July 22, 1862
John Kebler, Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter written on behalf of Everett S. Throop, now acting as Sergeant in Company A, 6th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; and stating that Throop was at present stationed at Nashville and had long since merited promotion to a Lieutenancy. Together with the endorsement of H.C. Whitman; stating that the best way to encourage the volunteering of their best and most intelligent young men, like Throop, was to have it known that promotion would follow merit.
3 pp. [Series 147-43: 230]

July 22, 1862
J.S. Kelley, Massillon, Stark County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter recommending the bearer, J.B. Creighton, for a position.
1 p. [Series 147-43: 18]

July 22, [1862]
H. McKinney, Secretary, Military Committee of Summit County, Cuyahoga Falls, Summit County, Ohio. To the Adjutant General of Ohio. Letter stating that the bearer, A.L. Conger, was one of the men recommended by the Military Committee of Summit County as 2nd Lieutenant, and that Conger was reporting to the Adjutant General for the purpose of being mustered into service.
1 p. [Series 147-43: 61]

July 22, 1862
John B. McNeill, Secretary, Military Committee of Fairfield County, Lancaster, Fairfield County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter stating that the Military Committee of Fairfield County desired that those appointments from the 17th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry be confirmed, if possible, that they had a letter from the Adjutant General saying that it was not an easy matter and that he failed to get general permission, thus leaving the matter still unsettled, and that if it could not be done, they wished to fill up their number of officers.
1 p. [Series 147-43: 58]

July 22, 1862
A.S. Mariner, Lieutenant Colonel, 104th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Akron, Summit County, Ohio. To Adjutant General [Charles W.] Hill. Letter introducing Lieutenant Henry Bryon, who had been recommended by the Military Committee of Summit County for the position of Recruiting Lieutenant for the 104th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; requesting that Hill assist Bryon in getting the necessary papers for enlisting men; and stating that they wished to have the 104th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry as the first regiment in the state to be ready for service under the new call.
1 p. [Series 147-43: 61]

July 22, 1862
Joseph B. Molyneaux, 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant, 7th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Camp Wade, near Alexandria, Virginia. To Governor David Tod. Letter requesting that he be permitted to waive rank as Captain of Company A, 7th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry and retain his present position as 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant, and that Tod would grant him a duplicate of his commission dated June 18, 1861, which was lost with his baggage while traveling under orders from Charleston, Virginia to Gauley Bridge. Bears the endorsement of W.R. Creighton, Colonel, 7th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
1 p. [Series 147-43: 175]

July 22, 1862
R.E. Patterson, Captain, Columbus Grove, Putnam County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C[harles] W. Hill. Letter reporting that he had no success in his efforts to recruit for the army; and stating that Putnam County had already furnished a good quota of men, that if all classes of their citizens were hearty in the cause, they ought yet to furnish two companies, that they had two large German settlements which had heretofore furnished no men for the army and would not unless a draft was resorted to, that a certain class of politicians were exerting an influence that was prejudicial to the cause, that letters purporting to be from men in the army were published, in which the cruelty of officers was freely stated, and that these things had a bad influence on recruiting.
2 pp. [Series 147-43: 78]

July 22, 1862
William T. Payne, Captain, Greenfield, Highland County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter recommending William Pickett, who served in Company H, 63rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, as a man in every way worthy of any appointment Tod might deem fit to confer upon him.
1 p. [Series 147-43: 43]

July 22, 1862
Isaiah L. Pillars, Lima, Allen County, Ohio. To Adjutant General [Charles W.] Hill. Letter stating that J[ohn] L. Hughes, Lieutenant, Company E, 81st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry had been home on sick leave for about one month and now desired to return to his regiment near Corinth, that Hughes proposed to take some recruits with him, and that Hughes desired to know if Hill would furnish transportation and what course he should pursue in relation to subsisting his recruits.
1 p. [Series 147-43: 153]

July 22, 1862
O.C. Pratt, Lieutenant, Ashtabula, Ashtabula County, Ohio. To Adjutant General Charles W. Hill. Letter asking about substitutes.
1 p. [Series 147-43: 167]

July 22, 1862
William Rininger, Attica, Seneca County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter stating that A.C. Jones would send a certificate as to his competency and worthiness in filling a commission in the army.
1 p. [Series 147-43: 3]

July 22, 1862
C.B. Russell, Fitchville, Huron County, Ohio. To Adjutant General [Charles W.] Hill. Letter stating that he was not rugged enough to stand the hardships of a soldier, but could help take care of the sick and wounded provided the compensation was such that his family would not suffer for the comforts of life in consequence of his having entered the service.
2 pp. [Series 147-43: 3]

July 22, 1862
F[ranz] Sigel, Major General, 1st Corps, Army of Virginia, Headquarters, Sperryville, Virginia. To Governor David Tod. Letter stating that Tod would render a most important service to the cause by sending forward all officers and soldiers belonging to the 1st Corps, now at home in Ohio, and that the Secretary of War had authorized him to raise one regiment of infantry and one battery of artillery in Ohio.
3 pp. [Series 147-43: 121]

July 22, 1862
J[onah] R. Taylor, Colonel, 50th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. To Adjutant General Charles W. Hill. Letter requesting the appointment of Ellis Moore as 1st Lieutenant to recruit in Hamilton County and Butler County for the 50th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
1 p. [Series 147-43: 154]

July 22, 1862
George W. Thompson, Member, Military Committee of Preble County, Eaton, Preble County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter stating that Company F, 5th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Cavalry was dissatisfied with the appointment of Robert Major as 2nd Lieutenant by the Colonel of the regiment and thought that Elwood T. Miles, a member of said company, should have the position.
2 pp. [Series 147-43: 105]

July 22, 1862
J. Bowers Underwood, Waverly, Pike County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter stating that Winfield S. Underwood would arrive in a few days and report himself immediately at Columbus.
1 p. [Series 147-43: 2]

July 22, 1862
Thomas M. Vincent, Assistant Adjutant General, Adjutant General's Office, Washington. To the Governor of Ohio. Letter reporting that sixteen officers of the volunteer forces from Ohio had resigned to take effect on the dates set opposite their respective names.
2 pp. [Series 147-43: 113]

July 22, 1862
Thomas M. Ward, 52nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Toledo, Lucas County, Ohio. To Adjutant General Charles W. Hill. Letter stating that reports reached him from Camp Dennison that money was being offered his recruits in sums sufficiently large to induce them to desert after having been regularly enlisted and clothed by him, and that he also understood that there was no commissioned officer in command at Camp Dennison and that men, being thus left without superior officers, were plunging into all sorts of evil practices such as drunkenness.
1 p. [Series 147-43: 157]

July 22, 1862
W.H. West, Bellefontaine, Logan County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter stating that he was informed that N.N. McGinnis, for some fourteen months in the service and now at Florence in [Don Carlos] Buell's army, desired a situation as Captain or Lieutenant, and that he had no doubt that whatever Tod could do for McGinnis would benefit the service.
1 p. [Series 147-43: 36]

July 22, 1862
Henry R. Wheeler, Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio. To Adjutant General Charles W. Hill. Letter asking if anyone was authorized to arrest deserters from Ohio regiments now in the field, or if Hill could authorize the arrest of such deserters; stating that he knew of several men in the neighborhood who were absent without leave and did not intend to return to their regiments, and that if Hill would send authority to have them arrested or inform him where he could get such authority, he would attend to the matter; and asking what compensation was allowed for the return of deserters.
2 pp. [Series 147-43: 55]

July 22, 1862
Thomas Young, Nelsonville, Athens County, Ohio. To Adjutant General C[harles] W. Hill. Letter stating that he was nearly 52 years old with a somewhat impaired constitution which rendered him unfit for service as a private soldier, and that if there was any situation in which he could serve the Government, he was ready and willing to do so.
1 p. [Series 147-43: 14]

July 23, 1862
P. Adams, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio. To Adjutant General [Charles W.] Hill. Letter regarding nominations of the Military Committee of Ross County.
2 pp. [Series 147-43: 139]

July 23, 1862
Charles Anderson, Colonel, 93rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio. To Adjutant General Charles W. Hill. Letter stating that in the cases of duplicate or supernumerary 2nd Lieutenants, which had occurred in the 93rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry from the respective actions of the military boards and the Governor, he had assigned two of the same grade to the same company, and that he had notified these appointees that they were in competition with each other in recruiting, with equal advantages.
2 pp. [Series 147-43: 24]

July 23, 1862
Charles Anderson, Colonel, 93rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio. To Adjutant General Charles W. Hill. Letter regarding the reappointment of officers who had resigned.
2 pp. [Series 147-43: 62]

July 23, 1862
Charles Anderson, Colonel, 93rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio. To Adjutant General Charles W. Hill. Letter asking if it would be consistent with the judgement and purposes of the government to arm and equip the 93rd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry as a rifle regiment and with the best class and quality of that arm; and stating that if Hill was disposed to grant this request, he would ask for either the Springfield or Enfield rifles. Bears a note stating that General [George B.] Wright said that Anderson could have Enfield rifles and nothing else, and that as soon as the regiment was full, the issue could be made.
2 pp. [Series 147-43: 158]

July 23, 1862
Earl Bill, United States Marshal's Office, Northern District of Ohio, Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. To Adjutant General Charles W. Hill. Letter regarding the promotion of his son, Horace H. Bill.
1 p. [Series 147-43: 90]

July 23, 1862
James Blanchard, Mt. Vernon, Knox County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter stating that he was a native of Licking County and an appointment in the Licking District would be particularly pleasant to him and acceptable to that district.
1 p. [Series 147-43: 117]

July 23, 1862
P.T. Caldwell, Orderly Sergeant, et. al., Company D, 88th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry (three months' service), Gallipolis, Gallia County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter requesting the appointments of John S. King as Captain and Edward L. Howard as 1st Lieutenant of said company.
1 p. [Series 147-43: 172]

July 23, 1862
W.H. Clement, Little Miami and Columbus and Xenia Railroad, Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. To Governor David Tod. Letter regarding the promotion of Henry S. Clement; and stating that they were getting along very well with the six companies for the 29th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry in Clinton County and Warren County and he thought they would be complete by August 10 or August 15.
1 p. [Series 147-43: 74]

July 23, 1862
John E. Cobb, Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio. To Adjutant General Charles W. Hill. Letter resigning an appointment.
1 p. [Series 147-43: 163]