Ohio History Journal

Volume 19 Results

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Contents, Volume 19

"David Zeisberger's History of the Northern American Indians,"
edited by Archer Butler Hulbert and William Nathaniel Schwarze
1 - 173

"Index to Zeisberger's History of the Northern American Indians,"
174 - 189

"Reminiscences of A Pioneer,"
edited by Clement L. Martzolff
190 - 227

"Joseph Vance and His Times,"
by Benjamin F. Prince
228 - 248

"Twenty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, May 13, 1910,"
249 - 264

"An Abolition Center,"
by Thomas J. Sheppard
265 - 268

"Muskingum River Improvement: The McConnelsville Lock-Old and New,"
by Irven Travis
269 - 277

"Winfield Scott's Visit to Columbus,"
by Henry Beebee Carrington
278 - 291

"Russel Bigelow, the Pioneer Pulpit Orator,"
by N. B. C. Love
292 - 302

"Washington's Ohio Lands,"
by E. O. Randall
303 - 318

by E. O. Randall
319 - 332

"Trustee Meeting at Spiegel Grove,"
319 - 322

"Edward Livingston Taylor,"
322 - 325

"Samuel Sullivan Cox: His Famous Word Picture,"
331 - 332

The Wisconsin Archaeological Society, State Field Assembly, July 29-30, 1910 (Complete article, pages 333-359)
by Charles E. Brown
333 - 359

Professor Lathrop's Address (The Wisconsin Archaeological Society, State Field Assembly, July 29-30, 1910)
337 - 344

"Address of Professor Fish (The Wisconsin Archaeological Society, State Field Assembly, July 29-30, 1910),"
344 - 349

"Address of Rev. F. A. Gilmore" (The Wisconsin Archaeological Society, State Field Assembly, July 29-30, 1910)
352 - 357

"The Harrison Table Rock and Ball's Battlefield,"
360 - 369

"Address of Mrs. Truesdall" (The Harrison Table Rock and Ball's Battlefield)
362 - 363
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