... SIGNIFICANCE OF PERRY'S VICTORY SIGNIFICANCE OF PERRY'S VICTORY BY ISAAC J COX On the evening of February 23d 1910 the Ohio Perry's Victory Commission appointed by the Governor of Ohio to make suitable arrangements for the celebration of Perry's Victory on Lake Erie September 10 1913 had a hearing before a special joint meeting of both houses of the Ohio Assembly On this occasion Dr Isaac J Cox professor of American History in the Cincinnati University and President of the Ohio Valley ...
... FOLK MUSIC ON THE MIDWESTERN FRONTIER 1788-1825 FOLK MUSIC ON THE MIDWESTERN FRONTIER 1788-1825 by HARRY R STEVENS Duke University Since the days when Frederic L Ritter and Oscar G T Sonneck established modern musicology in the United States between 1883 and 1910 two simple but rigid traditions have dominated the writing of American musical history One is made up of the lives of composers and performers and descriptions of their work The second and more important one is the chronicle of ...
... A VISION FULFILLED A VISION FULFILLED BY MAUD BUSH ALFRED Where there is no vision the people perish When your committee honored me with a request for a place on the program of this celebration which commemorates the founding of Bucyrus I was filled with varying emotions - pride reverence and perhaps awe Pride that I the great-granddaughter of Samuel Norton and Mary Bucklin Norton could have the privilege of honoring their memory reverence that so hardy so brave so God-fearing so kindly so ...
... APPENDIX APPENDIX REPORT OF THE CELEBRATION OF THE CENTENNIAL OF THE ERECTION OF JEFFERSON COUNTY AND FOUNDING OF STEUBENVILLE THE CENTENNIAL OF JEFFERSON COUNTY The centennial of the formation of Jefferson county and founding of Steubenville was celebrated in the city of Steubenville Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday August 24 25 and 26 which was participated in by a large number of people mainly former residents who returned to their old home for the occasion The celebration noted a century ...
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Workers in Industrial America Essays on the 20th Century Struggle By David Brody New York Oxford University Press 1980 ix 257p notes 1495 In recent years as the intellectual luster of the labor movement has dimmed and unions have become as attractive to scholars as say the Knights of Columbus labor historians have beat a hasty retreat Labor history has become working class history ethnic divisions social mobility and the consciousness or workers increasingly have ...
... Editorialana Editorialana 99 A daughter of Mr Nichols the anti-slavery man is yet living and gives in a letter to me interesting facts She says My father and mother became earnest anti-slavery advocates in 1841 and from that time until the war the colored people knew my parents as friends and our home was a refuge When old enough probably about the year '48 or '49 I became greatly interested in the black people who came quietly to our kitchen door after dark and left before daylight often we ...
... PROFESSOR EDWARD ORTON PROFESSOR EDWARD ORTON 1829-1899 A MEMORIAL ADDRESS BY WASHINGTON GLADDEN The genealogical history of The Orton Family in America a book of which Dr Edward Orton was the author begins with this paragraph The surname ORTON is neither a common nor an unusual one It is a name that could be heard without surprise in any community of English descent It occurs in the directories of many cities of the country and can probably be found in many towns of the United States that ...
... The Centennial of Perry's Victory The Centennial of Perry's Victory 63 an approximation of the same moral responsibility for nations in dealing with each other that both good form and law impose upon individuals dealing with each other in society It will always be a source of regret to me that when England and France were willing to enter into general and unlimited arbitration treaties with us and the treaties were signed they failed for lack of ratification by the Senate They would not have ...
... CAPTAIN T W RATHBONE'S BRIEF DIARY OF IMPRISONMENT JULY 1 - NOVEMBER 21 1864 edited by LOUIS BARTLETT Thomas W Rathbone of Amelia Ohio was thirty-nine years old and a captain in an Ohio National Guard regiment on one hundred days' service when he was taken prisoner after a skirmish near North River Mills West Virginia on July 3 1864 Two months later while a patient in the Roper Hospital at Charleston South Carolina he began writing the diary which appears in the following pages To make it a ...
... Book Reviews Book Reviews A Bibliography of Ohio Archeology By James L Murphy Ann Arbor University Microfilms International 1977 xi 488 p index 2375 This is the second comprehensive bibliography of Ohio archaeology The earlier compilation by Richard G Morgan and James H Rodabaugh was published by the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society in 1947 and contained 1351 entries This larger volume has 3138 entries and reflects both the striking growth of publications in the intervening ...
... REMINISCENCES OF AN OHIO VOLUNTEER REMINISCENCES OF AN OHIO VOLUNTEER By PHILIP D JORDAN and CHARLES M THOMAS Introduction When Fort Sumter felt the crash of Confederate guns on April 12 1861 a nation knew that an irresistible conflict had at last reached a climax Chattering telegraph keys took the drama of Charleston harbor through the North in frantic haste In the village of Oxford Ohio students of Miami University were gathering for chapel services President John W Hall himself from the ...
... AN ECONOMIC HISTORY OF THE JACKSON AN ECONOMIC HISTORY OF THE JACKSON COUNTY IRON INDUSTRY A THESIS PRESENTED FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS BY VERNON DAVID K E ELER AB LLB INTRODUCTION The Cyclops here their heavy hammers deal Loud strokes and hissings of tormented steel Are heard around the boiling waters roar And smoky flames through fuming tunnels soar --Vergil In early Biblical times according to the fourth chapter of Genesis Tubal Cain born in the seventh generation of Adam was an ...
... Book Notes Book Notes Cincinnati Observed Architecture and History By John Clubbe Columbus The Ohio State University Press 1992 xxvi 531p illustrations bibliography index At long last here is an engaging and informative portrait of Cincinnati's architecture history and cultural traditions Written by a native New Yorker and professor of English literature Cincinnati Observed wonderfully blends facts descriptions essays quotes and wit into the first comprehensive examination of its kind since ...
... STONE GRAVES IN BROWN COUNTY OHIO STONE GRAVES IN BROWN COUNTY OHIO BY GERARD FOWKE On both sides of the Ohio river from Manchester Ohio to Dover Kentucky a distance of twenty-five miles were formerly many stone graves or cairns A few stood at varying intervals for some miles below Dover and as far up the river as Huntington West Virginia and some remain along North Fork of Licking river in Mason county Kentucky They were most abundant from Manchester to Ripley on the Ohio side of the river ...
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Howe Brothers and the American Revolu t ion By IRA D GRUBER New York Atheneum 1972 notes and index 1495 Why some twenty years after it had won the world's greatest empire did Great Britain have to admit military defeat to a small number of colonists on the periphery of that empire This question has perplexed historians for generations and the literature explaining the reasons fills library shelves Current historiography points to a combination of an ideological ...
... The Early Judiciary of Ohio The Early Judiciary of Ohio 141 THE EARLY JUDICIARY EARLY LAWS AND BAR OF OHIO A proper study of the early judicial system and early laws of our State carries us to a period when as a part of the great Northwest Territory we were under control of the Federal Government On the 13th day of July 1787 the Congress of the United States passed the ordinance for The Government of the Territory of the United States Northwest of the River Ohio Relative to the judiciary the ...
... Fort Fizzle 49 Fort Fizzle 49 He made them a neat speech telling them of the obligations they owed to themselves and to their children and their country deprecating the necessity of bringing armed soldiers into the county and winding up by assuring them that he would not leave until the guilty were delivered into his hands and they promise to make no more resistance to the laws of the county We are under many obligations to Mr and Mrs Bowers and Mr Thomas Fetterman of Napoleon and Mr and Mrs ...
... The French Settlement and Settlers of Gallipolis The French Settlement and Settlers of Galli p olis 45 THE FRENCH SETTLEMENT AND SETTLERS OF GALLIPOLIS Preceding addresses and other papers have given the story of the Scioto Company under whose auspices the French settlers came to America I shall not attempt to repeat any part of this history but begin my narrative with the sailing of the first party of emigrants to their new homes in the unknown West which had been described to them in such ...
... THE OHIO PROSPECTUS FOR THE YEAR 1775 THE OHIO PROSPECTUS FOR THE YEAR 1775 BY A J MORRISON TOLEDO The extended advertisement given below in part1 although not strictly applicable to the whole of the territory of Ohio today is of interest for several reasons This statement skilfully colored as it is brings out very well the idea of the Ohio country as it must have been in many minds at the beginning of the Revolution The imagination is afforded material - what would have been the result if ...
... REPORT OF THE FIFTY-SECOND ANNUAL MEETING REPORT OF THE FIFTY-SECOND ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY HELD APRIL 1 -2 1938 Business Session 10 00 A M Friday April 1 Ohio State Museum Meeting called to order by Mr Arthur C Johnson Sr president MR JOHNSO N This is the Annual Business Meeting of the Society and the small attendance this morning might be regarded as disappointing excepting for the fact that it indicates to me that the Society must be pretty ...