Ohio History Journal

Index C Results

Chambers, William
"William Chambers in America, 1853,"by W. H. G. Armytage
139 - 149 Volume 59/April 1950/Number 2
Champaign County (Ohio)
"Centennial Celebration of Champaign County,"
470 - 471 Volume 14/October 1905/Number 4
Chapin, A. L.
"Address of Rev. A. L. Chapin, D. D." (Marietta Centennial)
126 - 131 Volume 2/June 1888/Number 1
"Ohio Army Chaplains and the Professionalization of Military Chaplaincy in the Civil War,"by Richard M. Budd
5 - 19 Volume 102/Winter-Spring 1993
Chapman, Edward
"John Chapman's Line of Descent from Edward Chapman of Ipswich,"compiled by Florence E. Wheeler, with an introduction by Robert Price
20 - 32 Volume 48/January 1939/Number 1
Chapman, John (Johnny Appleseed)
"'Johnny Appleseed'-John Chapman: His Memory Honored with a Monument at Mansfield, O.,"
303 - 317 Volume 9/January 1901/Number 3

"Address at the Grave of Johnny Appleseed,"by Robert C. Harris
45 - 46 Volume 50/January-March 1941/Number 1

"John Chapman's Line of Descent from Edward Chapman of Ipswich,"compiled by Florence E. Wheeler, with an introduction by Robert Price
20 - 32 Volume 48/January 1939/Number 1

"Outline of Facts Related to the Burial Place of John Chapman,"by Wesley S. Roebuck
276 - 284 Volume 52/July-September 1943/Number 3

"Pocket-Book of Appleseed Johnny,"
256 - 257 Volume 11/October 1902/Number 2

"The Burial Place of John Chapman (Johnny Appleseed). Report of the Commission Appointed by the American Pomological Society to Investigate Its Location,"
181 - 187 Volume 52/April-June 1943/Number 2

"The Quest of John Chapman,"
96 - 97 Volume 14/January 1905/Number 1
Chapter in Early Dental History
"Chapter in Early Dental History: Unveiling of Memorial Tablet at Bainbridge, Ohio, A,"
380 - 401 Volume 35/April 1926/Number 2
Chapter of Corrections, A
"Chapter of Corrections, A,"by R. W. McFarland
402 - 412 Volume 16/July 1907/Number 3
Chapters in Ohio Progressivism
"Chapters in Ohio Progressivism: The Cincinnati and Dayton Bureaus of Municipal Research and Accounting Reform,"by Richard K. Fleischman and R. Penny Marquette
133 - 144 Volume 97/Summer-Autumn 1988
Character Sketch of General Ulysses S. Grant
"Character Sketch of General Ulysses S. Grant,"by Hugh L. Nichols
163 - 171 Volume 31/April 1922/Number 2
Characteristics and Achievements of David Zeisberger
"Characteristics and Achievements of David Zeisberger,"by William N. Schwarze
182 - 188 Volume 18/April 1909/Number 2
"Charcoal Iron Industry of the Hanging Rock Iron District-Its Influence on the Early Development of the Ohio Valley, The,"by Wilbur Stout
72 - 104 Volume 42/January 1933/Number 1
Charity Organizations
"John D. Rockefeller's Philanthropy and Problems in Fundraising at Cleveland's Floating Bethel Mission and the Home for Aged Colored People,"by Kenneth W. Rose
145 - 161 Volume 108/Summer-Autumn 1999
Charity School of Kendal, The
"Charity School of Kendal, The,"edited by Harlow Lindley
183 - 188 Volume 55/April-June 1946/Number 2