April 22, 1862
Henry S. Camp, Camp Lee, near Moorefield, Virginia. To Governor David Tod. Letter stating that he was one of the two 2nd Lieutenants of Battery K, 1st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Light Artillery, that the resignation of 1st Lieutenant John D. Holden had been accepted by the proper authority, that the office was to be filled by Tod and if any member of the battery succeeded, he claimed the position being the oldest appointed 2nd Lieutenant, that his appointment was dated January 7, 1862, and Lieutenant [Lewis] Heckman's appointment was dated February 20, 1862, that he would not have troubled Tod with the matter if he had not observed indications of favoritism on the part of some of the officers of the regiment and a disposition to jump Heckman over him, that he wanted no favors, that all he asked was justice, that his military experience dated from November 12, 1861, at which time he enlisted as a Private in Battery G from which he was promoted to 2nd Lieutenant in Battery K, that in the meantime, he had read some military works, that Heckman was Captain in the three months' service, but had charge of only one gun which was the same as one of their Sergeants now had who received $17 per month, that if the appointment was between Heckman and himself, and Tod's mind was not already made up, he would suggest that the candidates submit to a military examination, that he would cheerfully abide the result, that he was on perfectly good terms with Heckman and would be so still if Heckman was appointed, that he would consider it not only a duty, but a pleasure to fill that position in the army most advantageous to the cause in which they were all engaged and for which he was best adapted and qualified, that he had been engaged in coal and commercial business until the last few years, that he graduated at the Cleveland Law College in July 1860, and that from August 16, 1860 to November 12, 1861, he was engaged in the office of Willey & Cary where he saw Tod several times about the time of the State Convention; and citing references.
3 pp. [Series 147-33: 139]
April 22, 1862
W[illiam] R. Creighton, Lieutenant Colonel Commanding, 7th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, et. al., Camp near New Market, Virginia. To Governor David Tod. Letter signed by thirteen officers of the 7th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; recommending Stephen T. Loomis for the position of 1st Lieutenant in the 7th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry with a view to appointing him Quartermaster of the regiment; and stating that Loomis had been with the regiment since its organization at Camp Taylor, Cleveland, Ohio and had served it faithfully and honestly in the Quartermaster's Department, that this long experience had well qualified Loomis to hold such an important position, and that the vacancy had not yet occurred, but would at an early day. Bears the endorsement of five officers of the 29th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
2 pp. [Series 147-33: 163]
April 22, 1862
William Hoffman, Lieutenant Colonel, 8th Infantry, Commissary General of Prisoners, Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter recommending 2nd Lieutenant B.W. Wells of Company B of the guard at the Depot [Johnson's Island] as a very promising young officer, always studying to make himself acquainted with his duties and always prompt and willing to perform any service required of him; and stating that Wells was now performing the duties of Post Adjutant, that he would be very glad to have Wells appointed 1st Lieutenant of the company about to be organized, but left it for Tod to decide between Wells and other candidates, that Wells' promotion would leave a vacancy of 2nd Lieutenant to be filled, and that Wells was very active in raising his company, having enlisted one half of it.
2 pp. [Series 147-33: 136]
April 23, 1862
M[arcus] A. Westcott, Captain, Company A, 6th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp near Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee [Shiloh]. To Governor David Tod. Letter recommending William De Charms, a Private in Company A, 6th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, for promotion; and stating that De Charms had been under his command for the past six months and had always proven himself an efficient soldier, and that De Charms was well qualified for an officer. Bears the endorsement of N[icholas] L. Anderson, Lieutenant Colonel commanding regiment.
1 p. [Series 147-33: 161]
April 23, 1862
C[arr] B. White, Colonel, 12th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Warren, Virginia. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter enclosing the acceptance of a 1st Lieutenant's commission by 2nd Lieutenant J[ames] W. Ross of the 12th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; and recommending Orderly Sergeant Thomas J. Atkinson for commission as a 2nd Lieutenant in Company F, 12th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
1 p. [Series 147-33: 186]
April 23, 1862
George L. Wood, Captain, Company D, 7th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp near New Market, Virginia. To Governor David Tod. Letter recommending the appointment of George D. Lockwood as 2nd Lieutenant of Company D; and stating that Lockwood was the decided choice of himself and the company, that the officers of the line felt that by virtue of General Order No. 3 from the Adjutant General's Department, they should be consulted with reference to such appointments, and that he had neither a 1st Lieutenant or 2nd Lieutenant and was much in need of assistance.
1 p. [Series 147-33: 167]
April 24, 1862
Orland Smith, Colonel, 73rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Headquarters, Monterey, Virginia. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that the office of Adjutant of the 73rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry having become vacant by the death of 1st Lieutenant F[rederick] C. Smith, he had taken the liberty to detail Captain Edward H. Allen of Company C to fill said vacancy, that a question had existed in his own mind in respect to the legality of this procedure, that he was aware that the regulations provided that the Adjutant should be appointed from the subalterns of the regiment, but he had read an order of the War Department which said that the Adjutant might be taken from the officers of the regiment, that he had been led to make the detail named for the reason that Allen was unquestionably the best qualified for the position of any man in the regiment, that while quite willing to perform the duties, Allen was unwilling to submit to the reduction in rank which would be necessary if none but a Lieutenant could fill the position, that he desired the confirmation of the detail of Allen as Adjutant with his former rank, that he desired the promotion of 1st Lieutenant B[enjamin] F. Stone to the command of Company C, 2nd Lieutenant J[ames] S. McCommon to the 1st Lieutenancy, and Orderly Sergeant J[ames] C. McKell to the 2nd Lieutenancy of the same company, that he desired the promotions in view of the special merit of Stone and McKell who were very efficient officers, that if the proposed arrangement could not be accomplished, he desired, as an alternative, that the detail of Allen be confirmed and the command of Company C be permitted to rest in Stone as 1st Lieutenant, that Allen had peculiar and marked qualifications as regarded order, industry, and education, which pointed to him as the man for Adjutant, and that there could be no question that Allen's retention in said position would vastly promote the efficiency of the regiment.
2 pp. [Series 147-33: 4]
April 24, 1862
C[arr] B. White, Colonel, 12th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Headquarters, Near Charleston, Virginia. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter recommending Orderly Sergeant Frank M. Slade, Company C for commission as 2nd Lieutenant in place of A[lonzo] M. Dimmett resigned.
1 p. [Series 147-33: 192]
April 25, 1862
John Collins, Captain, Company I, 5th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, New Market, Virginia. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that about a month earlier, he sent Governor David Tod a recommendation for the appointment of 1st Sergeant William H. Thomas, formerly of Mount Vernon, Ohio, as 1st Lieutenant in Company I, that the recommendation was approved by Colonel S[amuel] H. Dunning, that early action was requested as there was only one officer with the company, that nothing had since been heard of the recommendation, that his note was addressed more for the purpose of inquiry than anything else, to ascertain whether or not the recommendation ever reached Buckingham, that if not, Buckingham would confer a favor and at the same time award merit by giving the matter his earliest consideration and making the appointment, and that Thomas had been performing the duties of the office since March 11.
1 p. [Series 147-33: 158]
April 25, 1862
J[esse] Hildebrand, Colonel Commanding, 3rd Brigade, 5th Division, Headquarters, Camp Shiloh. To Governor David Tod. Letter enclosing a recommendation by the members of Company K, 77th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry for the appointment of Sergeant Isaac B. Kinkead to be Captain of said company; stating that said appointment was to fill the vacancy created when A[lbert] Chandler was killed by a large force known as the Texas Rangers on April 8, 1862, that at the time, the 3rd Brigade was in pursuit of the enemy and overtook them about 4 or 5 miles southwest of Camp Shiloh, that 20 members of the 77th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry were killed on the spot, about 30 were wounded, 5 of whom died within 48 hours, and about 10 were missing, all of whom they supposed to have been killed, that this battle or skirmish did not last over 3 minutes, but was all in favor of the Texas Rangers, that he was not immediately in the fight, but was with the balance of his brigade about 300 yards in the rear, that Major [Benjamin D.] Fearing had command of the 77th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry and was in the hottest of the fight, and that William H. Fisher, who was 2nd Lieutenant and subsequently promoted to 1st Lieutenant of Company K, waved his right to the Captaincy in favor of Kinkead; recommending that Kinkead be appointed Captain of Company K, 77th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and that Tod appoint Robert B. Griggs as 2nd Lieutenant in Company K, 77th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry to fill the vacancy occasioned by the promotion of Fisher from 2nd Lieutenant to 1st Lieutenant; and stating that Griggs was a good soldier and fought well during the battles on April 6 and 7.
2 pp. [Series 147-33: 3]
April 25, 1862
R[odney] Mason, Colonel, 71st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Commanding Post, Clarksville, Tennessee. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter requesting to be furnished with copies of the muster rolls of the 71st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; stating that their camp was one of those invaded by the enemy and all their papers were carried away or destroyed, and that rolls of the regiment for pay were also lost; requesting blanks; announcing the death of Lieutenant Colonel [Barton S.] Kyle, killed in action on April 6; stating that he supposed no objection would be made to the promotion of Major [George W.] Andrews, that Captain [Henry K.] McConnell was the senior Captain, that Adjutant [James H.] Hart was also a candidate for promotion to the Majority, that McConnell and Hart were competent and either would be acceptable to him and to the regiment, that some reporters had charged that the 71st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry was one of the regiments which disgraced Ohio at Shiloh, that this was a "vile slander", that the 71st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry held the position assigned to it until it lost more than one fourth of the men they had in ranks and until he saw every other regiment pass to the rear, that he had his men carefully and well posted or otherwise they could not have held the enemy in check, that the enemy did not advance one foot until he saw the other regiments in retreat and was informed that a large force was advancing on their left, whereupon he gave the word to fall back, that he would not say they retired in perfect order, but they did as well as he dared hope from a green regiment after such a fight and over a broken country, that if they disgraced Ohio, he did not know it, that they were sent to Clarksville because the whole regiment could only turn out for review with 180 in ranks and these were all more or less sick, and that if any other cause existed, it was not hinted at to him; asking if Major McDowell was at Columbus; and stating that if so, he would be gratified to have the regiment paid while at Clarksville.
4 pp. [Series 147-33: 68]
April 25, 1862
William S. Metcalf, Captain, Company D, 75th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp at Monterey, Virginia. To Governor David Tod. Letter stating that if certain appointments were made, they should be sent as soon as possible.
1 p. [Series 147-33: 49]
April 25, 1862
J.F. Snider, Captain, Camp Shiloh, Tennessee. To Governor David Tod. Letter stating that Company G, 13th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry had but one commissioned officer present for duty much of the time since the battle of Carnifex Ferry on September 10, 1861, and a portion of the time none, that during said period, Orderly Sergeant John Fox had charge of the affairs of the company, and that Fox had served faithfully for one year; and recommending that Fox be commissioned as 2nd Lieutenant in said regiment. Bears the approval of J[oseph] G. Hawkins, Lieutenant Colonel Commanding, 13th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
1 p. [Series 147-33: 217]
April 25, 1862
W[illiam] R. Tolles, [Captain, Company B, 41st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry], Camp near Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee, Field of Shiloh. To the Honorable Peter Hitchcock, Columbus, Ohio. Letter recommending William Hansard of Company G, 41st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry for promotion to a Lieutenancy; and stating that ever since the organization of the company, Hansard had been the only acting Sergeant and, for a large portion of the time, the only acting officer, that in truth, Hansard was the only efficient officer of the company, that Hansard had discharged his duties faithfully and to the satisfaction of the most critical observers, that as Hansard had no influential friends to recommend him, his merits were likely to pass unrewarded, that although Hansard did not rank as 1st Sergeant, he had always done the duty, that by the order recently issued, the 1st Sergeant would be dismissed from the service in consequence of his long continued absence, that in giving expression to the above sentiments, he merely recorded those of Captain [William W.] Munn, that Munn would add such remarks as he saw fit, that if Hansard was promoted, Munn expected and earnestly desired his assignment to Company G, that his recommendation was based upon merit, and that he sincerely trusted it might meet the approval of Governor David Tod. Together with a letter dated April 28, 1862, from W[illiam] W. Munn, [Captain, Company G, 41st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry], Camp near Pittsburgh Landing, Tennessee, Field of Shiloh, to the Honorable Peter Hitchcock, Columbus, Ohio; stating that he heartily endorsed what Tolles had written with regard to Sergeant Hansard of Company G, 41st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, that he thought if anyone had earned a promotion it was Hansard, that it was also the wish of his company that Hansard might receive a commission as a Lieutenant in the company, that Lieutenant [Edwin B.] Atwood, who had been assigned to Company G and who had been absent for a long time, returned to the company last Saturday, that he thought Atwood would be appointed on the staff, and that in any event, should there be a vacancy, Hitchcock would greatly oblige the Geauga boys by recommending Hansard for the position of 2nd Lieutenant in the 41st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Together with a letter dated May 13, 1862, from P[eter] Hitchcock, Burton, Geauga County, Ohio, to Governor David Tod; stating that he believed that Munn's recommendation came within Tod's rule, that Company G was from Geauga County, that he knew Hansard, that Hansard was an intelligent, active, energetic young man, was in the three months' service, and would make a good officer, that Hansard's standing in the company was indicated in Tolles' letter, and that he hoped Hansard might succeed.
3 pp. [Series 147-33: 115]
April 26, 1862
S[amuel] S. Carroll, Colonel, and A[lbert] H. Winslow, Major, 8th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Headquarters, Camp near New Market, Virginia. To Governor David Tod. Letter stating that William M. Pearce, 1st Lieutenant of Company I, 8th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry having tendered his resignation, they would respectfully recommend the appointment of A[zor] H. Nickerson, now 2nd Lieutenant of said company, to fill said vacancy and also the appointment of D[avid] R. Wallace, now Orderly Sergeant of said company, to a 2nd Lieutenancy in the same.
1 p. [Series 147-33: 169]
April 26, 1862
William L. Peck, M.D., and N.E. Jones, M.D., Circleville, Pickaway County, Ohio. To the Adjutant General of Ohio. Letter stating that they proposed to those having control of the sick and wounded of the Department of the West, and most especially of the Ohio troops, to furnish good hospital accommodations with one hundred beds together with all necessary accompaniments free of any expense to the Government or [U.S. Sanitary] Commission and to give special attendance to all forwarded to them to the full extent of their arrangements for and in consideration of the emoluments arising under appointment.
1 p. [Series 147-33: 112]
April 26, 1862
William R. Tolles, Captain, 41st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp near Pittsburg, Tennessee, Field of Shiloh. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter declining the appointment tendered him by the Governor of Ohio as Major in the 41st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Bears a note from George S. Mygatt, Lieutenant Colonel, 41st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; stating that he hoped his recommendation of Captain A[quilla] Wiley to fill the vacant position of Major of the 41st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry would be recognized.
2 pp. [Series 147-33: 47]
April 26, 1862
William R. Tolles, Captain, 41st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp near Pittsburg, Tennessee, Field of Shiloh. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter explaining why he had failed to give notice of his non-acceptance of the appointment tendered him by the Governor of Ohio.
1 p. [Series 147-33: 47]
April 26, 1862
J.M. Wright, Assistant Adjutant General, Headquarters, Army of the Ohio, Field of Shiloh, Tennessee. To the Adjutant General of Ohio. Special Orders No. 33; stating that the resignations of 1st Lieutenant Charles G. Meason, Company A, 1st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Light Artillery, 1st Lieutenant J[ames] E. Godman, 26th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and Chaplain Samuel F. Drake, 31st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry were accepted to take effect on April 26, 1862. By command of Major General [Don Carlos] Buell.
1 p. [Series 147-33: 38]
April 27, 1862
Albert Tracy, Colonel, etc., Headquarters, Mountain Department, Wheeling, Virginia. To Captain Gaines. Letter enclosing a list of individuals submitted by General [John C.] Fremont for appointment by Governor David Tod to vacancies in the 11th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, the 25th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and the 82nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry which would exist by acceptance of resignations sent in and now in hand for action; and stating that it was known that Colonel [Charles A.] DeVilliers, 11th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry would be dismissed by sentence of court martial, that the 11th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry was understood to be in a condition of general undiscipline if not of demoralization, that should Tod be inclined to appoint to said regiment a Colonel of known capability and distinguished service as connected with the British German Legion in the Crimea, Fremont could recommend Lieutenant Colonel Schroer, now of his personal staff, that the feeling which might possibly exist against a foreign officer would perhaps be in the nature of an objection to the appointment, that aside from this, Fremont had the full belief that by Schroer, the 11th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry could be brought to the best point of drill and discipline, that inasmuch as active service was an immediate prospect, Fremont believed the appointment would be beneficial to the fullest degree, that there were also some fourteen or fifteen officers of known service and capability whom Fremont would recommend were it wholly agreeable to Tod to place occurring vacancies at his control, and that Fremont presented no more names at present on account of the limited number of places to be filled in regiments under his command.
3 pp. [Series 147-33: 172]
April 27, 1862
J.M. Wright, Assistant Adjutant General, Headquarters, Army of the Ohio, Field of Shiloh, Tennessee. To the Adjutant General of Ohio. Special Orders No. 34; stating that the resignation of 2nd Lieutenant J[ames] K. Jones, Company A, 24th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry was accepted to take effect on April 27, 1862. By command of Major General [Don Carlos] Buell.
1 p. [Series 147-33: 39]
April 28, 1862
George Crook, Colonel, 36th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Summersville, western Virginia. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter regarding the promotion of Sergeant Osmar Wood to 2nd Lieutenant; and requesting commissions for the officers who were lately promoted.
1 p. [Series 147-33: 48]
April 28, 1862
George Hoadly, et. al., Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter signed by seventeen citizens of Cincinnati; and recommending Major E.V. Brookfield as eminently qualified to fill the station of Post Commandant at Camp Dennison.
1 p. [Series 147-33: 66]
April 28, 1862
N[athaniel] C. McLean, Colonel, 75th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Monterey, Virginia. To Governor David Tod. Letter stating that a vacancy had occurred in Company D of his regiment by the resignation of 1st Lieutenant E[phraim] C. Wayman, that Wayman's resignation was accepted on March 24, 1862, that subject to Tod's approval, he had promoted 2nd Lieutenant Benjamin F. Metcalf, Company D to fill the vacancy and Orderly Sergeant Mahlon Briggs, Company D to fill the position of 2nd Lieutenant in place of Metcalf promoted, and that the good of the service required that each company should be fully officered; and requesting Tod's confirmations of the above appointments, and that the commissions for the balance of his company officers be sent to them at an early day.
1 p. [Series 147-33: 30]
April 28, 1862
William B. Smith, Captain, Company D, et. al., 12th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Warren, Western Virginia. To Governor David Tod. Letter signed by twelve officers of the 12th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; and recommending William B. Nesbitt, Sergeant Major of the 12th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry since its formation in May 1861, for promotion.
1 p. [Series 147-33: 179]
April 28, 1862
J.M. Wright, Assistant Adjutant General, Headquarters, Army of the Ohio, Field of Shiloh, Tennessee. To the Adjutant General of Ohio. Special Orders No. 35; stating that the resignation of 1st Lieutenant Jacob Moser, 49th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry was accepted to take effect on April 28, 1862. By command of Major General [Don Carlos] Buell.
1 p. [Series 147-33: 40]
April 30, 1862
John W. Church, Canton, Stark County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter requesting the promotion of Captain [Charles F.] Manderson, Company A, 19th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry to the position of Major.
3 pp. [Series 147-33: 54]
April 30, 1862
B. Hoge, et. al., Camp Dennison, Hamilton County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter signed by thirteen surgeons in charge of the hospitals at Camp Dennison; stating that they felt the necessity of having a commander of the post; and recommending Major Brookfield for that appointment.
1 p. [Series 147-33: 78]
April 30, 1862
Mustering Officer, Headquarters, Department of the Mississippi. To ? Letter certifying that in accordance with Special Field Order No. 17, Department of the Mississippi, dated Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee [Shiloh], April 20, 1862, he had mustered Lieutenant John R. Brown of the 13th Independent Battery, Ohio Volunteer Light Artillery out of U.S. service; and stating that Brown made oath that he held no property of any kind belonging to the Government of the United States and that he was not in arrears to the Government of the United States in any account whatever, and that Brown certified that he was mustered into the service of the U.S. on November 16, 1861 as a Private and was commissioned as 1st Lieutenant by Governor David Tod of Ohio on January 2, 1862, and that he had pay due him for the whole period of his service.
1 p. [Series 147-33: 31]
April 30, 1862
J[ohn] T. Price, 1st Lieutenant, 5th Infantry, Aide-de-Camp and Mustering Officer, Headquarters, Department of the Mississippi. To ? Letter certifying that in accordance with Special Field Order No. 17, Department of the Mississippi, dated Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee [Shiloh], April 20, 1862, he had mustered Lieutenant Edmond B. Lowe of the 13th Independent Battery, Ohio Volunteer Light Artillery out of the service of the United States; and stating that Lowe certified that he was mustered into the service of the U.S. on December 16, 1861 as a Private by Lieutenant John B. Myers and was commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant by Governor David Tod of Ohio on January 2, 1862, and that he had pay due him for the whole period of his service.
1 p. [Series 147-33: 43]