Ohio History Journal

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Schapsmeier, Frederick H. and Edward L. Schapsmeier
"Disharmony in the Harding Cabinet: Hoover-Wallace Conflict,"
126 - 136, notes 188 - 190 Volume 75/Spring and Summer 1966/Numbers 2 & 3
Scharf, Lois
"'I Would Go Wherever Fortune Would Direct': Hannah Huntington and the Frontier of the Western Reserve,"
5 - 28 Volume 97/Winter-Spring 1988
Schaus, Lewis F.
"Report of Lewis F. Schaus, Chairman Building Committee (Dedication of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Museum and Library Building:),"
357 Volume 23/October 1914/Number 4
Scheiber, Harry N.
"Alfred Kelley and the Ohio Business Elite, 1822-1859,"
365 - 392 Volume 87/Autumn 1978/Number 4

"The Ohio Canal Movement, 1820-1825,"
231 - 256 Volume 69/July 1960/Number 3

"Urban Rivalry and Internal Improvements in the Old Northwest, 1820-1960,"
227 - 239, notes 289 - 292 Volume 71/October 1962/Number 3
Schellenberg, T. R.
"Joint Committee Plans for Archival Surveys,"
301 - 306 Volume 43/July 1934/Number 3
Schenck, Robert Cumming
"Robert C. Schenck and the Emma Mine Affair,"by Clark C. Spence
141 - 160 Volume 68/April 1959/Number 2

"Robert Cumming Schenck, First Citizen and Statesman of the Miami Valley,"by Fred B. Joyner
286 - 297 Volume 58/July 1949/Number 3
Schenck, William Cortenus
"William Cortenus Schenck, Pioneer and Statesman of Ohio,"by Fred B. Jones
363 - 371 Volume 47/October 1938/Number 4
Scheuerman, William E.
"Canton and the Great Steel Strike of 1919: A Marriage of Nativism and Politics,"
68 - 87 Volume 93/Winter-Spring 1984
Schillinger, (Ensign) William
"Journal of Ensign William Schillinger: A Soldier of the War of 1812,"introduced by James A. Green
51 - 85 Volume 41/January 1932/Number 1
Schlebecker, John
"Braddock's Defeat,"
171 - 184 Volume 58/April 1949/Number 2
Schlesinger, Arthur Meier
"Salmon Portland Chase: Undergraduate and Pedagogue,"
119 - 161 Volume 28/April 1919/Number 2
Schlup, Emil
"Tarhe-The Crane,"
132 - 138 Volume 14/April 1905/Number 2

"The Wyandot Mission,"
163 - 181 Volume 15/April 1906/Number 2
Schlup, Leonard
"The Sage of Athens: Charles H. Grosvenor and Presidential Politics in Ohio in 1908,"
145 - 156 Volume 105/Summer-Autumn 1996
Schneider, Gilbert D.
"Daniel Emmett's Negro Sermons and Hymns: An Inventory,"
67 - 83 Volume 85/Winter 1976/Number 1
Schneider, Norris F.
"The National Road: Main Street of America,"
114 - 146 Volume 83/Spring 1974/Number 2
"Schoenbrunn,"by Joseph E. Weinland
632 - 633 Volume 36/October 1927/Number 4
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