November 22, 1861
G.H. Purdy, Recruiting Officer at Delaware, Ohio for the 82nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Delaware, Delaware County, Ohio. To Assistant Adjutant General R[odney] Mason. Letter stating that C.B. Lindsley had enlisted in his company and was anxious to assist him in recruiting, that Lindsley could do him much good, and that he wanted an order for Lindsley to help him recruit his company; and requesting that Lindsley be issued an order.
1 p. [Series 147-17: 210]
November 22, 1861
John Shumaker, Camp Carlisle, Belmont County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter complaining about Lieutenant Conger; requesting to be transferred to another company; and stating that they did not wish to go with an unprincipled man like Conger, and that they were for their country and not for money.
3 pp. [Series 147-17: 184]
November 22, 1861
John Snodgrass, Camp Putnam, Marietta, Washington County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that he wanted a transfer from the 63rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry to the 77th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry because he was deceived by the recruiting officer and officers were put over them by appointment, and that Robert Cooper wanted the same transfer.
2 pp. [Series 147-17: 202]
November 22, 1861
Jac. Traber, Jr., Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter introducing the bearer, W.P. Israel; and stating that Israel was visiting Dennison on business connected with the war, and that he wanted Dennison to have the utmost confidence in Israel's capacity and integrity.
1 p. [Series 147-17: 229]
November 22, 1861
Edward T. Weakley, New Carlisle, Clark County, Ohio. To Assistant Adjutant General R[odney] Mason. Letter asking how the pay of S.H. Stitsell, 1st Kentucky Regiment (deceased) could be obtained.
1 p. [Series 147-17: 198]
November 23, 1861
James Barnett, Colonel Commanding, 1st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Light Artillery, Headquarters, Camp Dennison, Hamilton County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that Eben P. Sturgis' commission should date from August 10, and that he was enclosing it for correction, that he was also enclosing eight commissions to be corrected, and that these commissions should read "First Regiment Ohio Light Artillery"; and requesting that the commissions be returned with the necessary alterations as soon as convenient, and that all the commissions hereafter issued for the regiment be made out as "1st Regiment Ohio Light Artillery".
1 p. [Series 147-17: 234]
November 23, 1861
John W. Caldwell, No. 379 Main Street, Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter accepting the office of Colonel of the 57th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; and stating that the office was vacant and friends of the regiment and of himself volunteered their preference for him, and that he would procure references if needed.
1 p. [Series 147-17: 194]
November 23, 1861
A[rchibald] J.A. Constable, Captain, 11th Independent Battery, Ohio Volunteer Light Artillery, Planters House, St. Louis, Missouri. To Governor William Dennison. Letter
enclosing the certificate of qualification as Captain of the 11th Independent Battery, Ohio Volunteer Light Artillery; and stating that his appointment to the mortar vessels was not yet confirmed nor did he believe that it would be, that he was consequently pressing for a decision so he might join his company at Tipton, that he would write Dennison the moment he received definite orders, that in the meantime, he implored Dennison not to promise the command to Frank Sands, one of the 1st Lieutenants of the company, as Sands was not qualified for such responsibility, that Sands maintained that his brother, the U.S. Marshal, had obtained Dennison's promise, and that he could only hope it was not so.
1 p. [Series 147-17: 216]
November 23, 1861
J.C. Dunlevy, Secretary, Warren County Military Committee, Lebanon, Warren County, Ohio. To Assistant Adjutant General R[odney] Mason. Letter enclosing the declination of Thomas Thompson to act as recruiting officer for the 74th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry on account of a very serious injury received in a fall; recommending Felix S. Wilton for the position; and stating that Wilton could raise his 30 men in two days, and that they believed Wilton could fill his company very soon.
1 p. [Series 147-17: 198]
November 23, 1861
Oliver H. Geffroy, Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter stating that he had just returned from St. Louis, and that while there he met with Captain [Archibald] Constable, formerly of the 11th Independent Battery, Ohio Volunteer Light Artillery, who had resigned the position as Captain of said battery leaving 1st Lieutenant F[rank] C. Sands in command; recommending the promotion of Sands to the Captaincy of the 11th Independent Battery, Ohio Volunteer Light Artillery; and stating that Sands was a young man of fine ability and that Sands' military experience fully justified his promotion, that he knew the promotion would be very satisfactory to the battery, that Sands was instrumental in raising the men that formed the battery and was entitled to the Captaincy of the battery when it organized, but preferred to act as 1st Lieutenant under an officer who had served for many years in the artillery service, and that he was informed that Colonel Wagoner, who was Colonel in Chief of the Artillery Department, Army of the West, had recommended the promotion of Sands.
2 pp. [Series 147-17: 222]
November 23, 1861
T[haddeus] S. Gilliland, Captain, Company H, 15th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Nevin, Hardin County, Kentucky. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that he had the offer of some dozen recruits from Van Wert County, Ohio; asking how he was to get transportation through Ohio since the ordinary passes were refused; stating that he sent an application to have E[dmund] B. Updegrove transferred from the 54th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry and that the application was signed by himself, Colonel M[oses] R. Dickey, and Colonel [Thomas Kilby] Smith, and that the application was returned without Buckingham's endorsement; and asking if that constituted Buckingham's approval or disapproval.
2 pp. [Series 147-17: 236]
November 23, 1861
Talbot Jones, Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter introducing his friend, William P. Israel, Jr. of Coal Grove, Lawrence County, Ohio; and stating that Israel wanted to obtain the appointment of Major in [James] Barnett's regiment [1st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Light Artillery], that Israel had been a resident of Ohio for the last thirteen years, and that considering Israel's military disposition, his practical energy of character, and active habits, he could fully recommend Israel's appointment and believed Israel would acquit himself with fidelity and credit. Bears the endorsement of C.D. Coffin.
1 p. [Series 147-17: 229]
November 23, 1861
A.M. Poundstone, Captain, 62nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Marietta, Washington County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter stating that in a movement which was made a few days before by Colonel Craig, Lieutenant Colonel Grant, and others to form a brigade of the 62nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, 63rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and 77th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, he gave his signature to a certain paper now in the hands of Grant upon a misrepresentation made to him that Colonel [Francis B.] Pond of the 62nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry was favorable to the movement, that on account of facts which had developed themselves since, he was not at all in favor of going into the proposed brigade, and that from what he could learn, all the other company officers of the 62nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry were of the same mind as himself.
1 p. [Series 147-17: 223]
November 23, 1861
William R. Putnam, Chairman, [Military Committee], Marietta, Washington County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that they felt it their duty to inform Buckingham that Colonel [Jesse] Hildebrand expressed strong dissatisfaction regarding the appointment of B[enjamin] D. Fearing as Major and said that if a change was not made, he would resign and disband his regiment [77th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry], and that the committee was of the opinion that the good of the regiment required that Fearing should be retained; suggesting the propriety of procuring descriptive muster rolls; stating that the hospital at Marietta was not so well provided with blankets, etc., as it should be; asking if the Governor would allow them to hand over to the Surgeons of the different regiments the blankets and other suitable things which had been donated by their citizens for the soldiers; and stating that the appointment of Colonel Craig to a Brigadier Generalship and the formation of a brigade met with the approval of their most intelligent citizens.
1 p. [Series 147-17: 227]
November 23, 1861
W[illiam] B. Woods, Lieutenant Colonel, 76th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Headquarters, Camp Sherman, Newark, Licking County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that 2nd Lieutenant L[ucian] H. Wright of the 76th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry had recruited Miles E. Hand, who at the time of his enlistment represented himself to be sixteen years of age, that Hand's mother (he had no father or guardian) maintained that her son was only fourteen and he was inclined to believe her claim, that Hand's mother never consented to the enlistment of her son and demanded his discharge, and that they did not want Hand even if they had the right to detain him; and requesting that Buckingham authorize Hand's discharge.
1 p. [Series 147-17: 183]
November 24, 1861
T.D. McClelland, 3rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, Camp Wocester, Monroeville, Huron County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter asking if a line officer of cavalry was entitled to 40 cents per day for the use of his horses.
1 p. [Series 147-17: 211]
November 24, 1861
D.A. Randall, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter stating that he understood there was an application before Dennison for the appointment of J.R. Henry to the position of Major in the 45th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry at Cleveland, that he had been acquainted with Henry for over twenty years and knew him to be a man of ability, commanding in person, prompt and energetic in business, and of unimpeachable moral character, and that he believed Henry to be well qualified for the position.
1 p. [Series 147-17: 224]
November 24, 1861
E.A. Scovill, Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that the 59th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry arrived at 11 A.M., that he was at the landing when the regiment arrived, that upon finding that Colonel [James P.] Fyfe was not with the regiment, he made known his orders to Lieutenant Colonel [Farran] Olmsted, who reported that he had about 650 men, that the Surgeon reported about 100 men on the sick list, that Olmsted and the Surgeon expressed their wish to recruit up the regiment before further service, that the regiment was under orders not to leave the boat and he could not get a telegram through, and that the regiment left with the rest of [William] Nelson's brigade for Louisville, Kentucky at 4 P.M.
1 p. [Series 147-17: 186]
November 25, 1861
Larz Anderson, Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter stating that W.P. Israel of Lawrence County, Ohio wanted the appointment of Major in Colonel [James] Barnett's regiment [1st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Light Artillery], that he was not aware of the extent of experience which Israel had in the artillery branch, but considered him a gentleman of uncommon intelligence and capacity as well as of energy, that he had no doubt of Israel's perseverance in well doing, and that whatever representations Israel might make of his experience in military matters, he had no hesitation to confide in; and recommending Israel.
2 pp. [Series 147-17: 230]
November 25, 1861
James Barnett, Colonel, 1st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Light Artillery, Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter stating that General [Ormsby M.] Mitchel wanted him to take charge of the Cincinnati Battery formed by Miles Greenwood of Cincinnati, but did not perfect the purchase of the battery, and that he was anxious to man this battery as he had the men ready and only awaited its delivery to put them in the field; and asking if he should inspect the battery and if it would be turned over to his regiment.
1 p. [Series 147-17: 230]
November 25, 1861
James Barnett, Colonel, [1st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Light Artillery], Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter stating that W.P. Israel of Lawrence County wanted the appointment of Major in his regiment, that he was very desirous that the regimental organization should be completed as they had all of the companies organized and would very soon be fully manned, that all of the field officers of the regiment had heretofore been from northern Ohio and as they had several companies from southern Ohio, he deemed the appointment of at least one Major from that section very proper, and that the appointment of Israel would be quite satisfactory.
1 p. [Series 147-17: 231]
November 25, 1861
R[alph] P. Buckland, Colonel Commanding, 72nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Croghan, Fremont, Sandusky County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter reporting on the progress of the 72nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; stating that over 550 men had been enlisted and reported, that he had no means of knowing how many had been enlisted by recruiting officers in Seneca County and Medina County since they had not reported at camp, and that it might be necessary to have some additional recruiting officers in order to fill up some of the companies; and asking if more 2nd Lieutenants would be appointed or only assistants.
2 pp. [Series 147-17: 214]
November 25, 1861
T[homas] Clark, Major, 29th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Giddings, Jefferson, Ashtabula County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter asking if there was any prospect of getting their overcoats or arms while at Camp Giddings; and stating that they needed the overcoats and arms before leaving camp, that they also needed a visit from the Paymaster so that the families left behind might not suffer, and that they also wished to go into a warmer climate further south. Written per request of Colonel [Lewis P.] Buckley.
1 p. [Series 147-17: 221]
November 25, 1861
T[homas] Clark, Major, 29th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Giddings, Jefferson, Ashtabula County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that he had written Buckingham more than a week before, at the request of Colonel [Lewis P.] Buckley, respecting the removal of the regiment, that they had heard nothing in reply and had put stoves in nearly all their tents, that it was wintry there, that Buckingham must be aware that the northeast corner of Ohio was rather a trying place for those just entering the service, that if the Giddings Regiment was not enough of a favorite with the present State administration to be supplied before the very last, they would pray daily for the advent of a new administration and would confidently hope to receive an order to remove to some point where they could find overcoats and arms in six weeks at the latest, that they wanted about one hundred and fifty certificates for their non-commissioned officers, ten allotment rolls, and a quantity of company morning reports, that their muster rolls were in the hands of the mustering officer, that they wanted very much to receive a visit from the Paymaster before leaving, for the benefit of those who had been nearly three months in camp and had families poorly prepared for the coming winter, that if those companies organized prior to October 31 could be paid before leaving, it would relieve many families who must otherwise suffer, that they could have the payrolls ready very soon after being furnished with the blanks, that about one hundred men were needed to fill up the regiment to the maximum number, that their requisition for supplies was several times superseded, as they had been advised by the Quartermaster and his storekeeper at Cincinnati, and it threw them much in arrears, and that they would not speak of the past again if Buckingham would attend to them now and get them into Kentucky well furnished before they froze.
2 pp. [Series 147-17: 221]
November 25, 1861
Willie H. Cochran, Mt. Vernon, Knox County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter asking if it would be possible to get the situation of Page at the State House that winter; and stating that he had nothing to do for the winter.
1 p. [Series 147-17: 215]
November 25, 1861
J[oseph] R. Cockerill, Colonel Commanding, 70th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Headquarters, Camp Hamer, Ohio. To the Adjutant General of Ohio. Letter reporting on the progress in forming the regiment; and stating that the regiment was composed of good material, having been recruited from an agricultural district and embracing substantive farmers and farmers' sons, that they had been energetic and industrious in their recruiting, and that he hoped their efforts were entirely satisfactory.
1 p. [Series 147-17: 228]
November 25, 1861
A.B. Coleman, Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. To Governor William Dennison. Letter stating that W.P. Israel of Coal Grove, Lawrence County, Ohio desired the appointment as Major in [James] Barnett's regiment of artillery [1st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Light Artillery], that he had known Israel for over twenty years, that Israel was a high toned gentleman with fine business qualities, that he was satisfied that Israel possessed fine military knowledge, and that he believed none could be selected who would fill the appointment with more credit than Israel; and requesting that Dennison extend to Israel the commission desired.
1 p. [Series 147-17: 232]
November 25, 1861
Joseph M. Farr, Secretary, Military Committee of Huron County, Norwalk, Huron County, Ohio. To ? Letter stating that the committee recommended Joseph E. Morehouse, Frederick H. Boalt, and Francis H. Morse as Lieutenants to be attached to the 55th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, that Morehouse was recommended as a 1st Lieutenant, and that Boalt and Morse were recommended as 2nd Lieutenants.
1 p. [Series 147-17: 217]
[November 25?, 1861]
T.J. Gallagher. To Governor William Dennison. Letter stating that William P. Israel of Lawrence County wanted the appointment of Major in the 1st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Light Artillery, that he had been an intimate acquaintance of Israel for several years, that he knew Israel to be a gentle man who would under all circumstances do credit to the service and to the State, that Israel had, from the commencement of the rebellion, been a consistent supporter of the general Government and of Dennison's administration, and had taken an active interest in military matters in Ohio, that Israel's taste and habits were military and devoted to the artillery arm, and that Israel was peculiarly fitted to discharge the duties of the position sought; and recommending that Dennison favorably consider Israel's application.
1 p. [Series 147-17: 231]
November 25, 1861
George B. Haskins, Senior 1st Lieutenant, Company K, 1st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Light Artillery, Marietta, Washington County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that he had been away from camp for nearly two weeks trying to get recruits for [William L.] DeBeck's battery, but had succeeded in getting only five, and that they had nearly one hundred men enrolled, but as yet no officer had been mustered in; requesting information concerning the number of men required before the Captain and two 1st Lieutenants could be mustered; and stating that he had been engaged in recruiting ever since his discharge from the 18th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry (three months' service) and thus far had gotten no remuneration, and that he wanted to be posted as to the time when he could be mustered.
1 p. [Series 147-17: 206]
November 25, 1861
W. Hoffman, Commissary General of Prisoners, Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter
stating that it would perhaps have been better to have said nothing about the appointment of a Major for the guard until authority had been received from the War Department, that to prevent any contest for the place prematurely, it would be best now not to entertain the question at all and to give no hope to the person appointed Captain of the first company organized that he might get the place or that he might even be the senior Captain, that he would probably go to Washington to ask for the Major and an additional company, that when he had the authority, he would consult with the Governor as to the proper person, and that they had no clothing for the company and he supposed it would be fitted out with a supply at Columbus.
3 pp. [Series 147-17: 226]
November 25, 1861
R.C. Hurd, Mount Vernon, Knox County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter regarding the appointment of a Lieutentant Colonel for the 43rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
2 pp. [Series 147-17: 218]
November 25, 1861
J[ohn] Kennett, Colonel Commanding, 4th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, Headquarters, Camp Dennison, Hamilton County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that the postmaster at Camp Dennison refused to pass his official documents free of postage, and that the Government had never furnished them with money to buy postage stamps; requesting Buckingham to address a letter to the postmaster on the subject; stating that Buckingham required a daily report and if the postmaster refused to send it forward, Buckingham would have to send postage stamps; stressing the importance of putting up sheds for their horses which were standing in the mud all night in the wind and cold; stating that many of the horses were suffering, that they had already lost 10 horses by unusual exposure when sick, that he had already taken it upon himself to order 50 sick horses from Camp Gurley to be stabled and doctored in Cincinnati as he could derive no authority from any quarter or the army regulations, and that he was in receipt of General Order 571; asking if it was absolutely necessary that his regiment conform to its requirements; and stating that the multiplication of officers only produced disorder, and that he had no more use of 3 Majors than a cat needed two tails.
2 pp. [Series 147-17: 220]
November 25, 1861
J[ohn] Kennett, Colonel Commanding, 4th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, Headquarters, Camp Dennison, Hamilton County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter calling the Governor's attention to the fearful evil of desertions; and stating that daily they lost men out of their ranks with no means to catch them and inadequate authority to treat them in the manner they deserved when caught, that the guard tent, and bread and water did not intimidate them, that an act making desertion punishable by time in the penitentiary equal to the time for which the individual had enlisted might in some measure prevent it, and that they had 9 desertions on November 25 because he refused furloughs to the men to be absent 4 to 5 days.
1 p. [Series 147-17: 236]