[A few letters were found too late to be placed in their proper

order.   These are presented in the following pages.         It is

most probable that many other letters written by Mr. Hayes are

in existence, which have not come to the editor's notice.]

                              CINCINNATI, November 6, 1866.

  DEAR McK.:- An absence of several weeks from home on a

railroad excursion to the 100th parallel of longitude pre-

vented my getting your letter of the 13th until Saturday last. I

am very glad to hear from you. You will always be one of the

persons I shall want to know about, and I hope occasionally to

meet you. I have the three boys, you know. Birch and Webb

go to school at Fremont in the northern part of the State. Rud

is with us and will go to Washington with us this winter.  Lucy

and I are both absurdly healthy. Dr. Joe [Surgeon J. T. Webb,

Twenty-third Ohio] spent the last six months in Europe. Has

just returned. Is reported engaged to a sister of Colonel Stanley

Matthews, a bright, handsome girl of twenty-two or twenty-


  My notion of the place for a young man is a fine large grow-

ing town anywhere, but would prefer a new town in the West.

St. Louis, Kansas City, Leavenworth, Omaha, Chicago, etc., etc.,

are my favorites. With your business capacity and experience I

would have preferred railroading or some commercial business.

A man in any of our Western towns with half your wit ought to

be independent at forty in business. As a lawyer, a man sac-

rifices independence to ambition which is a bad bargain at the

best. However, you have decided for the present your profession,



so I must hush. I hope you will come to W[ashington]. If so,

will talk it all up.


                                                R. B. HAYES.


    Poland, Ohio.

                            COLUMBUS, OHIO, June 27, 1876.

  MY DEAR H --:- I am glad the family affections have a boost.

We Smiths are so proud of our family, that I know unfortunate

outside people like you and Lucy must feel at a disadvantage in

being so mated. But in these times of swelling fortunes we try

to be considerate. Then you don't know how fond we are of

managing to let folks know in a casual way that the editor of

the Atlantic, the author of etc., etc., is our cousin.  Blessings

on our vanities! How happy they make us!

  I am now realizing what Mr. Monroe  said to Mrs.  Adams

when she had condoled with him on his weary welcomes and re-

ceptions, "Ah, madam," said he, "a little flattery enables one to

bear a great deal of fatigue."

  Well, our love to Elinor and you, and the young folks, and

think of me in your prayers.


                                                R. B. HAYES.



                                   COLUMBUS, July 23, 1876.

  MY DEAR MR. HOWELLS:--Yours of the 20th is the biggest

of all these mercies.  I see the absurdity of your wasting your

labor on such a work. But if there is "money in it," it needs

no apology from me. Yes, indeed, if the thing [a campaign

life] is to be done again it would particularly please me to be

honored by your doing it. No doubt your work would sell. The

only objection, if it is one, that I see is the fact that Robert

Clarke & Co. have J. Q. Howard at work on the same.  Their

  * Copy of a letter preserved by President McKinley in his little tin

box of valuable papers. It was written to him while he was studying

law at Poland, before he attended the Albany Law School.

             THE BIRCHARD LIBRARY          151

little book is three-fourths printed, and will be in [on the] mar-

ket in ten days or so. I will send you a copy and you can judge.

No doubt a half barrel of stuff--letters, speeches, memoranda,

diaries, etc., etc. - can be sent you, out of which you would get

up a romance that would be taking. I called to talk it over with

General Comly but failed to meet him. Another good point:

You could make it an excuse to visit Ohio.

  Love to the wife and bairns.


                                                R. B. HAYES.

  P. S.- I send you a quaint talk of one of our finest jury

lawyers. (Judge Wm. Johnston.)



      EXECUTIVE MANSION, WASHINGTON, February 12, 1878.

  MY  DEAR GENERAL:--I am  obliged for your full and satis-

factory account of [the Birchard] Library affairs. I have time

for only a few observations.

  If I recollect aright, the deeds were not recorded--with a

view to convenience in selling.    Under the will, I think the ex-

ecutors can make title to this property, treating the deeds as un-

delivered and inoperative.

  The important matter now  is the building.  How to secure

the cost is the question.  These ways occur to me:--1.  Sell

the post-office lot for at least seven thousand five hundred dollars

cash.  2.  Mortgage it for that amount.     3.  So arrange a paper

as to let the seven thousand five hundred dollars apply on the fif-

teen thousand dollars to come out of the Boalt tract.      You and

the trustees can decide which is best.      I incline to favor the

second--viz., mortgage the library interest, say, to Webb  or

Birch, to secure a note payable in three or four years with in-

terest at 6 per cent payable annually.    The money can be raised

this way. Or you can suggest a better.

  I don't want it done unless on the whole you and the Fremont

friends think that sum will build a satisfactory library.  If you

do, go ahead on that basis.


  What you say about the five thousand dollars note to the bank,

I do not understand; but what is right, on explanation, I will of

course do. If that sum goes from me to the library as due from

me, so much the better for the library! But not so for me.  But

of course what is right, is the only question, and an examina-

tion will settle that.

  I send for Bushnell's eye a memorandum from the librarian

here.  Also a plan by express which is of no account, I guess.  I

will have others.

  I suppose it is fair, if I raise the money  that you take the

trouble to build. What do you say to that?


                                                R. B. HAYES.



           EXECUTIVE MANSION, WASHINGTON, April 5, 1878.

  MY DEAR WEBB:--I don't want to unduly influence the judg-

ment of the members of the Library Board. But I still think

we should build. I. The bank debt can be paid out of the

amounts due at Toledo--some two thousand dollars or three

thousand dollars, as I understand, and with what I still owe

(if not mistaken) on the fifteen thousand dollars.  2.  The post-

office lot in Toledo will pay for the building.  If its cost is kept

down to seven thousand five hundred dollars or eight thousand

dollars, I will see that the post-office lot pays it.  3.  This will

leave the store and the Boalt and Birchard tract for the future

wants of the library.

  You may show this to members of the board.


                                                R. B. HAYES.



                             SPIEGEL GROVE, August 8, 1882.

  MY  DEAR MRS. AUSTIN:- We are to be at home the rest of

this month and without company.  Mrs. Hayes has closed her star

engagements (!) for an indefinite period. Now, can't your whole

             THE BIRCHARD LIBRARY          153

family visit us?  We can go or stay in the Grove, as we see fit.

If Mr. Austin gets too uneasy on our premises, we can go to

Green Spring or Dutcher's for a day or two. We hope to see

you, bag and baggage, about Thursday or Friday, Mattie and

Louise and the maid if you wish. No dodging. Come.

  We are ready to say to Miss Mittelberger that Fanny can go

to her school next term if arrangements for her rooming can be

made. We are perhaps late in acting. Lucy remembers how

she suffered in bad quarters because she was late, and does not

want Fanny to have the same experience. I have written

Miss Mittelberger the enclosed note, which you will read, and,

if you prefer, send to Miss Mittelberger. But if you can call in

person there might be some advantages. We would prefer the

darling should stay at home, to any doubtful school surround-

ings. Suppose you spy out the land for us, and come up and

let us see your bunches of grapes.


                                              R. B. HAYES.



                              FREMONT, [August -, 1888].

  MY DEAR GENERAL:--I have to thank you for the invitation

to attend the memorial services by the Legislature of New York

for the late General Sheridan at Albany. No one ever enjoyed

more than I did the privilege of serving with and under Gen-

eral Sheridan. He was our great battle general.

  I would be glad to have General Swayne's address. But cir-

cumstances prevent my attendance.


                                    RUTHERFORD B. HAYES.


                                      FREMONT, -,

  MY DEAR SIR: - With very agreeable recollections of a num-

ber of visits to your city and county, it would be an especial

gratification to accept your cordial invitation to attend the open-

ing of the Ben Wade Clubhouse at Ironton on the 22nd instant.

I regret that I cannot consistently with other engagements.


  During the bitter and fearful contest over the slavery ques-

tion, Senator Wade was always at the very front in the ranks

of the friends of freedom. His courage, energy, and vigilance

were matchless. The darkest days of that awful struggle were

the days of his glory. His services to our country and the good

cause at a time when such services were sorely needed will never

be forgotten. You do well to honor him; and [you] honor your-

selves in recalling public attention to one of the most conspicuous

figures in the most illustrious civil conflict of our day and gener-



                                    RUTHERFORD B. HAYES.


                                     FREMONT, --,

  MY DEAR SIR:--I take pleasure in recommending to your

favorable attention Bellamy Storer of Cincinnati, for appoint-

ment as Minister to Rome. He is a gentleman of decided tal-

ents, an able lawyer, and an accomplished scholar. I know of

no man who is better equipped, by familiarity with men and so-

ciety, by sound political principles and native endowments, to

represent the Administration  and our country abroad.         Mrs.

Storer, a daughter of Mr. Joseph Longworth, is well known as

a leader in all art circles. With Mr. Storer as our Minister at

Rome, all Americans would have reason to regard with satis-

faction and pride the representative American home in that fa-

mous and attractive city. I beg you to give to this application

special consideration.


                                    RUTHERFORD B. HAYES.



  MY DEAR SIR: - I am gratified to know that you are writing a

history of the Seventeenth Michigan Regiment of Infantry. My

personal knowledge of this gallant and distinguished regiment

was at the beginning of its career. It became famous at a sin-

gle bound.

  As commander of the Twenty-third Ohio Infantry I served in

             TRIBUTE TO SENATOR WADE          155

"The Old Kanawha Division" of General Cox, which was at-

tached to the Ninth Corps under General Burnside, in what Gen-

eral McClellan calls the Antietam campaign. I first saw the

Seventeenth Michigan Infantry near Frederick, Maryland, in

September, 1862, when we were marching with Lee's army as

our objective front, when the Rebels' rear-guard was about leav-

ing or had shortly before left the city of Frederick. The Union

forces were in excellent spirits. The loyal people of Frederick

gave us a rousing welcome reception as we fought our way into

the streets of the city. Flags were waved from the windows,

and it seemed as if there was a Barbara Frietchie in almost every

house.  After the depressing scenes, weary marches, and fierce

battles of August, the veterans were inspired with new life by

the attractions on every side as we forced our way towards the

enemy holding the passes of the South Mountain range. Every

strange command, and there were many - [rest missing.]

                                     FREMONT, -,

  MY DEAR SIR:--I have just finished reading your Emerson.

Every lover of Emerson owes you a debt. Nothing could be more

satisfactory or better done than your book. It was of course to

be expected that you would avoid the common vice of biogra-

phers, and give us the character and opinions of the subject and

not the writer. I was drawn to him more than forty years ago.

How truly you can say, and how I thank you for saying, and

for having shown in your admirable biography, that "the influ-

ence of his great and noble life, and the spoken and written

words which were its exponents, blend indestructibly with the

enduring elements of civilization."

  The last time I saw him was when I visited Boston and Har-

vard in 1877. I shall never forget his peculiar tones as he said,

after speaking of his sound health, "But I am an old man now

--and [touching his forehead] I am losing my wits."

                    With all thankfulness,


                                             R. B. HAYES.



              SPIEGEL GROVE, FREMONT, February 14, 1890.

  MY  DEAR SIR:-After reflection I have decided to request

you to go on and erect a monument for me here according to the

design given me. I want the Dummerston granite if on inves-

tigation it will answer.

  No name on the monument except Mrs. Hayes--with birth

and death. Space on the die above for mine when required.


                                    RUTHERFORD B. HAYES.

  Messrs. Gust and Son here may assist if you wish--and I

will like it to be so. - H.


                     LUCY WEBB HAYES

              August 28, 1831 --June 25, 1889.


    Cleveland, Ohio.

           SPIEGEL GROVE, FREMONT, OHIO, March 13, 1890.

  MY DEAR SIR: - I venture to send you this note of congratula-

tion and thanks for your masterly eulogy on Mr. Pendleton. I

meant to say to you, after listening to it with delight in Music

Hall, how greatly I enjoyed it. But in the hurry of the break-

up at the close did not have an opportunity to do so.

  I assume that it will be suitably published, when I will get a

number of copies for preservation and distribution. I have read

it in the Commercial Gazette since my return home and find it

gains by a second hearing. Excuse me.


                                    RUTHERFORD B. HAYES.



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