Ohio History Journal

Index K Results

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Kilbourne, James
"Worthington, Ohio: James Kilbourn's Episcopal Haven on the Western Frontier,"by Paul C. Bowers, Jr., and Goodwin F. Berquist, Jr.
247 - 262 Volume 85/Summer 1976/Number 3
Kilbourne, James, Works by:
"Bucyrus Song (A Poem),"
26 - 28 Volume 31/January 1922/Number 1
King, Isaac F.
"Flatboating on the Ohio River,"
78 - 81 Volume 26/January 1917/Number 1

"Introduction of Methodism in Ohio,"
165 - 219 Volume 10/October 1901/Number 2

"The Coming and Going of Ohio Droving,"
247 - 253 Volume 17/July 1908/Number 3
King, R. S.
"Silver Mines of Ohio Indians,"
114 - 116 Volume 26/January 1917/Number 1
Kinney, Coates
"John Brown,"
183 Volume 30/July 1921/Number 3

650 - 658 Volume 40/October 1931/Number 4

"Song Writers of Ohio: Two Songs Inspired in Ohio,"by C. B. Galbreath
428 - 441 Volume 14/October 1905/Number 4
Kinney, George W.
"Address of Mayor George W. Kinney (Dedication of Hayes Memorial),"
437 - 439 Volume 25/October 1916/Number 4
Kinney, Muriel
"John Carey, An Ohio Pioneer,"by Muriel Kinney
166 - 198 Volume 46/April 1937/Number 2
Kirby, Thomas
"Thomas Kirkby: Pioneer Aeronaut in Ohio,"by Tom D. Crouch
56 - 61 Volume 79/Winter 1970/Number 1
Kirkersville (Ohio)
"Etna and Kirkersville,"
276 - 283 Volume 15/April 1906/Number 2
Kirtland (Ohio)
"Gentile and Saint at Kirtland,"by Willis Thornton
8 - 33 Volume 63/January 1954/Number 1

"The Kirtland Phase of Mormonism,"by W. J. McNiff
261 - 268 Volume 50/July-September 1941/Number 3
Kirtland, (Dr.) Jared Potter
"Jared Potter Kirtland, M. D., 'The Sage of Rockport,' November 10,1793-December 18, 1877,"by George M. Curtis
326 - 337 Volume 50/October-December 1941/Number 4
Kit-Kat Club (Columbus, Ohio)
"Randall Memorial Meeting,"
82 - 109 Volume 29/April 1920/Number 2
Kitchen Inspectors
"An Ohio Kitchen Inspector and the Soviet Famine of 1921-1922: The Russian Odyssey of Henry C. Wolfe,"by Benjamin D. Rhodes
190 - 199 Volume 103/Summer-Autumn 1994
Kite, Mrs.[?]
"Mrs. Kite's Address (Harrison-Perry Embarkation Monument),"
360 - 362 Volume 21/October 1912/Number 4
Klement, Frank L.
"Ohio and the Dedication of the Soldiers' Cemetery at Gettysburg,"
76 - 100 Volume 79/Spring 1970/Number 2
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