... COLONEL JOHN MURRAY COLONEL JOHN MURRAY DAVID E PHILLIPS The readers of the Archaeological and Historical Quarterly can hardly fail to be interested in any matter intimately associated with the very beginnings of our Great Commonwealth The famous old mansion in Rutland Mass now owned by The Rufus Putnam Memorial Association and called The Cradle of Ohio has become one of the Shrines of American Patriotism and few have had so romantic an origin and history It was built about the year 176 0 and ...
... edited by edited by JOSEPH E WALKER The Travel Notes of Joseph Gibbons 1804 Introduction With General Anthony Wayne's victory over the Indians of the Northwest Territory in 1794 and the resultant Treaty of Greene Ville settlement in eastern Ohio and northwestern Pennsylvania became relatively safe A stream of migrants moved across the mountains and up from the South in sufficient numbers that Ohio could claim statehood in 1803 Why did a family leave the security of eastern Pennsylvania to take ...
... THE SALE OF THE WESTERN RESERVE THE SALE OF THE WESTERN RESERVE AT the beginning of the Revolutionary War the State of Connecticut claimed the strip of land lying within her charter limits forty-one degrees and forty-two degrees two minutes north latitude extending from the Delaware River to the Mississippi River The State of Pennsylvania also claimed so much of this strip as lay within her charter limits that is east of a meridian line five degrees west of the Delaware A bitter controversy ...
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA HISTORY OF THE MAUMEE RIVER BASIN There has just appeared from the press of Bowen amp Slocum Indianapolis and Toledo a History of the Maumee River Basin from the earliest account to its organization into counties The author is Dr Charles Elihu Slocum a life member of the Ohio State Archeological and Historical Society he has contributed many interesting and valuable articles to its Quarterly and for many years has been an indefatigable and enthusiastic student of ...
... NOTES NOTES Contributors to This Issue Miss HELEN MARY CARPENTER is a graduate of Ohio Wesleyan University with graduate training in Columbia University She is now teacher of history in the Norwalk Ohio high school GEORGE A KATZENBERGER is an attorney-at-law at Greenville Ohio He has previously written articles for the QUARTERLY on Major David Zeigler and Major George Adams EM ERSON F GREENMAN is curator of archaeology in the Ohio State Museum LLOYD EMERSON SIBERELL is the author of A ...
... JOHN BROWN'S OHIO ENVIRONMENT JOHN BROWN'S OHIO ENVIRONMENT by MARY LAND Graduate Student Western Reserve University The stormy years John Brown spent in Kansas and the insurrection at Harper's Ferry have all but obscured the 38 years of his life spent in northern Ohio In 1805 when he was five years old he was brought from Connecticut to Hudson Ohio a small town near Akron He continued to live in the vicinity of Akron except for a decade in Pennsylvania two years in Springfield Massachusetts ...
... REPORT OF THE FIFTY-SECOND ANNUAL MEETING REPORT OF THE FIFTY-SECOND ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY HELD APRIL 1 -2 1938 Business Session 10 00 A M Friday April 1 Ohio State Museum Meeting called to order by Mr Arthur C Johnson Sr president MR JOHNSO N This is the Annual Business Meeting of the Society and the small attendance this morning might be regarded as disappointing excepting for the fact that it indicates to me that the Society must be pretty ...
... As the secession crisis in the Old Dominion approached its climax in May 1861 the Unionists of northwestern Virginia looked anxiously to the state of Ohio for deliverance from tyranny On May 26 1861 only three days after Virginia formally seceded from the Union Major General George B McClellan commander of the department of the Ohio launched his invasion to preserve western Virginia for the Union To his troops McClellan issued the first in a series of colorful if exaggerated manifestoes that ...
... THE EXPLORATIONS OF THE EDWIN HARNESS THE EXPLORATIONS OF THE EDWIN HARNESS MOUND WILLIAM C MILLS The Edwin Harness Mound is the largest of the fourteen mounds which are located within the earthworks of the Harness groupl and in close proximity to them and it would equal in dimensions more than all the other mounds of this group combined and perhaps the largest mound in the Scioto Valley proper although not equal in size to the great Hopewell Mound located on the north fork of Paint Creek and ...
... 352 Ohio Arch 3 52 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications THOMAS MORRIS BY JAMES B SWING CINCINNATI 0 It is important that the memory of strong brave men who have been conspicuous in their day and influential for good should be kept green There is nothing more inspiring than the story of the life of an intellectual and moral hero There is a noble a great name in the history of Ohio that ought to be remembered and honored of all but that is well-nigh forgotten a name that perhaps most of our ...
... Emilius Oviatt Randall Emilius Oviatt Randall 93 Mr Williams in presenting Gov James E Campbell said Conspicuous as Mr Randall was in many different and varied activities there is one field in particular where he stood pre-eminent and that was the field of archaeology Fine as he was in literary ability he there had his rivals happy as he was as an after-dinner speaker and toastmaster others there ventured to challenge his superiority but in knowledge of the early history of Ohio and of its ...
... NEWS FROM THE MUSKINGUM1 NEWS FROM THE MUSKINGUM1 SALEM September 9 Extract of a letter from a gentleman at the new settlement on the Muskingum to a person in this town dated July 20th We had a beautiful passage down the Ohio from Pittsburg in company with 3 Kentucke boats Without sails or oars we glided down the fair river and in 48 hours arrived at the enchanting spot It is really a delightful situation The first thing which presented itself when we ascended the bank by a grand and easy pair ...
... JOHN BROWN AT HARPER'S FERRY AND JOHN BROWN AT HARPER'S FERRY AND CHARLESTOWN A LECTURE BY S K DONOVAN This lecture by Colonel S K Donovan was delivered a number of times in Ohio but was never before printed The original manuscript is in the possession of his sister Miss Sallie Donovan of Delaware Ohio by whose permission it is now published Colonel Donovan once stated to the writer that he was the first newspaper correspondent to reach Harper's Ferry after the raid began When he arrived there ...
... ANNUAL ADDRESS OF F ANNUAL ADDRESS OF F C SESSIONS PRESIDENT OF THE SOCIETY Read in the Senate Chamber at the Fourth Annual Meeting Thursday Evening January 31 1889 ALMOST one year ago this Society went to Marietta O to celebrate the one hundredth anniversary of the settlement by Americans of the Northwest Territory of which Ohio is an integral part and of which she is the oldest State and one of the most powerful of American commonwealths The settlement was hence the first by Americans in ...
... BENJAMIN F BENJAMIN F WADE AND THE ATROCITY PROPAGANDA OF THE CIVIL WAR By HARRY WILLIAMS The atrocity propaganda issued in the North during the Civil War flowered in bewildering abundance from a variety of persons and agencies Heads of governmental departments semi-official bodies editors members of Congress and private individuals devoted their efforts to the dissemination of tales of cruelties and barbarisms practiced by the Confederate Government and its soldiery1 Although these ...
... RICHARD M RICHARD M BUDD Ohio Army Chaplains and the Professionalization of Military Chaplaincy in the Civil War While the study of military chaplains is fascinating if only because of the apparent incongruity of peacemakers serving in an institution of warmakers military chaplaincy during the American Civil War is of particular interest because of the insight it offers into the development of the office of chaplain While chaplains had been appointed by Congress as far back as 1775 their role ...
... 558 Ohio Arch 558 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications County Several additional parks shortly will be placed in our custody In connection with two or three of the park properties there has been some lack of agreement as to methods of administration The Director accompanied by Trustee J C Goodman Chairman of the Committee on State Parks recently visited these properties conferred with local committees and provided means for correcting the situations It may seem superfluous to consume the ...
... The Early Judiciary of Ohio The Early Judiciary of Ohio 141 THE EARLY JUDICIARY EARLY LAWS AND BAR OF OHIO A proper study of the early judicial system and early laws of our State carries us to a period when as a part of the great Northwest Territory we were under control of the Federal Government On the 13th day of July 1787 the Congress of the United States passed the ordinance for The Government of the Territory of the United States Northwest of the River Ohio Relative to the judiciary the ...
... FOLK MUSIC ON THE MIDWESTERN FRONTIER 1788-1825 FOLK MUSIC ON THE MIDWESTERN FRONTIER 1788-1825 by HARRY R STEVENS Duke University Since the days when Frederic L Ritter and Oscar G T Sonneck established modern musicology in the United States between 1883 and 1910 two simple but rigid traditions have dominated the writing of American musical history One is made up of the lives of composers and performers and descriptions of their work The second and more important one is the chronicle of ...