July 5, 1862
J.C. Kelton, Assistant Adjutant General, Headquarters, Department of the Mississippi, Corinth, Mississippi. To ? Official copy of an extract from Special Field Orders No. 142; listing six officers and enlisted men who were detailed on recruiting service for the 39th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; and stating that they were to report to the General Superintendent, Recruiting Service of Ohio. By order of Major General [Henry] Halleck.
1 p. [Series 147-41: 158]

July 5, 1862
A.G. McBurney, and J. Scott, Lebanon, Warren County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter stating that the Reverend W.W. Colmery of Lebanon was an applicant for the Chaplaincy of Camp Dennison, that having learned that provision had been made by the general government for the appointment of Post Chaplains at camps and hospitals, they took great pleasure in recommending Colmery to Tod's favorable consideration, that Colmery was a minister of the Presbyterian Church and was a gentleman of high religious and moral standing and indomitable energy, that Colmery would be the very man for such a responsible position, and that Colmery had been spending much of his time at Camp Dennison ministering to the wants of the soldiers.
1 p. [Series 147-41: 208]

July 5, 1862
B.F. Peixotto, Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter regarding a commission for his brother in a new regiment.
2 pp. [Series 147-41: 1]

July 5, 1862
J. Scott, Editor and Proprietor, Western Star Office, Lebanon, Warren County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter regarding the possible appointment of a Chaplain at Camp Dennison; and stating that should such an appointment be made, the Reverend W.W. Colmery was the man for the place, and that a large part of Colmery's leisure time for the last four months had been spent at Camp Dennison, looking after the temporal and spiritual welfare of their brave boys.
3 pp. [Series 147-41: 207]

July 5, 1862
William Stoms, Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. To Adjutant General [Charles W.] Hill. Letter stating that Lieutenant Edgerton passed through the city a few days since and said he had quit the service, having resigned his commission; and asking if the appointments in the 39th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry had been made in accordance with Colonel [John] Groesbeck's original recommendation, i.e. John B. Ryan for Captain, Horace G. Stoms for 1st Lieutenant, and Frank Fortman for 2nd Lieutenant.
1 p. [Series 147-41: 64]

July 5, 1862
John H. Young, Urbana, Champaign County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter requesting the transfer of Frank Baldwin from the 66th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry to the 45th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; and stating that Baldwin had been brought home sick, but did not wish to quit the service, that Baldwin was educated and could bring all proper recommendations for the position of 2nd Lieutenant, and that Baldwin thought if he had authority to recruit as 2nd Lieutenant, he could be useful as soon as his health was restored which he believed would be soon.
1 p. [Series 147-41: 4]

July 5, 1862
Lewis Zahm, Colonel, 3rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, Headquarters, In Camp near Mooresville, Alabama. To the Adjutant General of Ohio. Letter reporting the deaths of Captain D[aniel] Gottshall, 3rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Cavalry who died at his home in Canton, Ohio on June 16, 1862, and Captain William B. Amsden, 3rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Cavalry who died at Fremont, Ohio on June 20, 1862; recommending various promotions to fill the resulting vacancies; and stating that he had received no communications yet in regard to his previous recommendations for promotions to fill vacancies.
1 p. [Series 147-41: 128]

July 6, 1862
Mrs. James Lloyd, Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter written on behalf of her husband who was a Private in Battery G of the 1st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Light Artillery and thought he deserved a promotion; and stating that she would like to have her husband promoted as she had no support except for his 13 dollars a month, that she had four children, and that her son was a Private in Company A, 7th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
2 pp. [Series 147-41: 35]

July 7, 1862
Joseph W. Ambrose, Hillsboro, Highland County, Ohio. To Adjutant General [Charles W.] Hill. Letter stating that in obedience to the order of the Governor requiring soldiers absent from their respective regiments to report themselves at Columbus and being a member of Company A, 60th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry (one year's service), he reported himself on July 4 at the office of the Adjutant General and made a statement of the cause of his absence, that he put his statement in writing and it was considered by Hill, that he was a paroled prisoner, that he was permitted to return to Hillsboro and railroad passes were furnished to him for that purpose, and that he neglected to procure a certificate or any writing whatever evidencing Hill's decision in the matter; and requesting such a certificate.
2 pp. [Series 147-41: 35]

July 7, 1862
J[ohnson] Armstrong, 2nd Lieutenant, Company B, 65th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp near Decatur, Alabama. To Governor David Tod. Letter stating that he learned the previous day that he had been appointed 1st Lieutenant of Company B, 65th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry on April 14, 1862, and that Colonel C[harles] G. Harker had his commission, that he had not been able to obtain the commission from Harker, and that he accepted the appointment; and asking to be retained in the same.
1 p. [Series 147-41: 156]

July 7, 1862
C.L. Boalt, Chairman, Military Committee for Huron County, Norwalk, Huron County, Ohio. To Adjutant General [Charles W.] Hill. Letter stating that they had received the Governor's circular in relation to the call for 300,000 more men, and that Captain Wildman was going down that morning; asking that Hill be good enough to say to Wildman what means would be taken for recruiting; stating that Major Wooster of Norwalk was appointed by the Governor to a new regiment; asking if Wooster would be instructed as to the means of raising recruits and have charge of them when enlisted; and stating that they were ready to cooperate.
1 p. [Series 147-41: 210]

July 7, 1862
John N. Champion, Adjutant, 88th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry (three months' service), Camp Chase, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C[harles] W. Hill. Letter stating that they had about 60 recruits to the regiment and now in camp, and that as they could not put the men on guard until sworn in and the detail was pretty heavy for the number of men they had in the battalion, Hill would confer a great favor on all of them if he could send a mustering officer to camp so that the recruits might be sworn in that day and be in time for morning detail.
1 p. [Series 147-41: 56]

July 7, 1862
Zacariah Conaway, Franklin Mills, Portage County, Ohio. To Adjutant General [Charles W.] Hill. Letter asking about the status of an account submitted to Hill; and stating that he was very needy and hoped Hill would get the money for him as soon as possible.
1 p. [Series 147-41: 86]

July 7, 1862
C.M. Dengler, Wauseon, Fulton County, Ohio. To Adjutant General Charles W. Hill. Letter stating that he was told that some officers and men were needed to do guard duty at Camp Chase for 60 days, that he was offering his services for that purpose as a Lieutenant, that should Hill prefer to use him as an assistant secretary in one of the departments, he was ready and willing to accept such a position, and that should his influence and the knowledge of the German and French languages be considered more profitable to the government, he was ready to recruit or, when necessary, to draft within Fulton County, Henry County, and Defiance County; and citing references.
4 pp. [Series 147-41: 47]

July 7, 1862
William M. Dwyer, Shaucks, Morrow County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter stating that he was lately 2nd Sergeant of Company C, 15th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, that he had been discharged on May 18, on account of diarrhea and rheumatism, that he was rapidly regaining his health and was willing and anxious to enter the service again, that he had a very extensive acquaintance in that part of the state, that if properly authorized, he would enter the recruiting service and actively engage in that business until his health was fully restored, that he would like to have a commission as Lieutenant and be assigned to some service, but not in the field at present, that he could get recommendations from officers of the 15th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry as to qualifications, etc., and that he was willing to serve the country in any place he might be qualified to fill.
1 p. [Series 147-41: 32]

July 7, 1862
Thomas D. Fadeley, Steubenville, Jefferson County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter stating that he could soon raise a company if it met with Tod's approval; and asking how to proceed.
3 pp. [Series 147-41: 9]

July 7, 1862
William Okey, et. al., Woodsfield, Monroe County, Ohio. To ? Letter signed by four citizens of Woodsfield who had been appointed as the Military Committee; stating that they were acquainted with Thomas O. Hughes of Company D, 27th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry now in Tennessee; and recommending Hughes for promotion to a Lieutenancy in said regiment.
1 p. [Series 147-41: 50]

July 7, 1862
John W. Pinkerton, 1st Lieutenant, Company A, 62nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Headquarters, Camp on the James River. To Adjutant General Charles W. Hill. Letter stating that he received a commission from Hill as 1st Lieutenant which he accepted; and asking Hill to excuse the delay in responding as they had been almost consistently moving.
1 p. [Series 147-41: 116]

July 7, 1862
L.C. Sawyer, St. Marys, Auglaize County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter enclosing a letter of A.B. Burton, 1st Lieutenant, 5th Independent Battery, Ohio Volunteer Light Artillery which corroborated his statements in regard to the inefficiency of Charles Marsh for Lieutenant in said battery; and stating that he understood that Bellamy S. Matson (lately appointed) was taken prisoner on the train sixteen miles out from Memphis, that the battery was now without a commissioned officer, and that the Captain had been appointed on the staff of the General commanding, 6th Division, Army of the Tennessee.
1 p. [Series 147-41: 19]

July 7, 1862
John Seiburd, Chillicothe, Ross County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter stating that he was a poor man, but a loyal one, that he was not asking or troubling Tod for an office of any kind, that he was offering his services as a Private provided Tod would send him to a place where he could be of service to his country, and that he was an artillerist; requesting transportation to any place Tod might designate; and stating that his motives were purely patriotic, that he did not wish any pay, that he did not ask for anything except to serve his country with credit to himself, that he thought this was his most sacred duty, and that he was ready to report at once in any capacity.
2 pp. [Series 147-41: 29]

July 7, 1862
Daniel S. Tallerday, Captain, Park Barracks, Louisville, Kentucky. To Governor David Tod. Letter requesting that Tod send his commission as Captain of Company C, 38th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
1 p. [Series 147-41: 16]

July 7, 1862
Gustav C.E. Weber, Surgeon General of Ohio, Headquarters, Ohio Volunteer Militia, Surgeon General's Office, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C[harles] W. Hill. Letter stating that the Governor had appointed H.M. Duff of Galion as Assistant Surgeon of the 52nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and Henry Besse of Porter, Delaware County as Assistant Surgeon of the 45th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
1 p. [Series 147-41: 46]

July 8, 1862
W.B. Brown, Company A, 70th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry. To ? Letter recommending Orderly Sergeant James Brown, Company A for the position of 2nd Lieutenant.
1 p. [Series 147-41: 24]

July 8, 1862
R.E. Bunker, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter stating that Lieutenant S.L. Hoge of the 82nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry was a resident of Logan County and a young man of excellent character, that Hoge had been very active and successful in raising recruits, both for the 82nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry and the 26th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, that Hoge had been in the service eight months and had the testimony of his superior officers as to his soldierly bearing during that time, that he took great pleasure in recommending Hoge for the appointment of Major in one of the new regiments, that he had known Hoge from childhood, and that should Hoge obtain the appointment, he would not discredit the service.
1 p. [Series 147-41: 7]

July 8, 1862
J[acob] Y. Cantwell, Surgeon, 82nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry. To Governor David Tod. Letter recommending Lieutenant [S.L.] Hoge of the 82nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry as a good and competent person to fill the position of Major of one of the new regiments now being organized; and stating that he had known Hoge well since his connection with the regiment, that Hoge had shown himself to be an energetic and efficient officer, that in the battle of McDowell, Hoge was active, cool, and brave and manifested the characteristics of a good officer and courageous soldier, and that Hoge's appointment would do credit to the service.
1 p. [Series 147-41: 8]

July 8, 1862
B.B. Fowler, Camp Chase, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter stating that having seen Tod's call of July 3 for more men for three years or during the war, he was taking the liberty of offering his service, that he was now at Camp Chase acting as Sergeant in Company H, 85th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry (three months' service), that being extensively acquainted in northern and western Ohio, he thought he could get recruits for Tod and as many as any other man, that there were a lot of men in camp who would go with him in the three years' service if he could lead them, that he did not ask for any particular situation, that he was willing to serve his country to the best of his ability, that his knowledge of company drill and the Manual of Arms was not much inferior to any in camp, and that the best of references would be given if necessary.
1 p. [Series 147-41: 34]

July 8, 1862
S[amuel] A. Gilbert, Colonel, 44th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Headquarters, Meadow Bluffs. To Adjutant General Charles W. Hill. Letter enclosing a copy of Special Order No. 84 accepting the resignation of 2nd Lieutenant John Youart, 44th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; and stating that to fill the vacancy thus created, he recommended the appointment of 1st Sergeant Samuel F. Todd to be 2nd Lieutenant, that as it was very desirable that a full complement of officers should be present at all times, he hoped Hill would inform him of the action taken in the matter by telegraph as soon as practicable, and that he begged leave to call Hill's attention to his letter of June 26, making recommendations to fill vacancies caused by the acceptance of the resignation of Captain Henry P. Shaffer, from which he had not yet heard.
1 p. [Series 147-41: 114]

July 8, 1862
J[esse] Hildebrand, Colonel, 77th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Headquarters, Camp Moscow. To Adjutant General Charles W. Hill. Letter regarding vacancies in his regiment.
3 pp. [Series 147-41: 127]

July 8, 1862
P[eter] Hitchcock, Burton, Geauga County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter introducing W.R. Tuttle; and stating that Tuttle was a resident of Burton, that he had been acquainted with Tuttle almost from his birth, that Tuttle was a man of good character and active business habits, that Tuttle was a man of practical military experience who had paid considerable attention to the study of military matters, and that he thought Tuttle might make a very efficient officer.
1 p. [Series 147-41: 36]

July 8, 1862
W[ells] S. Jones, Colonel, 53rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Headquarters, Moscow, Tennessee. To Governor David Tod. Letter recommending that 1st Lieutenant Robert A. Starkey of Company A be made Captain of said company to fill the vacancy occasioned by the promotion of Captain Wells S. Jones to the Colonelcy of the regiment, and that 2nd Lieutenant Robert Curren be made 1st Lieutenant and 1st Sergeant Frank M. Lewis be made 2nd Lieutenant to fill the vacancies to be occasioned by the above promotions. Bears a note from Jones stating that a similar recommendation was sent some time since, but nothing had been heard from it yet, that Colonel Jones' commission dated from April 18, 1862, that the men in question had performed the duties of the positions to which they were recommended from the same date, and that he would ask that they might rank from that time. Also bears the endorsement of J.W. Denver, Brigadier General, Commanding 3rd Brigade, 5th Division, Army of the Tennessee.
2 pp. [Series 147-41: 115]