Ohio History Journal

Index R Results

Rockefeller, John D.
"John D. Rockefeller's Philanthropy and Problems in Fundraising at Cleveland's Floating Bethel Mission and the Home for Aged Colored People,"by Kenneth W. Rose
145 - 161 Volume 108/Summer-Autumn 1999
Rodabaugh, James H.
"Miami University, Calvinism, and the Anti-Slavery Movement,"
66 - 73 Volume 48/January 1939/Number 1

"Minutes of the Ohio Academy of History, Deshler-Wallick Hotel, Columbus, Ohio, April 9, 1948,"
311 - 313 Volume 57/July 1948/Number 3

"Robert Hamilton Bishop, Pioneer Educator,"
92 - 102 Volume 44/January 1935/Number 1

"The Accomplishments and Future Program of the Ohio Historical Records Survey Project,"
277 - 292 Volume 50/July-September 1941/Number 3

"The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society in a Changing World,"
223 - 229 Volume 54/July-September 1945/Number 3

"The Reform Movement in Ohio at the Turn of the Century,"
46 - 55 Volume 54/January-March 1945/Number 1
Rodabaugh, James H., and S. Winifred Smith, compilers
"A Survey of Publications in Ohio History, Archaeology, and Natural History, August 1946-July 1947,"
404 - 441 Volume 56/October 1947/Number 4

"A Survey of Publications in Ohio History, Archaeology, and Natural History, August 1947-July 1948,"
398 - 430 Volume 57/October 1948/Number 4

"A Survey of Publications in Ohio History, Archaeology, and Natural History, July 1945-July 1946,"
374 - 400 Volume 55/October-December 1946/Number 4
Rodabaugh, James H., and Watt P. Marchman
"Collections of the Rutherford B. Hayes State Memorial,"
151 - 157 Volume 71/July 1962/Number 2
Rodabaugh, James H., editor
"From England to Ohio, 1830-1832: The Journal of Thomas K. Wharton,"
1 - 27 Volume 65/January 1956/Number 1

"From England to Ohio, 1830-1832: The Journal of Thomas K. Wharton-II,"
111 - 151 Volume 65/April 1956/Number 2
Rodabaugh, Mary Jane
"Some Ohio Aspects of Military Nursing, 1861-1945,"
339 - 351 Volume 61/October 1952/Number 4
Rodgers, Andrew Denny, III
"Franklinton at the Time of the Death of Lucas Sullivant,"
167 - 174 Volume 41/April 1932/Number 2
Roebuck, Wesley S.
"Outline of Facts Related to the Burial Place of John Chapman,"
276 - 284 Volume 52/July-September 1943/Number 3
Roellinger, Francis X., Jr.
"Oscar Wilde in Cleveland,"
129 - 138 Volume 59/April 1950/Number 2
Rogers, Thomas
"Reminiscences of A Pioneer,"edited by Clement L. Martzolff
190 - 227 Volume 19/January-April 1910/Numbers 1 & 2
Rohfeld, Rae Wahl
"Newton D. Baker and the Adult Education Movement,"
119 - 132 Volume 95/Summer-Autumn 1986
Rokicky, Catherine M.
"Lydia Finney and Evangelical Womanhood,"
170 - 189 Volume 103/Summer-Autumn 1994