... WAS THE PONTIAC UPRISING A CONSPIRACY WAS THE PONTIAC UPRISING A CONSPIRACY by WILBUR R JACOBS Instructor in American History Santa Barbara College University of California Ever since Francis Parkman wrote his classic account of the Indian war of 1763 historians have questioned the exact nature of the origin of Parkman's so-called conspiracy of Pontiac Contemporary manuscripts reveal that there were enough abuses suffered by the Indians at the hands of the whites to justify in the minds of the ...
... Annual Meeting Ohio Valley Historical Association Annual Meeting Ohio Valley Historical Association 183 Records of the Synod of Pittsburgh 1802-1832 Centenary Memorial Volume of Presbyterianism in Western Pennsylvania Papers by Darlington and Veech History of Pittsburgh by N B Craig 1851 History of Pittsburgh by Sarah H Killikelly 1906 History of Pittsburgh by Erasmus Wilson 1898 EARLY RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS IN THE MUSKINGUM VALLEY BY C L MARTZOLFF OHIO UNIVERSITY The dominant note in the ...
... An Outing on the Congo An Outing on the Congo 3 49 AN OUTING ON THE CONGO A VISIT TO THE SITE OF DUNMORE'S TREATY WITH THE SHAWNEES 1774 BY WILLIAM H SAFFORD Many of your readers are doubtless familiar with Stanley's expeditions in Africa tracing the wendings of that hitherto unknown river of her western deserts called the Congo His first exploration was in search of Livingston and the second of his voyages was for the purpose of locating that eminent and eccentric traveler Emin Pasha and thus ...
... THE McGUFFEY SOCIETY AT THE LOGAN ELM THE McGUFFEY SOCIETY AT THE LOGAN ELM The McGuffey Society of Columbus was organized to perpetuate the memory of Dr William H McGuffey He was one of Ohio's greatest educators but his place in history and in the affections of thousands is fixed by his famous series of Readers familiar to the present and last two generations The officers of this Society conceived the original and unique idea of a gathering of its members and guests beneath the shadowing ...
... UNVEILING OF THE SOLDIERS' MEMORIAL TABLET UNVEILING OF THE SOLDIERS' MEMORIAL TABLET ON THE HAYES MEMORIAL BUILDING AT SPIEGEL GROVE BY LUCY ELLIOT KEELER The Ninety-eighth Anniversary of the birth of Rutherford B Hayes Nineteenth President of the United States 1877-1881 and at the time of his death January 17 1893 the honored president of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was celebrated with ceremonies of unusual interest on October 4 192 0 at Spiegel Grove Fremont Ohio ...
... FAIRFIELD ON THE RIVER THAMES1 FAIRFIELD ON THE RIVER THAMES1 By FREDERICK COYNE HAMIL The name Moraviantown is well known to students of the War of 1812 for it was near this place that General William Henry Harrison defeated Colonel Henry A Procter and the famous Indian Chief Tecumseh was killed The Battle of the Thames is also known as the Battle of Moraviantown American histories of the war following official accounts usually omit to mention the sequel to the battle the plundering and ...
... THE DEBT OF THE STATE OF OHIO FROM THE DEBT OF THE STATE OF OHIO FROM 1900 TO 1938 INCLUSIVE By HENRY F WALRADT One method of raising money with which to make governmental expenditures is to issue bonds or certificates of indebtedness The record of the State Government of Ohio during the twentieth century as to debt may well be studied in this day when so many political units too recklessly meet their present desire or need for revenue by the easy expedient of going into debt At the beginning ...
... THE HARMAR EXPEDITION OF 1790 THE HARMAR EXPEDITION OF 179 0 By RANDOL PH G ADAMS At the last meeting of the American Historical Association December 1939 the chief of the General Staff of the United States Army made some very critical remarks about the teaching of military history in the United States He expressed the wish that teachers would tell and that text-books would relate the uncomplimentary and unvarnished truth about the ineptitude with which the United States has conducted its wars ...
... SKETCHES OF LIFE MEMBERS SKETCHES OF LIFE MEMBERS ANDERSON JAMES HOUSE-Born March 16 1833 at Marion O Son of Judge Thomas Jefferson Anderson and Nancy Dunlevy Educated in public schools and the Marion Academy and Ohio Wesleyan University Graduated from law department of the Cincinnati College in 1854 immediately began practice Elected Mayor of Marion in 1855 and later Prosecuting Attorney of the county Married in 1856 to Princess A Miller Appointed March 1865 by President Lincoln United States ...
... 582 Ohio 582 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications little and after a careful search they found some blood stains and with a mighty war whoop dashed on his pursuit once more By this time Captain Brady's strength was nearly spent and he ran with difficulty but self preservation was strong and he still pressed on through the tangled forest hoping to reach a place of safety About three or four miles from Kent he hid himself beneath a great chestnut log in the quiet waters of this pretty lake ...
... 480 Ohio Arch 480 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications a brief description of the service of each and a roster of officers and men We are told that Fairfield County is credited with a service enrollment of 1821 in the World War There is a complete list of these alphabetically arranged This is followed by a brief account of Women in the Service The concluding chapter After Armistice Day details the return of the soldiers who survived the perils of camp and field the organization of the ...
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR UNVEILING OF MEMORIAL TO ELIZABETH ZANE An event of more than passing interest in the pioneer history of the Ohio Valley was appropriately celebrated at Walnut Grove Cemetery Martins Ferry Ohio May 30 1928 This was the unveiling of a statue as a memorial to Elizabeth Zane--Heroine of Fort Henry Fort Henry named in honor of Patrick Henry was built on a hill within ...
... Editorialana Editorialana 503 My friends as mayor of the city and as a representative of her citizens I accept for the city as a mark to the memory of the heroes who moved by a spirit of patriotism made it possible that we might live in our now pleasant homes This unpretentious mark of our love and gratitude to them will last longer than the granite shaft that will some day be erected to their memory by our citizens The Historical Society of our little city deserves the gratitude of our hearts ...
... HULL'S TRACE OR TRAIL HULL'S TRACE OR TRAIL BY GEN ROBT P KENNEDY In the early times the roads or passages cut through the heavy timber of the country were called traces or trails and thus we read about Zane's trace the roadway cut by Ebenezer Zane his brother Jonathan and his son-in-law John McIntyre from Wheeling on the Ohio River in Virginia to the Limestone on the Ohio River in Kentucky the first trace roadway or passage from the East to this section of the great northwest The trace which ...
... PROCEEDINGS OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE MAUMEE VALLEY INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL CONVENTION SEPTEMBER 27-29 1940 EDITORIAL By HARLOW LINDLEY Because of the uniqueness of the Maumee Valley International Historical Convention organized to commemorate the place of the Maumee Valley in American history it seems eminently proper that its records should be permanently preserved and since the heart of the valley is within the limits of the State of Ohio it is logical that the Ohio State Archaeological ...
... MIAMI UNIVERSITY CALVINISM AND THE ANTIMIAMI UNIVERSITY CALVINISM AND THE ANTISLAVERY MOVEMENT 1 By JAMES H RODABAUGH Miami University is a daughter of the Old Northwest Its origins may be traced to the land grant made by Congress to John Cleves Symmes in 1787 According to the contract among the lands of the Symmes Purchase one township was to be reserved for an academy or college After years of controversy and litigation during which Symmes sold the reserved lands Congress in 1803 granted in ...
... Minutes of Forty-second Annual Meeting 623 Minutes of Forty-second Annual Meeting 623 Mr Smith thinks no executor has been appointed up to this time He will learn definitely in regard to this soon If the Society thinks it of sufficient importance to acquire the Mound now is the time to institute active measures Signed B F PRINCE Chairman FORT LAURENS PARK The situation at Fort Laurens Park one mile east of Bolivar Ohio has been unsatisfactory for a long time Very little has been done since the ...
... Dedication of the Hayes Memorial Dedication of the Hayes Memorial 4 31 very graciously doffed his hat in recognition of the honor thus paid him When it was suggested to him that these were the boys who would help him in Mexico in case the situation came to that he very earnestly and seemingly sadly remarked Yes yes I know but we hope and pray they will not be needed Immediately upon the arrival of Secretary Baker the real dedication of the Memorial the Grove and the Mansion was begun ...
... BEGINNINGS OF LUTHERANISM IN OHIO BEGINNINGS OF LUTHERANISM IN OHIO BY PROFESSOR B F PRINCE PH D By the treaty of Fort Stanwix made with the Iroquois Indians in 1768 a large tract of land was opened to settlement in Western Pennsylvania and other regions reaching as far south as Eastern Tennessee The lands in Western Pennsylvania were opened to purchase in 1769 They were much sought for by residents of the eastern part of the State and by adventurers from Maryland and Virginia There were also ...
... THE CINCINNATI MUNICIPAL ELECTION OF 1828 THE CINCINNATI MUNICIPAL ELECTION OF 1828 MARY BAKER FURNESS CINCINNATI Cincinnati began its existence as a city under its first charter March 1 1819 By an act of the General Assembly passed January 26 1827 a new charter was granted which superseded the old one and did away with all the legislation which had been enacted under it According to this second charter the city boundaries began with the Ohio River at the east corner of partial section No 12 ...