June 30, 1862
David Friedman, Musician, and C.H. Hutt, Pioneer, Company E, 2nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry (three months' service), Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. To the Adjutant General of Ohio. Letter stating that in consideration of an intended mustering and paying off of paroled prisoners, the undersigned were directed by Captain [P.H.] Breslin to communicate with the Adjutant General; and requesting the Adjutant General to forward description lists.
1 p. [Series 147-38: 15]
June 30, 1862
O[liver] D. Greene, Assistant Adjutant General, Headquarters, District of the Ohio, Nashville, Tennessee. To the Adjutant General of Ohio. Extract from Special Orders No. 92; stating that the resignation of 1st Lieutenant Silas Pruden, 3rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry was accepted, and that he was honorably discharged from the service of the United States on June 30, 1862. By command of Major General [Don Carlos] Buell.
1 p. [Series 147-38: 200]
June 30, 1862
Joseph Hill, Major, 45th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio. To Adjutant General Charles W. Hill. Letter recommending the appointment of Joseph C. Fulton to a 2nd Lieutenancy in the 45th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
1 p. [Series 147-38: 111]
June 30, 1862
A.M. Jackson, Bucyrus, Crawford County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter introducing the bearer, James E. Marsh, a citizen of Bucyrus; and stating that Marsh had been an active war man since the commencement of the rebellion, that Marsh had recruited over one hundred and fifty men since the war commenced, that Marsh held a commission for about six months as Captain in a Chicago regiment which was finally disbanded, that the government got most of his men, that Marsh had spent much time and money for his country and had as yet received but little in return, that Marsh was thorough going, energetic, of good habits, and well qualified for any position that might be assigned him, that Marsh still desired to enter the service and was visiting Columbus for the purpose of procuring a position that would enable him to support a dependent family, and that he knew Marsh and took pleasure in saying that any favor Tod could confer upon him would be worthily bestowed.
2 pp. [Series 147-38: 112]
June 30, 1862
Samuel E. Mitchell, Private, 2nd Independent Battery, Ohio Volunteer Light Artillery, Monroe Center, Ashtabula County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C[harles] W. Hill. Letter stating that he had heard it reported that all soldiers on furlough should report themselves at Columbus, that he did not know if there was any such order, that if there was, he wished Hill to write what he was to do about it, that Hill gave him a furlough dated August 19, 1861, for 30 days, that Hill wrote him on September 12, 1861 that his furlough was extended until further notice, and that he had not received any word yet.
2 pp. [Series 147-38: 106]
[June? 30?, 1862]
Josiah S. Plants, C. Elliott, and S.R. Harris, Crawford County Military Committee, Bucyrus, Crawford County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter introducing the bearer, James E. Marsh, a citizen of Bucyrus; and stating that Marsh was thorough going and energetic, of good habits, and had held a commission as Captain for about six months in a Chicago regiment that was discharged, that Marsh was visiting Tod with a view to entering the service and wanted to procure a position that would enable him to support a dependent family, and that any favor Tod could confer upon Marsh would be worthily bestowed.
1 p. [Series 147-38: 113]
June 30, 1862
A.F. Rockwell, Aide-de-Camp and Acting Assistant Adjutant General, Headquarters, Army of the Ohio, Huntsville, Alabama. To the Adjutant General of Ohio. Special Orders No. 88; stating that the resignations of Lieutenant Colonel I[saac] Gass, 64th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and Chaplain E[urotus] H. Bush, 49th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry were accepted to take effect on June 30, 1862. By command of Major General [Don Carlos] Buell.
1 p. [Series 147-38: 197]
June 30, 1862
Thomas Tresise, Newport, Kentucky. To Adjutant General C.P. Buckingham. Letter stating that as the nearest friend of William Philips of Company I, 70th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, he wished to be informed whether any record if his death, discharge, or desertion existed in Buckingham's office, and if not, he wished to know the present whereabouts of Philips' company.
1 p. [Series 147-38: 111]
June 31, 1862
Ben[jamin] P. Runkle, Colonel, 45th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio. To Adjutant General Charles W. Hill. Letter recommending James S. Miller, late of the 61st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, for appointment to the position of 1st Lieutenant in the 45th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry to be assigned to Captain Robert Dow's company.
1 p. [Series 147-38: 118]
June ?, 1862
John D. Gennett, former Captain of Company E, 40th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Versailles, Darke County, Ohio. To the Adjutant General of Ohio. Letter stating that he had been compelled by ill health to resign his position as Captain of Company E, 40th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, that he needed more means to help him along in business, that the wages for his service, if he could get them now, would be a great help, that he wanted the Adjutant General to inform him how to go about it, that he had waited patiently since May 15, not knowing what to do, that he raised his company at his own expense, that he had a wife and four children to provide for so it was not policy for him to be idle long, and that he had tried to serve his country and still had a willingness to do all he could.
2 pp. [Series 147-38: 128]
July 1, 1862
Columbus Cones, Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter stating that he was desirous of being 1st Lieutenant of a particular company in the 50th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Bears a note from J[onah] R. Taylor, Colonel, 50th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry recommending the appointment. Also bears a note from Taylor stating that he wished Tod to appoint Frank A. Cripen as 2nd Lieutenant in the same company as Cones.
1 p. [Series 147-38: 104]
July 1, 1862
J.S. Haskins, Columbus Grove, Putnam County, Ohio. To Adjutant General [Charles W.] Hill. Letter stating that he was sent by Governor David Tod to Columbus Grove to recruit fifteen men for Company F, 85th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, that he received a note from Captain Allen that morning informing him that the whole company had gone in the general service in the 87th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry and that he was stricken from the roll for the reason that he was not good for general service on account of rheumatism, that he did not consider Allen's orders sufficient, and that he would look for orders from Hill immediately.
2 pp. [Series 147-38: 10]
July 1, 1862
M.G. Mitchell, Piqua, Miami County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter stating that the bearer, C.J. Cottingham, was the young gentleman about whom he spoke to Tod a few days since in connection with an appointment in the recruiting service in the 45th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, that Cottingham had been in the service from the beginning of the rebellion until very recently in the 11th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, having been promoted from the ranks to 1st Lieutenant, that he was satisfied that the causes of Cottingham's resignation were justifiable under the circumstances, that Cottingham expressed a strong desire to continue in the service, and that he had no hesitation in recommending Cottingham for a Captain's appointment; and requesting Tod to use his influence in having Cottingham's disability removed, believing the interest of the service would be promoted thereby. Bears the endorsement of James M. Roe.
1 p. [Series 147-38: 103]
July 1, 1862
A.F. Rockwell, Aide-de-Camp and Acting Assistant Adjutant General, Headquarters, Army of the Ohio, Huntsville, Alabama. To the Adjutant General of Ohio. Special Orders No. 89; stating that the resignations of Captain Cyrus Reasoner, Captain Otho S. Holloway, and Surgeon D.S. Hall, 15th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; and 1st Lieutenant John Hohn, and 2nd Lieutenant Andrew Kesling, 4th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Cavalry were accepted to take effect on July 1, 1862. By command of Major General [Don Carlos] Buell.
1 p. [Series 147-38: 198]
July 1, 1862
Ben[jamin] P. Runkle, Colonel, 45th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry (Buckeye Regiment), Headquarters, Camp Chase, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio. To Adjutant General Charles W. Hill. Letter recommending the appointment of David Davis as Quartermaster of the 45th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
1 p. [Series 147-38: 110]
July 1, 1862
Ben[jamin] P. Runkle, Colonel, 45th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry (Buckeye Regiment), Headquarters, Camp Chase, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio. To Adjutant General Charles W. Hill. Letter recommending the appointment of James E. Marsh as Captain in the 45th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry to be assigned to the tenth company.
1 p. [Series 147-38: 114]
July 1, 1862
L[ionel] A. Sheldon, Colonel, 42nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Virginia. To Adjutant General C[harles] W. Hill. Letter stating that there were three members of the 42nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry who had been detailed last Fall as nurses in the hospital at Camp Chase and left there to take care of the sick of the regiment at the time of its departure from camp, that these men had for some reason been detained at Camp Chase and had never been permitted to rejoin the regiment, and that they now had no sick at Camp Chase and he very much desired to bring the men to the regiment; requesting that Hill furnish the men with transportation and forward them at once to the regiment; and stating that their camp was near Cumberland Gap where they would likely remain until the men could reach them, that it had been their lot to furnish more extra duty men and hospital assistants than any five regiments with which they had been connected, and that they were willing to take care of their own sick, but desired all their men with the regiment that they could have.
2 pp. [Series 147-38: 20]
July 1, [1862]
Irving Starrett, Springfield, Clark County, Ohio. To Colonel Benjamin P. Runkle. Letter stating that when he was at Columbus last Saturday, he was not able to talk with Runkle about the time that was given to raise the number of men to sustain his appointment, that it was impossible to raise the men in the allotted time, that he was disappointed in the way of money matters, that his father would not supply him with the means to go ahead with recruiting and he did not have the money himself to go ahead, that his father's reason for not giving him the money was that he might recruit at Springfield for two months and not get a half dozen men, that he and Captain Sparks had talked the matter over several times, that Sparks thought it was going to be slow work recruiting at Springfield, that he thought it would be best for him to resign his commission so as to give someone a chance in a better part of the state than Springfield, and that he was sorry things turned out the way they had. Bears a note from Benjamin P. Runkle, Colonel, 45th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, approving the resignation; and a note dated July 9, 1862, from Adjutant General Charles W. Hill, accepting the resignation.
4 pp. [Series 147-38: 47]
July 2, 1862
C[hester] A. Arthur, Inspector General, State of New York. To Adjutant General [Charles W.] Hill, State of Ohio. Letter stating that in a recent conversation with General [C.P.] Buckingham, late Adjutant General of Ohio, in reference to raising volunteers under the recent call, Buckingham explained to him the system of district committees which was adopted in Ohio for the purpose of stimulating enlistments, that Buckingham stated that printed instructions, etc., to such committees were issued from the Adjutant General's office or by the Governor, and that if Hill had preserved a copy of the printed instructions or if it was possible for Hill to obtain a copy, he would deem it a favor if Hill would send it to him.
1 p. [Series 147-38: 12]
July 2, 1862
L.C. Brown, Surgeon, Post Hospital, Camp Chase, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio. To Captain A.B. Dod. Letter certifying that he had examined E.J. Moxley of Company F, 87th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry who had been absent from his regiment on sick leave, and found him able to return to duty; and stating that Moxley would therefore join said regiment at the headquarters thereof.
1 p. [Series 147-38: 42]
July 2, 1862
Charles W. Hill, Adjutant General of Ohio, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio. To D[avid] Friedman, Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. Letter stating that he regretted to inform Friedman that they had no descriptive lists in the Adjutant General's office. Bears a note dated July 4, 1862, from P.H. Breslin, Captain, 18th U.S. Infantry, Mustering Officer, and Acting Military Commander at Cincinnati, Ohio; stating that what was wanted in Friedman's case was a statement from the muster rolls of the company to which he was attached as to when enrolled, where, etc., as entered on the muster-in roll.
1 p. [Series 147-38: 17]
July 2, 1862
L[ionel] A. Sheldon, Colonel, 42nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Headquarters, Camp Virginia. To Governor David Tod. Letter recommending Lieutenant George F. Brady to Tod's favorable consideration; and stating that Brady had been 1st Lieutenant in the 42nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry and resigned on account of ill health which it was feared might become permanent if he remained in the service, that Brady had now recovered his health, that Brady was a competent, faithful, and brave officer and had won the confidence and respect of the entire regiment, that Brady was an acquaintance for several years before he entered the service, that Brady was a patriotic man and good citizen, and that if Tod could restore Brady to his rank and put him again in the field, he was sure it would promote the good of the service. Bears the endorsement of Don A. Pardee, Lieutenant Colonel, 42nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
1 p. [Series 147-38: 85]
July 2, 1862
Jonah Stiles, Private, Company B, et. al., 42nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Lexington Hospital, Kentucky. To the Adjutant General of Ohio. Letter signed by five patients, now inmates of Lexington Hospital No. 2, Kentucky; and stating that they had been confined in different hospitals from three to five months past, that they appealed to the Adjutant General to be transferred to Camp Chase Hospital where they would have some justice done towards them as they were incapacitated from performing military duty in the present state of their health, that the physicians there were not doing anything to alleviate them, and that they hoped the Adjutant General would do what he could for them.
2 pp. [Series 147-38: 14]
July 3, 1862
Thomas Mickey, Shelby, Richland County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C[harles] W. Hill. Letter stating that he had received Hill's communication notifying him of his appointment as a member of the Military Committee of Richland County, that he was not situated to be as efficient a member of that committee as he should be and begged leave to decline, that inasmuch as Hill had honored him with the confidence of an appointment and Shelby was entitled to a member of the committee, he wished to recommend S.S. Bloom of Shelby who had proven himself efficient in recruiting and patriotic in his sentiments, and that Bloom would give universal satisfaction to their people.
2 pp. [Series 147-38: 64]
July 3, 1862
Raymer & Skidmore, East Toledo, Lucas County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C[harles] W. Hill. Letter stating that Oliver Navarre wished them to draw his pay for him through power of attorney; enclosing said power of attorney and Navarre's descriptive list; stating that they had been informed that Navarre could draw his pay at Columbus by sending the power of attorney and descriptive list, and that if Hill could cause Navarre's pay to be forwarded, he would very much oblige them; and requesting that the descriptive list be returned.
1 p. [Series 147-38: 16]
July 3, 1862
A.F. Rockwell, Aide-de-Camp and Acting Assistant Adjutant General, Headquarters, Army of the Ohio, Huntsville, Alabama. To the Adjutant General of Ohio. Special Orders No. 91; stating that the resignation of Lieutenant John G. Gregg, 15th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry was accepted to take effect on July 3, 1862. By command of Major General [Don Carlos] Buell.
1 p. [Series 147-38: 185]
July 3, 1862
Ben[jamin] P. Runkle, Colonel, 45th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Headquarters, Buckeye Regiment, Camp Chase, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio. To Adjutant General Charles W. Hill. Letter recommending the appointment of Charles W. Fearns as 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant in the 45th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
1 p. [Series 147-38: 10]
July 3, 1862
J[onah] R. Taylor, Colonel, 50th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio. To Adjutant General Charles W. Hill. Letter recommending various persons as recruiting officers for the 50th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry to recruit in Hamilton County and Butler County.
1 p. [Series 147-38: 9]
July 4, [1862]
James G. Morgan, Fulton, Hamilton County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter stating that since the late reverses to their arms, he thought he could recruit a full company, that as soon as Tod sent him the commission, he would begin, and that he would visit all the towns within 50 miles of the city.
1 p. [Series 147-38: 35]
July 4, 1862
A.F. Rockwell, Aide-de-Camp and Acting Assistant Adjutant General, Headquarters, Army of the Ohio, Huntsville, Alabama. To the Adjutant General of Ohio. Special Orders No. 92; stating that the resignation of Lieutenant William Martin, 49th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry was accepted to take effect on July 4, 1862. By command of Major General [Don Carlos] Buell.
1 p. [Series 147-38: 186]