... THE INDIANS WHO OPPOSED HARMAR THE INDIANS WHO OPPOSED HARMAR By OTHO WINGER We have a few original sources of information about the Indians of the Northwest in and about Kekionga now Fort Wayne at the time of Harmar's expedition in the fall of 1790 George Croghan in 1765 traveled the length of the Wabash to Kekionga and gave an excellent report to his superiors in the East In the winter of 1789-90 Henry Hay representing British merchants in Detroit visited Kekionga and kept a diary of his ...
... Three Civil War Letters of James A Garfield edited by JAMES D NORRIS and JAMES K MARTIN I know of no man in the army whose death would crush me so terribly as his Brigadier General James A Garfield wrote to his wife on May 12 1862 concerning Major Frederick Augustus Williams He is a true man and one of my dearest friends1 The young major had contracted typhoid fever during the later stages of the Sandy Valley campaign in the eastern Kentucky mountains On March 19 Garfield who commanded the ...
... 48 OHIO HISTORY 48 OHIO HISTORY THE WHISKEY WAR AT PADDY'S RUN EXCERPTS FROM A DIARY OF ALBERT SHAW edited by LLOYD J GRAYBAR In 1874 Albert Shaw later the distinguished editor of the American Review of Reviews and friend of Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson was in his seventeenth year An intelligent youth able to observe events with some discernment he kept a diary of his life in the southwestern Ohio village of New London better known as Paddy's Run1 Renamed Shandon in 1893 ...
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Frontier Ohio 1788-1803 By Randolph Chandler Downes Ohio Historical Collections III Columbus Ohio The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society 1935 280p maps 250 Students of Ohio history will be grateful to the author for presenting this vivid and accurate account of the origins of the Commonwealth Professor Randolph Chandler Downes has examined and cited in a wealth of footnotes a great variety of widely scattered manuscript collections as well as the ...
... PUBLICATIONS IN PRINT OF THE OHIO STATE PUBLICATIONS IN PRINT OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVISED MAY 1 1936 By HARLOW LINDLEY Adams Jacob Private in Company F 21st O V V I Diary Introduction by H M Povenmire 1929 99p 025 Anderson James H Colonel William Crawford 34p 25 Anderson James H Life and Letters of Judge T J Anderson and Wife 535p 150 Written and compiled during the Civil War Contains much valuable source material on local Ohio history Backus Emma S ...
... 218 Ohio Arch 218 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications THE TREATY OF GREENVILLE ADDRESS OF HON SAMUEL F HUNT DELIVERED ON THE OCCASION OF THE CENTENNIAL OF THE TREATY OF GREENVILLE AUG 3 1895 AT GREENVILLE O Mr President Ladies and Gentlemen of Darke Cou nt y Fellow Citize ns One hundred years have passed since that eventful day in August when the treaty of Greenville was signed The different nations of Indians present and parties to the treaty consisted of one hundred and eight Wyandots ...
... 480 Ohio Arch 480 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications SOME ERRORS CORRECTED BY CHARLES E SLOCUM M D PH D DEFIANCE OHIO The following regarding several historic places in north western Ohio is submitted as a plea for greater care by writers and speakers that errors in historical data may lessen rather than increase FORT MIAMI THE STILL-EXISTING EARTHWORKS OF WHICH ARE WITHIN THE PRESENT LIMITS OF THE VILLAGE OF MAUMEE OHIO The pamphlet containing the Appeal of the Maumee Valley Monumental ...
... span p --- tr AGRICULTURE Heigh-Ho Come to the Fair Ohio Historical Society Echoes I No 9 September 1962 1 Brief discussion of agricultural fairs in Ohio and the founding of the state fair PORTER Thomas E A Letter Concerning the Early Maple Sugar Industry of Paint Creek Valley Paint Creek Valley Folk Publications No 14 Chillicothe Ohio Paint Creek Valley Folk Research Project 1963 6p Mimeographed ANTISLAVERY MOVEMENT ABER Mina E The Rankin House Stop on Underground Railroad Negro History ...
... HARRISON-TARHE PEACE CONFERENCE HARRISON-TARHE PEACE CONFERENCE COL E L TAYLOR COLUMBUS On the 28th of June 1 90 4 the Columbus Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution did themselves and their organization great honor by placing in Martin Park in the western part of the City of Columbus a large bowlder of igneous origin bearing a very handsome designed tablet in commemoration of the important council or conference which General William Henry Harrison had with the chiefs of certain ...
... INDEX TO VOLUME XIX INDEX TO VOLUME XIX The index given below applies only to the last half of Volume 19 beginning on page 190 The contents of this volume previous to the above embracing the translation of the Zeisberger Indian History has a separate index beginning on page 174--EDITOR A B Abolition 267 State Convention of 267 Baber Richard Plantagenet Llewellyn i bAllegwi 331 Letter of to Senator Doolittle 375 Ames Bishop E R 429 Sketch of 370 -1 0 Anti-Slavery 266 Reconstruction on 376 ...
... THE PART THAT THE PIONEER PHYSICIANS OF THE PART THAT THE PIONEER PHYSICIANS OF OHIO PLAYED IN THE COMMUNITY AS EXEMPLIFIED IN THE CHURCH AND LODGE By JAMES J TYLER MD The church has had an important place in the development of the frontier The first forty years of religious development in Ohio is full of absorbing interest and vital realities It produced permanent results in the establishment of our Commonwealth The minister of the Gospel the lawyer the teacher and the doctor comprised the ...
... Annual Meeting Ohio Valley Historical Association Annual Meeting Ohio Valley Historical Association 183 Records of the Synod of Pittsburgh 1802-1832 Centenary Memorial Volume of Presbyterianism in Western Pennsylvania Papers by Darlington and Veech History of Pittsburgh by N B Craig 1851 History of Pittsburgh by Sarah H Killikelly 1906 History of Pittsburgh by Erasmus Wilson 1898 EARLY RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS IN THE MUSKINGUM VALLEY BY C L MARTZOLFF OHIO UNIVERSITY The dominant note in the ...
... INDEX TO VOLUME XXIII INDEX TO VOLUME XXIII A Banks - Concluded Agriculture Ideal pioneer plantation 250 Exchange 320 Possibilities of Ohio 232-256 Franklin of Columbus 319 Akron Founder of 284 287 Legislation regulating 314 Algonquins 107 Mechanics' Savings Institute 320 Allen Gov William 35 Notes issued by 313 315 American-British Peace Treaty 28 Ohio State 316 Americanists Visit of 381 Pioneer bankers 318 American State Papers Extracts from Private 321 relating to Dohrman 227 Thompson's ...
... Unveiling of the Cresap Tablet Unveiling of the Cresap Tablet 141 vation of their historic sites mounds circles squares and the tokens of a bygone civilization found therein To you and to your keeping we present this Tablet and are happy in so doing We realize that you and the great State of Ohio are leading in the procession of progress To you the custodian of the glories of the past peoples records and their trophies of valor we consign this Tablet and leave it under your protection and that ...
... KENTON'S GAUNTLET AT CHILLICOTHE KENTON'S GAUNTLET AT CHILLICOTHE T J BROWN WAYNESVILLE OHIO The question of the identity of Old Town near Xenia with the Chillicothe where Kenton ran the gauntlet the first time has been thoroughly discussed in previous issues of the QUARTERLY and in my opinion the evidence in favor of it is decidedly satisfactory Prof McFarland's testimony seems conclusive of itself while the traditions bearing upon the question reach back to the earliest settlement of that ...
... SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY June 6 1 902 The seventeenth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was held in the parlors of the Y M C A building Columbus Ohio at 230 P M June 6 1 90 2 The following members were present Judge J H Anderson Columbus Mr E H Archer Columbus Mr G F Bareis Canal Winchester Gen R Brinkerhoff Mansfield Mr Gerard Fowke Chillicothe Prof Frank S Fox ...
... Editorialana Editorialana 289 Second Vice-president Judge Simeon Eben Baldwin New Haven Connecticut Secretary A Howard Clark Esq Smithsonian Institute Washington Corresponding Secretary Professor Charles H Haskins 15 Prescott Hall Cambridge Massachusetts Treasurer Clarence Winthrop Bowen Esq 130 Fulton St New York Chicago was chosen as the next place of meeting December 1904 The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was represented at the American Historical Association meeting by ...
... ARE THE HOPEWELL COPPER OBJECTS PREHISARE THE HOPEWELL COPPER OBJECTS PREHISTORIC BY WARREN K MOOREHEAD At the Washington meeting of the American Anthropological Association held conjointly with Section H of the American Association for the Advancement of Science I read a brief paper on the Hopewell copper objects and it is now my wish to present a more extended communication on the subjest Mr Clarence B Moore whose valuable work in southeastern United States is so favorably known to all who ...
... RELIGION AND THE WESTWARD MARCH RELIGION AND THE WESTWARD MARCH By WILLIAM W SWEET When the Treaty of Peace was signed with Great Britain in the year 1783 which gave independence to the United States of America the Congregational Church was the largest and most influential religious body in the land Though confined almost exclusively to New England the Congregationalists were at the same time nationally important because of their cultural and educational leadership They had come through the ...
... WAYNE'S STRATEGIC ADVANCE FROM FORT WAYNE'S STRATEGIC ADVANCE FROM FORT GREENVILLE TO GRAND GLAIZE BY O W PRIDDY The government of the United States went into effect in 1789 and General George Washington was its first president While the new republic was busily engaged in adjusting its domestic affairs an Indian confederation was formed in the region of the Miami of the lakes Maumee River that seriously challenged the sovereign power of the national government in the Northwest Territory In a ...