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry regarding his appointment as Major; and stating that Danville was 80 miles from St. Louis and there were secessionists all around, and that they had many prisoners and a large lot of horses and contraband goods.
4 pp. [Series 147-26: 55]
January 30, 1862
A[lbert] M. Blackman, Lieutenant Colonel Commanding, 49th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Headquarters, Camp Wood, Kentucky. To Governor David Tod. Letter recommending Gilbert S. Blackman for appointment as 2nd Lieutenant to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of 2nd Lieutenant [Amos B.] Charlton of Company C. Bears the endorsements of R[ichard] W. Johnson, Brigadier General, 6th Brigade, [Army of the Ohio], and A[lexander] McD[owell] McCook, Brigadier General Commanding, 2nd Division, [Army of the Ohio]. McCook states that non-commissioned officers and soldiers should be promoted to vacancies, that in some instances, officers had reported for command from Ohio without experience and took places over good and faithful Sergeants, that he would recommend promotions take place in all cases, and that it improved the morale and esprit de corps of the regiments.
2 pp. [Series 147-26: 193]
January 30, 1862
John F. DeCourcey, Colonel, 16th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Dungan, near Somerset, Kentucky. To Assistant Adjutant General James B. Fry, Louisville, Kentucky. Letter requesting that Lieutenant Joseph Edgar, 1st Lieutenant, Company B, 16th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry be promoted to the position of Captain of Company B to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Captain William Spangler; and stating that Edgar was a young man of excellent moral character, intelligent, and of strictly temperate habits, that Edgar's military attainments were good, and far beyond the average, that Edgar was industrious in the study of the theory of his profession and zealous in the practical discharge of his daily military duties, that he considered Edgar well qualified to fill the office of Captain, that Edgar's promotion would serve as an example of the reward of merit, and that should Edgar be promoted, he would recommend 2nd Lieutenant Robert W. Liggett for the 1st Lieutenancy and 1st Sergeant Silas H. Corn for the 2nd Lieutenancy, believing that it would not only promote the interest of the company and regiment to which they belonged, but also the interest of the service in which they were engaged. Bears a note dated February 3, 1862, from Brigadier General D[on] C[arlos] Buell, Headquarters, Department of the Ohio, forwarding the letter to the Governor of Ohio for his action.
2 pp. [Series 147-26: 74]
January 30, 1862
J[eremiah] M. Drake, [Chaplain], [1st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Cavalry], Camp McCook, near Lebanon, Kentucky. To Dear Minor [Millikin]. Letter stating that he had wished many times within the last few days that Millikin was there, that he knew it was not a good way to accelerate Millikin's recovery by expressing impatience about what Millikin was already sufficiently impatient at contemplating, that he hoped Millikin was much better, that his own position there was likely to be affected, even if he were to keep mum on the questions now agitating the Captains, since he was known to be Millikin's friend and therefore likely to become a suspect, that it seemed to him that their officers were carrying matters with a very high hand, that they had resolved at several meetings, held almost nightly, not to receive any officers appointed by the Governor from outside the regiment and other than by the recommendation of the Colonel, that a new Lieutenant, who arrived the other day, had been politely notified that he could not come in, that the officers met the previous evening and resolved to recall their request to the Governor in favor of Madison Allen's appointment as Battalion Quartermaster in place of his father [James M. Allen], that the officers were determined not to allow civilians to be appointed or officers to be "overslaughed" by inferiors, and very plainly intimated that the men would not stand it, that the officers claimed they would be sorry to see anything like mutiny, but were exciting a mutinous spirit, and that he knew Millikin had great confidence in himself; asking Millikin if he thought himself able to manage the situation; and stating that the officers were saying that if Millikin had any patriotism, he would not break up the regiment by accepting his appointment, that they did not stop to ask whether the same motive should not compel them to sacrifice a little, that it was no real sacrifice on the part of any of them unless it be the Lieutenant Colonel [Thomas C.H. Smith] who no doubt clung to the hope he would receive the appointment, that he supposed [Stephen S.] L'Hommedieu had told Millikin everything, that if Madison Allen did not receive the appointment as Battalion Quartermaster, he thought Madison's father would rather recall his resignation if possible, that the weather was miserable, that it was bad enough for the men, but killing for the horses, that the mud was ankle deep and mixed with snow, that he supposed there was no prospect of leaving there, and that there was no possibility of it at present.
4 pp. [Series 147-26: 106]
January 30, 1862
H.H. Hunter, M.A. Daugherty, and Charles Borland, Lancaster, Fairfield County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter presenting the name of Captain Elias Nigh of Ironton, Ohio, now serving in Kentucky as Quartermaster, as that of a gentleman well qualified for the command of a regiment; and stating that they had been well and intimately acquainted with Nigh for many years and knew him to be a good lawyer of sound judgement and great energy, and of undoubted courage and integrity, that early in life, Nigh displayed considerable military taste and spirit, that they had no doubt Nigh would do his full duty and be of great value to the service in command of a regiment, and that they were therefore anxious that Nigh should have an opportunity for active service.
1 p. [Series 147-26: 226]
January 30, 1862
Nathan Kimball, Colonel, 14th Indiana, Commanding 1st Brigade, Lander's Division, Headquarters, Camp at N.B. Bridge, Maryland. To the Governor of Ohio. Letter stating that he knew Lieutenant R[obert] F. Wheeler of the 24th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; recommending Wheeler to the Governor's consideration for promotion; and stating that Wheeler was under his command while on Cheat Mountain Summit in western Virginia and he found him to be an efficient and worthy officer in camp, that he saw Wheeler during the battle at Green Brier and witnessed his bravery and gallant conduct with admiration, that he thought the service of the U.S. would be benefited by placing Wheeler in some higher position than he now held, and that he felt assured the great State of Ohio would be benefited by Wheeler's promotion.
1 p. [Series 147-26: 195]
January 30, 1862
James Laughlin, Captain, Company B, Commanding 1st Battalion, David A.B. Moore, Captain, Company D, G[eorge] F. Conn, Lieutenant, Company B, Leonard Erwin, Lieutenant, Company G, and R[udolph] Wirth, Surgeon, 1st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, Camp Bob McCook, near Lebanon, Kentucky. To Governor David Tod. Letter stating that a few days past, a petition had been drawn up and signed by many recommending Madison Allen (son of the present Quartermaster, James M. Allen of the 1st Battalion, 1st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, who had lately tendered his resignation) as a suitable person to fill said vacancy, that they had signed said petition under a mistaken idea that Madison Allen was a member of the 1st Battalion, 1st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, he having been with his father constantly since the regiment left Camp Chase, that they had since learned, after inquiry and from statements made by James M. Allen, that his son was merely employed by him in place of a servant and received wages as such, and was not connected in any way with the 1st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Cavalry except in this capacity as servant of the Quartermaster, that they desired to withdraw their names from said petition, that they had no personal objections to Madison Allen, that the appointment of any civilian or person out of the regiment to fill vacancies in the regiment, it being organized and in the field, was contrary to the desire of every officer and man in the regiment with the exception of two or three of the staff officers, and that they believed such appointments would take away the efficiency and ambition of the regiment so essential to good service in the field. Bears a note from Laughlin stating that Doctor [John] Cannan concurred, but was absent at present on a scouting party, and that Captain [Martin] Buck of Company H was at home on sick furlough.
2 pp. [Series 147-26: 189]
January 31, 1862
A[ugustus] H. Coleman, Lieutenant Colonel Commanding, 11th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Headquarters, Pt. Pleasant, Virginia. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that Reverend William W. Lyle, residing in Troy, Miami County, Ohio, was unanimously selected by the officers of the 11th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry as their Chaplain in accordance with army regulations, and that Lyle was pastor of the Wesleyan Methodist society of Troy.
1 p. [Series 147-26: 37]
January 31, 1862
James Mackenzie, Lima, Allen County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter stating that William Lynn Mackenzie, Jr. left Canada on the breaking out of the rebellion, came to the United States, and enlisted in the U.S. service, that Mackenzie enlisted for three months and then for three years in the 6th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry ("Guthrie Grays") as a Private, that Mackenzie was a native of New York City, 23 years of age, an American citizen by birth though educated in Canada, and well attached to the union of the United States and to the present administration of the government, that on October 16, 1861, he wrote to Simon Cameron, Secretary of War, requesting an appointment for Mackenzie as a Lieutenant in the regular army, that due to the failure of that arm of the service to raise the required allotment of recruits or other causes, Cameron advised that there were no vacancies enabling him to make the appointment, that he believed the appointment of Mackenzie would be proper given his education, character, and capacity, that Mackenzie's appointment would be an encouragement to other young men in Canada and evidence of America's friendly feeling, that this would be important in the event of difficulties with Great Britain, and that he would be gratified if it should be in Tod's power and consistent with his sense of public duty to tender Mackenzie a position as 2nd Lieutenant in any of the incomplete regiments.
3 pp. [Series 147-26: 165]
February 1, 1862
C.P. Buckingham, Adjutant General, Headquarters, Ohio Militia, Adjutant General's Office, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio. To General L[orenzo] Thomas, Adjutant General, U.S. Army. Letter stating that he was requested by the Governor of Ohio to forward the enclosed papers and ask that Captain [George] Arnold might have the privilege of withdrawing his resignation or, if that could not be done, that power might be granted to reappoint him to a place in the army. Bears a note dated February 12, 1862, from Thomas, stating that authority was granted to re-commission Arnold.
2 pp. [Series 147-26: 161]
February 1, 1862
William H. Campbell, Sergeant Major, 13th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Headquarters, Camp Jefferson, near Bacon Creek, Kentucky. To Benjamin Stanton, Lieutenant Governor, State of Ohio, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio. Letter stating that within the last month, four or five vacancies among the commissioned officers of the 13th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry had been filled by men not belonging to the regiment, thereby cutting out those who would have filled them by regular line of promotion, that he had belonged to the regiment ever since its formation in April 1861 for the three months' service, and was one of five in his company who went for three years, that through the kindness of Professor Hamilton of Columbus, he was taken from the ranks and made Hospital Steward, filling the position faithfully as his promotion to Sergeant Major on October 1, 1861 would show, that Colonel [William S.] Smith recommended him in the Fall of 1861 as worthy of a commission, but his long illness, which resulted from exposure in western Virginia, and his tardiness in recovering prevented it, that the late appointments of men having little or no military experience to positions as Lieutenants had made him ambitious and impressed him with the idea that he could only succeed by having some friends at Columbus use their influence for him, that he was writing to solicit Stanton's influence in his behalf, that several vacancies still remained in the 13th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, that he gave no recommendations as Stanton knew him from childhood, that he flattered himself that the experience gained by nearly a year's active service in the field was something in his favor, and that a position in some other regiment would be as acceptable and more so than in the 13th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Together with a letter dated February 1862, from B[enjamin] Stanton, Columbus, to Governor David Tod, stating that he was well acquainted with Campbell and knew him to be well qualified for the position requested, and that he would be very grateful to see Campbell receive said promotion which had been earned by diligent and faithful service.
3 pp. [Series 147-26: 87]
February 1, 1862
L[eonard] A. Harris, Colonel, 2nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Jefferson, [Kentucky]. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that he could not recommend Lieutenant [William] Thacker as his conduct did not entitle him to promotion, that the company (F) to which [David] Clingman belonged was incomplete, numbering but forty-five men when they were ordered into active service, that through various causes, the company now numbered about thirty-five men, that owing to the sickness and absence of the Captain and the remaining Lieutenant, the company was commanded by a Sergeant, that he had made efforts to have the company recruited to its minimum strength, at which time he would nominate worthy persons for the rank, and that any assistance the Adjutant General's Department could render in filling the company would be gratefully remembered.
2 pp. [Series 147-26: 71]
February 1, 1862
Benjamin F. Hawkes, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio. To "Your Excellency". Letter stating that immediately upon the receipt of intelligence that the President of the United States required 75,000 men, he volunteered and commenced raising a company which, when enlisted, could not be accepted since there were two State militia companies already organized in the county, that the company which he commanded was thereby excluded from service, that he waited until another quota was called for and on May 3, 1861, he tendered a company for three years or during the war, that this company was distributed in two townships, that when the company was ready to start for camp, some recruiting officers from another camp enticed away a portion of his command while he was absent with the rest making arrangements for their transportation, that consequently, the company was not full enough to be assigned, that he suffered the loss of the company as well as a pecuniary loss of several hundred dollars of expense incurred, that he then called upon the Governor and, after stating the aforementioned facts, he was presented with a commission as 2nd Lieutenant of the 25th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, that after a few weeks at Camp Chase, the regiment was moved to western Virginia, that upon its arrival at Grafton, he was detached to serve upon the staff of Brigadier General [Charles W.] Hill, that when Brigadier General [Benjamin F.] Kelley assumed command of the district, he was required to remain and was appointed Adjutant, Provost Marshal, Aide de Camp, and finally Assistant Adjutant General to Kelley, that he had held the position of Assistant Adjutant General for the last five months, that as Kelley had now been relieved on account of continued illness from his wound, and might never recover, he felt the necessity of a permanent position, that to enable him to properly perform the duties of Assistant Adjutant General in the field, he had to incur many expenses which the pay of 2nd Lieutenant was never intended to cover, that he had to provide horses and horse equipments, extra uniforms for the position, and hotel fare which he could not well avoid, that he did so supposing he was to receive the emoluments which the position called for, that he had lately received a communication from the Adjutant General at Washington informing him that his nomination would have to be confirmed by the U.S. Senate before he could receive the extra pay, that the U.S. Senate had now decided that the staff appointments were but temporary and therefore declined confirming them, that before he was commissioned, he had received a thorough military education, that he was confident that he would be able to perform his duties satisfactorily to all and trusted that the accompanying testimonials would prove that he was worthy of his present position, that his superiors, who had watched his course, urged his appointment as Colonel, that while he was very desirous of a Colonelcy and thought that the addressee would be gratified with his administration and care of a regiment, he would be glad to accept even a humbler grade and rise by his merit, and that he trusted he would not be obliged to retrograde to the position from which he started where his name stood many lower than when he was detached.
3 pp. [Series 147-26: 198]
February 1, 1862
W[illiam] Hoffman, Lieutenant Colonel, 8th Infantry, Commissary General of Prisoners, Office of Commissary General of Prisoners, Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that circumstances might render it necessary for him to request Governor David Tod to cancel the appointment of an officer of the second company of the depot guard [at Johnson's Island] and appoint another in his place, that he would be much obliged if Buckingham would inform him whether it was in the power of the Governor to make any such change, and that it was hoped the company might be mustered into service on February 4, and he desired the information before then.
1 p. [Series 147-26: 112]
February 1, 1862
James Laughlin, Captain, Company B, John H. Piatt, Adjutant, 1st Battalion, David A.B. Moore, Captain, Company D, Ira Stevens, 2nd Lieutenant, S[amuel] G. Hamilton, 1st Lieutenant, Company D, G[eorge] F. Conn, Lieutenant, Company B, Sam W. Fordyce, 2nd Lieutenant, Company B, R[obert] R. Waddell, 2nd Lieutenant, Company H, Leonard Erwin, Lieutenant, Company G, A[ndrew] B. Emery, and R[udolph] Wirth, Surgeon, 1st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, Camp Bob McCook, near Lebanon, Kentucky. To Lieutenant Colonel T[homas] C.H. Smith, acting Colonel, 1st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. Letter stating that the present Quartermaster, James M. Allen of the 1st Battalion, 1st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, had tendered his resignation, and that should such resignation be accepted, the office of 1st Battalion Quartermaster would be vacant; and recommending the present Quartermaster Sergeant, William McBurnie, as a person suitable in all respects to fill the office of Quartermaster, 1st Battalion, 1st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, and that this appointment be made. Bears a note dated January 31, 1862, from T[homas] C.H. Smith, Lieutenant Colonel Commanding, 1st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, Headquarters, Camp Bob McCook, near Lebanon, Kentucky; recommending that Sergeant William McBurnie be appointed 1st Lieutenant and Quartermaster; and stating that McBurnie was entirely fitted by education, capacity, and experience for the commission.
1 p. [Series 147-26: 190]
February 1, 1862
A[ndrew] W. McCormick, Captain, 77th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Dennison, Hamilton County, Ohio. To the Adjutant General of Ohio. Letter stating that Joseph Skinner, a Private in his company, died at the Measles Hospital, Camp Dennison on January 26, 1862.
1 p. [Series 147-26: 48]
February 1, 1862
Andrew Mahaffey, Decatur, Brown County, Ohio. To the Adjutant General of Ohio. Letter stating that owing to circumstances beyond his control, he was resigning the office of 2nd Lieutenant, 70th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
1 p. [Series 147-26: 33]
February 2, 1862
E[dwin] D. Bradley, Colonel, 38th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Goggin, [Kentucky]. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that Buckingham's letter of January 29 was received and it appeared that certain errors had occurred, that Moses R. Brailey (not Bailey) was Captain of Company I and he recommended Brailey for the position of Major, that Edward D.A. Williams was 1st Lieutenant of Company I, that Thomas W. Wright was 2nd Lieutenant of Company I, that Elisha Fewlass was 1st Sergeant of Company I and he recommended Fewlass' promotion, that Benjamin Miller was Captain of Company D, that Samuel Donaldson was 1st Lieutenant of Company D, and that Jacob C. Donaldson was 2nd Lieutenant of Company D.
1 p. [Series 147-26: 6]