... THE TRUTH ABOUT CINCINNATI'S FIRST LIBRARY THE TRUTH ABOUT CINCINNATI'S FIRST LIBRARY By DOROTHY V MARTIN This essay proposes to lay a ghost--not a very important one but in its day its brief day a ghost that aroused partisans and parties and involved men in high places It is the ghost of Cincinnati's first library We might doubt that it ever existed even as a mere proposition outside of legend except for three meager records which have managed to survive for more than a century Two of these ...
... MARY DEAN VINCENT MOUND MARY DEAN VINCENT MOUND A B COOVER Mr Coover is a Life Member of The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society and has assisted Prof W C Mills in many of the archaeological explorations made by the Society Mr Coover acted as Curator of the Museum of the Society during the absence of Prof Mills while in charge of the Society's exhibit at the Jamestown Exposition It was during this time that Mr Coover made the explorations herein described - EDITOR Under directions ...
... 266 Ohio Arch 266 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications tiers it might be the means of terminating all future differences without war of cultivating harmony and friendship among the tribes of bringing offenders on both sides to justice and causing treaties to be respected throughout the different nations If such a system could be introduced cultivation and instruction would naturally follow and the Americans and Indians would become one people and have but one interest at heart -the good of ...
... Emilius Oviatt Randall Emilius Oviatt Randall 93 Mr Williams in presenting Gov James E Campbell said Conspicuous as Mr Randall was in many different and varied activities there is one field in particular where he stood pre-eminent and that was the field of archaeology Fine as he was in literary ability he there had his rivals happy as he was as an after-dinner speaker and toastmaster others there ventured to challenge his superiority but in knowledge of the early history of Ohio and of its ...
... CORRESPONDENCE OF GUY M CORRESPONDENCE OF GUY M BRYAN AND RUTHERFORD B HAYES ADDITIONAL LETTERS edited by ROBERT C COTNER and WATT P MARCHMAN A number of years ago Ernest William Winkler who was then reference librarian and curator of Texas books at the University of Texas and an associate editor of the Southwestern Historical Quarterly began the publication in that periodical of all available correspondence exchanged between the Honorable Guy M Bryan of Texas and President Rutherford B Hayes ...
... THE WESTERNIZATION OF NEW ENGLAND THE WESTERNIZATION OF NEW ENGLAND ALBERT BUSHNELL HART LL D Mr Hart is professor of American History at Harvard University the author of many standard and popular works on United States History In 1902 he was chosen editor-in-chief of the co-operative history of the United States projected under the auspices of the American Historical Association The article herewith published was the address deliverd by him at Marietta on the occasion of the erection of a ...
... Index Index COMPILED BY LAURA RUSSELL ABOLITION 37-56 Abortion in America The Origins and Evolution of National Policy by James C Mohr rev 218-220 Achenbaum W Andrew Old Age in the New Land The American Experience Since 1790 rev 427-429 Act of February 26 1816 poor house authorization 84 Adams John 133 Adams John Quincy 12 13 16 17 18 1920 22 23 24 26 29 46 Adams-Clay party 13 17 Addams Jane 62 Adelphic Society of Western Reserve College 201 204 206 Adkins vs Children's Hospital 190 ...
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 65 NUMBER 2 APRIL 1956 From England to Ohio 1830-1832 The Journal of Thomas K Wharton-- II Edited by JAME S H RODABAUGH This is the second and final installment of the Wharton journal the first having appeared in the January issue pages 1-27 along with a brief sketch of Wharton Wharton as a boy of sixteen sailed with his mother brothers and sisters from Hull May 3 1830 to join his father who had acquired a farm near Piqua Ohio ...
... Ohio Valley Hist Ohio Valley Hist Ass'n Fifth Annual Meeting 1 11 believe unique in receiving an annual appropriation 5000 from the city government to aid in its educational propaganda In truth there is no reason whatever why this example should not generally be followed by large American cities Exactly the same argument used in behalf of the school system can and should be urged for the historical society But such a society state or local can lay slight claim to official aid if it be not ...
... INTER-STATE MIGRATION AND THE MAKING OF INTER-STATE MIGRATION AND THE MAKING OF THE UNION BY DR EDWIN ERLE SPARKS President Emeritus of the Pennsylvania State College I hear the far-off voyager's horn 1 see the Yankee's trail -- His foot on every mountain-pass On every stream his sail Behind the scared squaw's birch canoe The steamer smokes and raves And city lots are staked for sale Above old Indian graves I hear the tread of pioneers Of nations yet to be The first low wash of waves where ...
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries Jonathan Stealey an adjunct assistant professor of art at The University of Findlay has been named to the Bicentennial Planning Committee of the Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation Inc The Foundation based in Washington DC encompasses a wide spectrum of government officials historians and enthusiasts dedicated to preserving national interest in the historical worth of the nation's best-documented exploration of the American west Commissioned by ...
... THE FIRST TEN YEARS OF THE THE FIRST TEN YEARS OF THE TOLEDO BLADE By DOUGLAS C MCMURTRIE The Toledo Blade is approaching its one hundredth birthday--a long life for a mid-western newspaper-- and it occupies still as it did during its infancy a commanding position in the life of its community In view of its long service the history of its beginnings becomes of special interest There is here presented a detailed record of the first decennium of its existence The Blade was not the first ...
... The Centennial of Jefferson County The Centennial of Jefferson County 329 EDWIN M STANTON Tuesday being designated as Stanton day the public mind was centered on the building in which E M Stanton was born Here the great war secretary lawyer and jurist was born December 19 1814 It is a two-story brick set back from Market street between Fifth and Sixth with a small enclosed yard between the house and the sidewalk In after years a three-story business house was built in front of the old house ...
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR PRESTON B PLUMB We have just received a copy of the Life of Preston B Plumb from his son A H Plumb of Emporia Kansas This biography is written by William E Connelley the well-known historian and Secretary of the Kansas Historical Society It is an attractive volume and written in the characteristic style of Mr Connelley at its best It has the virtue of an authentic ...
... LINCOLN IN OHIO LINCOLN IN OHIO BY JOHN H CRAMER I The Cincinnati Speech of September 1859 Did Dayton Hear It First The words which Abraham Lincoln spoke in Cincinnati upon the seventeenth of September 1859 are well known to careful students of his addresses and writings They were the words of one of the most important speeches which the famous Illinoisan made upon his brief but important excursion into Ohio The address was given in answer to a previous speech made by the then more noted ...
... CALEB ATWATER CALEB ATWATER AS HISTORIAN by PHILIP SKARDON Caleb Atwater whose A History of the State of Ohio Natural and Civil published in 18381 was the first lengthy survey of Ohio's development has remained relatively obscure to this day despite a multi-faceted career with several exceptional achievements He has been credited variously with producing the earliest systematic and well authenticated account of the prehistoric Indian remains in the Ohio Valley2 and with being a founder of ...
... THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE JUDICIAL THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM OF OHIO By PROF F R AUMANN Ohio State Unive r sity Before Statehood--Any attempt to discuss the growth of the judicial system of this State would carry us back to the time when Ohio as a part of the Northwest Territory was controlled by the Federal Government On July 13 1787 the Congress of the United States passed the Ordinance for the Government of the Territory of the United States Northwest of the River Ohio Although ...
... THE NAMING OF THE CITY OF CINCINNATI THE NAMING OF THE CITY OF CINCINNATI By EDGAR ERSKINE HUME Dr William Holland Wilmer the famous ophthalmologist of Johns Hopkins and president of the New Jersey Society of the Cincinnati tells of a traveling salesman in a Pullman smoking car who interrupted another passenger reading his paper What's that pale blue silk button you are wearing he asked The other told him that it was the rosette of the Society of the Cincinnati Fine replied he I'm from ...
... THE FIRST NEWSPAPER OF THE NORTHWEST THE FIRST NEWSPAPER OF THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY THE EDITOR AND HIS WIFE C B GALBREATH The first newspaper published northwest of the Ohio River was edited by William Maxwell a Revolutionary soldier After the recognition of our national independence he set out for the great west to seek fortune in the new field that called many worthy brave and adventurous spirits He crossed the Alleghanies proceeded to Pittsburg came down the Ohio and took up his abode in ...
... Book Notes Book Notes State Maps on File Midwest Illinois Indiana Iowa Michigan Minnesota Missouri Ohio Wisconsin New York Facts on File Publications 1984 maps index and Illustrated Dictionary of Place Names United States and Canada Edited by Kelsie B Harder New York Facts on File Publications 1985 reprint xiv 631p illustrations bibliography State Maps on File is one of a seven-volume series of state maps compiled by the publishers and specifically geared to the needs of teachers students and ...