Ohio History Journal

Index R Results

Role of the 'District'
"Role of the 'District' as a Unit in Organized Medicine in Ohio, The,"by Robert G. Paterson
367 - 377 Volume 49/October 1940/Number 4
Role of Women in the Settlement of the Western Reserve, 1796-1815, The
"Role of Women in the Settlement of the Western Reserve, 1796-1815, The,"by Hermina Sugar
51 - 67 Volume 46/January 1937/Number 1
Roll-Call Voting
"Partisanship in the Ohio House of Representatives, 1900-1911: An Analysis of Roll-Call Voting,"by John M. Wegner
146 - 170 Volume 106/Summer-Autumn 1997
Rollins, William S.
"The Northeastern Religious Press and John Brown,"
128 - 145 Volume 61/April 1952/Number 2
Romance Rides the Circuit
"Romance Rides the Circuit,"by Paul H. Boase
167 - 178 Volume 65/April 1956/Number 2
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (FDR)
"McCarthyism Before McCarthy: Anti-Communism in Cincinnati and the Nation During the Election of 1944,"by Michael J. Anderson
5 - 28 Volume 99/Winter-Spring 1990

"Ohio Clergymen, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and the New Deal,"by Monroe Billington and Cal Clark
21 - 36 Volume 101/Winter-Spring 1992
Roosevelt, Nicholas J.
"First Navigator of the Ohio River,"
224 Volume 14/April 1905/Number 2

"The First Steamboat on the Ohio,"by Nelson W. Evans
310 - 315 Volume 16/July 1907/Number 3

"The Ohio Valley Historical Association Fifth Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pa., October 30-November 1, 1911: The 'New Orleans' Centennial,"
1 - 125 Volume 22/January 1913/Number 1
Roosevelt, Theodore
"Address of President Roosevelt" (McKinley Monument Dedication)
229 - 234 Volume 17/July 1908/Number 3

"Roosevelt and Taft: How the Republican Vote Split in Ohio in 1912"Michael Haverkamp
121 - 135 Volume 110/Summer-Autumn 2001
Root, Azariah Smith
"Azariah Smith Root,"
198 - 200 Volume 37/January 1928/Number 1
Root, Donna L.
"The Great Lakes Historical Society,"
179 - 187 Volume 56/April 1947/Number 2
Rose, Kenneth W.
"John D. Rockefeller's Philanthropy and Problems in Fundraising at Cleveland's Floating Bethel Mission and the Home for Aged Colored People,"
145 - 161 Volume 108/Summer-Autumn 1999
Roseboom, Eugene H.
"Ohio in the Presidential Election of 1824,"
153 - 224 Volume 26/April 1917/Number 2

"The Mobbing of the Crisis,"
150 - 153 Volume 59/April 1950/Number 2
Roseboom, Eugene H., editor
"Charles Tinker's Journal: A Trip to California in 1849,"
64 - 85 Volume 61/January 1952/Number 1
Rosen, Elliot A.
"Baker on the Fifth Ballot? The Democratic Alternative: 1932,"
226 - 246, notes 273 - 277 Volume 75/Autumn 1966/Number 4
Rosenberg, Bruce A.
"Another Look at George Armstrong Custer,"
73 - 77 Volume 88/Winter 1979/Number 1