... 26 Ohio Arch 26 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications The largest was Cincinnati with 115 000 and in them all there were less than 2 00000 o f population The following y ear the convention assembled which framed the new constitution for the state of Ohio That convention provided and laid down an ironclad rule that all cities should be governed by a general law and that there should be no special charters That perhaps was not an unreasonable rule at that time for then there were but the nine ...
... Annual Meeting Ohio Valley Historical Association Annual Meeting Ohio Valley Historical Association 183 Records of the Synod of Pittsburgh 1802-1832 Centenary Memorial Volume of Presbyterianism in Western Pennsylvania Papers by Darlington and Veech History of Pittsburgh by N B Craig 1851 History of Pittsburgh by Sarah H Killikelly 1906 History of Pittsburgh by Erasmus Wilson 1898 EARLY RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS IN THE MUSKINGUM VALLEY BY C L MARTZOLFF OHIO UNIVERSITY The dominant note in the ...
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA PURCHASE OF FORT ANCIENT The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society is to be heartily congratulated over the final accomplishment of its efforts extending through many years of securing entire possession of Fort Ancient It has been a long and stubborn siege with many vicissitudes and delays and dis couragements but the last walls of the enclosure have finally been taken and the Society now holds the fort It is necessary to repeat some ancient history in ...
... THE THE HERO OF THE SANDY VALLEY JAMES A GARFIELD'S KENTUCKY CAMPAIGN OF 1861-1862 by ALLAN PESKIN In the days when the Indians roamed at will through the mountains of Kentucky they instinctively dreaded this dark and bloody ground Later the white man came first a cautious trickle through the passes then a torrent of settlers with axes rifles and families They cleared the forest shot the game and planted their families in cabins and cities The Indians went away and left Kentucky to ...
... THE KIRTLAND PHASE OF MORMONISM THE KIRTLAND PHASE OF MORMONISM By W J MCNIFF Kirtland Ohio was but a stepping stone for the Mormons as they restlessly pushed on towards the setting sun Somewhere in the West they planned a city of Zion Their leader prophesied a land of milk and honey gleaming with alabaster towers where righteousness would reign in the hearts of man The Kirtland phase came as an interlude between the future Zion of Missouri and the scornful attitude of the New Yorker In 1 827 ...
... 48 OHIO HISTORY 48 OHIO HISTORY THE WHISKEY WAR AT PADDY'S RUN EXCERPTS FROM A DIARY OF ALBERT SHAW edited by LLOYD J GRAYBAR In 1874 Albert Shaw later the distinguished editor of the American Review of Reviews and friend of Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson was in his seventeenth year An intelligent youth able to observe events with some discernment he kept a diary of his life in the southwestern Ohio village of New London better known as Paddy's Run1 Renamed Shandon in 1893 ...
... FORT INDUSTRY--AN HISTORICAL MYSTERY FORT INDUSTRY--AN HISTORICAL MYSTERY BY WALTER J SHERMAN Upon the south wall of an old brick mercantile building at the northeast corner of Monroe and Summit Streets Toledo hangs a faded inscription reading as follows viz This building stands on the site of Fort Industry a stockade erected by General Anthony Wayne in the year 1794 as a safeguard against the British who then held Fort Miami It was garrisoned by a company of United States troops under the ...
... SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY June 6 1 902 The seventeenth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was held in the parlors of the Y M C A building Columbus Ohio at 230 P M June 6 1 90 2 The following members were present Judge J H Anderson Columbus Mr E H Archer Columbus Mr G F Bareis Canal Winchester Gen R Brinkerhoff Mansfield Mr Gerard Fowke Chillicothe Prof Frank S Fox ...
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS LORAMIE AND PICKAWILLANY The following articles concerning the stations forts and early settlements known respectively as Pickawillany and Loramie were obtained by the Editor of the Quarterly from the Rev William Bigot now a resident of Dayton These articles contain much first-hand information relating to the location of the historic points in question The sketch of Father Bigot - pronounced Bego - is by the Editor For further discussion on ...
... MAJOR GEORGE ADAMS MAJOR GEORGE ADAMS GEO A KATZENBERGER GREENVILLE OHIO This section of Ohio is replete with historical events many of which have been chronicled while some have come down to us in the guise of legends In the early days of the pioneers many soul-stirring events occurred with but few participants who realized that the recording of the same would be of value and of great interest to later generations One of the men very prominent in the early history of this section of Ohio was ...
... DANIEL BOON DANIEL BOON WILLIAM A GALLOWAY B S M D XENIA OHIO In Prof McFarland's excellent article on Simon Kenton he mentions Daniel Boon as having been the most prominent early settler of Kentucky He also quotes from Boon's own account giving the date of his first journey from his home on the Yadkin River North Carolina in quest of the country of Kentucky and the names of his associates on this memorable trip Some of Col Boon's most strenuous experiences occurred in Ohio and on this account ...
... THE CAMPAIGNS OF THE REVOLUTION IN THE THE CAMPAIGNS OF THE REVOLUTION IN THE OHIO VALLEY THEIR EFFECT ON THE GROWTH OF THE UNITED STATES JULIETTE SESSIONS In 1903 the Ohio Society Sons of the Revolution offered a prize of 100 for the best essay which might be submitted upon the subject heading this article Miss Sessions a member of the teaching corps of The Columbus High School entered the contest and was awarded the prize The essay is herewith made public for the first time through the ...
... 492 Ohio Arch 492 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications From the ruins of this first estate we have the smiling landscape the green grass the fertile fields of waving grain We have the advantages ease comfort conveniences luxuries of modern civilization For the generation that first came to this goodly land and rough-hewed the way there is lasting remembrance and perpetual honor In their lives there was a seriousness of purpose that is not characteristic of the later generation In the midst ...
... ADDENDA ADDENDA TO THE PATHFINDERS OF JEFFERSON COUNTY The time allotted the compiler by the Society in which to prepare the matter foregoing precluded the possibility of examination of original papers to the extent necessary for an absolutely correct historical statement and the demand for delivery of copy into the hands of the printer forced completion of manuscript before the compiler could receive information for which he had applied to authorities and consequently the addenda following ...
... JEFFREY P JEFFREY P BROWN Chillicothe's Elite Leadership in a Frontier Community The Northwest Territory was dominated by its small urban communities even though most settlers were farmers The towns became crucial regional centers for business politics and cultural affairs They served as headquarters for wealthy and powerful merchants provided a base for lawyer-politicians and often contained the homes of prominent rural landowners A few of the Northwest's towns eventually grew into great ...
... 458 Ohio Arch 458 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Inscription on tablet placed by U S D 1 812 on the Ross County Court House Chillicothe Ohio May 17 1933 CHILLICOTHE CAPITAL OF THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY AND FIRST CAPITAL OF OHIO The State of Ohio was made possible by the Treaty of Paris 1783 which made the Great Lakes the northern boundary of the new United States In 1787 Congress established the Northwest Territory dedicated to freedom and public education with General Arthur St Clair ...
... Editorialana Editorialana 289 Second Vice-president Judge Simeon Eben Baldwin New Haven Connecticut Secretary A Howard Clark Esq Smithsonian Institute Washington Corresponding Secretary Professor Charles H Haskins 15 Prescott Hall Cambridge Massachusetts Treasurer Clarence Winthrop Bowen Esq 130 Fulton St New York Chicago was chosen as the next place of meeting December 1904 The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was represented at the American Historical Association meeting by ...
... THE PART THAT THE PIONEER PHYSICIANS OF THE PART THAT THE PIONEER PHYSICIANS OF OHIO PLAYED IN THE COMMUNITY AS EXEMPLIFIED IN THE CHURCH AND LODGE By JAMES J TYLER MD The church has had an important place in the development of the frontier The first forty years of religious development in Ohio is full of absorbing interest and vital realities It produced permanent results in the establishment of our Commonwealth The minister of the Gospel the lawyer the teacher and the doctor comprised the ...
... Dedication of Ohio's World War Memorial 463 Dedication of Ohio's World War Memorial 463 Finally a State Museum of History here in Ohio must take advantage of its exceptional opportunity to cooperate with the regional historical museums in the commonwealth After all your purposes are a common one namely to preserve and to teach the history of Ohio--your task is general theirs is particular The ideal State Museum which I have tried to picture should be applied to all the local museums A system ...
... THE INDIANS WHO OPPOSED HARMAR THE INDIANS WHO OPPOSED HARMAR By OTHO WINGER We have a few original sources of information about the Indians of the Northwest in and about Kekionga now Fort Wayne at the time of Harmar's expedition in the fall of 1790 George Croghan in 1765 traveled the length of the Wabash to Kekionga and gave an excellent report to his superiors in the East In the winter of 1789-90 Henry Hay representing British merchants in Detroit visited Kekionga and kept a diary of his ...