October 10, 1861
Thomas Pilkington, Hillsboro, Highland County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that having been sworn into the 60th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry (one year's service), he wanted to be transferred to the three years' service and go with Lieutenant [Francis F.] Kibler of the 59th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
1 p. [Series 147-12: 124]

October 10, 1861
Lemuel P. Porter, Camp Dennison, Hamilton County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter accepting his appointment as 1st Lieutenant in the 1st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Light Artillery; and stating that he had reported to Colonel James Barnett for duty.
1 p. [Series 147-12: 115]

October 10, 1861
Harvey E. Proctor, Camp Wood, Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter accepting the appointment of 1st Lieutenant in the 41st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
1 p. [Series 147-12: 237]

October 10, 1861
M[ichael] C. Ryan, Colonel, 50th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Hamilton. To ? Letter stating that he required transportation for six enlisted men from Camp Hamilton to Wapakoneta for recruiting purposes; and requesting a number of blanks for transportation as all of his Captains were active and would be needing them almost daily.
1 p. [Series 147-12: 179]

October 10, 1861
C.H. Sargent, Colonel, 52nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter suggesting the appointment of J.L. Hickman as 2nd Lieutenant in the 52nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry for the purpose of recruiting a company under General Order Number 57.
1 p. [Series 147-12: 85]

October 10, 1861
L.A. Sheldon, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter stating that the bearer, Renselaer H. Dixon of Lagrange, Lorain County, Ohio, wanted the appointment of 2nd Lieutenant, that Dixon was a Mexican War soldier and a brave man, that Dixon was a man of energy and good, clear action, that Dixon thought he could raise 30 men within the time limit, that they had just discovered the rule that applicants must go before the Military Committee, and that he was sure the Military Committee would recommend Dixon since no better man could be found.
1 p. [Series 147-12: 75]

October 10, 1861
L.A. Sheldon, and J[ames] A. Garfield, Camp Chase, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter stating that R.H. Dixon wanted the appointment of 2nd Lieutenant and to be assigned to the 42nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
1 p. [Series 147-12: 84]

October 10, 1861
John Sherman, Colonel, 64th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Mansfield, Richland County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter requesting blank company and field reports; and stating that until he received the blanks, he could not comply with General Order Number 57, and that he was enclosing an application from James C. Richart for appointment as a Recruiting Lieutenant, together with a very strong letter from David Tod in Richart's favor.
1 p. [Series 147-12: 119]

October 10, 1861
Orland Smith, Colonel, 73rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Chillicothe, Ross County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter introducing Dr. John Earhart of Albany, Athens County who was recommended for appointment as a 2nd Lieutenant in the 73rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; stating that Earhart resided near the immediate borders of Athens County, Meigs County, and Vinton County; and suggesting the propriety of constituting Earhart's district to embrace those counties. Bears the endorsement of C.A. Trimble, stating that the local military committee had not yet organized.
1 p. [Series 147-12: 153]

October 10, 1861
Orland Smith, Colonel, 73rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Worthington, Chillicothe, Ross County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that he had just learned that commanders of regiments and Recruiting Lieutenants were expected to report daily to the Adjutant General's office, that Lieutenants appointed to the 73rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry had reported themselves to him and had departed to their respective stations, that most of them had commenced their labors with vigor and with very favorable prospects, that since no detailed reports had been made to him, he was unable to report aggregates, that they would make no attempt to go into camp until the latter part of the following week, that the Quartermaster at Cincinnati was unable to supply tents, etc., until some 10 or 12 days after October 9, that in the meantime, the recruits would be subsisted by contract at the price mentioned in Buckingham's directions to Lieutenants, and that a question had arisen in respect to the transportation of recruits from the various points within the districts of Lieutenants to the recruiting stations and the camp; and asking if they were entitled to transportation (if any) from the place of enlistment to the stations or camp as the case may be, and if the certificates of the recruiting officers for passage of men within the limits of their districts would be received at the Quartermaster's office.
2 pp. [Series 147-12: 167]

October 10, 1861
W.R. Smith for the District Military Committee, Hillsboro, Highland County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter recommending the appointment of Hamer Hays of Sardinia, Brown County, Ohio as Lieutenant to recruit a company of cavalry in his county for a regiment now raising in Highland County for William O. Collins.
1 p. [Series 147-12: 44]

October 10, 1861
W.R. Smith, member of District [Military] Committee, Hillsboro, Highland County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter recommending the bearer, Doctor Van Metre, as a suitable person to raise a company; and stating that the committee would assist Van Metre in the work with certainty of success.
1 p. [Series 147-12: 85]

October 10, 1861
W.R. Smith, member of District [Military] Committee, Hillsboro, Highland County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter recommending the bearer, T.E. Reed, as a suitable person to raise a company; and stating that the committee would assist Reed in the work with certainty of success.
1 p. [Series 147-12: 98]

October 10, 1861
S[amuel] H. Steedman, Lieutenant Colonel, 68th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Wauseon, Fulton County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter recommending Nelson A. Skeels for the position of Lieutenant; and stating that Skeels was a young mechanic, one of the "bone and sinew" of the country, who could be depended upon in any position.
1 p. [Series 147-12: 143]

October 10, 1861
S[amuel] H. Steedman, Lieutenant Colonel, 68th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Wauseon, Fulton County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter recommending James K. Newcomer for the position of Lieutenant; and stating that Newcomer was a gentleman of ability and esteemed as one of the best citizens in Fulton County.
1 p. [Series 147-12: 215]

[October? 10?, 1861]
S[amuel] H. Steedman, Lieutenant Colonel, 68th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter recommending James Lemien for the position of Lieutenant to enlist and enroll men for the 68th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
1 p. [Series 147-12: 44]

October 10, 1861
James D. Teese, Allegheny Arsenal, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. To the Adjutant General of Ohio. Letter asking for the location of the 47th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and if an individual named Adam Rode was in Company K of that regiment; and stating that Rode's mother wanted him to make the request and ascertain her son's whereabouts if possible.
1 p. [Series 147-12: 233]

October 10, 1861
A.H. Turner, Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter asking what he should do in light of Order Number 58; and stating that he did not know if they had a County Military Committee for Cuyahoga County, that he did not owe the State military duty being forty-nine years of age, but was willing and anxious to lend a helping hand in the emergency and thought he could render valuable aid to his State in the recruiting service, that he was well acquainted in Cuyahoga County having lived in Cleveland for twenty-one years, that he was a physician by profession and thought he could recruit a company in Cuyahoga County, that in his younger days, he was somewhat of a military man, that he had some knowledge of infantry drill, that he had held a commission as Surgeon in a regiment of infantry in the State of New York, and that he preferred to be attached to the artillery service, but was willing to serve where he could do the most good.
2 pp. [Series 147-12: 144]

October 10, 1861
J.D. Van Deman, Delaware, Delaware County, Ohio. To Assistant Adjutant General Rodney Mason. Letter introducing his brother, Dr. J.H. Van Deman; and stating that his brother came to Mason's office in obedience to a notice sent him for a commission as Recruiting Lieutenant, that his brother wanted to raise a company, and that he knew his brother would be able to do so in two or three days.
1 p. [Series 147-12: 161]

October 10, 1861
George A. Walker, Portsmouth, Scioto County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter stating that their District [Military] Committee would organize on October 11 at Jackson and would immediately proceed to the discharge of their duties, that there was a person locally by the name of William S. Huston who was acting as Quartermaster of Colonel [Peter] Kinney's regiment, that Huston was not a proper person to receive a commission, that if Huston had not already been appointed, their committee would make a report in his case, that he was not writing as a member of the committee, but as a private citizen, that they had another alarm in Kentucky on Big Sandy River, that 7,000 rebels were reported within three days march of Catlettsburg, and that he thought it would be advisable to send Colonel [Joshua] Sill's regiment there.
1 p. [Series 147-12: 182]

October 10, 1861
H. B[lair] Wilson, Lieutenant Colonel Commanding, Headquarters, Camp Clark, Springfield, Clark County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that at an election held by the company commanders of the 44th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, the bearer, Rev. Thomas P. Childs, a regularly ordained minister of the Baptist Church and a resident of Troy, Miami County, was duly nominated and elected Chaplain of said regiment; and requesting that Childs be issued his appointment at once so that he could accompany the regiment to its destination.
1 p. [Series 147-12: 89]

October 10, 1861
Charles R. Woods, Colonel, 76th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Headquarters, Newark, Licking County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that he had succeeded in getting the Licking County Fairgrounds as a place for the encampment of the 76th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry at an expense of $7.50, that the fairgrounds would be somewhat small for the whole regiment, but could be made to answer, and that there was no other place in the area which could be made to answer without a large expenditure of money; and requesting authority to procure the necessary lumber for flooring the tents of the officers and men and for erecting sinks, and to employ two or three carpenters to do the necessary work.
1 p. [Series 147-12: 118]

October 10, 186[1]
Mrs. Crafts J. Wright, Headquarters, Western Department, Judge Advocate Office, St. Louis, Missouri. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter expressing her thanks for the kind manner with which she was received by Governor William Dennison and Buckingham; stating that she arrived in St. Louis that morning and found nearly all the troops ordered off, and that her husband's command were to receive arms in a day or so; requesting that Dennison send 250 men so that her husband's command might be sworn in as an Ohio regiment; stating that her husband wanted a Lieutenant Colonel with the 250 men, that her husband wanted a good, prompt, and energetic man for Lieutenant Colonel, that there was at a camp near Columbus a young gentleman named Wolcott who was a worthy person, had received a military education, and was currently a Major, and that there were some companies forming in Xenia, Ohio with no Colonel appointed; and asking if Dennison could assign these companies to her husband and give Wolcott the position of Lieutenant Colonel.
3 pp. [Series 147-12: 183]

October 10, 1861
Crafts J. Wright, Headquarters, Western Department, Benton Barracks, [St. Louis, Missouri]. To ? Letter stating that the Lieutenant Colonel he had was a man without military knowledge, that the Lieutenant Colonel had brought about 300 men, that the Lieutenant Colonel was willing to withdraw if he could take his men, that he was willing to let the Lieutenant Colonel and his men go if other men were supplied, that if men were sent and a military and good Lieutenant Colonel was supplied, he would be glad, that there was a company at Xenia, Ohio which he understood did not yet belong to any regiment, that two gentlemen from Cincinnati had knowledge of other troops who wanted to come, that his men and officers wanted their regiment to be an Ohio regiment, that his field officers should all be from Ohio, that he was certain his companies were the very best Ohio had sent out, that he wanted authority to enlist 50 men who were needed to make up an Ohio company under his son, and that [Andrew] Hickenlooper's artillery company consisting of 150 men was at St. Louis and wanted to be attached to his regiment and commissioned from Ohio.
3 pp. [Series 147-12: 178]

October 10, [1861]
Crafts J, Wright, Colonel, Benton Barracks, [St. Louis, Missouri]. To "My Dear Sir". Letter stating that his wife had just returned, that there was a full company raised by Captain Mitchell at Dayton, Ohio, that there was a partial company near Zanesville under a man of good standing in the Methodist Church who wanted to be Chaplain, that he had a vacancy for Chaplain and the men in the partial company wanted to come, that with the companies mentioned, they could have an Ohio regiment, that the transfer of these companies would place his regiment as it would have been had not other companies been stopped, that he would be willing to receive a good Lieutenant Colonel along with the companies in question, and that he was compelled to determine about continuing his Lieutenant Colonel and the Lieutenant Colonel's troops.
1 p. [Series 147-12: 178]

October 11, 1861
Isaac N. Ayres, 2nd Lieutenant, 64th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Upper Sandusky, Wyandot County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that he wanted his time extended in order to give him the opportunity to collect his men from the different places in Wyandot County and Marion County, that there had been and currently was great competition locally and it gave him three times the amount of work he otherwise would have had, that he was in daily communication with John Sherman who was willing to give him more time, and that prospects were good for a full company.
2 pp. [Series 147-12: 223]

October 11, 1861
A.T. Babbitt, Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that some days since, he wrote Governor William Dennison informing him that he could not succeed in recruiting the requisite number of men as Montgomery County was full of recruiting officers, had asked for a permanent appointment if it were possible, and had cited references, that since he had received no reply and as peculiar circumstances required that he should know definitely regarding his prospects, he was writing Buckingham, and that he earnestly desired to be continued in the service and did not see the way open unless he received the appointment; and asking if it would be necessary for him to go to Columbus to be mustered out if he did not receive the appointment.
2 pp. [Series 147-12: 172]

October 11, 1861
Bushrod Birch, Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. To Assistant Adjutant General R[odney] Mason. Letter accepting his commission as 1st Lieutenant in the 45th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
1 p. [Series 147-12: 164]

October 11, 1861
Sylvester S. Burroughs, Geneva, Ashtabula County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter accepting his appointment as Assistant Surgeon in the 29th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; and stating that he had reported to Colonel Lewis P. Buckley.
1 p. [Series 147-12: 232]

October 11, 1861
J.R. Cockerill, District Military Committee; and J.H. De Bruin, James L. Coryell, and J.W. McFerren, County Military Committee, West Union, Adams County, Ohio. To ? Letter certifying that the bearer, James F. Summers, was a man of good moral character and of such attainments as would fit him for the command of a company in the field; stating that they believed Summers could recruit a company in Adams County; and pledging to aid Summers in so doing.
1 p. [Series 147-12: 124]

October 11, 1861
E[phraim] C. Dawes, 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant, 53rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Diamond near Jackson, Jackson County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that a difficulty had arisen in their companies locally regarding the recent orders for passing recruits over the railroads, that they currently had in camp one full company, one nearly full lacking only a few who were rejected at the mustering in, another nearly full, and two squads of 50 each, and that each of the last four had men out recruiting and had lost quite a number of recruits owing to the impossibility of passing them to camp; and asking if authority could be given to the officers of these companies to pass their men from home to camp.
2 pp. [Series 147-12: 193]

October 11, 1861
Jno. C. Dunlevy, Lebanon, Warren County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that at Mason, Ohio there were 60 men who they expected to swear in on October 12, that these men had declined to be sworn in singly or in squads, that now he feared these men would be taken from him, and that on October 12, he planned to visit these men where they met for drill and endeavor to secure them; and asking if the Kentucky Military Board could be induced or required to raise Kentucky's 40,000 men at home and not interfere with Ohio.
1 p. [Series 147-12: 174]

October 11, 1861
S.J. Firestone, Camp Ford, Alliance, Stark County, Ohio. To the Adjutant General of Ohio. Letter accepting his appointment as 1st Lieutenant in the 19th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
1 p. [Series 147-12: 139]

October 11, 1861
Joseph W. Fulton, Camp Diamond near Jackson, Jackson County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter accepting his appointment as 1st Lieutenant in the 53rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; and stating that he had already reported to Colonel Jesse J. Appler.
1 p. [Series 147-12: 232]

October 11, 1861
J[ames] A. Garfield, Camp Chase, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that he had conversed with John Ferguson of Monroe County and would be pleased to have him appointed 2nd Lieutenant with power to recruit for the 42nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
1 p. [Series 147-12: 171]

October 11, 1861
F.J. Griffith, Camp Diamond [near Jackson, Jackson County, Ohio]. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that he received Buckingham's instructions informing him that his permit was abolished, that he had fifty-eight men mustered into service by a mustering officer, that these men were currently in Colonel [Jesse J.] Appler's regiment with a Lieutenant, that he had twelve other men in camp ready to be mustered in and twenty-seven men who would be in camp in five days, that he enlisted the men with the understanding they would be attached to the 53rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry under Appler, that they were entitled to an election of officers when they had eighty-three men, that Appler told him to report himself and his men in camp, and that he presumed Appler had the power to grant them an election.
2 pp. [Series 147-12: 192]

October 11, [1861]
William H. Hall, Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. To Assistant Adjutant General R[odney] Mason. Letter stating that he thought it impossible to raise the number of men Mason wanted in Cleveland because there were so many recruiting officers in the city at present, that he was going to give it up as his means would not permit him to go to any additional expense, that any additional expense would leave him unable to equip himself, that if Mason would take action and give him an appointment, he pledged his honor and would exert himself to raise the number wanted, that he would go to Bedford, Newburgh, and Strongsville Townships and recruit, and that he had not intended to trouble Mason again, but at the request of a host of friends who wanted to see him hold a position in the army, he was writing.
1 p. [Series 147-12: 191]

October 11, 1861
J.K. Hard, Tiffin, Seneca County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that William Smith, the bearer, was a citizen of Seneca County, that Smith was of good, sober habits and moral character, that Smith was competent to command a company, that Smith had been endeavoring to raise a company of infantry for Colonel [Abraham Sanders] Piatt's Zouave Brigade, that Smith wanted an appointment as 2nd Lieutenant under the new arrangement for recruiting to facilitate his operations, and that Smith had labored faithfully.
1 p. [Series 147-12: 165]

October 11, 1861
D[aniel] W. Hilderbrand, Camp Ford, Alliance, Stark County, Ohio. To Assistant Adjutant General R[odney] Mason. Letter accepting his appointment as 2nd Lieutenant in the 19th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
1 p. [Series 147-12: 140]

October 11, 1861
George W. Johnson, James Tripp, J. Edward Jones, D. Mackby, and F.M. Keith, Jackson, Jackson County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter stating that they constituted the Recruiting Committee for Jackson County, and recommended the appointment of Dr. Charles K. Crummit as 2nd Lieutenant for the 53rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Bears a note from C.A. Trimble stating that Johnson, Tripp, Jones, Mackby, and Keith composed the committee appointed for Jackson County.
1 p. [Series 147-12: 173]

October 11, 1861
Harry W. Jones, Lieutenant, 41st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Wood, Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter accepting his appointment as 2nd Lieutenant in the 41st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
1 p. [Series 147-12: 230]

October 11, 1861
Isaac Kagy, Auditor, Samuel Herrin, Treasurer, and Albert Beilharz, Recorder, Tiffin, Seneca County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter certifying that William Smith was a citizen of Seneca County, of good, moral character and sober habits, and possessed qualifications for command; and commending Smith to Buckingham's favorable notice.
1 p. [Series 147-12: 168]

October 11, 1861
George W. McCook, Steubenville, Jefferson County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that the bearer, John Ferguson, wanted to recruit a company and was a man who would succeed in raising at least 40 men, that Buckingham could safely commission Ferguson as a 1st Lieutenant, and that the District [Military] Committee was now in session.
1 p. [Series 147-12: 227]

October 11, 1861
George W. McCook, Steubenville, Jefferson County, Ohio. To Assistant Adjutant General R[odney] Mason. Letter stating that there was an officer at Steubenville who was assigned to Jefferson County and who claimed he represented one company in Colonel [John] Sherman's regiment for which no other officer was recruiting, that he wanted to oblige this officer as said officer had behaved very handsomely and would not remain unless he promised to assist him, that he wanted to exercise locally the power of combination of squads because it would keep the company from the country as a whole and would enable him to send companies faster, that most wanted to linger in the hope of filling up, that he thought Lieutenant Simpson, whom he sent the other day for a commission, would be willing to go to Fremont, that he could not promise the company in under two weeks although he was certain Simpson would succeed, that Jefferson County would exceed her quota notwithstanding the drain on her for Virginia and Pennsylvania, and that he was afraid Harrison County would come up short.
1 p. [Series 147-12: 180]

[October? 11?, 1861]
James M. McCoy, Z[achariah] P. Adkins, and Conrad Garis. To the Adjutant General of Ohio. Letter accepting their appointments as Captain, 1st Lieutenant, and 2nd Lieutenant respectively in the 20th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
1 p. [Series 147-12: 134]