"The Cyclops here their heavy
hammers deal;
Loud strokes, and hissings of tormented
Are heard around; the boiling waters
And smoky flames through fuming tunnels
In early Biblical times, according to
the fourth chap-
ter of Genesis, "Tubal Cain,"
born in the seventh gen-
eration of Adam, was an
"Instructor of every artificer
in brass and iron." The slow
development of iron mak-
ing among the early Greeks, Hebrews,
and other early
peoples is well known to the economic
historian. There
is much evidence to prove that the Assyrians,
and Babylonians were acquainted with
its manufacture.
Prof. J. Russell Smith, in The Story
of Iron and
Steel, states:
The primitive methods of the ancient
world finally focused
themselves so far as the Mediterranean
basin and European
countries are concerned, upon the so-called Catalan
forge, first
devised and used in Cataline, Spain.
This differs but little from
the ordinary blacksmith's forge, which
has the air blast furnished
by a bellows, or if possible by a
waterfall, through the device
known as the "Trompe." This consists in
letting the water fall
134 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications
through a pipe, carrying with it bubbles
of air, which escaped at
the bottom of the pipe with an air-tight
receptacle. There the
accumulated air has a pressure derived
in being carried down-
ward in the falling water. The Germans
by a series of slow
improvements evolved the first form of
blast-furnace. This was
called by the Germans the
"Stuckofen," being built to a height
of ten to, sixteen feet, and having an
output of from one hundred
to one hundred and fifty tons a year in
its best form.
Many variations and improvements
followed the
German improvements, before the making
of iron was
introduced into the United States,
which occurred in
Massachusetts in 1645. Then by degrees,
but surely, its manufacture spread
throughout the colo-
nies, chiefly because of necessity.
When Washington became President, iron
was made
to some extent in practically every
state of the newly
formed union. Proof that the use of
iron was known
before the white man's coming is shown
by the fol-
lowing quotation from the History of
Iron in All Ages,
by James M. Swank:
Professor Putnam, the archaeologist, of
Harvard University,
found in the ancient mounds of Ohio
masses of meteoritic iron
and various implements and ornaments made by hammering
pieces of meteoritic iron. This native
iron the ancient people
used the same as they did native silver
or native gold, simply as
a malleable metal. It was only after
contact with Europeans
that the Indians obtained iron in
different forms, and in due
time learned to heat and shape it as a
blacksmith would do.
In the Smithsonian Institution at
Washington may
be seen a replica of the early iron
mine, showing an
American Indian woman carrying a basket
of the pre-
cious iron ore from a tunnel, which
extended straight-
ways into the earth.
Although backed by the experience of
their fore-
runners, the iron makers of Ohio needed
Introduction 135
courage, strength of will, and
perseverance to "carry
on." The development of the
Southeastern Ohio Iron
Region at the beginning of the 19th
century, gives to
the section an unusual romantic story
for the economic
historian. This region, which developed
from such a
small beginning, later rivalled such
regions as Toledo,
Spain, and the famous iron region of
Asia Minor.
The Hanging Rock Iron Region furnished
crude iron
for use in making ordnance in England
during the
Crimean War, and it was highly praised
by their chem-
ists. During the Civil War, the Hanging
Rock iron
was again in great demand, and the
region furnished
the materials for building the famous
Merrimac, the
iron-clad ship which won fame in the
historic duel with
the Monitor. One of the Hanging Rock
furnaces fur-
nished the pig iron which was used in
moulding the
famous "Swamp Angel" cannon
used in the defense of
Charleston Harbor. The Hanging Rock
iron was so
much in demand during the Civil War,
that ofttimes
the iron was started on its journey to
the railroad in
wagons, before being allowed to cool,
and many wagon
beds were burned. On the industrial
side the iron be-
came equally famous for its casting
qualities; it being
much in demand in Cincinnati, St.
Louis, Pittsburgh,
and other foundry and steel centers.
Iron as we know it now is a basic
material, the prices
being used as an economic barometer,
especially during
a period of depression, like that
through which we
are now passing. The dependence of
upon iron and steel is taken for
granted. If a
country be lacking in iron and its
close ally, coal, it is
indeed in poor straits to become a
commercial or indus-
Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications
trial nation, unless transportation is
so well developed
that the necessary materials may be
secured easily, or
at small cost.
The counties which comprise the Hanging
Rock Iron
Region of Ohio seem to have been
blessed with a plente-
ous supply of iron ore and coal, and
the necessary
limestone is also found in great
The purpose of this thesis is to give a
glimpse of
this most interesting and historical
region. For this
purpose Jackson County has been chosen
from the
group involved, to serve as a
representative area for
study. The development of the iron
industry in this
region, beginning with the
establishment of the first
furnace in 1811, will be closely
studied. The effect of
the iron industry upon the entire
region will be given
cognizance, including the growth of
markets and com-
mercial centers. Concentrating the
study, the develop-
ment of each furnace in Jackson County
will be noted,
from the beginning of the industry in
that county in
1836, and continuing to the present
time; hence the story
of the struggle between the three major
fuels, coal,
charcoal and coke.
The author is indebted to the following
persons for
furnishing valuable information and
help, that this story
may be complete: Mr. H. H. Maynard,
professor of
marketing, Ohio State University, who
suggested this
theme, and has carefully followed the
preparation of it;
Mr. Ray B. Westerfield, professor of
political economy,
Yale University; Mr. Wilbur E. Stout,
State geologist,
Columbus, Ohio; Mr. Robert Jenkins,
County auditor
for Jackson County; Mr. Joseph J.
Jones, last manager
of Jefferson Furnace, Oak Hill, Ohio;
Mr. Andrew J.
Introduction 137
Dutiel, last manager of Madison
Furnace, Jackson,
Ohio; Mrs. Eliza Bundy Wells, daughter
of Hon. H.
S. Bundy, and wife of Harvey Wells,
builder of the
city of Wellston; Mr. C. B. Galbreath,
secretary of the
Ohio State Archaeological and
Historical Society, Co-
lumbus, Ohio; Mr. John E. Jones,
present owner and
president of the Globe Iron Company, of
Jackson, Ohio;
Mr. John S. Sylvester, editor of the
Wellston Telegram,
Wellston, Ohio, and Mr. S. J. Newell,
of the Jackson
Information and help have been drawn
from so many
sources that to acknowledge them all
would require
too much space. In addition to the
above, thanks are
due to the older residents in Jackson
County, who
worked in the iron industry, many of
whom generously
gave much valuable data and
Jackson, Ohio, December 22, 1931.
The name which is used to designate this
most inter-
esting and once most important iron
making region in
the United States, is obtained from a
cliff, located on
the brink of the Ohio River. This
location was made
famous by the old Hanging Rock Forge,
which was so
well described by Dr. Hildreth, and is
worthy of re-
production here:
Four miles above the mouth of the Little
Sandy on, the Ohio
side or right bank of the Ohio River,
and in the midst of the iron
region, is a celebrated cliff of
sandstone, called the "Hanging
Rock." The upper portion of the
cliff, which is nearly four
hundred feet high, projects over the
mural face of the rock like
a cornice of a house. The Ohio flows
close to its base, while
beneath and under its projecting walls,
is erected a forge, for
the refining of iron. The blast of its
immense bellows, and the
thundering noise of its immense hammer,
weighing more than a
ton, echoing and reverberating under the
walls of the cliff, afford
no inapt emblem of the labors of
Cyclops, under the caverns of
Mt. Etna. An abundance of iron ore is
found in the vicinity,
and a few miles back in the hills a
furnace called the "Aetna,"
furnishes the pigs for the anvils of the
modern Cyclops. Bar
iron of an excellent quality is
manufactured at this most inter-
esting spot.1
The nucleus of this most famous region
is found in
the four counties of Jackson, Lawrence,
Scioto, and
Vinton, with minor plants in Hocking
and Gallia Coun-
ties in Ohio; and Greenup, Boyd,
Carter, and Lawrence
Counties in Kentucky, embracing in all
about two
thousand square miles. Considering the
whole of the
1 History of the Hanging Rock Iron Region. of Ohio, v. I, pp.
140 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications
above-mentioned region, a famous
historian has written
that "It is doubtful if any
similar section of the middle
west can furnish so much picturesque
detail of human
experience and enterprise."2
The Hanging Rock Region is bounded on
the east
by the Ohio River, and on the west by
the Scioto River
and its tributaries. The region had a
seemingly in
exhaustible supply of iron ore, a
splendid grade of lime-
stone to be used for flux, and plenty
of timber-land to
be used in making charcoal. The
existence of men who
were willing to take long chances upon
industrial ven-
tures, made possible the growth of this
region, which
was practically an unknown wilderness
previous to 1800.
The following quotation will show the
abundance of
ores in the Hanging Rock Region at the
beginning of
the nineteenth century:
The limestone ores, as calcareous and
argillaceous carbonates,
and hydro-peroxides, or limonites, are
very abundant and have
been mined for years in the Hanging Rock
regions of Ohio and
Kentucky. They were the base of the
charcoal industry of this
famous region. . . . The limestone ores
derive their name from
being associated with a thick and
extensive deposit of grey lime-
stone. . . . The iron made from this ore
has always held a front
rank in market, the cold blast iron
being particularly prized for the
manufacture of ordnance, car wheels, and
other castings requir-
ing tough iron. The counties
constituting the Hanging Rock
Iron Region, on both sides of the Ohio
River along the horizon
of the grey limestone ore, have been
worked over in every hill,
and the ore stripped to a depth of eight
to twelve feet, forming a
line of many miles of terrace work.3
The making of charcoal was an expensive
in spite of the fact that timber-land
was plentiful. The
2 A Standard History of the Hanging Rock Iron Region of
Ohio. Pre-
face. E. B. Willard, editor.
3 Historical Collections of Ohio, edited by Henry Howe, Columbus,
Ohio. 1896, v. I, p. 117.
The Jackson County Iron
Industry 141
numerous charcoal pits scattered about
over these
southern Ohio counties, still form a
fitting memorial to
this industry of bygone days. After the
charcoal was
manufactured at the kiln, mule teams or
oxen were used
to transport it to the furnace grounds.
A two-hundred-
bushel load of charcoal was usually
drawn by four yoke
of oxen or by four-mule teams. In many
the coal had to be hauled a great
distance to the fur-
nace bank. It was generally figured
that five cords of
wood should coal one load of charcoal,
which was two
hundred bushels. This charcoal was used
as fuel in
all the old furnaces of the Hanging
Rock Region, and
hence the charcoal industry was at one
time the lead-
ing branch of the iron making venture.
Perhaps the greatest factor in the
field during the first part of the
nineteenth century,
was the historic and beautiful "La
Belle Riviere" (Ohio
or Beautiful River), so named by the
French following
its discovery by La Salle in 1669, this
nation having
exercised control of it until 1763.
A model of one of the Ohio River
flatboats which
plied the waters in these early days
may be seen at the
present time in the United States
National Museum at
Washington, D. C. The keel-boat used
prior to the
steamboat, was used for the
transportation of flour and
other products from Cincinnati to
northern points. The
old-fashioned flat-bottom boat
descended the Ohio and
Mississippi Rivers, with cargoes of
iron, and other
materials, as soon as production was
begun in the in-
land Ohio towns, thus opening a
veritable road of com-
merce between north and south, east and
The first Ohio River steamboat was
built in Pitts-
142 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications
burgh in 1810-1811. It was 138 feet
long, and of 300-
ton burden. The following description of this boat is
of particular interest:
The New Orleans left Pittsburgh
in October, 1811, and
created a veritable sensation all along
the river--panic and con-
sternation in some places which advance
information had not
reached. "A novel sight,"
wrote one contemporary journalist,
"and as pleasing as novel to see a
huge boat working her way
without the appearance of sail, or pole or any manual
labor about
her--moving within the secrets of her
own mechanism, and pro-
pelled by power undiscoverable."4
The continued growth of this
magnificent avenue of
traffic is a matter of history, and
shows us the immense
value and importance of water traffic,
especially during
the days of the pioneer, when every
effort was made to
use the available resources at hand.
In order to reach this line of traffic,
it was necessary
to use the familiar pack-horse, and
still later the ox
cart, which used roads little better
than paths through
the dense vegetation of the region. The
roads, in many
instances, followed the creek beds
where the water was
shallow, and furnished a suitable foundation
for travel.
Nothing that could be called roads
existed in the
territory west of Pittsburgh at the
beginning of the
nineteenth century. Pittsburgh was the
point for many a trader's boat or
pack-train closely fol-
lowing the settlements in the Hanging
Rock Region at
the beginning of the century. The
pioneer families
were of the usual adventurous, poor but
hardy group,
familiar in all frontiers in early
days. There were only
a few persons of wealth among them, but
such as they
4 The Ohio River in History.--Harry Pence.
Pub. by Ohio Valley Im-
provement Association, Cincinnati, Ohio,
1929, p. 17.
The Jackson County Iron
Industry 143
were, they formed a nucleus around
which might be
built an industrial enterprise.
Because of necessity the familiar
country cross-roads
store soon came into existence, these
serving as markets,
places of social enjoyment,
post-offices and general
utility centers; the stores carrying
only articles of neces-
sity, such as hats, caps, flour or
corn-meal, women's
clothing, articles of dress for young
and old, implements
of labor for the charcoal and iron-workers,
and general
supplies for the sturdy pioneer.
The blacksmith shop was generally
considered a
necessary adjunct to the general store
in most of the
small hamlets, and it occupied quite a
place in the com-
munity life. The settlers in need of
iron implements
depended upon the distant regions of
Pennsylvania, or
other iron regions, to supply their
wants. Little did
they realize that underneath the soil
in these Ohio coun-
ties, lay untold wealth in the untouched
ores, and in the
abundant allied products.
Iron was sorely needed for the
manufacture of the
needed implements of labor, and for
pots, pans and
kitchen utensils. The blacksmith shops
at Portsmouth,
Hanging Rock, Chillicothe, Piketon
(having a name as
early as 1814), and Jackson (officially
organized in
1816), all did a rushing business. Bar
iron often was
brought over the Appalachian mountains
by means of
pack-horses, the iron being bent over
the horse's back,
so as to allow different articles of
merchandise to be
tied to both ends of the bar.
The cities of Pittsburgh, Cincinnati,
and New
Orleans were the pioneer's chief buying
centers at the
beginning of the nineteenth century.
Slowly it dawned
144 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications
upon the settlers that they must secure
some commodity
which could be easily exchanged for
their necessities,
if they would maintain their trade. The
quotation sheds interesting light upon
the first iron
venture in southern Ohio, at the
beginning of the cen-
Previous to the first smelting of iron
in the Hanging Rock
Region, Brush Creek Furnace in Adams
County, the first erected
in the State of Ohio, was in blast in 1811. It was
built by
Ellison, James and Colonel Paull. . . .
This was also the first fur-
nace in the United States run by steam,
the engine which operated
it, was built by the Pittsburgh Steam
Engine Co. who, sent James
Rodgers to install it.5
Thus we had the beginning of the
venture which was
destined to make its impression upon
the entire section,
where such an abundance of raw
materials remained
untouched. Cheap labor was found in the
pioneer, who was willing to cut the
wood at twenty-five
cents a cord, with other labor
receiving a proportionate
compensation. Little capital was
necessary in the con-
struction of the first furnaces, as
they were of the
crudest type.
The second venture in the iron industry
was under-
taken some seven years later, across
the Ohio River in
our neighboring state of Kentucky. In
the year 1815,
there lived a gentleman by the name of
Richard Deer-
ing; "quite above the average of
his class and day, for
enterprise and investigation, and he
was also consider-
able of a mechanic."6 Mr. Deering
engaged in salt
boiling as a vocation, and accidentally
discovered the
iron ore located on his lands. Having
made iron in his
5 B. Willard. Op. cit., Vol. I,
p. 269.
6 E.
B. Willard, op. cit., Vol. I, p. 268.
The Jackson County Iron Industry 145
native state of Pennsylvania, he
decided to make some
of this ore into pigs. Meeting with success in his small
cupola he engaged about half a dozen
moulders to run
the material into hollow-ware.
The success of that crude attempt
induced Mr. Deering, in
1818, to form a partnership with David
and John Trimble for
the erection of "Argillite"
furnace, the first iron plant to be
established in the Hanging Rock Region.
It was located in
Greenup County, Kentucky, six miles
southwest of Greenups-
burg, upon the left bank of Little Sandy
River. The stack, 25
feet high, six feet "bosh,"
was cut solid in a cliff of black slate--
hence the name
"Argillite"--with only two sides for arches. A
dam thrown diagonally across the river
with a massive undershot
water-wheel, furnished power for the
blast. The iron produced
was made into hollow-ware on week-days,
and run into pigs on
Sundays. The blast-cylinder and
water-wheel were made by
John Deering, whom his brother had
engaged for that purpose.
The original capacity of the
"Argillite" was one ton daily, it
being classified as a
"cold-blast" furnace.7
The task of finding a market for the
surplus iron
was not a difficult one, as it was easily
loaded on rafts,
and floated to Cincinnati, Portsmouth,
and other river
cities. The iron being disposed of, the
lumber was sold,
and the men took the first steamer back
After Mr. Rodgers completed his work
for the
Pittsburgh Steam Engine Company at the
Brush Creek
Furnace, he became very much interested
in the pos-
sibilities of the surrounding region.
As a result of this
interest the first iron furnace north
of the Ohio River
in the Hanging Rock Region was
established in 1826.
Mr. Rodgers had as partners in this
enterprise Colonel
John Means, Valentine Fear, Mr. Sparks,
and Mr.
Thomas W. Means, the latter becoming
identified with many furnaces during a
later time. The
7 Ibid, p. 268.
Vol. XLII--10
146 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications
new furnace was named the
"Union," and it was very
similar in construction to the Brush
Creek Furnace,
turning out about the same amount of
iron, from three
to four tons a day.
Mr. Henry Howe, who visited this region
in 1884,
wrote the following concerning Union
Union Furnace was the first iron furnace
north of the Ohio,
in the Hanging Rock District, built in
1826. In 1837, John
Means, a son of Thomas W. Means, leased
it, at first making
three to four tons a day, and soon
increasing the output to thirty
tons a week, considered unusual.
Mr. Means stated as follows: "When
I leased Union Furnace
in 1837, corn sold for 12 1/2 cents a
bushel, and wheat for from
24 to 26 cents. Wages for competent
laborers were only $10.00
a month. I made a trip to New Orleans
and saw wheat sold
there for a quarter of a dollar a
bushel; and corn on the cob, at
the same price per barrel. We saw no
gold, and little silver coin,
except in small pieces; our circulation
was chiefly bills of state
banks, and those were continually
"Union" was located only four
miles from the Hang-
ing Rock Forge and thus served as a
splendid feeder
for its immense hammer. Closely
following the success
of "Union," furnaces began to
spring up throughout
the Hanging Rock Iron Region, and it
was soon on its
way to fame. One of these furnaces,
"Hecla," which
was established in 1833, is shown on
page 147.
The following figures give one somewhat
of an idea
as to the materials used at one of
these early furnaces
during a blast:
Clinton Furnace, located in the Hanging
Rock Region, used
the following materials in a blast of
204 days in 1836: Charcoal,
307,876 bushels . . . Stone Coal, 30,277 bushels . . . Limestone,
260 tons . . . Iron Ore, 2,546 tons . .
. Pigs made, 896 tons.
Average quantity per day, 4 tons, 7
cwt., 3 qrs., 10 lbs. Average
stock being: 1,509 bushels bituminous
coal, 148 bushels charcoal,
8 Henry Howe, op cit., 1896, Vol.
II, p. 62.
The Jackson County Iron Industry 147 Iron Ore 12 tons, 9 cwt., 2 qrs., 12 lbs. Limestone, I ton, 7 cwt., 1 qr., 22 lbs.9 The charcoal iron produced at these furnaces had many and varied uses. Superior ores were needed, for the purer the raw materials, the more valuable the fin- ished product. Strength and uniformity are required in making the best iron, and these qualities were secured through the use of charcoal fuel, and the exercise of care in choosing the better grades of ore. The chief |
use of the charcoal iron was for foundry purposes, where it was moulded into all types of castings, in the various Ohio River cities. The greatest handicap of the pioneers was a lack of working capital, outside of the transportation problem, which presented itself at every turn. As the laborers were paid only $10.00 a month, and the other wages and prices in line, it is not 9 Report of Caleb Briggs, assistant geologist of Ohio, 1836. Geological Survey Report of 1869, given by Prof. J. S. Newberry, files of State Geo- logist. |
148 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications
to be expected that any considerable
savings would be
A progressive movement which proved a
for the industry for a time was the
building of the Ohio
Canal in 1831-32, at a cost of
$5,000,000. This canal
extended from Cleveland to Portsmouth,
a distance of
307 miles, and opened up a new line of
trade for the
entire region. This canal was of great
aid in bringing
machinery and equipment from the Great
Lakes region,
and helped to overcome the handicap of
lack of transpor-
tation. However, the later results did
not bear out the
wishes and hopes of its promoters, as
shown by the fol-
lowing quotation:
In January, 1838, navigation was closed,
and twice in the
spring of 1839 the canal was closed for
repairs, goods being
brought to Brush Creek and wagoned to
Portsmouth. . . . To give
an idea of the canal as a revenue
producer, it may be said that
the tolls for 1837 amounted to $433,699,
and $382,135 for 1838;
expenses for repairs in the latter year
being $214,581. In July,
1855, the newspapers announced that the
canal was in a deplor-
able condition, though in March, 1858
there were tri-weekly
packet lines from Portsmouth to
Columbus. By 1860 railroad
competition had had its effect, and the
canal tolls had materially
decreased, as witness the following
figures: for the quarter end-
ing February 15, 186o, $7,150; and for
quarter ending May 15,
Relying chiefly upon the new markets
made avail-
able by the Ohio Canal, several new
industries were
begun in Portsmouth, the nucleus of the
Hanging Rock
Region. Perhaps the greatest and most
important of
these industries was the Portsmouth
Iron and Steel
Company, founded in 1831, it being the
first plant of its
kind west of Wheeling, West Virginia.
The president
10 E. B. Willard, op. cit., Vol.
I, pp. 92-93.
The Jackson Counter Iron
Industry 149
of this company was John P. Terry, who
owned several
charcoal furnaces, and thus made direct
use of the pig
iron produced. Their products were bar
iron, sheet-
iron, nails, and like materials. At a
later time they
manufactured all kinds of steel,
spikes, "T" rails,
specializing in iron boiler-plates and
boiler rivets. By
the year 1885, their annual product was
valued at about
$700,000 per year, thus being a factor
of great import-
ance to the nearby furnaces.
In 1837 a new era dawned upon the iron
business in the
Hanging Rock Iron Region and of the
country, caused by the
introduction of the hot blast. Three or
four furnace men met
at Vesuvius and there agreed that they
would test the principle;
that they would employ a man to put up a
hot blast at Vesuvius,
and if it proved satisfactory, Hurd,
Gould and Co. were to pay
all expenses; if a failure, the expense
was to be divided among
all the parties to the experiment. The
result was so successful
as to mark a great step in the progress
of the industry. William
Firmstone was the man selected to
install the hot blast--the first
it is believed in the United States.11
Thus we note that during the short term
of a quarter
of a century, the iron industry of
southeastern Ohio was
becoming well established; it being
stated by a good
authority that Thomas W. Means, who
kindled the first
fire at the Union Furnace, lived to see
over fifty fur-
naces in operation throughout the
entire region.
To determine the relative importance of
the Hang-
ing Rock Region with other regions of
the United
States, the following figures are of
particular interest:
The first record of the amount of iron
made, according to
the U. S. Association of Charcoal
Iron-Workers, in its journal
for 1880-81, is in 1810, when there were
in existence in this
country 153 charcoal furnaces, 135
bloomeries, 330 forges, and
34 rolling and slitting mills, producing
53,908 gross tons of pig
iron, and 36,385 tons of blooms,
billets, and bars. In 1840 the
11 Ibid, p. 270.
150 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications
number had been increased to 804
furnaces, producing 286,903
gross tons of cast iron, and 795 forges,
bloomeries and rolling
The Geological Survey of 1869 stated
that 38 fur-
naces were in operation in the entire
Hanging Rock
Region. These furnaces produced about
90,000 tons of
charcoal iron, and in addition there
were five bituminous
coal furnaces which produced 16,000
tons, making a
grand total of 106,000 tons. Thus it is to be noted
that the region was gradually assuming
a leadership in
the iron industry, which it was to
develop for many
years to come.
"Ay me, what perils do environ,
The man that meddles with cold
Jackson County is an upland county,
lying at the
head of the waters. The loftiest hills
are in Washing-
ton and Jackson Townships, with a few
points in Lib-
erty Township reaching 1,000 feet. The
county is
bounded on the north by Vinton, on the
east by parts of
Vinton and Gallia Counties, on the
south by Gallia and
Scioto, and on the west by portions of
Scioto, Pike and
Ross Counties. There are numerous hills
and dales,
formed by the waters of the melting
glaciers many cen-
turies ago. Two means of water
transportation were
seemingly available for industrial
development, when
the idea was first projected. The
Scioto River was
some distance to the west, and Raccoon
Creek was on
the east. As we shall see, however,
both of these
routes proved to be impracticable.
The existence of the salt-licks in
Jackson County
accounts for its early settlement, the
pioneers coming
from many distant places to secure this
needed ingre-
dient. It is known that licensed
fur-traders began to
visit the salt-licks about 1720, and
that they found evi-
dence of habitation at that time.
"An edition of a map
by Lewis Evans, the Welsh geographer,
published in
Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications
1755, including Virginia, and the Ohio
Valley, had the
Scioto Salt Licks marked on it."12
Transportation facilities were indeed
lacking at this
early date, but the need for salt
caused many emigrants
to settle at the springs, to aid in
carrying on the indus-
try. Money was scarce, and was not
often seen among
the settlers. It is stated that the
warehouses (such as
they were) at the springs were often a
type of museum,
because of the various articles brought
in exchange
for salt. Any article ranging from a
pocket-knife to a
saddle was acceptable as barter, and
even fire-water was
brought in exchange for salt. Perhaps
the best medium
of exchange was the pelt or hide, which
was in great
demand. A historian of the region
stated that "Even
some tax-collectors and postmasters
were known to take
peltries, and exchange them for money
required by the
There were two or three well-known
trails or roads
leading into Jackson, at the beginning
of the nineteenth
century. One of these trails extended
from Portsmouth
on the Ohio River, another from
Chillicothe via Jack-
son to Gallipolis. Relative to the
early road legislation,
we have the following interesting note:
"The Ohio Legislature appropriated
the sum of $800.00 on
February 18, 1804, for the purpose of
opening and making a road
from Gallipolis, in the county of
Gallia, to Chillicothe."14
The above-mentioned road was the first
road estab-
lished in the territory now including
Jackson County.
The county was organized in March,
1816, its area
12 History of Jackson County, D. W. Williams, pp. 34-36.
13 E. B. Willard, op. cit., Vol.
I, p. 87.
14 D.
W. Williams, op. cit., p. 80.
The Jackson County Iron
Industry 153
being about 410 square miles. At this
time the salt
boilers naturally held sway in every
political, social and
industrial venture.
Statistics show that the population of
the county in
1820 was 3,842, and in 1830 it had
risen to 5,941. The
year 1823 saw the first venture of the
traders in extend-
ing their operations beyond the county
During that year they mined more coal
than was needed
in their salt furnaces, and hauled the
surplus to the
blacksmiths of Pike and Scioto
Counties. Thus began
a development of commercial
relationships with the ad-
joining counties.
As a result of better salt brine being
found on the
Kanawha River in West Virginia, in
1826, the salt
works in Jackson County were abandoned,
the school
lands were sold, and a general revival
begun. The
school lands were appraised at from
twelve to eighty-
seven cents an acre, the average amount
being about
fifty cents. Little did the appraisers
realize that under-
neath the apparently worthless
timber-land lay untold
wealth in iron ore, coal and limestone,
all intertwined
in their usefulness. The land in
Hamilton Township,
which was to be honored by having the
first iron fur-
nace established within its boundaries,
was valued at
only twenty-five cents an acre.
The ore deposits in the southern end of
the county
were known to the furnace men of
Lawrence and
Scioto Counties, but the problem of
bringing the finished
product a distance of twenty miles made
quite a handi-
cap. The yield of from 325 to 350 acres
of timber-
land, or about 13,000 cords of wood,
were required per
year for the operation of a furnace.
The prospect of
154 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications cheap land, in the vicinity of rich ore deposits, caused Mr. Jacob Hurd, Mr. Rodgers, Jacob Ricker, ct al, to incor- porate a company in 1836 for the purpose of erecting the first furnace in Jackson County. All of these gen- tlemen had been engaged in the iron business in Law- rence and Scioto Counties. "This was the commence- ment of the iron industry in the county, and the engine used to blow the bellows was the first steam-engine that was ever operated in the county."15 The furnace was incorporated under the name of Rodgers, Hurd & Company, by special act of the Legis- lature. A photograph of the furnace is reproduced below. |
The first manager was the well-known J. M. G. Smith; Mr. Hurd was clerk, and Mr. J. H. Ricker was 15 History of Lower Scioto Valley.--Inter Cities Press, Chicago, 1885, pp. 495-496. |
The Jackson County Iron
Industry 155
storekeeper. The latter position was
one of great im-
portance, as it was at the company
store that all business
of the community was transacted. The
furnace em-
ployees were all paid in scrip, and
this was taken to the
store in exchange for various
commodities. Very often
huge profits were exacted, one
storekeeper stating that
75 to 100% was expected as a fair
Although the hot blast had been proven
Jackson Furnace used a cold blast, the
product being
used in foundries which desired the
highest quality
charcoal iron. The crude method of
employed in the beginning, is
responsible for the low
output, about three or four tons a day.
It was of high
quality, and was much in demand. The
pigs were
hauled to Portsmouth, the nucleus of
the region, where
is was loaded on boats and taken to
Cincinnati, provided
that it was not needed for the mills in
Portsmouth. It
is regrettable that the financial crash
came so suddenly
at the time when Jackson Furnace was
just getting a
start. The following quotation will
show the conditions
which soon became general:
Property shrank to such low value, that
many people were in
doubt as to whether they possessed
anything except their lives
and their families The wildcat banks rapidly climbed the golden
stairs, and their assets went
glimmering. The necessities were
cheap, and those who suffered most in
those days were of the class
called "wealthy," excepting
perhaps, the managers of the wildcat
banks spoken of above. Neither the
farmer nor the mechanic of
the West had little to complain of.
Their wants were few and
supplies cheap. The collapse which began
about 1837, hovered
over the land as late as 1842.16
"There was a six-foot bed of ore
found along the
ridge above Jackson Furnace which
yielded 10,000 tons
16 E. B. Willard, op. cit., Vol.
I, p. 82.
156 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications
to the acre."17 In spite of the
advantages of plentiful
supplies, etc., the furnace was sold in
1840 to the firm of
Ellison, Tewksberry & Co. This
group had operated
other furnaces previous to their new
venture, and began
with high hopes of success, which hopes
were well borne
During the year 1837, one of the most
gentlemen who ever lived in Jackson
County took up
his abode in Jackson, and soon began to
exercise a tre-
mendous influence. Of this individual
Mr. Howe writes
as follows:
William Williams Mather, LL.D., a
descendant of the family
of Cotton and Increase Mather, in
August, 1836, resigned from
the army to take part in the Geological
Survey of N. Y., and in
1837 came to Ohio to superintend the
first Geological Survey of
Ohio. After the suspension of the Ohio
Survey, he purchased a
tract of 1,500 acres,
including the Pigeon Roost north of the
Court House in Jackson County, on which
he built a house and
became a citizen of Ohio.18
Professor Mather, assisted by Caleb
Briggs in the
Survey, noted the abundance of
materials for the manu-
facture of iron in Ohio, and decided to
take advantage
of the opportunity. Although his
efforts were somewhat
unsuccessful, it had its effect in
drawing attention to the
region. One of Mather's enterprises is
well described
in the following paragraph:
William Williams Mather associated
himself with a number
of capitalists and organized the
"Ohio Iron Manufacturing Com-
pany," to manufacture iron, glass,
pottery, and fire-brick, make
salt and saw marble. The company was
incorporated on March
6, 1845, with a capital of $300,000. It
was authorized to build
. . . furnaces in Athens, Gallia,
Lawrence and Scioto Counties.
This brilliant scheme never
materialized, although Mather and a
17 History of the Lower Scioto Valley, p. 496.
18 Henry
Howe, op. cit., 1896, Vol. I, p. 957.
The Jackson County Iron Industry 157
company built the Oak Ridge Furnace in
Lawrence County, but it
called the attention of capitalists to
the resources here. Mather
was more of a student than a business
man, and succeeded better
as professor at Marietta and Ohio
Had Professor Mather and his New
friends been able to convince the
capitalists of the pos-
sibilities of the county, the
development would have
been more rapid. When Mather examined
the coal in
1837, he pronounced it to be of the
highest quality, and
it was used to fire the boilers at
Jackson Furnace.
As to the quality of the iron being
produced in these
first Hanging Rock furnaces, Mr. Howe
stated in his
notes of 1846 that "It stood very
high for casting, and
was equal to Scotch pig for foundry
purposes."20 Mr.
Howe further stated that the iron was
excellent for bar
iron; the principal markets being
Pittsburgh and Cin-
cinnati. At this date (1846) the four
counties of
Jackson, Lawrence, Scioto, and Greenup,
made about 37,450 tons annually, which
at $30.00 a ton,
the current market price, amounted to
"There were 21 furnaces in the
Hanging Rock Iron
Region. . . . Each of the furnaces employed
on an
average of 70 yoke of oxen, 100 hands,
sustained 500
persons, consumed 560 barrels of flour,
1,000 bushels
of corn meal, 10,000 bushels of corn,
50,000 pounds of
bacon, 20,000 pounds of beef, 1,500
bushels of potatoes,
besides other provisions, and tea,
sugar and coffee in
The coming of winter found hundreds of
choppers emigrating from their mountain
homes in
19 D. W. Williams, op. cit., p.
20 Henry Howe, op. cit., 1896,
Vol. II, p. 59.
21 Ibid.
Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications
Kentucky and West Virginia to the
furnace regions of
the county. The constant moving about,
and the asso-
ciation of the Jackson Countians with
the inhabitants
of the river cities, brought about new
modes of living,
and improved means of manufacture. Soon
the one-
room cabins gave way to more modern
dwellings. Dur-
ing the year 1817 the town of Jackson
was incorporated,
and the community at large began to
take on new life.
The migrations of persons from Lawrence
Scioto Counties into Jackson County
served a good
purpose, when a new furnace was
projected in 1848.
This second venture in the county was
promoted by
John Campbell,22 the
well-known furnace man of Law-
rence County. Many of the residents of
Keystone and
the neighboring villages, had served
under Campbell, and thus was provided
labor for the project. This new
furnace, the "Key-
stone," was to be located on
Raccoon Creek, and it was
planned to make use of the creek for
The attention of the community was
drawn to the
lack of suitable transportation
facilities, by the promo-
tion of this second furnace. A
corporation was there-
fore organized for the purpose of
making the creek nav-
igable for travel. "The Raccoon
Navigation Company"
consisted of James Riggs, Nicholas
Thevenin, Alexander
Williams, James Lewis, Charles Giles,
Joseph S. Coombs,
A. Bentley, and Moses R. Matthews. It
was incorpo-
rated February 4, 1848, with a capital
stock of $100,000.
The commissioners of Gallia, Jackson,
and Athens
22 Howe stated:
"To no other individual is so much due for developing
the resources of 'Hanging Rock Iron
Region.'" Henry Howe, op. cit., 1896,
Vol. II, p. 63.
The Jackson County Iron Industry 159 Counties were authorized to subscribe to the said stock, any amount not to exceed $20,000 each. The survey completed, the work was begun, but the possibility of a railroad killed the enterprise.23 In like manner experiments were made on the west- ern boundaries of the county, to determine the practic- ability of using the Scioto River for traffic. During the winter of 1847-48 several steamers began to carry |
on trade along the river going from Portsmouth to Waverly. The last steamer attempting to make it a paying business was launched in October, 1860, and it continued to make trips until 1861. This steamer was called the Piketon Belle. Navigation of the Scioto never passed beyond the experimental stage. Undaunted by failures to navigate the Scioto and Raccoon, Campbell went ahead with the "Keystone" project. The furnace was erected in 1848 by John Mc- Connell and Company, and the stack was 34 feet high, 23 D. W. Williams, op. cit., p. 167. |
Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications
being built in the side of a sandstone
cliff.24 The fur-
nace was somewhat more productive than
the first fur-
nace to be built in the county, and
produced from eight
to ten tons of hot-blast iron a day.
The iron was loaded
on rafts, which were built of heavy
logs; the whole out-
fit was then floated down the creek
during the spring
freshets to the Ohio River, and thence
to Cincinnati.
The method proved quite hazardous owing
to the mill
dams, where several men were drowned in
to get the rafts over the incline. This
plan of shipment
was soon abandoned, and the iron was
hauled to the
Ohio River, although it was about
twenty-five miles
Shortly after the furnace began,
quantities of flint
were found in the ore, and many of the
sold out. Their fear proved groundless,
as "Keystone"
became one of the most successful
furnaces in the
county. It passed into the hands of
Green, Benner and
Company in 1853, and they operated it
for many years,
it being one of the last to close down.
"Keystone" like many other
furnaces of the region
in early days never ran on Sundays.
This custom of
closing on Sundays was begun by Robert
Hamilton at
Pine Grove Furnace on December 20,
1844, and fur-
nished a valuable precedent for others.25
In Europe it
was common for the furnaces to be
rested on Sundays,
one famous manager stating "We do
not claim to make
as much iron in six days as we could in
seven, but in the
long run, Sabbath-keeping furnaces make
more in a year
than those which do not rest."26
24 See appendix for complete statistics
on this furnace.
25 E. B. Willard, op. cit., Vol.
I, p. 271.
26 Journal U. S. Association Charcoal
Iron Workers, October, 1884.
The Jackson County Iron Industry 161
During the year 1851, a third furnace
was projected
in the county, the "Buckeye,"
which was located only
a few miles north of
"Keystone." It differed but little
from the other furnaces in the county.
The stack was 37
feet high, and it produced from 10 to
12 tons a day. It
was built in the side of a cliff, the
opening being plainly
visible in the center. The company
purchased 4,500
acres of land about the furnace, and
employed the firm of
Newkirk, Daniels & Co. to erect the
plant, a hot-blast
Relative to the merits of hot-blast vs.
cold-blast iron,
as produced by the various furnaces in
1850, the fol-
lowing quotation is of particular
Most ores, when smelted with cold blast,
will make an iron
which will have a more uniform and
lasting chill than when
smelted with hot blast. Some ores are
affected more injuriously
than others. Some, when smelted with hot
blast, make an iron
not better than the average of
anthracite iron. We know of no
red or brown hematite ores, which will
not make a better iron
when smelted with cold blast.27
The following query also brings out the
fact that
charcoal iron was considered more
valuable for cast-
ings than other irons, different
factors being equal.
The Lobdell Car-Wheel Company of
Wilmington, Del-
aware, was asked what advantages
charcoal pig iron
possessed over other fuels for chilled
castings, with the
following result:
All of our wheels are made of a mixture
of different kinds
of charcoal iron. We suppose that a
reasonably good wheel
could be made of a mixture of other
fuels, but a better one
could be made of charcoal iron. Wheels
made of iron smelted
27 Journal U. S. Association Charcoal
Iron Workers, 1882-1883. Re-
port of Lobdell Car-Wheel Co.,
Wilmington, Del.
Vol. XLII--11
Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications
with charcoal will have a more uniform
and lasting chill than
if the ore is smelted with anthracite
coal or coke. We know of
no wheel that is equal to a good chilled
cast-iron wheel, made
with proper care and of the proper
material, if safety and
economy are considered.27a
Following the establishment of the
Hocking and
Scioto Railroad in 1852-53, several new
markets were
created for iron, and the industry
received a great
impetus. "Keystone" hauled no
more iron to the Ohio
River, but brought its iron to the
railroad at Keystone
Station, and to Jackson, where it was
shipped to its
destination. The larger amount of the
hauling was
done in the summer, when the roads were
in a more
passable condition. The greatest iron
market for the
three furnaces in the county was in
Pittsburgh, although
Wheeling, Cincinnati, and Marietta
received large ship-
The town of Jackson itself used a small
amount of
the iron produced by the furnaces, in
its two foundries.
The Jackson Foundries and Machine Shop
was founded
in 1847, at a cost of about $10,000. It
made hot-blast
car-wheels, and all kinds of castings,
especially desir-
able for furnace equipment. It employed
about a half-
dozen men in the beginning. Three years
later the
"Old Jackson Foundry" was
established. This estab-
lishment manufactured about the same
type of article,
with one exception--they introduced the
cast-iron stove
to the community. Pickrel and Company
built the lat-
ter-named foundry at a cost of about
When the news of the Scioto and Hocking
Railroad was spread during the early
'fifties, the fur-
naces at once began to stack their iron
along the right of
The Jackson County Iron
Industry 163
way, that they might take advantage of
the first oppor-
tunity. Buckeye Furnace had large stacks of iron piled
up at Jackson, and thus was one of the
railroad's first
customers. Another result of the coming
of the rail-
road was the establishment of the first
bank in the city
of Jackson. People realized that with
new outlets,
commerce would develop, and new
industrial and eco-
nomic changes would be inevitable. The
notice appeared in the Jackson Standard,
in August,
Bennett and Company have established a
bank in Jackson,
and are prepared to loan money on short
time, in large or small
sums, upon approved security, and also
purchase good negotiable
paper and county orders on favorable
Office for the present over the
Auditor's office.
Bank open from 10:00-12:00 M.
August 7, 1851. J. W. Laird, Cashier.
Prior to 1827 all the railroads built
were composed of wooden
rails, and constructed only for the
purpose of carrying heavy
materials very short distances. In 1827 the Baltimore
and Ohio
Railroad was chartered by the Maryland
Legislature, and this
was the first railroad opened for
carrying passengers. It was
opened for travel from Baltimore to Ellicott's Mills, a
of thirteen miles, on May 24, 1830, and
completed to Washington
City on August 25, 1834.28
By the year 1837, when the first
furnace was
operated in Jackson County, there were
only 1497 miles
of railroad in the United States, with
a total of only
9,021 by 1850. When the railroad fever
reached the
"Buckeye State" about 1850,
Jackson County was an
anxious prospect for the "Iron
Horse." Accordingly,
in 1851, promoters were brought to the southern Ohio
counties, to secure subsidies, etc.,
with the expectation
of building a railroad. The County
purchased stock readily, which later
proved to be worth
only about twenty-five cents a bushel
at a paper-mill.
The first Jackson County railroad
project was the
"Iron Railroad." A charter
was issued by special act
of the Legislature, March 17, 1849, and
the capital stock
was fixed at $500,000. Lawrence County
was par-
ticularly interested in this line, as
it would bring the
iron and coal from the northern part of
her boundaries
to the Ohio River. It was proposed to
build a line
from the present site of Ironton, in
Lawrence County,
28 25th Annual Poor's Manual of
Railroads. Pub. about 1890.
The Jackson County Iron Industry 165
north through Jackson County, and
connect it with the
Marietta and Cincinnati project in
Vinton County. The
necessary capital could not be secured,
and the matter
was dropped for the time being.
Two years later, in March, 1851, the
County Com-
missioners of Jackson County subscribed
$100,000 to
the "Scioto and Hocking Valley
Railroad." An agree-
ment was reached whereby a release was
to be given
upon their contract with the "Iron
Railroad," that the
county might not lose thereby. The
Scioto and Hock-
ing line crossed the Jackson County
boundary line in
May, 1853, and thus became the first
railroad of this
section. The line opened up a new line
of trade to the
north via Columbus, and other northern
points, and
later became a great rival with the
Ohio River route.
It was at first intended that the
"Scioto and Hock-
ing" would be extended to Newark,
Ohio, but the Ma-
rietta and Cincinnati R. R. began a law
suit, which
caused much delay. The road was stopped
at Jackson,
but after a time it was completed to
Hamden, where it
made connections with the M. & C.
R. R., and the
Newark end was abandoned. The right of
way for
these early roads was secured mostly by
easement, and
was one hundred feet wide. The Scioto
and Hocking
Valley road later became the property
of the Baltimore
and Ohio.
Immediately upon receipt of the news of
a railroad,
improvements in marketing facilities
were commenced
and better production was begun. The
old settlement
called Portland, in the southern part
of the county,
literally moved west, the old public
square was aban-
doned, and the buildings were erected
several hundred
166 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications
feet to the west to be near the
railroad. The new set-
tlement, Oak Hill, was composed of many
Welsh, who
came to the country between the years
1810-20. The
city of Jackson benefited more than any
other part of
the county. Churches and schools were
built, and
more than one hundred different types
of buildings were
erected between April 1, 1853 and
November 1, 1855.20
During the year 1853 the Scioto Furnace
also known as Robinson, Glidden &
Co., established the
house of Peter Powell & Co. at Oak
Hill. Its purpose
was to sell goods, and buy iron ore for
Scioto Furnace,
which was located in Lawrence County.30
In addition
to the Scioto Furnace agents, other
furnaces gradually
established agencies for securing ore
and charcoal, and
it is regrettable that so much material
was taken from
the county to be manufactured
The impetus given to business by the
first railroad
soon led to the establishment of
another. The Marietta
and Cincinnati Railroad was extended to
Byer in the
north-western part of the county on
June 4, 1854.31
Coach lines were then established
between Byer and
Jackson, in addition to the existing
lines running be-
tween Jackson, Chillicothe and
Gallipolis. This stage
line between the latter cities left
Gallipolis on Tuesdays,
Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 4 A. M.,
and arrived at
Jackson at 12:15 P. M., and reached
Chillicothe at 8:00
29 E.
B. Willard, op. cit., Vol. I, p. 457.
30 "The
Scioto Furnace Co. bought one acre of land from James
Kennedy a quarter of a mile west of
Cackley's Switch for $120. It was on
top of a hill, and the dirt was plowed
and stripped down, the ore on the en-
tire acre was taken out. It yielded a
little over 4,000 tons of good ore.
This is a fair average for that region,
and shows that the lands are cheap
at $2,000 an acre"--Davis Mackley.
Article in Jackson Standard about 1860.
31 E.
B. Willard, op. cit., v. I, p. 459.
The Jackson County Iron
Industry 167
P. M., the total distance between
Gallipolis and Chilli-
cothe being about sixty-five miles.
The three furnaces which were in
operation when the
railroad was completed in 1853-54, were
"Buckeye," and
"Jackson." These furnaces rapidly
made plans to expand their business,
and felt much more
confident as to the future of the
industry. The firm of
Green, Benner & Co. assumed the
management of Key-
stone Furnace, in 1853, and greatly
expanded the hold-
ings. Jackson Furnace, under the
control of Ellison,
Tewksberry & Co. was now enabled to
load their iron
at a nearby point. As has been stated
already Buckeye
Furnace had large stacks of iron at
Jackson, awaiting
the coming of the first train. This
iron was soon on its
way to Columbus, Cincinnati, and
Chicago. The cold-
blast iron was selling at thirty to
forty dollars a ton,
and was greatly in demand.
When the Scioto and Hocking Valley road
was com-
pleted to Hamden in 1855, giving a
direct route to Cin-
cinnati, six furnace projects were
begun. The Iron
Valley (later the Cornelia, and still
later the Lincoln)
was built in 1854, by Thompson, Laslie
& Co. at a cost
of $115,000. The company purchased 5,000
acres of
land in the immediate vicinity. The
Lincoln Furnace
was constructed somewhat differently
from the others,
in that a part of the stack was hewn
from the solid
stone of the cliff of which it was a
part, and the blast
was sent through a tunnel driven
through the rock in
the same manner. An interview with an
old resident
of the vicinity, Mr. Sent Thorn,
developed that he re-
membered having seen the ox-teams
dragging the heavy
loads of iron over the hill, following
the creek valley
168 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications
for a short distance, to the loading
place at Hamden
Junction, about six miles away. Mr.
Thorn stated that
the roads were practically impassable
during the winter,
and that most of the hauling was done
in the spring
and summer. About the time of the Civil
War, a
branch line of the railroad was
constructed to a point
within a few miles of the furnace, and
this aided mate-
rially in its growth.
Latrobe Furnace was built in 1854, a
few miles to
the southeast of Berlin. The capital
stock of "Latrobe"
was $60,000, and the company was
composed of William
McGhee, H. S. Bundy, H. F. Austin, and
R. C. Hoff-
man of Jackson County, and V. B. Horton
of Pomeroy.32
Block and kidney ore were both found in
abundance on
the company's land, the latter being
extensively used.
Limestone was also available, as well
as coal for use in
firing the boilers.
Madison Furnace, also erected in 1854,
was in the
center of vast ore deposits. Portsmouth
capital was
largely instrumental in building this
furnace, backed
by Mr. John Campbell, veteran furnace
man. Madi-
son's product was largely disposed of
in Portsmouth
during her first few years of
operation. The first
shipment of iron was in July, 1854,
from the siding at
Cross Roads, about three miles from the
It is regrettable that the same
conditions did not
exist at the time of the completion of
this group of
furnaces, as existed the year before
(1854). Iron
which sold for $50.00 in 1853, sold for
$35.00 in 1854.
All business except farming began to
lag, and prac-
32 E. B. Willard, op cit., v. I,
p. 455.
33 Feature
article, Jackson Herald, January 1900.
The Jackson County Iron Industry 169
tically all the furnaces which had been
erected were
unable to run, due to lack of funds.
The persons who
had swarmed to the county with the
prospect of the
railroad and the iron industry, now
began to go else-
where, and this migration continued for
several years.34
The largest of the group of six
furnaces erected in
1854, was the "Monroe,"
organized under the name of
the Union Iron Co. The same group also
owned the
Madison Furnace, and the Washington
Furnace, which
was, however, across the county line in
County. Colonel Wm. M. Bolles, a nephew
of Profes-
sor William Mather, the first State
geologist, was in
active control of Monroe Furnace. It
made an average
of eighteen tons a day, as contrasted
with twelve and
fourteen tons, the capacity of its
competitors.35 Cam-
bria Furnace was built by a group of
Welshmen, on a
site which is now called Black Fork. It
was incorpo-
rated by David H. Lewis & Co. Many of the Welsh
settlers traded their homes, land and
belongings for a
share of stock. Practically all of the
timber-land was
secured by this method. Thomas M. Jones
was one of
the first managers of
"Cambria," and he proved to be
quite successful.36
The most successful, as well as the
best-known fur-
nace established at the beginning of
the railroad era in
1853-54, was the Jefferson Furnace. It
was erected
34 "A relative of E. D.
Ricker, living in New England, came over to
Madison Furnace in a sleigh during the
big snow of 1856, an incident which
illuminates the conditions prevailing in
the '50's."--E. B. Willard, op. cit.,
Vol. I, p. 455.
35 See appendix for sizes various
36 The iron from this furnace was hauled
over the hills to Gallia
Landing, the first railway stations
being termed "Landings," by the river
170 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications by a company of Welshmen, who had become dissatis- fied with their connections at Madison Furnace.37 The barren, bleak and heavily wooded hills of that part of the country hid a wealth of rich limestone ore that was almost self-fluxing. The following quotation is very descriptive of the foundation of Jefferson Furnace: |
A joint-stock company was organized in January, 1854, under the leadership of Thomas T. Jones, David Edwards, et al, all Welsh, the capital being $50,000, and divided into shares of $500.00 each. Many of these stockholders traded land to the company in exchange for stock, some giving as much as 160 acres at $12.00 an acre, reserving the land where their buildings stood, and the right to cultivate what had already been cleared. Some of the less fortunate persons offered to allow their accu- mulated wages to be applied as part payment for stock. Although the company had a large amount of paid-in capital, it was neces- sary to go into debt considerably to build their plant. The firm had in the beginning 2,000 acres of timber-land, valued at $24,000, 37 Interview with Andrew J. Dutiel, last Madison Furnace manager, 1931. |
The Jackson County Iron Industry 171 and cash to the value of $26,000 fully paid. A peculiar statement in their constitution provided that none but persons of Welsh birth could hold stock, and that the furnace should be always shut down on Sundays, as was common among other early industrial enterprises.38 Relative to "Jefferson's" beginning, Mr. Jones the last manager of the furnace, states that "The first cast was on October 15, 1854, and in the following winter they made 800 tons of iron, which turned out to |
be of superior quality for car-wheels and machinery. It produced about four or five tons a day in the begin- ning, although in a short time it was casting about ten tons a day.39 In a short time "Jefferson" iron became known as a standard of excellence throughout the Hanging Rock Region. It was sold under the trade name "Anchor." The iron from this furnace was loaded at Oak Hill, 38 Article in Jackson Herald, February 17, 1900. 39 Interview with Joseph J. Jones, last Jefferson manager, 1931. |
172 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications
three miles away. It was hauled to the
station by large
cumbersome wagons, drawn by three ox
teams. The
haulers worked in two shifts of twelve
hours each, be-
ginning at sunup. Some residents of the
neighborhood have stated that many
mules and oxen
were killed in pulling these heavy
loads of materials up
and down the seemingly impassable
roads. The photo-
graph on page 171 gives a splendid
impression of the
manner in which the hauling was done.
The business depression which began
about 1856, was a great
handicap to industrial growth. So far as
can be determined,
none of the furnaces were making profits
during the years
Several of the furnaces were out of
blast for long
periods of time, due to lack of
capital, and surplus
stocks, caused by the general
depression. Jefferson
Furnace suffered along with the others.
"A part of the
company holding about one-third of the
whole stock
contracted the 'Go West' fever and sold
out their in-
terests to the remaining members for
$900.00 a share,
thus nearly doubling their money in two
years' time."
This threw the officers into additional
debt, and they
advertised the furnace for sale about 1860,
but no offer
came, and necessity forced them to make
the best of
Undismayed by general business
conditions, another
charcoal furnace, "Limestone"
was constructed in 1855.
Splendid workmanship was displayed in
its erection as
is shown in the photograph below.
"Limestone" dif-
40 History of the Lower Scioto
Valley, p. 669. This text further states:
"The policy of Jefferson was to get
all additional timber-land possible, and
save their own for later use. They
sometimes bought the land, then sold it
after they cut the timber off."
The Jackson County Iron Industry 173 fered but little from the "Madison," and was located only a few miles north of the latter-named furnace. Although situated in the center of a rich bed of ore, the lack of capital soon made it evident that it would not be a success. The year following its construction, (1856), it was sold to another firm. In 1858 it passed into the hands of a receiver, and by 1860 was out of blast en- |
tirely. The owners were constantly handicapped by lack of capital.41 The following items of interest concerning Lime- stone Furnace were given by an old resident of the neighborhood: John Williams was the foundryman, or the man that "blowed the furnace." The ore was secured chiefly on the Williams farm, only a few miles away. They hauled loads of iron to the siding, and returned with loads of ore. The iron was first hauled to Crossroads Landing, and later to Vinton Switch, as in the latter 41 History of Lower Scioto Valley, p. 497. |
174 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications
case direct contact was secured with
the Columbus route. As
many as sixteen teams were engaged in hauling during
the sum-
mers, and they were paid about $15.00
per month. Labor re-
ceived 75 cents a day. The charcoal was
secured largely on the
company's land, and the wood-choppers
were paid from 30 to
50 cents a cord for cutting the
necessary wood supply.42
During the year 1854, one year before
the construc-
tion of the last charcoal furnace to be
erected in Jack-
son County, the following article
appeared in the Jack-
son Standard:
We understand that on or about the 20th
inst., there will be
experiments made to bring into use the
Jackson coal for iron
making. The Washington Furnace has made
preparations to test
the matter in full and decided
satisfaction. Much depends upon
the success of this important matter.
If it is possible that our
coal can be used in the manufacture of
iron, Jackson County can
build all the railroads in the State.
Her wealth can be surpassed
only by California. We look with an
anxious eye to the success
of this great and important experiment.43
Unfortunately no statement can be found
relative to
the actual result of the above experiment,
but it was
evidently regarded as a success. Coal
had been mined
in the county since 1823, and it was
used to a great ex-
tent throughout the entire region for
firing the furnace
boilers. It was argued that if raw coal
could be used
in the Mahoning Valley furnaces of
Ohio, and also in
the Shenango Valley furnaces of
Pennsylvania, it was
reasonably expected to be successful
here. At least the
following article appeared in the
Jackson Standard in
1855, which added to the enthusiasm:
Mr. Joseph Crowther has succeeded in
coking or rather
charring Jackson coal, which is in
every sense of the word cal-
culated for furnace use. Our furnace
men say that it will
answer the same purpose as charcoal,
for making iron.
42 Interview with Pat Varley, Wellston,
Ohio, March, 1931.
43 Article in Jackson Standard, March,
The Jackson County Iron Industry 175
The news of the coal possibilities
brought on another
slight boom, and several projects
resulted therefrom.
The year 1855 brought the first
telegraph-line to the
country, which proved to be a great aid
to communica-
tion. The first daily line of stages
was started from
Jackson to Byer Station, on the
Cincinnati & Marietta
R. R. in July, 1855, thus giving a
daily line to Cincin-
An attempt was also made to bring another rail-
road into the county, as noted in the
following para-
This new railroad was to be known as the
"Hillsboro, Jack-
son and Pomeroy." An organization
was effected, and work
begun in 1856, with a number of Jackson
men taking the initiative.
Considerable grading was done, but the
promoters had not con-
sidered the fact that they might be
infringing upon the rights
of another road. The Marietta and
Cincinnati Railroad, which
claimed that the road would injure their
business, secured an
injunction, and thus ended the project.
Some of the local con-
tractors, including Bannister Brown,
Abraham French, J. M.
Martin and C. M. Martin lost all they
put into it. The
stockholders likewise lost heavily. The
old road-bed west of
Jackson was later made use of in the
building of the Detroit,
Toledo and Ironton road.44
The year 1856 found another furnace in
process of
construction in the town of Jackson.
Salt Lick Fur-
nace was built by Peter Powell,
Alexander Gratton, and
R. C. Hoffman. "It was built in a
vicinity where both
timber for charcoal, and iron ore were
several miles
away. They owned little land, depending
upon buying
the materials and hauling it in
wagons."45 This vision-
ary project could have but one future,
and such was the
result. The charcoal was too expensive
to be hauled to
44 Interview with Mr. S. C. Crossland, partner in Martin's
Founded '44.
45 Notes of D. W. Williams, Jackson
County, author and historian.
Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications
its grounds, and the long hauling costs
were prohibitive.
This failure had some good results,
however, because
following its failure, David Tod and
Allan Hallowell
of Youngstown, experienced stone-coal
workers in the
Mahoning Valley, were secured to
experiment here.
Unfortunately too much sulphur existed
in the stone-
coal which they secured from the hills,
to make it suc-
cessful in the reduction of ore. Hence
the first stone-
coal furnace in Jackson was a dismal
failure. The fur-
nace was allowed to decay, very little
work being done
after 1860, and it was dismantled in
The first furnace constructed
especially for the use
of stone-coal as a fuel was also built
in 1856, and was
known as the "Young America."
It was located at
Petrea, three miles northwest of
Jackson. The com-
pany consisted of L. A. Atkinson, J. W.
Laird, J. H. C.
Miller, N. T. Cavett, Geo. B.
Walterhouse, Miles W.
Vance et al, Mr. T. M. Jones
aiding in its construction.
These gentlemen were more experienced
in law and
politics than in iron making, and the
venture was a com-
plete failure. It never operated over
half the time and
when a receiver was appointed in 1860,
the plant was
razed to the ground. Thus came the
untimely death of
Jackson's second stone-coal fuel
furnace. The ma-
chinery was sold to the Orange Furnace
Company of
Jackson. Many Jackson citizens lost
thousands of dol-
lars in this ill-advised scheme.
A. copy of the scrip in common use
among the fur-
naces, in addition to its use by Young
America Furnace,
appeared in the Wellston Telegram, on
February 27,
1930; which stated that it was printed
on thin India
The Jackson County Iron Industry 177
paper, so that a hundred could be
slipped into an ordi-
nary billfold. A copy is given below:
Young America Furnace Company. No. 1778.
June 15,
1858. The holder, having surrendered his
certificate, has credit
to the company's store for the sum of
One Dollar, payable in
merchandise on demand.
By order of the directors,
J. S. Miller, Secy.
Storekeeper will only issue checks in
his charge depart-
ment for financial convenience, never
for circulation as
There was a feeling of discouragement,
due to the
fact that the stone-coal fuel was
seemingly unfit for use.
A mere accident resulted in the
discovery of a new vein
of coal in the town of Jackson, which
was in every
way suited for furnace use. In 1859,
James L. Rice
sunk a well near his flour-mill, and
upon finding a vein
of coal, used some of it in his stoves.
Upon further in-
vestigation the shaft showed a
four-foot vein of superior
coal. The secret of the Jackson Shaft
Coal lies in the
fact that when borings are made an
abundance of salt-
water is found, instead of the usual
fresh water. Sul-
phur will not mix with salt water, and
hence the coal
is practically free from sulphur, which
makes it ideal
for use in the reduction of iron. The
discovery of this
splendid coal vein was of immense value
to Jackson
County, and meant the continued growth
of the iron in-
In closing this chapter it may be noted
that seven
charcoal furnaces, erected during the
railroad era, were
all due to the influence of the
railroad. Although the
stone-coal furnaces were closed down,
there was plenty
of usable fuel 75 feet beneath their
own properties.
Vol. XLII--12
Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications
Although the railroad was purchased for
a high
price, its influence was felt in every
town, hamlet and
village in the section. It led to
immense changes in the
industrial, social and educational
life. The population
of Jackson doubled during the decade,
and a spirit of
optimism prevailed in 1860, in spite of
the prevailing
business depression. Many of the
furnaces were shut
down, but all looked forward with high hopes.
Due to the business depression which
began about
1857, great quantities of iron were
stacked by the fur-
naces, and this remained on hand in
1860. Credit had
been extended to the furnaces, although
several were
forced, by lack of capital, to cease
operations. Scrip
and negotiable instruments became more
common in the
payment of labor, and none of the
furnaces paid divi-
dends during the years 1857-1860.
Mr. John Means, veteran furnace man,
and owner
of several Lawrence County furnaces,
gave the follow-
ing information relative to conditions
during the years
immediately preceding the war:
1854-1861 I kept my furnaces going, but sold very
little iron--only enough to keep me in
ready money. In 1863, I
had an accumulated stock of 16,000 tons.
Charcoal iron was sell-
ing at between $10.00 and $10.00 a ton. In 1863
it advanced to
$400.00 a ton, which I thought a fine
lift, but in 1864, it netted me
$80.00 a ton. For eight years before the war, nearly
all the fur-
nace-owners were in debt, but creditors
did not distress them, for
they were afraid of iron, the only asset
they could get, so they
carried their customers the best they
could, hoping all around
for better times. We Are All Right Now,
and So Is the Country,
If the Fools Will Quit Tariff Meddling.46
Prior to the breaking out of the Civil
War, the U.
S. Government had made a test of
different irons, with
reference to its suitability for making
ordnance. It was
found that the cold-blast iron made in
the Hanging Rock
46 Henry Howe, op. cit., 1896,
Vol. II, p. 63.
Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications
Region was equalled only by
"Results obtained from the
two furnaces respectively, at Toledo,
Spain, and in Asia
Minor."47 As a result
the Fort Pitt Works at Pitts-
burgh began to make heavy demands upon
all the Hang-
ing Rock Furnaces, in many instances
using every ton
of their output. The hot iron was
hauled to the rail-
road, without a chance to cool. Before
long the accumu-
lated stocks were disposed of, and the
scarcity of labor
was quite a problem for the furnace
owners. Many of
the furnaces, including
"Keystone" and "Diamond,"
raised troops of their own, put foremen
in charge of
them, and sent them off to the war.
Perhaps the most outstanding
manufacturer of iron
for the government during the war
period was Jeffer-
son Furnace. The government offered
several times to
take the entire output, but the
managers would not al-
low their old customers to be
neglected, and hence the
agreement was not consummated.
Jefferson Furnace
had thousands of tons of iron stacked
on its property in
1860-1861, which was worth only $14.00
a ton. Then
came the big opportunity, and they made
good use of it.
The price soared to $40.00, $60.00 then
$90.00 a ton.
The iron from this furnace, which was
sold under the
trade name of "Anchor,"
became a standard of value.
"The big guns at Harpers Ferry
were made from Jeffer-
son Furnace iron, one of them weighed
60 tons, and used
80 tons of crude iron in its
construction."48 The furnace
paid its first dividends in 1861, and
then commenced one
of the most prosperous eras in furnace
history, for "Old
47 Ohio geological report, 1884,
Columbus, Ohio.
48 Article in
Jackson Herald, February 17, 1900. This article further
states that "The iron-clad Merrimac
was constructed from Jefferson fur-
nace iron."
Jackson County Iron Industry 181
The dividends paid by "Jefferson" from
are as follows:
1861 10% 1871 100%
1862 20% 1872 100%
1863 30% 1873 100%
1864 100% 1874 None
1865 150% 1875 None
1866 200% 1876 None
1867 100% 1877 None
1868 100% 1878 None
1869 100% 1879 30%
1870 100% 1880 200%
furnace in the county which profited
by war orders was the "Lincoln," which was
by the Iron Valley Furnace Company to the firm
Radcliff and McGhee, in 1861. McGhee bought out
interest of Radcliff in 1863, and continued a suc-
career. Latrobe Furnace likewise made great
during the war, and turned out some of the best
ever produced in the county. "Latrobe" was pur-
by Hon. H. S. Bundy during the war, and the
was arranged in such a manner that either hot or
iron could be produced. Bundy and H. F.
also purchased Buckeye Furnace in 1862, for the
sum of
$50,000.49 In 1864, the plant was sold to Terry,
and Company, who ran it until 1867 when the
Furnace Company" was assumed to take con-
The frequent changes at Buckeye Furnace is illus-
of the way in which frequent reorganizations
place in the management of practically every fur-
Recorder's records, Jackson County Court House, Jackson, Ohio.
(182) |
The Jackson County Iron Industry 183
nace. Many were the individuals who
lost heavily on
these reorganization devices, and but
few of the fur-
naces in Jackson County escaped the
inevitable receiver-
ship proceedings, at some stage in
their careers.
Monroe and Cambria Furnaces were
unprepared to
profit greatly during the war; the
former was in the
hands of a receiver, who sold off large
quantities of the
land. Cambria Furnace was badly in need
of repairs;
it made some iron during the war, but
largely due to
lack of foresight, was placed in the
hands of a receiver
in 1864. Jackson Furnace, the first to
be established in
the county, was becoming obsolete, and
no attempt was
made to bring it up to date. Due to the
impetus of war
orders, progress was made for the time
being, but the
Furnace was then again neglected.
Madison Furnace,
which was managed by Portsmouth
interests, made
rapid progress both during the war and
after its close.
Their policy of constant replacement of
obsolete ma-
chinery, conservation of timber-land,
and the purchase
of coal-land stood the Furnace in good
stead for many
years to come.
The high price of iron during the war
another slight boom in the industry,
one immediate
effect of which was the building of a
stone-coal furnace
within the corporate limits of Jackson.
The Orange
Furnace had been planned as early as
1853, but various
obstacles prevented its construction.
When a coal shaft
was sunk on the southeast corner of
Locust and Pearl
Streets, it was found to yield a high
quality coal, prac-
tically free from sulphur. This greatly
encouraged the
promoters, and construction was
immediately begun.
The company was composed of John and
Lewis Davis,
Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications
Alanson Robbins, Peter Pickrel, and D.
D. Dungan, and
was incorporated as the "Orange
Furnace Company."
Augustus and James Watson of Cincinnati
were also
instrumental in the erection of the
furnace. These
latter-named gentlemen were not
particularly interested
in the business except as an
investment, and when they
purchased a controlling interest, the
end seemed near.
"Orange" ran a part of the
time for a few years, and
went into the hands of a receiver.
The first cast at Orange Furnace was on
May 21, 1865.50 The furnace was located
directly over
an immense coal vein, but this factor
alone could not
make up for poor management, and
inexperience. Dur-
ing the second receivership, under Van
Dyke, a large
amount of coal was mined and shipped
out of the city.
A new coal-burning locomotive was
placed on the Ports-
mouth branch of the Marietta and
Cincinnati Railroad
about 1865, and thus developed a new
use for the shin-
ing carbon. In 1867, the Orange Furnace
boilers blew
up, and scattered parts all about the
town. Some repairs
were made, and a small amount of iron
made, until the
panic of 1873 gave it a death-dealing
blow. The fur-
nace was torn down, and the land was
sold by the Cin-
cinnati bankers, for use as town lots.
The fourth stone-coal furnace to be put
in operation
in the county, in spite of the failure
of three others was
the "Star" erected in 1864.
The "Star Furnace Com-
pany" was composed of John M.
Jones, Ezekiel T.
Jones, (who had superintended the
erection of
"Orange"), Alanson Robbins,
David Dungan, James
Chesnut, B. Kahn, and Isaac Brown. The
50 E.
B. Willard, op. cit., Vol. I, p. 477.
The Jackson County Iron Industry 185
stock was $60,000. "Star" had
the first iron stack ever
erected in the county. It was also one
of the most mod-
ern furnaces of its time. The machinery
was pur-
chased from the Oak Ridge Furnace Co.
of Lawrence
County. "Star" made about
12-15 tons of iron per
day in the beginning, but quickly
increased its produc-
tion. The coal seam underneath its
property in the
northeast section of Jackson was
practically free from
sulphur. The firm had splendid
management, the mar-
kets were well studied, and the furnace
had a success-
ful career from the start. Thus the
beginning of this
furnace really marked the successful
approach of the
bituminous coal era for Jackson County.
It was now realized by prominent
furnace men that
the struggle between charcoal vs.
stone-coal iron would
become more intense as the years rolled
on. Consider-
ing the whole of the United States, the
following quo-
tation is of particular interest,
although the same situa-
tion did not exist in the Hanging Rock
Iron Region of
From 1840 there had been what is usually
termed a decadence
of the charcoal iron industry; it is
however more of an over-
shadowing. Many of the furnaces,
forges, and bloomeries which
were in operation in 1840 are
permanently abandoned. Some of
these works were forced to cease
operations by reason of the
denudation of forest lands, and their
conversion into arable tracts;
while others, owing to their location
being distant from a suitable
ore supply or from railroad facilities,
have been unable to compete
in the market with more favorably
situated furnaces.51
In spite of the above-mentioned
conditions, which
existed in the country at large, the
Jackson County fur-
naces fared rather well until about
1880 when a sudden
51 U. S. Association Charcoal Iron
Workers Journal, Vols. I and II,
1880, p. 1.
Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications
downward trend developed. The problem of self-
preservation of the charcoal stacks was
an ever present
one in the fact of the large production
of the stone-coal
furnaces. Hon. H. S. Bundy, who had
purchased two
furnaces in the county, made several
noticeable improve-
ments. The tonnage capacity at
"Keystone" was
increased from 10 tons to 24 tons a day
between the
years 1870 and 1880, and about 100 men
were employed
at various tasks.52 Bundy also initiated a new program
of experimentation at
"Latrobe" furnace. Heretofore
all the furnaces followed somewhat of a
plan, but H. S. Bundy converted the
land to farming
tracts, and rented it out to various
people. It is doubt-
ful whether this plan was of any value
to the business.
Jackson Furnace changed hands a number
of times
previous to its last run in 1874.
Stone-coal was used
as an experiment in her stack, but the
brick-lined side
was not fitted for its use. There were
about 7,000 acres
of coal in the township in which it was
located, but the
peculiar construction of the stack
prevented its use.
"Jackson" was thus in
operation for thirty-seven years.
Mr. Moses Morgan was one of the last
managers. One
historian has stated that "had the
vein of ore held out in
quantity and quality as it had first
promised, it would
have furnished food for Jackson Furnace
for 300 years.
It yielded 10,000 tons to the
Buckeye Furnace, on the other hand,
made a great
deal of progress during the years
1870-1882, under the
52 Interview with Mrs. Eliza
Bundy Wells, daughter of H. S. Bundy.
Mrs. Wells states that her father
erected a large grain-mill on Raccoon
Creek, in conjunction with the furnace
in 1879, this mill using the famous
turbine water wheel.
53 History of the Lower Scioto
Valley, p. 496.
The Jackson County Iron Industry 187
management of Lot Davies. The following
relative to this furnace was given by
the State geologist
in his report of 1869:
Dr. Williams, who was the financial
manager of Buckeye
Furnace in 1869, kindly furnished us
ores for analysis some
being very superior ores. One gives
61.52% of metallic iron,
the other two respectively, 55.58% and 50.83%. The cinder
No. 2
contains nearly seven per cent of metallic
iron. No fur-
nace can afford to make much of such
cinder. From the appear-
ance of the cinder heaps in southern
Ohio some furnaces have
made far too much of it.
A change in ownership was noted in the
Furnace soon after the war. In 1866
John and Isaac
Peters, who were among the first
owners, sold their en-
tire interest for $129,000 to
Portsmouth interests. As
has already been noted, Limestone
Furnace fared badly
following the war. Madison Furnace was in the hands
of E. D. Ricker & Co. in 1865;
controlled by Peters,
Clare & Co. in 1869. and by Clare,
Duduit & Co. in
During the year 1868, another
stone-coal furnace
was begun in the town of Jackson.
Fulton Furnace, as
it was called, has become one of the
most successful fur-
naces of the county, and is still in operation
under the
name of "Globe."
The land had been purchased and work
begun on the shaft
in 1865 by Captain Lewis Davis,
immediately after severing his
connection with the Orange Furnace. More
land was purchased,
partners were taken in, the shaft and furnace
were completed,
but the coal proved to be impure and the
shaft was not worked.55
54 Auditor's Records, Court House,
Jackson, Ohio. This record further
states Madison owns about 1,000 acres of
land at $9,621; plant and fixtures at
$11,575, in 1875.
55 History of Lower Scioto Valley, p. 498.
Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications
The resultant hard times of the
business depression,
coming as they did about a year after
"Fulton's" con-
struction, crippled it for a time. Mr.
Elias Crandall
and L. T. Murfin were among the first
managers of the
furnace. It was capitalized at $60,000.
Samuel Mc-
Cormick was elected president; J. E.
Feree, secretary,
and Thomas T. Jones, manager. (Mr.
Jones had been
active at old Jefferson Furnace, and
was the grandfather
of the present president of the firm,
Mr. John E. Jones.)
After a few years there was an
opportunity to secure
a splendid coal supply by a
consolidation with another
firm in the city, and this led to the
consolidation of Ful-
ton Furnace with the Globe Furnace in
It is interesting to note at this late
date, the contrast
between the furnaces here and in other
regions. While
the Jackson County furnaces had a
production of from
10 to 20 tons a day in 1870, there were
big stone-coal and
coke furnaces being built in Columbus,
Cleveland, and
Youngstown, which produced from 25 to
35 tons a day.
The height of the stacks in these
latter-named cities was
from 60 to 65 feet, while only two or
three furnaces in
Jackson County were over 50 feet.56
The State geologist in 1870, stated
that "Even our
best furnaces are still behind the age
in their productive-
ness and economy. They come far short
of what is
accomplished elsewhere. The old
charcoal furnaces
were thought to do well, if they made
from 30 to 40 tons
a week, while in England some of the
furnaces are mak-
56 W. B. Potter in Geological report for
Ohio. In 1870, he further
states that Scotch furnaces were built
to a height of 95 feet in 1865, and in
1869 to a height of 100 feet, with a
capacity of 3,300 cu. ft.
The Jackson County Iron Industry 189
ing 600 tons a week, and our best
situated ones are
making 300 tons a week."57
The United States had the advantage of
a higher
tariff, and several thousand miles less
of transportation
for the raw material, in which Jackson
County shared
bountifully. By 1870, a few of the
furnaces were mak-
ing use of foreign ores, and were
making improvements
in their equipment, but it was not a
general trend. The
Geological Survey of 1869 stated that the
supply of ore
in the entire Hanging Rock Region was
scarcely dimin-
ished, "Though many were quitting
because of a scarcity
of timber."58 This report
urged the adoption of a sys-
tem of forest preservation, although it
admitted that this
might not be possible where the land
was so valuable for
agricultural purposes. This report further stated that
numerous rolling-mills were being
established at Ports-
mouth, Ironton, Pomeroy, Columbus,
Zanesville, and
Newark, which would be of great value
to the industry
as a whole.59
57 Geological Survey of 1869-1870, files
of state geologist, Columbus,
58 Ibid.
59 This report further stated that
"Portsmouth is the chief commercial
city of the Hanging Rock Region.
Ironton, 30 miles up the river in Law-
rence County, has a population of 7,000
and is one of the most enterprising
and important manufacturing points in
Southern Ohio, as well as being
the shipping and distributing center for
the most important part of the
Hanging Rock Region. It is the largest
town on the Ohio River above
Cincinnati, which has navigation
uninterrupted by the fluctuations of the
height of the water."
During the first few years of the '70s,
great progress
was made in the development of the
furnaces already in
operation, as well as in the
construction of other plants.
Coal mining received a great impetus,
due to the estab-
lishment of new markets, and the
furnaces used thou-
sands of tons of the new fuel.
In 1871, which year may be taken as a
fair year by which to
compare modern iron interests, the
production of pig iron in the
world was approximately 13,315,000 tons.
Great Britain led with
a production of 6,500,000 tons and the
United States ranked sec-
ond with a production of 1,912,000 tons. Ohio
ranked second in
the States being exceeded only by
Pennsylvania. The entire
production of Ohio was 426,626 tons.
Jackson County ranked
fourth in the state, with a production
of 34,416 tons, being pre-
ceded by Mahoning, Trumbull, and
Lawrence Counties. Jackson
County ranked first in coal production.60
Speaking of the Hanging Rock Region as
a whole,
Professor Newberry, the State
geologist, said in his
report of 1869:
Deposits of iron ore can be found in
nearly all sections of
the valley, especially in the coal
measures. One vein of coal is
the floor of an iron ore seam. They
occupy different horizons of
the same territory. One vein yields 33%
pure iron, another 55%,
and a third 60%. These seams extend for
miles, creeping out in
opposite slopes of the same hills.
Between the years 1870-73, the value of
different ores as
delivered at the furnace was, per ton of
2,240 pounds on the
Article in Jackson Standard, 1884.--Andrew Roy, State mine in-
The Jackson County Iron Industry 191
average, for the limestone ores, $3.85;
for the kidney ores, $3.50,
and for the block ores, 73.25. The
Missouri ore, always high,
although now being used in the furnaces
of the Hanging Rock
Region, is used especially at Ironton,
as a mixture with other
ores. With these native ores, they
usually work better than when
smelted alone, the native ores producing
a red short iron, and
the Missouri and Lake Superior ores a
cold short iron, a proper
mixture is said to produce a neutral
iron, or one having neither
of these objectionable features. In 1870 the Lake
Superior ore
cost about $11.oo a ton at Logan, Ohio,
and the Missouri ores
at Ironton.61
In the year 1872 another stone-coal
"Globe," was built in the
western part of Jackson. It
was incorporated under the name of
Watts, Hoop and
Company, and the owners were J. M.
Watts, Peter
Hoop, Jr., C. S. Dickason, and T. P.
Sutherland.62 The
Globe Company had a slope mine in
connection with its
plant, the shaft having been sunk in
1865. This mine
contained valuable coal deposits,
Andrew Roy, State
mining inspector, giving the following
report of it in
1880: "The coal falls below three
feet on the hills,
and swells to four feet in the swamp of
the mine.
'Globe' makes hot-blast iron, her
production is about
15 tons a day." In spite of the
advantages enjoyed,
"Globe" was unsuccessful, and
consolidated with the
Fulton Furnace in 1873. From that date
the coal was
hauled by teams of mules from Globe
Furnace to old
Fulton Furnace, which was now under the
name of the
Globe Iron Company. The old Globe
Furnace com-
pletely burned in 1876, thus its life
was short, but its
61 Ibid. Also states: Charcoal delivered at the furnace in 1870-71,
about eight and one-half cents a bushel;
average consumption for ton of
iron was 155 bushels, or allowing 20
pounds per bushel, 31 hundredweight
(2,268) of iron with hot-blast, and 215
bushels or 43 hundredweight per ton
(2,268) of iron cold-blast.
62 History of the Lower Scioto Valley, p. 498.
Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications
namesake is in operation today. The new
Globe Fur-
nace was also one of the first furnaces
in the Hanging
Rock Region to dispense with the
expensive roasting
process, and to make iron from the raw
native ore.,
During the year 1873, the same year of
the re-
organization of Globe Furnace, another
stone-coal fur-
nace was projected in the northeast
section of the town
of Jackson.63 "Triumph"
was the name selected for
the new plant, but its failure belied
its title. The in-
feriority of the coal seam caused its
abandonment, and
the machinery, which had been
purchased, was sold to
the newly organized "Huron Furnace
The era of prosperity reigning for a
few years dur-
ing the early '70s was in danger,
however, and the fur-
naces were not prepared for a rainy
day. Paying huge
dividends when they had them, reserve
funds were prac-
tically unknown, even the best-managed
firms spending
liberally. As a result practically all
the charcoal fur-
naces were shut down during the panic
of 1873, "Key-
stone," "Latrobe," and
"Jefferson" being about the only
ones which kept going, although they
sold little if any
iron during these years. A man living
in Wellston
operated the two first-named furnaces,
and when he was
asked time after time why he operated
them, he stated
that "The country cannot always do
without iron, and
the poor men must not starve, even
though iron cannot
be sold."64
One of the most interesting stories,
illustrating the
economic fallacies of the time, grew
out of an annual
63 E. B. Willard, op. cit., v. I,
pp. 483-506.
64 The gentleman named was Hon. H. S.
Bundy. From excerpts of a
letter written by F. M. Massie to
Wellston Telegram, February 26, 1931.
The Jackson County Iron
Industry 193
meeting of the directors of old
Jefferson Furnace. The
financial statement of 1873 showed that
the furnace
was operating at a great loss, though
the commissary
store had a slight profit. The
directors proposed that
they shut down the furnace, and
continue the operation
of the store, ignoring the fact that
the prosperity of the
store was directly dependent upon the
success of the
In spite of the difficulties presented
by the depression
of 1873, there were fortunately some
economists and business men who were
not blinded by
the conditions at hand. Thus the year
1873 became one
of the mile-stones in the history of
the county. Per-
haps the most noticeable progress was
due to the efforts
of the promoter of Wellston, Harvey
Harvey Wells arrived in Jackson in
1872, with a
new idea for the iron industry. He
stated that it was
a bad economic policy for the entire
community to be
dependent upon the welfare of a single
industry. As
no one from outside the group of owners
was allowed
profits, the men were entirely
dependent upon the stabil-
ity or downfall of the enterprise. If the furnace failed,
the whole community failed, and the
population of three
65 "Harvey Wells, son of Agrippa
Wells, was born at Wilkesville, in
Vinton County, May 29, 1846. First
learned carpenter's trade. Became a
messenger in Union Army at 16. Was
placed in Harness Department, and
soon became foreman of the department.
Discharged October, 1865, age
of 19. Started to school, soon quit, and
worked as manager of H. S.
Bundy's store at Latrobe Furnace. Soon
became dissatisfied again and at-
tended school at Ohio Wesleyan and also
at Ohio University. When 21,
with aid of Mr. Stearns of Latrobe
Furnace, compiled a treatise, Rapid
Calculations; sold 60,000 copies through Central States and was
known as 'Lightning Calculator.' Selling
tour developed personality, and
gave him some needed cash for
Vol. XLII--13
194 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications
or four hundred dwindled to practically
zero,, within a
few weeks time. Wells suggested to the
furnace men of
Jackson that their plants be made mere
adjuncts of the
town, and that the town be made
self-supporting with-
out their help, should conditions so
warrant. The fol-
lowing paragraph gives a summary of the
When he wanted to build additions to
Jackson, and make
it the county metropolis, which would
draw all the furnaces and
other enterprises within its limits,
the business men of Jackson,
who had never given any thought to real
estate values, refused
him all financial aid. But he had
traveled extensively, and he
concluded to use his talents in
creating value by town building,
and this determination gave birth to a
new town, which was
called Wellston.66
Mr. Wells began to buy hundreds of
acres of land
in the vicinity of Milton Post-office,
using only his nerve
and audacity, as he had little other
capital at the time.
He secured several thousand acres of
land, and organ-
ized the "Consolidated Wellston
Coal and Iron Com-
pany." He then issued $500,000 in
first mortgage
bonds, which he put up as collateral
for a loan of $300,-
000 from the Farmers' Loan and Trust
Company of
New York. The Jackson Standard carried
the follow-
ing item on May 1, 1873:
A coal shaft has been sunk in Milton
Township, near the
farm of H. S. Bundy. It is located
between the brick school-
house and the railroad. On last
Thursday, April 24th, coal was
reached at the depth of 71 feet. We saw
specimens of the coal.
It is of the best quality of shaft
coal. There will be a new fur-
nace commenced at once.
A photograph of this first furnace, the
appears below. Several car-loads of the
coal were
brought to Jackson, and tested in the
Orange Furnace
66 E. B. Willard, op. cit., Vol.
I, p. 490.
Decline of Iron Making and Building of Wellston 195 in July, 1873, and satisfactory results obtained. The Milton Iron and Coal Co. was organized on Monday, July 28, 1873. The capital stock was $100,000.67 Mr. Wells was not an incorporator of the first furnace which was erected, but he was responsible for its promotion.68 The Jackson Standard gave the following informa- tion in its issue of November 13, 1873, following an interview with Harvey Wells: |
Mr. Wells informs us that he has closed his contract with Mr. H. S. Bundy for his home farm. Mr. Bundy reserves his home and 50 acres around it, and a right of way to the railroad. Mr. Wells gets the balance, 1,ooo acres, for which he pays $100.00 an acre, or $100,000 for the entire tract. It is the intention of 67 Interview with H. S. Willard, Wellston, March 1931. 68 Incorporators of Milton Furnace were Alanson Robbins, A. Austin, H. G. Lasley, H. S. Willard, J. E. Ferree, J. W. Morley, and L. W. French. Robbins was president; Ferree was secretary; Willard was manager, and French, storekeeper. |
196 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications
Wells to erect several furnaces, and
lay out a large town in the
The feeling among the business men of
Jackson can
well be imagined when they read the
above paragraph.
True to his promise, Wells had the town
surveyed in
January and February, in the year 1874,
and the plat
covered 271 acres. The name was changed
from Mil-
ton to Wellston, in honor of its
promoter, and a mush-
room city developed. A large portion of
the thousand
acres then owned by the Wellston
Company, was bought
by Mr. Bundy only a few years ago for
to $35.00 an acre. He sold it for
$100.00 an acre to
Wells, who sold it a few months later
for $150.00 an
acre and thus cleared $50,000 in the
Closely following the successful
construction of Mil-
ton Furnace, came the realization that
was still inadequate to meet the
demands of a growing
community. An outlet was needed for the
turing centers of the Middle States,
which would cut
the cost of the round-about journey by
water, or via
Columbus, Ohio. A group of interested
citizens in
Jackson organized the Jackson and
Pigeon Railroad,
with a capital stock of $100,000. Their
intention was
to build a railroad from Jackson to
Byer, but the capi-
tal could not be secured, and the
charter was cancelled.
Wells next secured the cooperation of
citizens from
Washington C. H., Xenia, Springfield,
Jackson, and
Pomeroy for the purpose of promoting a
railroad. A
69 Mr. Bundy seemingly used his funds to
advantage, as he and his son-
in-law, Benjamin Stearns, purchased 720
shares of Keystone Furnace stock
in 1873 for $72,000, including 6,500
acres of land; according to court house
records at Jackson, Ohio.
70 Article
in Jackson Standard, February 1884.
The Jackson County Iron Industry 197
meeting was held in Greenfield on
December 15, 1874,
and the new road planned. The Jackson Standard
carried the information in its issue of
December 15,
1874, that books for subscriptions to
the Springfield,
Jackson and Pomeroy Railroad would be
opened at both
the First National and the Iron Bank at
Jackson, Ohio,
on January 23, 1875, and in ten other
designated towns.
The charter was granted by the
Legislature on Decem-
ber 17, 1874. Jackson County subscribed
The first rail was laid and spiked on
Thursday, Decem-
ber 7, 1876, near Chillicothe Bridge,
in the town of
Jackson. The road, however, was not
completed until
1877, due to financial difficulties.
The original plan of
connecting the road with the
Springfield road was aban-
doned, and the Jackson end was
connected with the
Scioto and Hocking Valley at Waverly,
Ohio.71 This
railroad not only shortened the
distance to Cincinnati
by about twenty-five miles, but made
less of a delay
at Hamden Junction, for the cars of
iron via Marietta
and Cincinnati Railroad. To prove their
interest in
the value of the road, the Jackson
County furnace own-
ers subscribed $25,000 of the capital
of the road.
In the meantime Wells and his business
of Wellston were advertising far and
wide the coal and
iron possibilities in Jackson County.
His next project
was the construction of a twin furnace
in Wellston,
71 When the road was completed from
Jackson to Waverly, the road
got into debt, and was unable to
complete the construction on to Spring-
field. Suit was brought, judgment
rendered, and the sheriff closed it out to
Samuel Thomas of Columbus, Ohio in
October, 1879. The effort to render it
failed, and a new incorporation followed,
"The Springfield Southern." It
extended the road from Springfield to
Rockwood, in Lawrence County, thus
being of great value to Jackson. The
road adopted a standard gauge in
198 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications
costing $100,000, the first of its kind
in the county.
A number of capitalists from Washington
C. H. aided
in its capitalization, as well as some
New York City
financiers.72 The Jackson Standard carried
the follow-
ing interesting description in 1874:
These furnaces are among the best
constructed in the county,
and will be ready to blast in about six
weeks. They are 52 feet
in height, and have a diameter of
II feet. The engine is a
double one, made in Chillicothe, and has
six boilers 60 feet in
length each, and 40 inches in diameter.
There are four cylinders,
each 18 inches and four feet. Four
blowing cylinders, four by
four feet. They have about 12,000 tons
of ore on the bank, most
of it is now roasted. It is mostly from
the surrounding hills,
but part of it has been brought by
railroad from other points.
The Wellston Company is shipping a great
deal of coal. They
have a splendid prospect, and a most
valuable property, and I
think good management. Mr. Grove apears
to be a very capable
business man, and popular among people.
I made a careful
count of all the houses in Wellston,
together with Austin's Addi-
tion, and also Milton Furnace . . . and
found 103 houses in all.73
Had Wells' dream of the concentration
of coal, lime-
stone, iron and gas industries for the
city of Jackson
been realized, Jackson County would now
have one large
metropolis, instead of several small
competing towns.
The town of Wellston was well planned,
and the streets
were 75 to 100 feet wide.
The city of Jackson, however, was not
standing still
during this meteoric rise of Wellston.
Jackson made
good use of the advertising which had
been given the
entire country, and also began to make
use of the in-
creased supply of available capital.
Mr. E. T. Jones
moved to Jackson from Indiana in 1873,
and superin-
72 Interview with Mrs. Eliza Bundy
Wells, Wellston, Ohio, March, 1931.
73 Article in Jackson Standard, December
4, 1874.
The Jackson County Iron Industry 199
tended the building of the seventh
furnace to be con-
structed within the corporate limits of
the town of Jack-
son. The Tropic Furnace Co. elected Mr.
Jones as its
first president, and D. D. Morgan as
"Tropic" was not as large as
the other furnaces in the
town, but it used stone-coal very
successfully, and made
good iron. A coal shaft was sunk
alongside the furnace,
and this furnished an abundant coal
supply. Tropic Fur-
nace lay idle from 1875 until 1879, and
then was again
put in operation, and operated until
the spring of 1883,
when it stopped for needed repairs.
During the year 1874, a third foundry
was estab-
lished in Jackson, the property of
Benoni Gray. This
foundry was erected south of
"Globe" furnace. An
addition to the Jamestown Foundry in
the northeast
part of the town, enabled it to cast
furnace tops which
weighed 38,000 pounds each. A new
planing-mill was
established during the same year
(1874). "There were
60-odd business firms in Jackson, in
addition to the six
furnaces in operation in 1874,
including a woolen fac-
tory, flour-mill, foundries, etc.75 By extensive improve-
ments Globe Furnace increased her
productiveness and
was equal if not superior to the
Wellston furnaces.
During the years 1874-75 a cold-blast
furnace, the
"Ophir," was erected about
three and one-half miles
northwest of Jackson. It was
constructed by the Ophir
Iron Company.76 "Ophir" soon changed to a
74 Other members of this firm were:
Miles Jones, T. M. Jones, and
H. L. Chapman, the latter being elected
president in 1875.
75 Interview with Lamar Sternberger,
Jackson, A. P. Representative.
76 Persons composing this firm were: W.
T. Washam, John Mitchell,
Chas. James, Mark Sternberger, H. S.
Bundy, Robert Hoop, George Hoop,
and Wm. S. Baker; Robert Hoop was
president and Wm. Baker was Sec-
200 Ohio Arch. and Hist.
Society Publications
but it was soon realized that the
transportation problem
would spell its doom. In
1875 the Jackson Atlas
stated that "The Ophir Iron
Company held 320 acres
of land in Section 6, Township 7, Range
18. They are
manufacturers of cold-blast pig iron,
used for car-
wheels."77 A year later the
company gave up in
despair, due to the lack of ore
supplies, and the distance
from sources of supplies. The machinery
was pur-
chased by the ever-vigilant Harvey
Wells, who believed
that he could find a use for it.
The following quotation from Professor
report of 1875 throws some light upon
the manner in
which the Jackson County Iron and Coal
deposits were
considered at that time:
The counties of Jackson, Lawrence, and
Scioto are able to
supply 400,000 tons of superior iron
annually for 2,700 years, and
furthermore, this belt of coal is
equivalent to 50 miles in length,
five miles in width and nine feet thick,
and will yield 9,000,000
tons per square mile.78
The last furnace to be put in operation
within the
town limits of Jackson was the
"Huron," located in the
southwest part of the town. A shaft was
sunk in 1875
to a depth of over 70 feet, and
suitable coal was found
in abundance. The original capital of
Huron Furnace
was $113,500, and ten acres of land in
addition to 200
acres of coal land were purchased.79
Lot Davies, who
had formerly been connected with
Jefferson Furnace,
was elected president, with Miles Jones
as secretary.
Miles Jones superintended its
construction, and assumed
77 Atlas further stated that furnace
castings, Hoop's Patent Wing
Hot-Blast, etc., were made by Jackson
78 Report of Professor Briggs, chief
geologist of Ohio, 1875.
79 Notes of D. W.
Williams, veteran Jackson County author.
The Jackson County Iron Industry 201
the position of manager. About a year later William
Vaughn was chosen to manage the plant, and John L.
Davies was elected secretary. After it went into blast
in the spring of 1875, it ran a year, lay idle for
three years, and started again in November, 1879.
"Huron" shipped a great deal of coal, as well
as iron.80
Just as the southern part of the county assumed the
lead in the beginning of the industry, the northern and
central part of the county now assumed this position.
The city of Wellston progressed rapidly, the population
increasing from practically zero in 1873 to 650 in De-
cember, 1875, when they petitioned the county commis-
sioners for its incorporation. "The petition was
amended February 8, 1876, and passed on favorably.
The incorporation followed on May 9, 1876."81
The Wellston furnaces promoted by Wells and
others, lay idle from 1876 to 1879.82 In the early '80s
H. S. Bundy became the president, and a great deal of
coal was shipped, in addition to the pig iron. The coal
shaft produced about ten car-loads a day, in addition
80 Mr. Williams states that many Huron stockholders
were only day
laborers, who took one share each.
81 Auditor's
Record, Jackson, Ohio.
82 Andrew Roy,
state mining inspector of Ohio, in an article for Jack-
son Journal in 1884, gave the following
statistics for production in Jackson
County, during year 1876.
Township Tons Iron
Tons Ore Bu. Coal
Bloomfield ....................... 4,700 3,000 12,000
Jackson Corp. .................... 3,000 ..... 400,000
Franklin ......................... ..... 1,475 7,315
Jefferson ........................ 3,160 10,137 111,561
............................. ..... 2,081 208,900
......................... ..... 2,780 30,500
Milton ........................... 15,420 7,500 864,124
....................... 26,280 26,977 1,634,400
202 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications
the coal used by the furnace. Milton Furnace turned
out about 5,000 tons of iron during the
year 1878, in
spite of the money panic.83 From 75 to
150 men were
employed at each of the Wellston
furnaces when they
were in operation. "The men were
paid partly in
scrip, and the remainder in cash.
Furnace scrip passed
from one person to another as
acceptable currency.
The furnace stores did a flourishing
business." 84
The last furnace erected during the
period of expan-
sion was the "Eliza," built
in 1878, and located about a
mile east of Wellston. It was owned by Harvey Wells,
and he used the machinery which he had
purchased of
the Ophir Iron Company at Jackson for its
The charcoal furnaces, in the face of
this overwhelm-
ing competition of the stone-coal
stacks, were in bad
straits. The Union Iron Company, which
controlled the
Monroe Furnace, held 6,000 acres of
land in 1875, but it
sold this land gradually to secure
funds for operation.
Cambria Furnace was in the hands of J.
W. Servis,
trustee, in 1875. The expense involved
in the charcoal
process was too great for the plants to
bear in the face
of this new competition. "Cambria" made its last cast
in January, 1876.85
Lincoln Furnace, another charcoal
survivor, was run
by the sons of William McGhee after 1876, but fared
A branch line of the M. & C. R. R. was com-
pleted to within three miles of the
property about 1878,
only to be disbanded when a realization
came that the
83 Pat
Varley, veteran resident at Wellston stated that no street lights
were needed there in early days, as
illumination of gases burning at top of
stacks furnishd plenty of light.
84 Article in Wellston Telegram, January
22, 1929.
85 Interview with Andrew Dutiel, last Madison furnace
The Jackson County Iron Industry 203
furnace would soon be a thing of the
past. Timber was
growing scarcer year by year, large
stocks of unsold
merchandise were on hand, and the
future appeared
There was organized in the United
States in 1879
an organization "For the purpose
of mutual inter-
change of practical and scientific
knowledge and experi-
ence in this branch of metallurgy, and
to take the proper
measures for advancing and protecting
the interests of
the Charcoal Iron Industry, in all its
However, the aid came too late for most
of the furnaces.
The price of iron during 1880 was from
$55.00 to
$65.00 a ton, but after the unsold
stock was disposed of,
the future appeared more and more
doubtful, the reasons
for which will appear in more detail in
the following
86 Interview with Sent Thorn, lifelong
resident of Cornelia neighbor-
87 U. S. Association Charcoal Iron
Workers Journal, 1880-81, Vol
I, p. 11.
As was noted in the latter part of the
chapter, the charcoal furnaces were
rapidly becoming
obsolete, in the way of out-of-date
equipment, low
productiveness, etc. As has been well
stated by a well-
known furnace superintendent: "The
who, in the swift march of progress and
in the pursuit
of an industry, the foundation of which
is ever chang-
ing with altering raw materials, does
not constantly
take stock of his equipment and
rejuvenate it to suit the
times, will soon find himself
outclassed by his competi-
tors."88 This situation existed in
many Jackson County
furnaces a decade previous to the
beginning of the
twentieth century. H. S. Bundy, of
Wellston, who
owned three of these charcoal furnaces,
one of which,
"Latrobe," was estimated to
be worth several hundred
thousand dollars, lost heavily when the
trend started
downward. Bundy, as optimistic as the
others, failed to
see in the horizon the decay of the
charcoal regime with
its wasteful and expensive methods.89
One of the greatest problems which was
faced by
the charcoal iron workers was the
destruction of the
wood supply. The Journal of the
Charcoal Iron Work-
ers Association for 1880 stated:
88 "Blast-Furnace
and Steel Plant"--Herman A. Brassert, Supt. of
blast furnaces. Ill. Steel Co., issue of
July, 1914.
89 Interview with Mrs. Eliza Bundy
Wells, Wellston, Ohio, 1931.
The Jackson County Iron Industry 205
In referring to our lumber supply, the Leffel
News says, "There is no mistaking the fact that our
timber is
going. Occasionally within the past ten
years a note of warning
has been sounded by some alarmed
statistician, who, has looked
into the figures, and perceived the sure
result to which they were
tending; but the country has not taken
the matter seriously to
heart. Enjoying a large abundance in the
present with no check
upon our expenditures, we have put off
the inspection of our na-
tional account until at last, in the
matter of the timber supply,
we are but one step from
The Charcoal Iron Workers Association
which had
been organized in 1879,91 made valiant
efforts to keep
the charcoal iron industry on its feet,
but failed. The
following query was addressed to the
editor of the Asso-
ciation Journal in 1880:
"What do you think of the
prospects of the iron business?"
and this query was
answered in the following well-detailed
First: We know that machine shops,
car-shops, foundries
and mills are very busy, many of them
with orders far ahead.
Second: We know that as a rule these
large consumers have
comparatively small stocks of iron on
Third: We know; that it is difficult to
place orders for imme-
diate delivery at any of these works.
One order for 5,000 car-
wheels, another for iron pipes, others
for locomotives or machine
tools, have lately to our knowledge,
failed of finding manufactur-
ers to take them for prompt delivery.
Fourth: We know that we imported over
600,000 tons of
foreign pig iron last year, more than
was needed by our market,
and that 25,000 to 50,000 tons of pig
iron and large quantities
of manufactured steel and iron are
coming in monthly at present.
Fifth: We know that there are immense
stocks of pig iron,
probably over a million tons, held in
England, ready to be shipped
here as soon as our prices are
sufficiently high to encourage it,
and that France is closing her doors to
British iron by tariff.
Sixth: We know that charcoal iron,
although used for
special purposes, sympathizes with the
fluctuations of other irons,
and that manufactured irons lead all pig irons.
Seventh: We know that the entire
country is prosperous,
money abundant, and labor receiving
fair compensation.
90 Charcoal Iron Workers Journal, Vol.
II, No. 3, p. 163.
91 Ibid,
p. 1.
206 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society
Eighth: We
know that the unusually severe winter seriously
with mining ore, hauling wood for charcoal, etc.,
reducing the amount of charcoal iron made in furnaces
and forges
from 40,000 to 50,000 tons.
Ninth: We
know that good grades of charcoal pig iron or
blooms always
command a ready sale.
There are few
charcoal iron works where one or more of
suggestions cannot be advantageously applied. If we reduce
the cost of
production, profits will be larger when prices are high,
and when the
duller times come again, and they surely will, they
will rest
less heavily upon us.92
The State of
Ohio, in the year 1879, produced 43,445
net tons of
iron, the greatest previous production being
100,498 net
tons in the year 1873, when Ohio ranked
second among
the states. The Hanging Rock Region
produced 81,538 net tons in 1880, and 73,676 tons
in 1881.93
The lowest price for Hanging Rock iron in
was in February, 1879, when it was $28.00
a ton, the
highest price was in February, 1880, when it
rose rapidly
to $63.00 a ton (of car-wheel iron).94
following statistics relative to the struggle go-
ing on
between charcoal, anthracite and bituminous
factions throughout the United States, sheds some
light upon
the conditions during the year 1881:
January 1,
Furnaces In blast 160 Out of blast 112
Furnaces In blast 162 Out of
blast 76
Furnaces In blast 151 Out of
blast 68
Total 473 25695
92 Charcoal Iron Workers' Journal, Vol. II, No. 3,
p. 185.
93 Report of American Iron and Steel Association, May
20, 1880.
94 "Iron
in All Ages", James M. Swank. Iron, and Steel Association
Report, 1880.
95 Iron Age, 1880. Published in Pittsburgh, Pa.
The Jackson County Iron
Industry 207
In the State of Ohio there were 34
charcoal furnaces,
26 of which were in blast, and eight
inactive, during the
year 1880.96 Of these 26 active
furnaces in the State at
that date, seven were in Jackson
County. These fur-
naces produced from 12 to 15 tons of
iron a day, and
held from 5,000 to as high as 20,000
acres of land. The
need of this large supply of
timber-land is recognized
when it is stated that "The
cold-blast furnaces consume
from 200 to 250 bushels of charcoal in
making a ton of
iron, and the hot-blast furnace uses
about 150 bushels.
The wood yields from 30 to 33 bushels
of coal per
A former manager of Jefferson Furnace,
the most
famous furnace of Jackson County, in
the charcoal
field, gave the following information
relative to the
situation in 1880:
I commenced working at Jefferson
Furnace in 1880. Day-
laborers at that time were paid 90 cents
a day. Jefferson never
made anything but charcoal iron. It
made about 12 tons a day,
and had two casts a day. We always run
from six to seven
months a year, as we needed the other
months to chop wood for
the charcoal, etc., preparatory to
another run. The charcoal was
secured in different adjoining tracts
of land, perhaps two-thirds
being on other people's land,
especially following 1900, as tim-
ber became more scarce. We used about
ten loads of charcoal
a day, and used six-mule teams for
hauling it. We had a number
of ox-teams for hauling ore and
supplies. We did not use
analyses of materials, until along
toward the close of the 19th
century, as it was unnecessary prior to
that time. We measured
the charcoal by means of buggies, which
held about 33 bushels;
the ore was weighed, and we used about 800 pounds at a
cast, and
about 50 pounds of lime.98
Journal U. S. Association Charcoal Iron
Workers, Vols. I and II,
1880, p. 81.
97 U. S. Association Charcoal
Iron Workers' Journal, Vol. II, No. 5,
p. 315.
98 Interview with Mr. Joseph J. Jones,
last "Jefferson" manager, Oak
Hill, Ohio.
208 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications
The Charcoal Iron Workers Association
emphasized the fact that "There
will always be a de-
mand for pure metal, such as is
manufactured by the
charcoal furnace, even though other
irons may sup-
plant it in part."99 The demand
continued slightly, but
it was not great enough to offset the
increased costs
of production. The discovery of the
huge Lake Su-
perior ore deposits helped to
concentrate the industry
around the northern lakes, and the
Mahoning Valley
gained, while the Hanging Rock Region
lost. Perhaps
with the care of forests in the United
States, such as
was shown by England and Germany, the
would have progressed. Another factor
which was
considered in the Hanging Rock Region
was the trans-
portation of charcoal from other
sections. This pro-
cedure was followed successfully in
different parts of
the country. The Charcoal Iron Workers Journal
1880 carried the following item
relative to the possibility
of transporting the charcoal by rail:
"The transportation
by rail of the charcoal is less to be
dreaded than most of
us imagine. The full weight of charcoal
can be
hauled as cheaply as the full car of
grain. We know of
instances where charcoal is regularly
hauled from 50 to
100 miles with profit."100
The effects of the tariff adopted about
1880 further
handicapped the furnace owners and
hastened the down-
fall of the charcoal iron industry as
the following ex-
tracts from an address given at a New
York convention
in 1880 will show:
99 Charcoal Iron Workers Journal, Vol. II, No. 4, p. 197.
This article
stated that Ohio made less charcoal iron
in 1882 than in 1881, and has
fallen back from third to sixth place.
100 Charcoal Iron Workers Journal,
1880-1881, Vol. II, No. 3, p. 137.
The Jackson County Iron Industry 209
Excuse me gentlemen, if I am slightly
personal in this mat-
ter. Two years ago, just before the
advance in pig iron, a party
of us thought we saw a profit in the
manufacture. We purchased
a blast-furnace site and went to work.
The country around us
was very sparsely settled, with a house
only here and there, and
with little means of communication. The
industry was just large
enough to, give us a little profit, and
we started with a population
of 200 in the village. We have since
spent $40,000 for freight.
We have bought merchandise to the extent
of $100,000 and all
of this has been paid for, and all of
this has been the result of the
protective tariff, without which we
would not have dared to have
made an attempt. (Applause.) We have
furnished an industry
where there was none before. We have
furnished labor, where
before there was no employment. We have
paid wages at the
rate of from $1.25 to $3.00 a day. We
have furnished a market
for the lumber of the neighborhood. We
have cleared over two
square miles of timber, and we have
enabled our people to pay
for all that they bought and made a
profit for ourselves. I think
that covers the ground. (Applause.)101
Coupled with the decline of the
charcoal iron indus-
try in Jackson County were two notable
changes. One
was the increasing interest in
stone-coal and coke fur-
naces; the other was the emphasis upon
the mining of
coal by the furnaces. The Wellston Telegram,
in Jan-
uary, 1881, carried the statement that
"1,000 buggies of
coal were hoisted at Milton Furnace
shaft in five days
last week. The Milton and Wellston mines are run-
ning 40 turns each. The price per ton
is 80 cents."102
In the same issue of the Telegram appeared
this article:
"Buckeye Furnace (charcoal
furnace) had made ar-
rangements to ship 60 car-loads of iron
from Berlin
101 Ibid, p. 119.
102 Representatives of the U. S.
Association of Charcoal Iron Work-
ers visited Jackson County in 1881, and
stated that they found the Wellston
Furnace to be 55 feet high, having a
bosh of 13 ft. diameter. It is blown
by five four in. twyers, into a crucible
which is five ft., six in. in diameter.
Blast is heated to from 600-700 degrees.
Furnace is iron-cased on columns,
and produces 18 tons a day.
Vol. XLII--14
210 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications
where it was stacked, but rain and mud
prevented. Lot
Davies, the superintendent, spent a
part of the week
Concerning the competing furnaces of
Jackson and
Wellston the Wellston Telegram had
the following to
say in its issue of March 26, 1881:
Milton Furnace, reported as doing badly,
is still making an
average of 18 to 20 tons of iron a day, and made a total of 125
tons last week. It is the only furnace
in the county having
Whitwell ovens.
Wellston Furnace blew out Wednesday
after the best and
most successful blast it ever had. The
furnace will start again as
soon as it gets a sufficiently large
stock of ore.
Huron Furnace of Jackson, cast 13 tons
on a 12-hour hold
last Monday, not using scrap iron or
superior ore. Can any
other furnace come up to this?
During the year 1881 a new foundry was
lished in the town of Jackson, which
aided in creating
a demand for more charcoal iron, but of
course nothing
short of a miracle could now save the
industry. The
Mitchell Foundry and Machine Shop was
built on the
corner of Main and Locust Streets, at a
cost of $15,000,
including grounds. They made heavy castings for fur-
naces, and architectural iron work.103
In the spring of the year 1882 a branch
of the newly
reorganized Ohio Southern Railroad was
built along
Horse Creek to Wellston, and about the
same time a
branch of the great C. H. & D. line
entered the county
near Ross County line, ran on the
Baltimore & Ohio
line to Byer, and followed Pigeon Creek
through Coal-
ton to Wellston, and south to the
headwaters of Symmes
Creek near the Gallia County line, and
thence to Iron-
ton. Before these two roads were
completed the coal
100 History of Lower Scioto Valley, p. 527.
The Jackson County Iron
Industry 211
shipments of Jackson County did not
exceed 10,000 tons
a year, but in 1880 the shipments
amounted to nearly
300,000 tons, and continued to increase
In 1882 Monroe Furnace, the largest
charcoal stack
in the county, closed down, never to
run again. Ex-
penses were rising, and charcoal was
hard to get. Thus
ended a 28-year run. The following note
of warning
was sounded by Professor Edward Orton,
in his report
of the Geological Survey for 1883:
By a system of care and strict economy
in the use of wood,
and the employment of the best and most
approved methods of
manufacture, the duration of the
charcoal iron industry can be
lengthened, though the final fate of it
is certain. It may be
safely stated that at present
eight-ninths of the available timber-
land of Southern Ohio's iron region has
been cleared. Many of
the furnaces are compelled to obtain
their fuel from such a dis-
tance that its transportation becomes a
very serious item in the
cost of the iron.
In 1883 the Huron Furnace, a stone-coal
plant of
Jackson was closed down. It was erected
in 1875, and
had a short run. It was operated for a
short time in
the '80s by the Globe Iron Company, but
the stack was
soon torn down. The closing down of
Huron Furnace
left the town of Jackson with only
three furnaces in
operation, the "Star,"
"Tropic" and "Globe," all stone-
coal projects. The following item of
interest concern-
ing the Tropic Furnace appeared in the
Jackson Journal
in September, 1884:
A new coal shaft has been sunk at
"Tropic," 93 feet deep,
and the coal is of the same quality and
thickness as that of Star
Mine. A switch has been built to the
shaft, connecting by rail-
road the furnace and the mine. Raw coal
is used in the Tropic
104 E. B. Willard, op cit., Vol.
I, pp. 521-522. Text further states that
ten years later the tonnage rose to
1,804,772, and Jackson County was the
largest coal producer in Ohio.
212 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications
Furnace for reducing the ore, four tons
of coal being required
on an average for every ton of iron
made. The mine produces
coal for the use of the furnace only,
the daily production of the
mine being about 70 tons. The furnaces
at Jackson, employed
about 50 men each, and hence were a
source of profit to the town
at large.
Star Furnace of Jackson had one of the
best coal
veins in the State of Ohio, and was
adjudged by the
State mining inspector to have the most
equipment of any which he had visited
in the Hanging
Rock Region. Star Furnace made about 7,000 tons of
metal a year, during the early '80s,
this amount being
about twice the average production of
the charcoal fur-
naces. Tropic and Star Furnaces both began to use
coke in their plants about 1880, and
thus reduced their
costs considerably. Star Furnace shipped its iron to all
parts of the country, as far east as
New York, and as
far west as Los Angeles. It paid
dividends of 150%
during the early '80s.
It seems that transportation still
presented somewhat
of a difficulty as early as 1884, as
witness the following
quotation taken from the Jackson Journal, in an issue
of August, 1884:
The Narrow Gauge R. R. and the Trust
Co. are still making
faces at each other, one because cars
are too cheap, the other
because they are not cheap enough, the
effect of it being very
plainly felt in the dull times, that are
weighing down every busi-
ness and industry in the place. The
condition of the T. C. & St.
L. Railroad, at the Riverton end of the
road is most deplorable;
trains are seldom seen, and in
consequence the freight facilities
are almost as bad as before the
construction of the road, the
furnace company's being compelled to
ship its iron via C. & H.
V. R. R.
On September 17, 1884, the following
item appeared
in the Jackson Journal: "Wellston,
Milton, and Eliza
The Jackson County
Iron Industry 213
Furnaces are being
repaired preparatory for starting at
an early day. The
miners at 'Eliza' probably average
four days a week,
hence easy calculations can be made
as to their wages at
about 70 cents a ton." A month
later the Wellston
furnaces were all running full blast,
the owners were very
much encouraged over the elec-
tions, and felt that
the "Tariff did protect."
The following prices
furnished by the office of
Rogers, Brown &
Co., of Cincinnati, Ohio, which pur-
chased large
quantities of iron from the Jackson County
furnaces, were given
in the Jackson Journal on June
30, 1884:
Hanging Rock Charcoal
No. 1..... $21.00-$23.00
Hanging Rock Charcoal
No. 2..... $19.00-$21.00
Southern Charcoal No.
1.......... $19.50-$20.00
Strong Coke No. 1
............... $18.00-$18.75
Strong Coke No.
2............... $17.00-$17.50
Soft Stone Coal No. 1
Soft Stone Coal No. 2............ $17.00-$17.75
Strong Neutral No. 1
Mill......... $15.50
Cold Short. No. 1
Mill........... $14.50-$15.00
Hanging Rock Cold
Blast .......... $30.00-$31.00
Hanging Rock Cold
Blast .......... $20.00-$24.00
Southern Car-wheel
.............. $24.50-$26.00
Lake Superior
Car-Wheel.......... $24.50-$25.00
Lake Superior
Malleable ...........$24.50-$25.00
General aspect of
market is little, if any changed. Some
furnaces, under
pressure of accumulated stocks, are willing to
shade prices.
Unsettled feeling in Wall St. still acts as a re-
straint upon buyers,
yet the promise of a harvest rivalling that
great one of 1882,
and sound condition of all legitimate inter-
ests throughout the
country, makes a feeling that the extreme
depression cannot
last long. We quote above prices for cash
F.O.B. Cincinnati,
214 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications
The Jackson Journal, in December
1884, stated that
"The business depression still
continues. Factories are
shutting down, furnaces are blowing
out, thousands of
workmen are being thrown out of
employment, and a
general stagnation prevails." The Iron Trade Review
of 1884, further emphasized the effects
of the depression
In 39 establishments, wages have been
reduced an average
of 12 1/2 per cent, affecting about
20,000 men, and that 27 estab-
lishments have closed down entirely,
throwing out of work
12,275 men.
Only a few of the charcoal furnaces
were enabled to
survive the depression of 1884-85.
During the year
1885 the following five furnaces shut
down, never to
run again: "Keystone," built in 1848; "Buckeye,"
built in 1851; "Latrobe," and
"Lincoln," built in 1854,
and "Eliza," constructed in
1878, all but the last named
being charcoal plants.
H. S. Bundy, of Wellston, realized that
profits in
the charcoal iron business would grow
less as the years
rolled on, and in 1885 he sold both
Latrobe and Key-
stone Furnaces to a group of eastern
capitalists. The
consideration was $375,000, and
included 10,000 acres
of rich coal and ore lands.105
Jefferson Furnace, the old guard, fared
better as noted in the Oak Hill News
of February 25,
1885, which stated:
About two weeks ago, after having been
in blast for nine
months, Jefferson Furnace blew out, and
has been shut down
for the present. The entire blast has
been a successful one,
having manufactured during the blast 2,200 tons of
cold-blast iron, and having consumed in
the process 5,300 tons
of ore, and 460,000 bushels of charcoal. There are
nearly 100
105 Recorder's records, Jackson Court
House, Jackson, Ohio.
The Jackson County Iron
Industry 215
men employed at the furnace, the
majority of whom will now
turn their attention towards
replenishing stock, preparatory to
another blast.
Evidently the same conditions did not
exist all over
the county, as the Jackson Journal in
its issue of Febru-
ary 25, 1885, stated that in the
southern part of the
county, "Times are hard, labor
scarce, and very poorly
remunerated. Only 25 cents a cord for
chopping, and
from 80 cents to $1.25 a ton for ore digging."
Scrip began to be used more plentifully
by all the
furnaces in the county, in spite of the
Jones Scrip Law
which went into effect in April, 1885,
the following
article being of particular interest:
Every mine in the valley still goes on,
issuing orders, and
every store in town deals out scrip
with a lavish hand. The only
thing there seems to be for people to
do, is to make the best of
things, and hope for something better.
Price of mining coal has
dropped from 70 to 55 cents a ton.
Andrew Roy, State mining inspector, in
1885 gave
the following figures relative to the
coal, ore and lime-
stone veins in Jackson County:
According to a rough estimate from the
best data obtainable,
there are about 25,000,000 tons
of shaft coal in the county;
175,000,000 tons of Coalton or Wellston
coal; 578,520,000 tons
of limestone coal, and 50,000,000 tons
of Waterloo coal. This
estimate does not include any
intermediate seams, which are not
even mined. Of the available amount of
limestone ores, 50,-
000,000 tons would be a moderate estimate. No
calculations can
be made of the other beds. The amount
of available limestone
for furnace flux is practically
Mr. Roy further gives a summary of the
iron indus-
try as follows:
The county in 1882 ranked third in the
State in the produc-
tion of pig iron, producing an
aggregate of 63,960 tons of both
hot- and cold-blast iron. The county
was surpassed by Mahon-
216 Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society
ing County, which
produced 121,864 tons, and by Lawrence
County, which
produced 922,177 tons. The number of men
engaged in mining ore
in the county is returned as 240, and in
mining coal as 195.
Milton Township returns 60 barrels of lime
The 22 furnaces erected to date, in the county, have cos