February 26, 1862
Edwin Nichols, Captain, Company C, 27th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Commerce, Missouri. To General George B. Wright. Letter stating that there was a vacant 1st Lieutenancy in his company caused by the death of George B. Upham; requesting Wright to use his influence to have their 2nd Lieutenant, Albert R. Austin, who had the oldest commission in the regiment, promoted to 1st Lieutenant, and that Sergeant Jonathan Reese be promoted to 2nd Lieutenant; and stating that Austin was a man who would give satisfaction to the company, that no man in the regiment had behaved himself as became a soldier and a gentleman more than Austin, that he hoped Wright would use his influence for Austin and Reese, and that any outsider would be very disagreeable to both officers and Privates of the company.
1 p. [Series 147-30: 11]
February 27, 1862
Edward Rose, et. al., New Lexington, Perry County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter signed by twenty-one citizens of Perry County, Ohio; stating that Captain William H. Free of the 31st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry had been a Lieutenant in Company E, 17th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry (three months' service) and acquitted himself in a soldier like manner, that Free also recruited one of the first companies in Perry County for the three years' service and had been doing active service in the 31st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and that they certified that Free was a man of honor and respectability, a brave soldier, and worthy of promotion; recommending that Free be promoted if there was a vacancy; and stating that they were satisfied Free was in every respect qualified to fill with honor, credit, and success any position which might be assigned him.
1 p. [Series 147-30: 18]
February 28, 1862
Robert H. Folger, et. al., Massillon, Stark County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter signed by one hundred thirty-one residents of Massillon, Stark County, Ohio; stating that they were acquainted with Harvey Seaman, now a Private in Company I, 76th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, that Seaman had long been a resident of Massillon and was a soldier of good reputation, that Seaman sustained a good private character at home, that Seaman served in Company A, 19th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry (three months' service), and that Seaman had the confidence of Colonel N[ewton] Schleich of the 61st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, from which regiment Captain [Edward] Briggs' company was lately detached for the purpose of filling the 76th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; and requesting that Seaman be promoted to the office of 2nd Lieutenant in the 76th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry as soon as a vacancy occurred therein. Bears a note from G[eorge] Harsh; stating that the names within were citizens of Massillon and vicinity, that he was acquainted with nearly all of them, that he had no doubt of the signatures being those of the persons represented, and that Seaman was worthy of promotion; and enclosing a letter from Colonel [Newton] Schleich.
4 pp. [Series 147-30: 169]
March 1, 1862
William W. Scott, 1st Lieutenant, Company I, 77th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, et. al., Camp Sherman, [Paducah, Kentucky]. To Colonel [Jesse] Hildebrand. Letter signed by thirty-seven commissioned officers of the 77th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; stating that they had learned that Lieutenant W.P. Richner could not hold a commission in the army; requesting that Sergeant Major Thomas Ross of the 77th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry be recommended for an appointment as a Lieutenant in Company H; and recommending Ross as a man of courage, ability, patriotism, and military experience, and one whose services in such a capacity would be valuable to the Government.
1 p. [Series 147-30: 155]
March 3, 1862
J[onathan] Cranor, Colonel, 40th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Brownlow, Kentucky. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that Lieutenant James B. Creviston, who had been acting as Adjutant of the 40th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, had been compelled by ill health to resign his position; recommending the appointment of Harrison E. McClure in Creviston's stead; and stating that McClure had been and was the Sergeant Major of the 40th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and that McClure's appointment would confer a favor and give general satisfaction to the regiment. Bears the endorsement of thirteen officers of the 40th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
1 p. [Series 147-30: 24]
March 3, 1862
E[benezer] H. Swinney, Lieutenant Colonel Commanding, 32nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Headquarters, Beverly, Virginia. Letter regarding resignations and promotions in the 32nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
2 pp. [Series 147-30: 20]
March 4, 1862
W[illiam] E. Finck, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter enclosing a recommendation for the promotion of Captain William H. Free of the 31st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; and stating that he believed Free to be a meritorious officer and worthy of promotion.
1 p. [Series 147-30: 18]
March 5, 1862
S[amuel] S. Carroll, Colonel, 8th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Chase, Paw Paw Tunnel, Virginia. To Governor David Tod. Letter stating that vacancies had occurred in the 8th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; providing his recommendations to fill said vacancies; stating that the resignations had or would all have been accepted by the time appointments could be made; requesting that the appointments be made as speedily as possible as the officers were necessary for the efficiency of the regiment; and stating that the recommendations were made with a full knowledge of the efficiency and good character of those recommended.
1 p. [Series 147-30: 31]
March 5, 1862
James F. Charlesworth, Captain, Company A, 25th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Beverly, Virginia. To Governor David Tod. Letter recommending 1st Sergeant Hezekiah Thomas of Company A, 25th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry for promotion to 2nd Lieutenant of said company to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of 2nd Lieutenant A.C. Archabold. Bears the endorsement of William P. Richardson, Lieutenant Colonel Commanding, 25th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
1 p. [Series 147-30: 40]
March 5, 1862
E.T. Donaldson, 52nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Painesville, Lake County, Ohio. To Friend Charlie. Letter stating that he was raising a company for the 52nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, that if Charlie was not held legal and had not been mustered, he could not draw any pay, that Charlie should look out for the officers of his company, that said officers would make Charlie believe anything if they could, that if said officers tried to play any such games, Charlie should throw them over and come to Painesville, that he would take Charlie and the men, and their time would begin on the date of enlistment, that Charlie should do nothing rash, that the officers should not be informed that he had written, that he had no confidence in the officers, that anyone who would do him the trick the officers did was too contemptible to live, that if he had Charlie and the men there, he would do well by them all, that he would at least put them into a decent company, that Charlie should keep a good lookout for the "rascals" (officers), that if Charlie and the men had to stay, they should do their duty like brave men and show the world that they were at least honorable, and just and true to their country and themselves, and that his letter should be destroyed.
2 pp. [Series 147-30: 83]
March 5, 1862
E[phraim] R. Eckley, Colonel, R[ichard] Lanning, Major, C[lark] H. Robinson, Lieutenant and Quartermaster, Daniel Korns, 1st Lieutenant, Company K, and H[enry] C. Robinson, 2nd Lieutenant, Company K, 80th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Cairo, [Illinois]. To Governor David Tod. Letter recommending the appointment of Thomas C. Morris of Company K to the Captaincy of the same; and stating that Morris had seen service, was an accomplished gentleman, and would make an officer acceptable to the company, that the vacancy was occasioned by the resignation of Captain John H. Gardner, and that they earnestly hoped that the appointment might be immediately made.
1 p. [Series 147-30: 158]
March 5, 1862
E[phraim] R. Eckley, Colonel, 80th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Cairo, Illinois. To Governor David Tod. Letter enclosing a recommendation for the appointment of [Thomas C.] Morris as Captain of Company K in the 80th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; and stating that a vacancy was created by the resignation of Captain John H. Gardner, that when he assumed command of the 80th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, he found a number of men on the rolls who were not in camp, that he refused to sign the morning field reports unless the men could be accounted for, that this could not be done and it was evident that an unfair game had been played by Gardner, that Gardner declined to meet with him and resigned, that Company K was short and Morris brought in the necessary number of men to fill it up, that officers and men of the company desired Morris' appointment, that he regarded the appointment as one fit to be made and one that would add to the efficiency of the service, that Morris had seen service and was an accomplished gentleman, that he did not regard the appointment as coming within the rule of promotions, that it was like an original appointment, that had the facts been known at the time, Gardner never would have been appointed, and that he hoped, for the good of the company and the sake of the service, that Morris might be appointed to the command of the company.
2 pp. [Series 147-30: 159]
March 5, 1862
J[esse] Hildebrand, Colonel, 77th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Headquarters, Camp Sherman, Paducah, Kentucky. To Governor David Tod. Letter enclosing a recommendation signed by all the commissioned officers of the 77th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry and asking that he recommend Dr. Thomas Ross, who was at present Sergeant Major for said regiment, to fill a vacancy in Company H; recommending that Ross be immediately appointed 1st Lieutenant in place of William P. Richner in Company H; requesting that a commission be forwarded to him for Ross as soon as Tod had decided the case; stating that Ross was a gentleman who had much more experience than forty-nine fiftieths of the officers of the army collectively, that Ross served throughout the whole of the Mexican War, the last year as Captain of a company, and that Ross was a 1st Lieutenant in Company K, 18th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry (three months' service) in western Virginia; and requesting that Tod give the matter his earliest attention and much oblige a whole patriotic regiment.
2 pp. [Series 147-30: 156]
March 5, 1862
M[oses] B. Walker, Colonel, 31st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Headquarters, Camp Thomas, near Nashville, Tennessee. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that the enclosed paper would inform Buckingham of the resignation of Lieutenant Colonel Cyrus Grant, that Grant was ordered by General [Don Carlos] Buell before the board of examiners, but after his examination was permitted to resign, that this left the condition of the Lieutenant Colonelcy in some doubt, that General [Albin F.] Schoepf had ordered Major [Frederick W.] Lister to assume the position by virtue of the commission heretofore sent him, that Lister was now fully recognized as the Lieutenant Colonel of the regiment, but he preferred that all doubts and uncertainties might be speedily removed by forwarding Lister a new commission to be dated February 27, 1862, that he hoped there might be no hesitation about the promotion of Lister, that Lister had, by his efficiency, usefulness, and officer-like deportment, clearly entitled himself to said preferment, that Lister was a "thorough bred" gentleman and a "ripe" military scholar, that he regretted the loss of Lieutenant Colonel Jones from the regiment, that he could never speak too highly of Jones, that there were no two officers in the division for whom General [George H.] Thomas entertained a higher regard than Jones and Lister, that there had been some little differences between the field staff and a part of the company officers touching the transfers and promotions in the regiment, that they owed all of this to the agency of Captain S[amuel] R. Mott and others who Mott had led to adopt his views, that their troubles had never impaired their efficiency as a regiment and had perhaps tended to promote it by making them watch each other, that Lieutenant Henry S. Babbitt had been made Division Commissary, that he appointed Lieutenant [John H.] McCune to act as Regimental Quartermaster, that McCune informed him that he did not wish to act in that capacity, that General [Albin F.] Schoepf had taken McCune to act as one of his aides de camp, and that Charles Babbitt was nominated to fill the place of his brother some months ago, but he took it for granted that something had been said or done to prevent Babbitt's appointment; requesting that James J. Donohoe, Commissary Sergeant of the regiment, be made a 1st Lieutenant so that he might appoint him Quartermaster; and stating that he had known Donohoe for years, that Donohoe was a most efficient businessman, very industrious, careful of everything in his charge, and of the most upright habits, that he knew of no man in or out of the regiment more deserving of promotion or who would make a better Quartermaster, that as the office of Quartermaster was one which Donohoe would be entitled to in the order of promotion, it was hoped he might at once be appointed, that he despaired of the nomination of Charles Babbitt being confirmed, that he had already nominated Donohoe to a 2nd Lieutenancy in the regiment, that if Babbitt should be made a 1st Lieutenant, he hoped Donohoe might at the same time be made a 2nd Lieutenant, that it would be seen that there was a vacant Captaincy, that Lieutenant [Michael] Stone, being the ranking Lieutenant after Adjutant [Edward C.] Denig (who preferred his present position), would be entitled to the Captaincy, that Lieutenant [Abram V.] Barber would be raised to a 1st Lieutenancy thus leaving a vacancy for Donohoe, that Lieutenant [Samuel] Lyons, who was offered the Captaincy and declined, would be compelled to resign, that Lyons had never been on duty one hour since the regiment was formed owing to the condition of his health, that Lieutenant [George P.] Stiles got leave of absence for thirty days on December 19, 1861, had been absent ever since without leave, and would be mustered out of the service, that Stiles was afflicted with gout or something else, that Stiles' disease was chronic, that as they would probably remain at their present encampment for several days, he hoped to hear from the department before they marched, that Captain John W. Free, the senior Captain, was now acting Major, that Free was a worthy gentleman and, by his position, was entitled to the Majority of the regiment, and that with Lister for Lieutenant Colonel and Free for Major, he promised Buckingham that the honor of the State of Ohio would not be tarnished by the 31st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
3 pp. [Series 147-30: 15]
March 5, 1862
Jere[miah] Williams, Captain, Company C, 25th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Beverly, Virginia. To Governor David Tod. Letter recommending that 2nd Lieutenant Nathaniel J. Manning of Company C, 25th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry be promoted to 1st Lieutenant of said company to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of 1st Lieutenant Francis M. Sinclair, and that 1st Sergeant Alexander Sinclair of the same company be appointed to fill the vacancy thus occasioned by the promotion of Manning. Bears the endorsement of William P. Richardson, Lieutenant Colonel Commanding, 25th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
1 p. [Series 147-30: 39]
March 6, 1862
George A. Miller, Captain, Company G, 48th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Paducah, Kentucky. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that Buckingham would find by referring to the roll of Company G, 48th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry that he had complied with the instructions he was given and that he had received his appointment as Captain of the company by promotion, that his men were reported every day on the morning report at Camp Dennison, that on November 20, 1861, he reported 31 men and complied with the instructions he received from Buckingham's headquarters, and that he was mustered in as Captain by Captain Breslin on January 17, 1862. Together with a form letter dated February 24, 1862, from Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham; stating that on receiving his appointment as 2nd Lieutenant in the Ohio volunteer service, Miller was instructed that he should make daily reports to the Adjutant General's office of his progress in recruiting, that not reporting for three days would forfeit his appointment, and that a failure to enlist thirty men in the time allowed him would render the appointment liable to be revoked, that no report had been received from Miller since his appointment and the time assigned him for enlisting his company had expired, that in accordance with the stated rule, Miller's appointment had been revoked and he was to return his papers to the Adjutant General's office to be cancelled, that Miller was to forward any recruits enlisted by him to the regimental rendezvous and return his appointment and enlistment roll to the Adjutant General's office together with his account of disbursements, if any, according to the directions accompanying his appointment, and that Miller would not be entitled to pay except for disbursements as noted.
2 pp. [Series 147-30: 48]
March 6, 1862
David Tod. Appointment of John Crosson as Captain in the 38th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Together with a letter dated March 18, 1862, from John Crosson, 1st Lieutenant, Company F, 38th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Thomas, near Nashville, Tennessee; declining the appointment; and stating that the company to which he would be assigned preferred Lieutenant Gilbert, and that it was his own desire and the desire of the officers of the regiment that he should accept another position in which they believed he could be of more service to the country.
2 pp. [Series 147-30: 227]
March 8, 1862
Robert L. McCook, Colonel, 9th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Headquarters. To Governor David Tod. Letter stating that the resignation of Charles Sondershoff, Lieutenant Colonel of the 9th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, had been accepted, that he wanted Major Gustavus Kemmerling commissioned as Lieutenant Colonel with the commission dated March 8, 1862, and that he would send the name of the Captain he wanted promoted to Major in a few days.
1 p. [Series 147-30: 32]
March 10, 1862
James D. Smith, Captain, Company F, 13th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Andrew Jackson, Tennessee. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that as the 1st Lieutenancy of his company was vacant, he would urge that his Orderly Sergeant, J[oseph] K. Guthrie, be appointed to fill said vacancy, that Guthrie made a good officer and was in every way qualified to fill said vacancy, that the 2nd Lieutenancy was only temporarily filed, that he would also urge that Joseph Coe, his First Duty Sergeant, be appointed and commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant to fill said vacancy, that Guthrie and Coe had discharged their duties as Sergeants for nine months through an arduous campaign in western Virginia and were well qualified and deserving of promotion, that it was also the earnest wish of the company, and that he hoped Buckingham would consider and respect the wishes of himself and the company. Bears the endorsement of Lieutenant Colonel J[oseph] G. Hawkins, commanding 13th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
2 pp. [Series 147-30: 37]
March 11, 1862
Robert Christy, Hamilton, Butler County, Ohio. To Dear Sir. Letter introducing the bearer, William Herron; and stating that any kindness shown Herron would be gratefully remembered.
1 p. [Series 147-30: 105]
March 11, 1862
George W. Deitzler, Colonel, 1st Kansas, temporarily commanding Department of Kansas, Headquarters, Fort Scott, Kansas. To ? True copy of Special Orders No. 36; stating that the resignation of Major H[enry] F. Willson, 2nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Cavalry was accepted to take effect on March 10, 1862.
1 p. [Series 147-30: 166]
March 11, 1862
H.C. Greiner, Nashville, Tennessee. To William E. Finck. Letter asking Finck to remind the Governor of his claim to a Captaincy; stating that a third vacancy had occurred amongst the Captains, and that as his commission was the third in age, he would be entitled to the next appointment; and requesting Finck to drop the Governor a line at his earliest convenience. Together with a letter dated March 15, 1862, from W[illiam] E. Finck, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio, to Governor David Tod; enclosing the letter addressed to him by Lieutenant Greiner of the 31st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry in which Greiner stated that a third vacancy had occurred in the office of Captain in the 31st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry and that since his commission was third in seniority, he hoped to be promoted to the vacancy; stating that he was well acquainted with Greiner and had known him since boyhood, that Greiner was an active, energetic, young man, and that Greiner was intelligent, honest, and well qualified to discharge the duties of Captain; and recommending Greiner for promotion.
2 pp. [Series 147-30: 19]
March 11, 1862
W[illiam] S. Smith, Colonel, 13th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Nashville, Tennessee. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that four of the officers of the 13th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry had tendered their resignations, that in case they were accepted, he asked for the restoration of Lieutenant George H. Guild, that Guild was a valuable and very efficient officer who was compelled to resign by a stress in his private circumstances which had now passed away, and that he also asked for the promotion of the officers of his regiment according to their rank and that Sergeant William B. Lambert, Sergeant John Fox, and Sergeant Frank Breyer be promoted to the 2nd Lieutenancies made vacant.
1 p. [Series 147-30: 35]
March 12, 1862
Charles Doubleday, Colonel and Acting Brigadier General, Headquarters, Doubleday's Brigade, Fort Scott, Kansas. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter recommending the promotion of senior Captain Henry L. Burnett to the rank of Major in the 2nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Cavalry to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Henry F. Willson; and stating that an early action was solicited. Bears the approval of George W. Deitzler, Colonel, 1st Regiment, Kansas Volunteers, and temporarily commanding Department of Kansas.
1 p. [Series 147-30: 165]
March 12, 1862
Charles Greenwood, Major, Edward H. Phelps, Colonel, 38th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Thomas near Nashville, Tennessee. To Governor David Tod. Letter recommending the promotion of 1st Lieutenant Charles M. Gilbert of Company A, 38th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry to fill the vacancy occasioned by the promotion of former Captain Charles Greenwood to Major, the promotion of Daniel Tressler, 2nd Lieutenant of Company A, to a 1st Lieutenancy to fill the vacancy which would occur by the promotion of 1st Lieutenant Charles M. Gilbert, and the promotion of Orderly Sergeant James H. Queen of Company A to 2nd Lieutenant of said company to fill the vacancy which would occur by the promotion of 2nd Lieutenant Daniel Tressler; and stating that these promotions were in the regular order and would be most beneficial to the service as the named gentlemen had proved their worth as soldiers beyond a doubt. Bears a note dated March 22, 1862, from George H. Thomas, Brigadier General Commanding, 1st Division, Army of the Ohio, Camp Spring Hill, Tennessee; forwarding the letter. Also bears a note dated March 28, 1862, from D[on] C[arlos] Buell, Brigadier General Commanding, District of the Ohio; endorsing the recommendations; and forwarding the letter to the Governor of Ohio.
2 pp. [Series 147-30: 106]
March 12, 1862
H[iram] Miller, Captain, Company C, 15th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Andy Johnson, near Nashville, Tennessee. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that Lieutenant J[ohn] G. Gregg had written Buckingham a letter which explained itself, that he had read Gregg's letter and wished to say that it contained a true and faithful account of his present unpleasant position, that Gregg was among the first who joined his company, that Gregg had previous military experience, a fine education, and the great advantage of personal appearance, that he was extremely anxious to have Gregg elected Lieutenant, but failed on account of the majority of his company being residents of Morrow County, Ohio and Gregg being a resident of Richland County, that having previously appointed his Orderly Sergeant, he appointed Gregg his 2nd Sergeant, that Gregg discharged the duties of said position with great ability, intelligence, and fidelity, that he was much gratified by Gregg's promotion, but was pained by the unpleasant results which were mainly chargeable to the Captain and 1st Lieutenant of Company H, that said Captain and 1st Lieutenant declared to him that they would never submit to any other than a member of their own company holding the position of 2nd Lieutenant and this induced dissatisfaction among the men, and that Gregg would fill any position Buckingham might give him with credit to himself and the service; thanking Buckingham for the order providing transportation for recruits which was sent to G.N. Clark of Morrow County; and stating that his company now numbered 101 men.
1 p. [Series 147-30: 126]
March 12, 1862
W[illiam] S. Smith, Colonel, 13th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, et. al., Nashville, Tennessee. To ? Letter signed by sixteen officers of the 13th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; recommending the reappointment of George H. Guild to a 1st Lieutenancy in the 13th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; and stating that they knew Guild to have been a very active, efficient, and gallant officer during his past service with them.
1 p. [Series 147-30: 33]
March 12, 1862
W[illiam] S. Smith, Colonel, 13th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Headquarters, Department of the Ohio, Nashville, Tennessee. To Captain James B. Fry, Assistant Adjutant General. Letter stating that 1st Lieutenant John Conwell of the 13th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, having resigned on account of physical disability caused by a disease pronounced incurable by the Surgeon of the regiment, had been re-commissioned by the Governor of Ohio and ordered to report to him for duty, and that he ordered Conwell to undergo a physical examination by his Surgeon who reported him entirely unfit for active service and permanently so; and asking what further action should be had in the case. Bears a note dated March 27, 1862, from O[liver] D. Greene, Assistant Adjutant General, Headquarters, District of Ohio, Nashville, Tennessee; forwarding the letter to the Governor of Ohio.
2 pp. [Series 147-30: 76]
March 13, 1862
John G. Gregg, 2nd Lieutenant, Company H, 15th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Andrew Johnson, near Nashville, Tennessee. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that it was with feelings of much regret that he addressed Buckingham on a subject which was calculated to cast a gloom over the whole of his future life, that he had been forced to do an act which under no other circumstances, save those by which he was now surrounded, he could have yielded to, that he had been promoted from Sergeant in Company C to 2nd Lieutenant in Company H, 15th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry on January 10, 1862, but did not receive his commission until February 9, 1862, on which date he took his position in the company, that before reporting to his company, one of the Sergeants of said company handed him an article signed by the officers and Privates requesting him to resign since they could never recognize him as Lieutenant of their company, that in reply to which, he said that he intended reporting to his company and that he would conduct himself as a soldier and a gentleman and expected the same treatment from both officers and men, that he reported to said company on February 11, 1862, and neither Captain or Lieutenant had spoken to him nor recognized him as in any way connected with the company, that this was too much for him to bear, that to be treated with such contempt and scorn was beyond the power of a true soldier to withstand, that under these circumstances, he had been forced to tender his resignation, and that he hoped and trusted that his name would not be thus stricken from the military record while his country stood in need of his service; requesting a similar position in the regular army, and that the remainder of his life might be spent in the defense of his country; stating that he was like a fish on dry land, and that he was out of his element when he was out of the service; requesting any position, and to be removed from the position which he now held for the sake of him who was the upholder of their cause; and stating that if he could do no better, he wished to again enter the service as a Private soldier, that he had carried a knapsack before and could do the same again, that he had handed in his resignation and it might reach Buckingham before his letter did, that he hoped and trusted Buckingham would consider the matter and, at the earliest date possible, let him know what he was to do, that every day he remained there, in the position he now held, was more trying than if he was on the battlefield contending with the enemy, that wherever Buckingham placed him, he would be satisfied, that to leave the army at that hour was more than he could do, and that he would stand by the old flag until it again waved in triumph over every state on the American continent.
2 pp. [Series 147-30: 125]
March 13, 1862
Orland Smith, Colonel, 73rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Headquarters, Clarksburg, Virginia. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that 1st Lieutenant James H. Dwyer of Company G, 73rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry having tendered his resignation, which had been accepted by the General commanding, it became necessary to fill the vacancy thereby existing, that an election had been held by the company resulting in the selection of Samuel Fellers for 1st Lieutenant and David L. Greiner for 2nd Lieutenant, and that the choice of the company had his approval; requesting that commissions be forwarded; and asking if it was in accordance with the requirements of Buckingham's department for a magistrate in Virginia to administer the oath provided for on the commissions issued by the Governor.
2 pp. [Series 147-30: 152]