LOWING HIS DEATH

   MR. HAYES was almost constantly occupied during the last

few months of his life with the various philanthropic and

public interests to which he had so long given his time and

strength. He attended the national Grand Army Encampment at

Washington in September, marched in the procession with his

old comrades of Eugene Rawson Post, made many speeches at

camp-fires and reunions, and presided at the meeting of the Army

of West Virginia, when the lights in the great tent suddenly went

out and the proceedings were continued to the close in utter dark-

ness. He also presided at the dedication at Arlington Cemetery

of the monument to General George Crook.  Wherever he ap-

peared he was greeted with prolonged cheers. Then followed in

rapid succession a visit to New York to attend meetings of the

Peabody and Slater trustees, and to be an honored spectator of

the great naval and military parades, celebrating the quadricen-

tennial anniversary of the discovery of America, and to share in

the festivities that accompanied them; participation in the Indian

Conference at Lake Mohonk over which he presided; and a jour-

ney to Chicago to take part in the dedication of the Columbian

Fair buildings. On all these occasions he was the recipient of

every courtesy possible, and his appearance in public instantly

was followed with cheers and shouts of acclaim.

  He had hardly returned to Spiegel Grove when the country was

saddened by news of the death of Mrs. Benjamin Harrison,

Thereupon he journeyed to Indianapolis to attend the obsequies,

and accompanied President Harrison on his way back to Wash-

ington as far as Columbus. Early in December occurred the

annual meeting of the National Prison Congress, that year at



Baltimore. Mr. Hayes presided as usual, making the opening

address, in which he pleaded for wise restriction of immigration,

and urged that in "the whole territory of duty embraced in the

great subject of criminal jurisprudence" the spirit of the Golden

Rule should guide and control men's decisions.

  Late in December Mr. Hayes was in Cleveland to preside and

speak at a banquet of Kenyon alumni, and at Columbus to ad-

dress the Ohio College Association on his favorite theme, the im-

portance of manual training in our educational system. Monday

morning, January 9, 1893, he set out from Spiegel Grove on his

last journey.  He went to Columbus to attend a meeting of the

trustees of the State University. He was engaged in university

duties and in visiting relatives and friends until Thursday after-

noon when he took the train for Cleveland. There he was a

guest until Saturday of Mrs. Linus Austin, a relative and inti-

mate friend, at whose home his son Webb lived. Friday he was

busy with the affairs of Western Reserve University and he

visited the University School in which he had been greatly in-

terested. Saturday afternoon at the Cleveland station, as he was

about to depart, accompanied by his son Webb, for Fremont, he

was seized with an attack of angina pectoris. His son quickly

obtained brandy. A modicum of this together with external

application somewhat relieved the intense pain which the sufferer

described as like that which attended his severe wounding at

South Mountain. His son urged him to return to Mrs. Austin's;

but he longed to be at home. "I would rather die at Spiegel

Grove," he declared, "than to live anywhere else." He was made

as comfortable as possible in the drawing-room of the Pullman

car, and reached Fremont at seven, still in great pain, but no

worse for the journey. Dr. Hilbish, the family physician, fore-

warned by telegraph, met the train and accompanied the sufferer

to Spiegel Grove, where he at once took to his bed. Dr. Hilbish,

who continued in almost constant attendance, doing everything

in the power of medical skill, was at first hopeful; but it was not

long before hopefulness gave way to gravest apprehension. Mr.

Hayes himself had little doubt that his hour had come. During

the three days that he lingered he talked freely and cheerfully

with members of the family. While his suffering was greatly

             DEATH OF PRESIDENT HAYES          159

relieved by anodynes, he chafed at being confined to his bed-

the first experience of the kind since he was wounded at South

Mountain, more than thirty years before.  Tuesday there seemed

to be a change for the better and hope was quickened; but after

ten that night conditions became rapidly worse, and near eleven

he painlessly breathed his last in the arms of his son Webb, who

had raised him to a sitting position, his cheek against the cheek

of the son.

  Messages of condolence poured in from far and wide, and

flowers from every part of the land soon filled the house. The

funeral took place Friday afternoon. Colonel Henry C. Corbin,

a close personal friend, had charge of all arrangements for the

day.  In spite of the snow and severe weather hosts of people

travelled far to be present. Mr. Cleveland, soon to be inaugurated

as President a second time, came from Lakewood, New Jersey.

President Harrison, detained at Washington by the state of his

health, was represented by four members of his Cabinet, Messrs.

Foster, Noble, Rusk, and Wanamaker.  The Army was repre-

sented by Colonels Henry C. Corbin, Marshal I. Ludington, and

Joseph C. Breckinridge. The Navy was represented by Captain

John A. Howell and Commanders Francis W. Dickins and Ed-

ward S. Houston. Delegations were present from both houses

of Congress; and the Legislature of Ohio came in a body, headed

by Governor McKinley, with his staff, and the state officers.

Delegates  from Loyal Legion commanderies  and  from  other

societies, and many other men of distinction were present, com-

pletely filling the spacious house. Thousands of people stood in

the snow outside while the brief service was celebrated. This

consisted of the reading of the Twenty-third Psalm by the pastor

of the Fremont Methodist Church, the singing of the hymn, "It

is Well With my Soul" by a Cleveland choir, assisted by Mrs.

Fred H. Dorr, of Fremont, a warm personal friend; an im-

pressive prayer by President Bashford, of Ohio Wesleyan Uni-

versity; the favorite hymn, "God be With You Till we Meet

Again"; and the reciting by the entire company of the Lord's


  The procession to Oakwood was headed by Troop A of Cleve-

land (of which Webb Hayes was a member), the Toledo Battery,


and the Sixteenth Regiment of the Ohio National Guard.  Next

to these marched members of the Grand Army of the Republic

and of the Sons of Veterans. The honorary pallbearers were all

men that had beeen close friends of Mr. Hayes:         Secretary

Charles Foster, representing the President; Governor William

 McKinley; Dr. J. L. M. Curry, agent of the Peabody and Slater

 funds; Major E. C. Dawes, representing the Loyal Legion of

Ohio; General Wager Swayne, representing the Loyal Legion

Commandery-in-Chief; General Manning F. Force; Colonel Wil-

liam E. Haynes, of Fremont, Member of Congress; and William

 Henry Smith, the most intimate personal and political friend.

The actual bearers were members of his old regiment, the famous

Twenty-third Ohio Volunteer Infantry. At the grave-side the

service was "very brief and simple," the press account records,

"but the grouping of figures rendered it indescribably solemn and

impressive." When the coffin had been lowered among the boughs

of evergreens that hid the frozen earth, the Sons of Veterans fired

a parting salute and the bugles sounded taps. And so as the

wintry sunlight faded in the west, all that was mortal of the man

that had nobly filled so large a space in the better history of his

time and country, lay at rest beside the grave of his soul com-

panion, whom, through four years of sorrow, bravely borne, he

had longed to join in that fuller life, to which, as he confidently

trusted, death was the portal. His last recorded words as he lay

on his death-bed were: "I know that I am going where Lucy is."

  Manifestations of popular sorrow and discriminative eulogistic

appraisals of Mr. Hayes's character and career were innumerable.

The President, the executive departments, the two houses of

Congress, and the Supreme Court paused in their duties to give

appropriate expression of their sense of the national loss.  The

public authorities of Ohio took similar action. All the many and

various societies of which Mr. Hayes was an active member,

military, philanthropic, and educational, and the trustees and

faculties of the universities on whose boards of control he had

long intelligently and efficiently served, held commemoratice meet-

ings, listened sympathetically to speeches of approbation and sen-

timents of grief, and placed upon their records resolutions or min-

utes setting forth in eloquent phrases their estimate of the quali-

             DEATH OF PRESIDENT HAYES          161

ties and achievements of Rutherford B. Hayes, and expressing

their admiration of his character and their personal devotion to

him as associate or leader.  The press of the country joined the

chorus of acclaim with hardly a discordant note.  Universal senti-

ment recognized that a distinguished public servant and a good

and noble man was lost to the better activities of the world.




   Proclamation of President Harrison Announcing the

                    Death of Mr. Hayes.

                                EXECUTIVE MANSION,

                      WASHINGTON, D. C., January 18, 1893.

To the People of the United States:

  The death of Rutherford B. Hayes, who was President of the

United States from March 4, 1877 to March 4, 1881, at his home

in Fremont, Ohio, at 11 P. M. yesterday, is an event the announce-

ment of which will be received with very general and very sin-

cere sorrow. His public service extended over many years and

over a wide range of official duty.  He was a patriotic citizen, a

lover of the flag and of our free institutions, an industrious and

conscientious civil officer, a soldier of dauntless courage, a loyal

comrade and friend, a sympathetic and helpful neighbor, and the

honored head of a happy Christian home. He has steadily grown

in the public esteem, and the impartial historian will not fail to

recognize the conscientiousness, the manliness, and the courage

that so strongly characterized his whole public career.

  As an expression of the public sorrow it is ordered that the

Executive Mansion and the several Executive Departments at

Washington be draped in mourning and the flags thereon placed

at half-staff for a period of thirty days, and that on the day of

the funeral all public business in the Departments be suspended,

and that suitable military and naval honors, under the orders of

the Secretaries of War and of the Navy, be rendered on that day.


  Done at the city of Washington, this 18th day of January, A. D.

    1893, and of the Independence of the United States of Amer-

    ica the one hundred and seventeenth.

           (Seal)                            BENJ. HARRISON.


    JOHN W. FOSTER, Secretary of State.

  Owing to the condition of the health of President Harrison,

he was represented at the funeral by the Honorable Charles Fos-

ter, Secretary of the Treasury, the Honorable John W. Noble,

Secretary  of the Interior,  the  Honorable  John  Wanamaker,

Postmaster-General, and the Honorable Jeremiah S. Rusk, Sec-

retary of Agriculture.


                GENERAL ORDERS, NO. 4.

                         HEADQUARTERS OF THE ARMY,

                           ADJUTANT-GENERAL'S OFFICE,

                             WASHINGTON, January 19, 1893.

  I. The following proclamation (order) has been received from

the President:   [Printed above.]

  II. In compliance with the instructions of the President, on

the day of the funeral, at each military post, the troops and cadets

will be paraded and this order read to them, after which all labors

of the day will cease.

  The national flag will be displayed at half-staff.

  At (lawn of day thirteen guns will be fired, and afterwards at

intervals of thirty minutes between the rising and setting of the

sun a single gun, and at the close of the day a national salute of

forty-four guns.

  The officers of the Army will wear crape on the left arm and

on their swords; and the colors of the Battalion of Engineers, of

the several regiments, and of the United States Corps of Cadets

will be put in mourning for a period of six months.

  The date of the funeral will be communicated to department


commanders by telegraph, and by them to their subordinate com-


  By command of Major-General Schofield:

                            R. WILLIAMS, Adjutant-General.

  The Army was represented at the funeral by Colonel Henry

C. Corbin, later lieutenant-general, Colonel Marshal I. Luding-

ton, later major-general, and Colonel Joseph C. Breckinridge,

later major-general.


              GENERAL ORDERS, NO. 406.

                               NAVY  DEPARTMENT,

                     WASIIINGTON, D. C., January 19, 1893.

  The President of the United States announces the death of ex-

President Rutherford B. Hayes in the following proclamation

(order): [Printed above.]

  It is hereby directed, in pursuance of the instructions of the

President, that on the day of the funeral, where this order may be

received in time, otherwise on the day after its receipt, the ensign

at each naval station and of each of the vessels of the United

States Navy in commission be hoisted at half-mast from sunrise

to sunset, and at each naval station and on board of flagships and

vessels acting singly a gun be fired at intervals of every half-hour

from sunrise to sunset.

  The officers of the Navy and Marine Corps will wear the usual

badge of mourning attached to the sword hilt and on the left arm

for a period of thirty days.

                                        JAMES R. SOLEY,

                              Acting Secretary of the Navy.

  The Navy was represented at the funeral by Captain John

A. Howell, later rear-admiral, Commander Francis W. Dickins,

later rear-admiral, and Commander Edward S. Houston, later




                     UNITED STATES

                 Wednesday, January 18, 1893.

  Mr. Attorney-General W. H. H. Miller addressed the court

as follows:

  "It is my painful duty to announce to the Court the death of

Rutherford 13. Hayes, ex-President of the United States. At his

home in Fremont, Ohio, after a brief illness, at the ripe age of

three score years and ten, this eminent public servant last night

passed from the life that now is into the life hereafter. This is

not the time for eulogy, yet I am constrained to say that in his

death the country has lost one who was a good citizen, a good

soldier, a good President, and above all a good man."

  The Chief Justice, Melville W. Fuller, responded:

  "The  Court receives the announcement of the death of ex-

President Hayes with the sensibility due to his eminent public

services and his private virtues; and as a mark of respect to his

memory will now adjourn until tomorrow at the usual hour."

  Present: The  Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Field, Mr. Justice

Gray, Mr. Justice Blatchford, Mr. Justice Brown, and Mr. Jus-

tice Shiras.


                      January 18, 1893.

  MR. SHERMAN:--  Mr. President, it becomes my painful duty

to announce  to the Senate the death of Rutherford  Birchard

Hayes, at his residence in Fremont, Ohio, last evening at 11

o'clock.  By the usage of the Senate, when one who has been

President of the United  States dies during the session of the

Senate, it has, as a mark of respect to his memory, recorded his

death upon its journal and suspended its duties for the day.

  President  Hayes  held high  and  important positions  during

his life, having  been a gallant and distinguished Union soldier

during the war, a Member of Congress, three times Governor of

the State of Ohio, and President of the United States. He was

             SUPREME COURT AND SENATE          165

a man of marked ability, untarnished honor, unblemished char-

acter, and faithful in the discharge of all his duties in every rela-

tion of life, against whom no word of reproach can be truthfully


  It was my good fortune to know  President Hayes intimately

from the time we were law students until his death. To me his

death is a deep personal grief. All who had the benefit of per-

sonal association with him were strengthened in their attachment

to him and in their appreciation of his generous qualities of head

and heart.  His personal kindness and sincere enduring attach-

ment for his friends was greater than he displayed in public inter-

course.  He was always modest, always courteous, kind to every

one who approached him, and generous to friend or foe.  He

had no sympathy with hatred or malice. He gave every man his

due according to his judgment of his merits.

  I therefore, as is usual on such occasions, move  that the

Senate, out of respect to the memory of President Hayes, do now


  The PRESIDENT pro tempore:- The Senator from Ohio moves

that, out of respect to the memory of ex-President Hayes, the

Senate do now adjourn.

  The motion was agreed to; and (at 12:13 P. m.) the Senate

adjourned until tomorrow, Thursday, January 19, 1893, at 12

o'clock meridian.


                OF THE UNITED STATES

                      January 18, 1893.

  MR. HAYNES, Democrat of Ohio [late Lieutenant-Colonel Wil-

liam E. Haynes, Tenth Ohio Cavalry] :--Mr. Speaker, the tele-

graph this morning brings us intelligence of the death at Fre-

mont, Ohio, of ex-President Rutherford B. Hayes.  My residence

has been in Fremont for many years.  I have personally known

General Hayes for fifty years, and I shall speak of him as a

citizen with whom I have been so long acquainted. I knew the

general in the army.  I knew him as governor of the State, and


while he occupied distinguished positions and conspicuous sta-

tions in public life for so many years.  At his own home he was

beloved by all, taking an interest in all the institutions of his

city and State, discharging wisely and well the duties that de-

volved upon all good citizens in the community.

  Of his public services, many gentlemen in this chamber are

better prepared to speak than I am. His death will excite uni-

versal sorrow, not merely in the city of his residence, not only

on the part of those who were intimately acquainted with him,

but among all the people everywhere who remember his great

public services and his noble private character and life.  Of his

public conduct as President of the United States, as governor of

his State, as an officer in the Union army, history makes record

and bears witness to his distinguished services. I wish to speak

more particularly of my recollection of the ex-President as a

citizen and a neighbor in the community in which he lived. He

had been a resident of the city of Fremont from early boyhood.

He studied and practiced law there, and, after the expiration

of his term as President, he returned to Fremont and again took

up his residence there.

  He interested himself at all times in all matters of general in-

terest to the community. He was liberal, charitable, unostenta-

tious, and so conducted himself in every way that all men, re-

gardless of their political affiliations, honored him as a man as

well as because he was ex-President of the United States. Since

his retirement from the Presidency he had devoted a large share

of his time to the educational interests of the country and to

philanthropic movements. He was president of the Peabody Fund

and of the Slater Fund, devoted to educational purposes in the

South. He was one of the trustees of the Ohio University, and

he gave a great part of his time and large contributions to such

matters. After his retirement he did not engage in any private

business, but gave his entire time to the public. He abstained

from taking any part in political controversies, recognizing at all

times and on all occasions, in public and in private life, that he

was an ex-President of the United States; and I think I can truly

say that he was one of the best examplars of true American


             TRIBUTES IN THE HOUSE          167

  I know of no distinguished man retired from public position

who better deserved the good will and the high opinion of every

one who came in contact with him or who enjoyed them in

higher measure. He was easily approached, ready at all times

to assist in all undertakings where the public were to be benefitted,

at the same time abstaining from any occasion where there was

a probability of difference of opinion or dissension. As a general

in the army he was beloved by the soldiers who served with him;

as governor of the great State of Ohio, no man ever retired from

that position with more of the respect and good will of the people.

As President of the United States, history and time will give him

the place to which the results of his Administration entitled him.

As Chief Magistrate of the Republic, in a trying and turbulent

time, he conducted as able and successful an administration as

any man could possibly have done under the circumstances. In

his own town and State, where he was known by nearly all his

fellow citizens, no other death would excite such universal sorrow

as that of ex-President Hayes.

  MR. ENOCHS, Republican of Ohio [Brevet Brigadier-General

W.  H. Enochs] :-Mr.  Speaker, I was intimately acquainted

with General or President Hayes. I served with him in the army

from the spring of 1863 until the war practically closed in 1865.

I never found a more patient, more faithful, brave, and upright

man than was General Hayes.

  He was a soldier because he knew he was right and that he was

on the right side. He had no doubts of his part in that great war.

He knew absolutely that he was right.  He was fighting in de-

fense of his country. His blood enriched more than one of the

great battle-fields of the war that we all might enjoy the blessing

of a united country; that this Republic might live. Without

malice, without ostentation, without anything else in view except

his duty as a soldier of our country, he served in that great war

from the beginning to its close.

  He entered the army in the first instance as a major, was next

promoted to a lieutenant-colonel, a promotion won on the battle-

field, next to a full colonel, next to a brigadier-general, and then

a major-general of the United States Army. As he won his


eagles and stars, honors won in line of duty on the battlefield,

they belonged to him.  He had won them honorably on the fields

of battle in defense of his country.

   No man has ever come in contact with ex-President Hayes in

the army or in civil life who did not love him.  No soldier in that

war was more popular than he.  He  never sought by political in-

fluence, by coming to Washington from the Army of the Potomac,

where he served, or when with Sheridan in the Shenandoah Val-

ley, to seek promotion or advancement  through political  influ-

ences.  He won his promotion as a soldier in the field, and when

he got that promotion it belonged to him of right.

   Without any malice, as I have said, without any feeling except

the love of the Stars and Stripes, leaving a clear wife and family,

going through that war from  beginning to end for the love of

his country, he has left an example worthy of emulation by every

American citizen.

  At the close of the war his farewell order to his brigades and

division reminded them as they recollected their struggles and

hardships that they would be reminded of each other and of the

friendly relations that had so long existed between them. He

retired from the army without pride or splendor, and went into

the ranks of civil life as easily and as rapidly as he had won pro-

motion. He became a private citizen with as little effort, abso-

lutely, as he became a major-general during the war.        He went

back to his business, but before a very great while he was elected

to represent his State in the Congress, without an effort on his


  He remained there, and the people of Ohio elected him gov-

ernor of that State.     He  was a  model governor.  There was

nothing rash about his conduct of public affairs. He was quiet,

unostentatious, always maintaining the dignity and character and

greatness of his State.  We  reelected him again, and after he

had retired for a few years elected him for a third term. While

serving as governor in this term he was made the nominee at Cin-

cinnati for President upon the Republican ticket. After a great

struggle, after unusual difficulties, he was declared duly elected

President of the United States.

  He entered upon his duties under trying circumstances, but his

             TRIBUTES IN THE HOUSE          169

Administration will in future times compare with any that his

country has had, in my judgment.  He was honest and faithful,

always and under every circumstance devoted to his country. Not

long since, in Washington, as an example of an American citizen

who loved his country above almost everything else, he marched

almost the entire distance with the Grand Army  of the Republic

at the head of the Fremont Post, Grand Army of the Republic.

  At the close of the war he could have retired; nevertheless he

has been one of the busiest men in Ohio, devoting the later years

of his life to benevolence and to education. He has been for

some years president of the board of trustees of the Ohio State

University, and by his efforts has sought to make it one of the

great educational institutions of his country. The later years of

his life were spent in trying to do good, trying to do something

for his fellow man; without malice or hate toward any, but full

of good feeling and good will for everybody. In every walk of

life he always did his duty - a faithful, devoted husband, a kind

and affectionate father,- and was always a conscientious and

honest American citizen, a devoted patriot, and above all, a de-

voted Christian gentleman.

  MR. OUTIWAITE, Democrat of Ohio:-  Mr. Speaker, I feel it

my  duty to say a few words.  Ex-President Hayes was, while

governor of the State of Ohio, my fellow-townsman and neigh-

bor, and I learned to know him well. As a public official the strik-

ing characteristic of the man was his conscientious performance

of his duty. As a soldier he was brave, constant, faithful, and

patriotic. He showed these qualities upon one occasion when,

having won by a charge with his men a difficult position to win

and to hold, being assailed by a strong force opposed to him, he

received a serious wound, such as might have taken an ordinary

man away from the field; but believing that his presence was nec-

essary there to maintain the position, he remained and held it until

he was carried away from the field of battle on account of his

wound. The discussions and dissensions that arose over the most

important incident in his life are hushed now. Everyone appre-

ciates that a great citizen, a prominent statesman, a patriot, and

leader among men has passed away; and as he was at one time a


member of this body, holding therein a prominent position, it is

eminently proper that this House should pay honor to him upon

this occasion.

  While he took a high position as a statesman, as a soldier, and

as a patriot, we must not forget that he took as high a position as

a private citizen. In his life were exemplified integrity, purity,

love of humanity, probity, faithfulness, and other good qualities

that make a man esteemed and loved by all who know him.

  In his home, to as great a degree as in the home of any citizen

whom I ever knew, domestic felicity reigned supreme.  There was

to be found as beautiful an example of an American household

as poet could ever portray.  Feeling, as I said, that this House

may well pause from its duties to pay tribute to the memory of

such a man, I have joined in these ceremonies.  We may profit by

the lessons of his life and character. They should be transmitted

to the youths of our land and [to] coming generations.

  MR.  CURTIS, Republican  of  New  York  [brigadier-general

United States volunteers] :- Mr. Speaker, it is eminently proper

on this occasion for us to pause in our legislative labors to pay

tribute to one who has been President of the Republic.

  Not so much from what I shall say, am I induced to address

this House, as in recognition of the fact that the district I have the

honor to represent was closely allied, through one who was its

Representative here for a long term of years, with the Administra-

tion of President Hayes; which, whatever may be the opinion of

men now, will go into history as one of the most memorable, clean,

strong, and patriotic administrations that this country has ever


  William A. Wheeler, who was honored by my district for a

longer term as Representative in this House than that accorded

any other man who has ever represented it, was selected as his

associate upon the ticket on which they ran as candidates for

President and Vice-President; and the last time that I had an op-

portunity to confer with ex-President Hayes was when he came

from his home in Ohio to attend the obsequies of Mr. Wheeler,

who had been so intimately and honorably associated with him

during his Presidential term.

             TRIBUTES IN THE HOUSE          171

  I will not undertake to review the career to which such fitting

tribute has been paid by gentlemen from the State of Ohio, in

which Mr. Hayes was born and bred and by which he was hon-

ored by an important appointment in the army, then as a Repre-

sentative in this House, later as its governor, and finally selected

to occupy the highest position in the country.  Mr. Hayes has

stood before the world a man exceptionally pure in private life,

well educated in the duties of the profession which he had chosen,

patriotically inclined to perform whatever duties the exigencies of

the Government might require of him in its most perilous times,

and well equipped to discharge the duties of the executive of his

State. He came to the Presidency under such circumstances as

sealed his title with an assurance of validity that has been given

to no other man filling that high office.

  First, he was a successful candidate under the laws and practice

which for ninety years had been frankly acquiesced in by the

people; and secondly, when the embarrassments and difficulties

which grew out of the election in certain States partially under

military control had been settled and determined by an act of Con-

gress, the joint act of bodies previously organized, and their acts

accepted by the people long before the time when these difficulties

arose which they were called upon to determine, he was declared

duly elected. My friend from New York (Mr. Cockran) a few

days ago referred, in discussing a constitutional question, to this

case as illustrating one of the great advantages of the present

Constitution, that an existing body, unquestioned in its organiza-

tion, is provided to decide upon matters of difference which could

not be determined by a body chosen at the same election out of

which those differences arose.

  With that final indorsement of the Congress of the United

States, Mr. Hayes assumed the Presidency at one of the most

critical periods of this nation's history. The difficulties which had

existed from 1861-65 had not been entirely settled. He came to

the discharge of his office with the disposition and the inclina-

tion to perform the duties of that high position acceptably to the

people of the entire country.  Whatever criticism may be made

as to his action with respect to certain national questions - ques-

tions which had never before arisen, - all concede that Mr. Hayes


brought to these duties a strong consciousness of the importance

of so administering Federal affairs that the people of all the States

should derive the greatest benefit.

  No eulogium which may be hastily passed here on this occasion

will do justice to this man and the time in which he lived and

performed such an important and honorable part. He possessed

one quality in marked degree. He had an ease and grace of ex-

pression, a force and ability as an offhand speaker, that I do not

believe has been excelled by any man in public life.  Fortunate

in his family relations, which brought no scandal and no anxiety

to his Administration, fortunate in all official relations in public

life, nowhere has been given a better example of what should be

the course and action of an ex-President than is exhibited in the

life which he led after his retirement.

  Devoting himself to labors of charity and philanthropy, seeking

to improve the administration and the policy of the eleemosynary

and penal institutions of the country, he lived in a quiet dignity,

which has never been surpassed since the time of him who stood

first in the hearts of the American people, their first President,

as shown in the private life which he spent at Mount Vernon after

leaving the Chief Magistracy.

  As General, as Representative, as Governor, as President, he

is worthy of the honor that is paid to a citizen who has held our

highest office; and history will do justice to his Administration

and his character.

  I have spoken as the Representative of the people of a district

because of its share in his Administration, and in their name I

have made these hasty and unprepared allusions to the qualities

of a Chief Magistrate whose very simplicity of life is as deserv-

ing of remembrance as the high qualities which won him honor

and distinction.

  MR. O'NEIL, Republican of Pennsylvania: - Mr. Speaker, in

the death of ex-President Hayes the country has lost one of its

most distinguished citizens, a loss which the country will widely

and deeply feel.  I first met General Haves when he became a

member of the Thirty-ninth Congress, and I sat with him in this

House until he resigned from the Fortieth Congress to take the

             TRIBUTES IN THE HOUSE          173

oath of office as governor of Ohio. Before I met him I had been

informed by a near relative in Ohio of the great ability and high

character of General Rutherford B. Hayes, who was to take his

seat in the next Congress, and this relative expressed the hope that

I would early make his acquaintance. I did so with very great

pleasure, and I soon learned the sterling worth of the man who

subsequently attained such distinction in the country. I happened

to sit within one seat of his, and from the day that I met him

here until the last time I had the pleasure of seeing him in the

city of Philadelphia, not very many months ago, our friendship

was unbroken.

  Mr. Hayes had one remarkable trait which to me is a great trait

in a man who holds a high position; he was patient, he was a

listener, and therefore a most agreeable man to visit upon official

business. You left him feeling that he was your friend, and that

if he could comply with your wishes or requests it would give

him pleasure to do so. He was a statesman with a heart. When

I look back over the Congresses in which I have served, I do not

know that I have ever met a gentleman of finer qualities than he

possessed. He was refined, was graceful in manner, and was al-

ways attentive to his business as a member of this House, both

on the floor and in his committees, and he soon rose to prominence.

When he left Congress to take the oath of office as governor of

Ohio he received the congratulations, the sincere congratulations,

of his fellow members without distinction of party.

  I was also in the convention of the Senate and the House when

it was declared from the desk, Mr. Speaker, you now occupy, by

the acting Vice-President of the United States (Senator Ferry of

Michigan), that Rutherford B. Hayes had received a majority of

the electoral votes of the States and was elected President.

  Soon afterwards I had occasion to visit him as President, and

that visit and all subsequent visits to him in that capacity were

very pleasant, for he always had the kindliest manner and mani-

fested the most evident desire to let you regard him as a friend

and feel that, if possible, your interviews were not in vain.

  I feel, sir, today, as I said when I arose, that by the death of

Mr. Hayes this country has lost one of its most distinguished citi-

zens. Ex-President Hayes had many friends in the city of Phila-


delphia.  His social visits there were many, and he was always

received with the kindness and the respect due to his high char-

acter. One special reason why he was a favorite in Philadelphia

was that its citizens felt that he had been one of the distinguished

governors who had helped in a marked degree to make the great

Centennial Exposition of 1876 a success.

  I think it fit and proper that Congress should pause in its busi-

ness and adjourn (as I suppose will be presently proposed) as a

mark of respect to the blameless official and social life of this

patriot and statesman who served his country well. I regret his

death. I realize that I have lost a friend, although I have not

seen so much of him of late as in former years, and from the bot-

tom of my heart I desire to mingle my tears with those of his

family. I knew his family. I was acquainted with them socially.

I knew his young children when he came here. I saw his sons

growing to manhood. I knew his respected wife, and I may with

propriety say that I have never seen a finer illustration of true

American womanhood than in Mrs. Hayes, the wife of the Presi-

dent, who herself died not many months ago.  What I have said

on this occasion has been uttered because of my admiration of

him whose departure has been so sudden and with whom I had

been on friendly terms during many years.

  MR. HOLMAN, Democrat of Indiana: - Mr. Speaker, I wish to

add but a few words to the sentiments which have been expressed

touching the life and character of President Hayes. I met him for

the first time on this floor in the closing hours of the Thirty-ninth

Congress. I shook hands with him in the aisle to my right for

the first time. I was charmed by his unassuming, cordial, and

kindly manner, and notwithstanding the fierce political contro-

versy that afterwards arose between the two great political parties

of our country over the question of his election to the Presidency,

I always entertained a great admiration for his character.

  The sensibilities of all our people will be deeply touched by his

death. He held the greatest office known to the world and filled

it well. The Administration of President Hayes will go into

history, gentlemen, as the expression of the whole American

people, as well those who differed with him in political opinion

             TRIBUTES IN THE HOUSE          175

as those who agreed with him, that he gave to our country one

of the purest administrations our Government has ever known.

He was himself a pure man, a Christian gentleman. His noble

and patriotic efforts to reform the civil service of the Govern-

ment, greatly demoralized by the War for the Union, deserved,

especially in view of the hostility which those efforts encountered

within his own party, imperishable honor.

  He in the main failed in his purpose, but that was because his

party was not up to his own high standard of public duty. To me

the earnest efforts of his Administration to secure pure and honest

government appear, in the midst of all his high honors, his highest

honor. How noble his efforts to heal the wounds of our in-

testine war! He was a man of a kindly and forgiving spirit,

and I know of no quality in the human heart more to be admired.

How admirably this humane sentiment adorned his character!

           "Forgiveness! it is an attribute of God Himself,

           The sound that openeth heaven,

           Restores once more fair Eden's faded bloom

           And flings Hope's golden halo o'er the waste of life."

  The country, greatly demoralized by war, was restored to

peace and purity under his Administration, and the Union of the

States was in spirit restored.

  Standing by the open grave of this illustrious citizen, how

natural the thought that greater than being President, better than

to have commanded an army, history will write down that he was

a just and good man.

          "Peace to the good man's memory. Let it grow

           Greener with years and blossom through the flight

           Of ages."

  MR. PATTISON, Democrat of Ohio [later Governor of Ohio]:-

Mr. Speaker, notwithstanding the fact that I was associated with

General Hayes as a member of the board of trustees of the Ohio

Wesleyan University, of Delaware, Ohio, I had not thought of

saying anything at this time. I wish, however, to add simply a

statement, which possibly may have been forgotten by the gentle-

men who have said so much in respect to his memory.  I think


one and perhaps the most preeminent characteristic of General

Hayes has been overlooked. You will pardon me, I am sure, if I

attempt in a few words and in plain and simple language to add a

tribute to his memory. I surely would not attempt to add any-

thing to the many beautiful eulogies that have been delivered.

  Nothing more perhaps need be said to his purity and patriotism

as a citizen, his bravery as a soldier, his greatness and ability as

a statesman, and his success as the President of the United States.

But it seems to me that no eulogy to General Hayes would be en-

tirely complete, or do full justice to his character, without calling

attention, not only to the fact that he was an honest man, and up-

right citizen, an able and distinguished statesman, but also that he

was a Christian.  This, to my mind, was the foundation of his

glory and the great secret of his remarkable career. Possibly no

other man ever occupied the White House who had a greater rev-

erence for God and the divine truths of Christianity; and it was his

abiding faith in the Almighty, his sense of human weakness and

dependence, and his strong belief in a Divine government of the

world that gave him courage and strength to meet the emergencies

of perhaps one of the most important administrations during the

last half century of our history. He, I believe, like every other

man who has occupied the Presidential chair, not only recognized

the God of the universe, but also believed that there was an over-

ruling Providence directing all the affairs of this great Republic.

  General Hayes had the highest respect for law and order, for

the sanctity of the Sabbath, and never in all his public life forgot

that this was a Christian nation; and it should be remembered,

and to their credit, that all the great men of this country have rec-

ognizd the hand of an All-wise Being in the shaping of its destiny.

As one of the younger members of this body, from the great State

of Ohio, of which General Hayes was an honored and most dis-

tinguished son, I pay my simple tribute not only to him as an hon-

ored citizen, a brave and gallant soldier, but also to him as a

Christian gentleman.

  MR. HAYNES, of Ohio:--Mr. Speaker, as a further mark of

respect to the memory of ex-President Hayes, I move that the

House do now adjourn.

             THE GOVERNOR'S PROCLAMATION          177

  The motion was agreed to; and accordingly (at 2:40 p. m.)

the House adjourned.



                              EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT,

                       COLUMBUS, OHIO, January 18, 1893.

To the General Assembly:

  It is my painful duty to announce the death, at 11 p. m. yester-

day, at his home in Fremont, Ohio, of Rutherford B. Hayes,

who was a Representative in Congress, three times Governor

of this, his native State, and President of the United States. He

was also a soldier of exceptional distinction in the late war, and

during his retirement to private life occupied his time in good

works and generous benefaction. His death is an event of great

public sorrow.  Out of respect for the memory  of the great

citizen, soldier, and statesman, I recommend that appropriate

action be taken by the General Assembly. The executive will be

pleased to cooperate with you in a suitable expression of the

sorrow of the people of Ohio over this sad event.

                                   WILLIAM MCKINLEY, JR.

  Following the reading of the governor's message, Mr. George

F. Aldrich, the representative from Sandusky County, and Sen-

ator Nichols, in the Senate, each offered the following resolu-

tions, which were unanimously adopted:

  "WHEREAS, It has pleased Almighty God to remove by death

Rutherford B. Hayes, ex-President of the United States of

America, and ex-governor of Ohio, soldier, statesman, and pa-

triot; therefore be it

  "Resolved, By the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, that

in pursuance of and in accordance with the message of the gov-

ernor, a joint committee of four on the part of the senate and

five members of the house, be appointed by the Speaker of the

House and President of the Senate, to cooperate with the state

officials in making suitable preparation for attending the funeral



and other observances, and to prepare appropriate resolutions to

be reported to this General Assembly for its adoption."

  Speaker Laylin appointed Messrs. Aldrich, Clapp, McElroy,

Holcomb, and Beaird on behalf of the House, and Messrs. Nichols,

Lampson, Fox, and Stewart were appointed on behalf of the

Senate, and the joint committee,  organized by  the election of

Senator Lampson  as chairman and Representative Aldrich as

secretary, proceeded to the governor's office, where they were

met by the governor and state officers.      Governor McKinley

presided and Representative Aldrich was made secretary.  A

resolution was unanimously adopted that the governor and state

officers, with members of the General Assembly, should attend

in a body the funeral exercises at Fremont.  It was further de-

cided to have a provisional brigade of the Ohio National Guard

participate in the funeral exercises, to be composed of Troop A

of Cleveland, the Toledo Light Battery, and the Sixteenth Regi-

ment of Infantry, Ohio National Guard; and, by direction of Gov-

ernor McKinley, the following general order was issued from

the headquarters of the Ohio National Guard:

  "The State is called upon to mourn the death of one of its

most illustrious citizens.  Ex-President  Rutherford  B. Hayes

died at his home, in Fremont, Ohio, Tuesday, January 17, 1893,

at 11 o'clock p. m.

  "It is with profound sorrow that the Governor and  Com-

mander-in-Chief announces the death of this distinguished and

much loved citizen and soldier.  It is appropriate that the Ohio

National Guard (of whom the deceased was for six years com-

mander-in-chief) should testify with the people of the Nation

their deep sense of the great loss sustained by the death of him

who had always been a friend and patriot.

  "It is, therefore, ordained that the colors at general head-

quarters, the State Arsenal and on all armories in the State, be

placed at half-staff, from the receipt of this order until and in-

cluding the day of the obsequies, and that the officers of the

Ohio National Guard wear the usual badge of mourning three

months; and that on ceremonies, during this period, regimental

colors be properly draped with crape.

             ACTION OF PEABODY TRUSTEES          179

  "On the day of the funeral a salute of thirteen guns at sunrise

will be fired at these headquarters by a battery designated, and

during that day one gun every half hour, and at sunset a Na-

tional salute of forty-four guns will be fired.

                                       JAMES C. HOWE,

                                 Assistant Adjutant-General.

  By Command of the Governor."



                     WAS A MEMBER

  At the annual meeting of the board of trustees of the Peabody

Education Fund, held in New York October 6, 1893, the Honor-

able Robert C. Winthrop, chairman of the board, spoke in com-

memoration of Mr. Hayes' services as a trustee in these words:

  "We were shocked by the announcement that ex-President

Hayes was no more.  He died at his home in Fremont, Ohio, on

the 17th of January last.  Elected in October, 1877, (to the

vacancy created by the death of the Hon. Samuel Watson, of

Tennessee), General Hayes had been associated with us for more

than fifteen years, and had notably distinguished himself by his

devotion to our work. That work, indeed, could hardly have

sustained a greater loss. In common with the Slater trustees of

whom he was the president, we had relied confidently on his

services in the great cause of national education at least to the

end of our own Trust. His general career and character have

been abundantly and admirably delineated in the tributes which

have been paid him by others. Nothing, certainly, could have

been juster or happier than those of President Gilman of Johns

Hopkins University, and of Dr. Curry of our own board, both

of whom were associated with him in the Slater Trust.  'He was

a man,' said President Gilman, 'of lofty ideals, of unfailing pa-

triotism, and of unselfish devotion to the good of his fellow

men.  To his lasting honor be it remembered that after retiring

from the highest station in the land he devoted his strength and

time, without thought of reward, to philanthropy and education.'


Dr. Curry, on the same occasion, most felicitously alluded to ex-

President Hayes as having 'solved the problem,' so often pro-

pounded by the press, of what should be done with our ex-Presi-

dents so as not to lose to the country their 'gathered experience

and wisdom.' 'He consecrated his sound judgment,' said Dr.

Curry, 'his wide intelligence, his tenderness, his generosity,- all

the powers of body, mind, heart,--to the illiterate the unfor-

tunate, and literally went about, over the whole land, doing

good. Identifying himself with national organizations of char-

ities, he was an effective worker in behalf of prison reform

and the bettering of the condition of the Indians.  In all mat-

ters of education he was deeply interested. The education of

the negro appealed strongly to his better nature and to his best

activities.'  I eagerly adopt these tributes and make them a part

of our own report, as they are of the Slater report, adding only

an expression of the warm regard and affection with which

General Hayes in these latter years had inspired me personally,

and which I had the best reason for thinking were not unrecipro-


  The Honorable William M. Evarts, one of the two surviving

members of the original Board of Trustees, appointed by Mr.

Peabody, reported the following minute, which was placed on

the records of the annual meeting of October 6, 1893.

  "The sudden death of ex-President Hayes, without any premo-

nition of advanced years or failing health, in the midst of his

most active labors in the service of the board, gave much poign-

ancy to the grief of this bereavement, for which we were wholly

unprepared.  For fifteen years he had been most constant in his

devotion to the interests of the Trust from the first moment he,

while President of the United States, was elected a member of

the board, down to the date of his lamented death.  Not only

was he present at all our annual meetings, but with most signal

advantage to its power and influence in the portion of the country

feeling the benefits of Mr. Peabody's benevolent charity, Presi-

dent Hayes accompanied Dr. Curry in some of his visits to the

South, aiding thus our general agent's valuable service in inspir-

             MR. EVARTS'S TRIBUTE          181

ing and confirming the zeal and constancy in these communities

in the diffusion of education in its most useful forms.

   "President Hayes entered upon the Presidential office at the

most dangerous juncture in the working of the national suffrage

which the country has been called upon to experience. The study

of that crisis and of the high qualities of courage, prudence, and

patience with which his Administration met the perils which sur-

rounded it, and the calm temper and comprehensive patriotism

which brought the stormy contentions to a prosperous issue,-

these belong to the annals of our Government and the public

life of the Chief Magistrate who was called to his great office in

those unruly times.  That in the height of these contentions Pres-

ident Hayes should have been selected with so much personal

warmth and affection for membership of this board was as grate-

ful to his feelings as it was for every member to express their

full appreciation of the great character and conduct of their

elected associate.

  "Since his retirement from the Presidency, our honored as-

sociate has presented to his countrymen a signal example of con-

stant and active employment in the highest sphere of philan-

thropic labors in the work of this board, in the administration of

the Slater Fund, and in open and practical efforts for the succor

of the unfortunate and distressed upon the largest scale of be-

nevolent sympathy.     In this conduct of President Hayes, his

great public career both ends and gains lustre from this record

of his private enlistment in these latter noble services to society.

  "The personal qualities of our late associate and friend warmly

endeared him to every member of this body, who feel the sorrow

of a personal bereavement in parting from him."



Hon. Robert C. Winthrop .................... Massachusetts.

Hon. Hamilton Fish ........................ New York.

Right Rev. Charles P. McIlvaine ............. Ohio.

General U. S. Grant  ........................ United States Army.

Admiral D. G. Farragut  ...................... United States Navy.

Hon. William C. Rives ...................... Virginia.


Hon. John H. Clifford ....................... Massachusetts.

Hon. William Aiken ......................... South Carolina.

Hon. William M. Evarts .................... New York.

Hon. William A. Graham .................... North Carolina.

Charles Macalester, Esq. ................... Pennsylvania.

George W. Riggs, Esq ........................ Washington.

Samuel Wetmore, Esq ....................... New York.

Edward A. Bradford, Esq .................... Louisiana.

George N. Eaton, Esq ....................... Maryland.

George Peabody Russell, Esq ................. Massachusetts.


Hon. Samuel Watson ........................ Tennessee.

Hon. A. H. H. Stuart ........................ Virginia.

General Richard Taylor ...................... Louisiana.

Surgeon-General Joseph K. Barnes, U. S. A... Washington,

Chief Justice Morrison R. Waite ............. Ohio

Right Rev. Henry B. Whipple ................ Minnesota.

Hon. Henry R. Jackson ...................... Georgia.

Colonel Theodore Lyman .................... Massachusetts.

President Rutherford B. Hayes ............. Ohio.

Hon. Thomas C. Manning ................... Louisiana.

Anthony J. Drexel, Esq ...................... Pennsylvania.

Hon. Samuel A. Green ....................... Massachusetts.

Hon. James D. Porter ....................... Tennessee.

J. Pierpont Morgan, Esq ..................... New York.

President Grover Cleveland .................. New Jersey.

Hon. William A. Courtenay .................. South Carolina.

Hon. Charles Devens ........................ Massachusetts.

Hon. Randall L. Gibson .................... Louisiana.

Chief Justice Melville W. Fuller ............. Illinois

Hon. William Wirt Henry ................... Virginia.

Hon. Henderson M. Somerville ............... Alabama.

Hon. William C. Endicott .................... Massachusetts.

Hon. Joseph H. Choate ...................... New York.

George W. Childs, Esq.................... Pennsylvania.

Hon. Charles E. Fenner ..................... Louisiana.

Daniel C. Gilman, LL. D ..................... Maryland.

Hon. George Peabody Wetmore ............. Rhode Island.

Hon. John Lowell  .......................... Massachusetts.

Hon. George F. Hoar ........................ Massachusetts.

Hon. Richard Olney ......................... Massachusetts.

President William McKinley ................. Ohio

Hon. J. L. M. Curry, Honorary Member and General Agent, Washington.

             ACTION OF SLATER TRUSTEES          183



              B. HAYES WAS PRESIDENT.

  At the first meeting, subsequent to the death of Mr. Hayes, of

the board of trustees of the John F. Slater Fund, Dr. J. L. M.

Curry, general agent and chairman of the education committee,

presented the following report:

  Death has thrown a dark shadow over the threshold of our

session. On the 17th day of January, our colleague, ex-Presi-

dent Hayes, the first and only President of the Board, died at

his home in Fremont, Ohio, and it was a sad duty and privilege

to pay the homage of official and personal respect at his funeral.

Two times he was a Representative in Congress, three times he

was Governor of Ohio, during the war he rendered gallant serv-

ices as an officer of high rank, and for one term he was Presi-

dent of the United States. In these positions he forgot not his

obligations to his fellow men, but labored for their welfare with

unceasing assiduity and patriotic devotion.

  When one retires from exalted position, the full light of pub-

lic observation and curiosity is turned upon him. How to deport

himself, how to preserve the dignity that should attach to high

station, what to do, in what pursuits to engage so as to be useful

and contented, are questions not easily answered.       The press

has been fruitful of suggestions as to the best method of not

losing to the country such gathered experience and wisdom.

Legislators and publicists have even proposed amendments to

the Federal Constitution, in order to accomplish the desired end.

President Hayes solved the problem most satisfactorily, in a way

preserving a dignified self-respect and the confidence and ad-

miration of the people, and making his life increasingly useful.

Having held the highest and most honorable office in the world

was no excuse for abandonment of personal duties nor for cessa-

tion of labors for his country's weal. He consecrated his sound

judgment, his wide intelligence, his tenderness, his generosity-

all the powers of body, mind, heart--to the illiterate, the un-

fortunate, and literally went about, over the whole land, doing

good.  Identifying himself with national organizations of char-


ities, he was an effective worker in behalf of prison reform and

the bettering of the condition of the Indians.

  In all matters of education, he was  deeply interested.         As

president of the trustees of Ohio State University, he favored

the adoption of advanced methods and ideas, the rejection of low

ideals, and the securing in the faculty of the broadest scholarship.

The education of the negro appealed strongly to his better na-

ture and to his best activities.  With  earnestness and  power

he pleaded for National aid to fit the freedmen for the responsi-

bilities and privileges of suddenly acquired citizenship. He be-

lieved in the capability of the race, in its ultimate uplifting, but

was not misled by sanguine expectations, or imperfect data, or

hasty generalizations, into Utopian schemes. He thought that,

along with and as a part of the state-provided means for general

education; should be carried on a system of industrial training,

dignifying labor, teaching self-reliance, and making  compara-

tively easy an honest livelihood.

  It was a happy thought in Mr. Slater to put him at the head of

this Trust.  His associates recall that at any personal inconven-

ience and sacrifice he attended the meetings of the board and

the committees, and that no one more conscientiously and

wisely met the obligations he assumed. He was unsparing of

self, discreet in speech, sagacious in counsel, courageous in fol-

lowing his convictions, and set a stimlating example of prompt-

ness, patience, courtesy, hopefulness, and  faith.  The visit of

observation and inspection which he made with me through the

Southern States in 1891, gave him unmixed pleasure. While the

people honored him and gave him cordial welcome and enter-

tainment, he, with rare modesty, never claimed  anything of at-

tention or precedence because of the high honors he had en-

joyed, but gave constant and unwearied consideration to the work

which was before him.

  In the career of General Hayes is a lesson for youth and old

age, a model of unsectional patriotism, a condemnation of what

is low and base and merely material, an inspiration to noble liv-

ing, a shining illustration of what can be beneficently done by one

who has administered the highest civil functions and filled the

measure of political ambition.

             ACTION OF SLATER TRUSTEES          185

  Pardon a personal reference: When law students and fellow

boarders at Harvard Law School, I learned to love and respect

him. The intimacy of our later years, in connection with the

two great education trusts, brought us into most unreserved

companionship, and he so grew upon me that I have no hesita-

tion in pronouncing him one of the best men I ever knew.

  In commemoration of Mr. Hayes's great services in the work

of the board, the trustees adopted and placed on record the fol-

lowing appreciation:

  The founder of this Trust, Mr. John F. Slater, before making

his generous gift for the education of the freedmen, consulted,

at his home in Norwich, with the Hon. Rutherford B. Hayes, the

tenure of whose office as President of the United States had then

recently expired.  President Hayes had been for several years

one of the trustees of the Peabody Fund, and the knowledge he

had thus gained with respect to education in the Southern States

and his interest in all questions pertaining to the moral and social

welfare of the country made his counsel of especial value. When

this board was selected his name stood first upon the list of mem-

bers and he was designated by Mr. Slater as the president. The

nomination was confirmed by the Legislature of the State of

New York in the original Act of Incorporation.

  In the ten years which have since elapsed the trustees have

held sixteen meetings and at every one of them President Hayes

has occupied the chair and has guided the deliberations. Usually

he came from his distant home in Ohio for the single purpose

of attending these meetings.  In the intervals he carried on a

voluminous correspondence with the general agents of the fund

and with his colleagues. Thrice since our organization he has

made long journeys in the South for the purpose of observing the

condition of the freedmen and the progress of education among

them. Before our last annual meeting he accompanied Dr. Curry

on an extended tour through several of the Southern States. He

was everywhere received with the respect due to the high station

which he had held in the Government of the United States, and

also with marked regard for his personal character, for his con-

ciliatory action toward the South while he was President, and for


his subsequent devotion to the advancement of public instruction,

  In our manifold official relations, we who were his colleagues

have come to know him  well.  We remember how carefully he

considered every proposition which was suggested for the ad-

vancement of our work, how he arranged in advance the order

of business for every meeting, and how he advised the executive

officers in those particulars which were left undetermined by the

board. We cannot forget that he was particularly interested in

the promotion of manual instruction, that he repeatedly visited

those schools in New York where industrial education is effi-

ciently encouraged, and that in his public addresses he often ex-

pounded and defended the methods he had observed and the

principles in which he believed.

  In paying this tribute of respect to his memory, we naturally

recall his own appreciative words as he spoke of those members

of this board who were successively removed by death--words

which seemed to his colleagues in every case so just and so ap-

propriate that they were adopted by the board as their own and

recorded upon the minutes.  In his remarks upon the life of Mr.

John F. Slater, he took pains to put on record the interpretation

given by the founder to Christian education, a phrase employed

in his original letter to this board.

  The qualities which gave distinction to President Hayes in his

public career were manifested in the position that he held as

president of this board. His directness, his simplicity, his kind-

liness of disposition, his fidelity to every engagement, his readi-

ness to cooperate in every good undertaking, his freedom from

self-seeking, his punctuality, patience, careful attention to details,

and his sympathy with the efforts of those who labor for the

good of their fellow men, were constantly apparent.  He did not

concern himself with the financial affairs of the Trust and was

not disposed to make suggestions regarding the details of school

management, but he understood perfectly the difficulties of the

problem of educating the freedmen, and was willing to take time

to remove these difficulties.  He never doubted that great results

were to come from the united efforts of patriotic people in the

South and in the North. His public and his private utterances

on this subject were vigorous and inspiring.

             ACTION OF NATIONAL PRISON CONGRESS          187

  The tributes already paid to the memory of President Hayes

in every part of the country have been so numerous and so cor-

dial that no attempt need now be made to recapitulate the inci-

dents of his life or to analyze his character. The trustees, how-

ever, unanimously place upon record their respect for a man of

lofty ideals, of unfailing patriotism, of wise counsels, and of

unselfish devotion to the good of his fellow men. To his lasting

honor, be it remembered that after retiring from the highest

station in the land he devoted his strength and time, without

thought of reward, to philanthropy and education. It is an honor

to this board that their president during the first ten years was

a man of personal distinction, of unquestioned uprightness, of

great wisdom, and of unfailing devotion to the work in which he

was enlisted. Others will succeed to the office which he held

among us, but none can fill his place. We mourn the death of

a prudent adviser, a faithful colleague, a devoted leader, and an

honored friend.




  The annual congress of the National Prison Association met at

Chicago June 7, 1893.      The association was  formed in 1870,

and held its first congress in October of that year at Cincinnati.

Mr. Hayes, then Governor of Ohio, presided. Congresses were

held at Baltimore  (1873), St.  Louis  (1874), and New York

(1876), Horatio Seymour, Governor of New York, being presi-

dent of the association in that period.  The next congress was

at Saratoga in 1884, when Mr. Hayes became president of the

association, and so continued by annual election to the end of

his life.  He  devoted much time and effort to the cause, and

presided at every congress,--Detroit (1885), Atlanta  (1886),

Toronto (1887), Boston  (1888), Nashville  (1889), Cincinnati

(1890), Pittsburgh (1891), and Baltimore (1892).  At each con-

gress he made a significant and inspiring opening address.

  That expression of appreciation might be given by members

of the association of the great interest Mr. Hayes had taken


in philanthropic work, and especially in the cause of prison

reform, and in love for his memory, the opening session of the

congress in 1893 was devoted to the delivery of eulogies of his

character and tributes to his worth.

   The opening address was made by General Roeliff Brinker-

hoff, of Ohio, and was as follows:

Ladies and Gentlemen:

  The National Prison Association meets to-night in the shadow

of a great bereavement, caused by the death of our honored

president, Rutherford B. Hayes.        For the first time in eight

years, at our annual congress, we miss his presence, his counsels,

and his encouragement. To him more than to any other man is

due the commanding position of influence obtained by this asso-

ciation in prison matters, and, therefore, it seems eminently

proper that we should set apart this opening session for the re-

ception of testimonials to his memory.

  To his achievements as a soldier and statesmen, the whole coun-

try has borne testimony in a thousand ways; but to-night we

honor him as a philanthropist and as a friend. To the world at

large, General Hayes as a prison reformer is of little conse-

quence; and his work in that direction is deemed one of the

vagaries to which eminent men are sometimes disposed. To us,

however, who know the importance of the prison question, and

who believe that its solution is of more vital importance to the

American people, and more essential to the perpetuity of the

Republic, than the solution of the questions about which political

parties are now contending, General Hayes as a philanthropist

has rendered a service as worthy of remembrance as any deeds

of his contemporaries in statesmanship or in arms. The country

can survive under high tariffs or low tariffs, under free coinage

or restricted coinage, but it cannot survive a demoralized people,

with crime increasing like a tide that knows no ebb. To devise

means to avert these dangers demands the best thought of our

best men; and hence we honor the memory of our great leader


  The prison question is not restricted simply to the considera-

tion of persons already in prison, but reaches out to the larger

             GENERAL BRINKERHOFF'S TRIBUTE          189

problems of prevention and reclamation, which lie outside of

prison walls.

  The active interest of General Hayes in the prison question

dates back to 1867, when he was first elected Governor of Ohio.

The Board of State Charities in that State had just been created,

and he became its helper and protector; and in its prison work

he was specially interested. Soon after he went out of office, in

1871, in a spasm of hostility caused by needed criticisms of dere-

lict institutions, the board was abolished; but four years later,

in 1875, when General Hayes was again elected governor, he

succeeded in securing the restoration of the board; and from

that time to the day of his death, he was its unfailing supporter.

  During the fifteen years I have been upon the board, there was

no other man from whom I received so much encouragement and

inspiration and help as from General Hayes.  His readiness to

respond to demands upon his time, in furtherance of our work,

is indicated by the following letter, which I received in reply to

an urgent request that he would come and help us at the second

annual meeting of our State Conference of Charities and Cor-

rections in Ohio, last year; and this is only one of many in-


             SPIEGEL GROVE, FREMONT, OHIO, May 14, 1892.

  MY DEAR GENERAL.: -I am just home after a protracted ab-

sence, and find a heap of letters to attend to, but yours of yester-

day I take up first. You can hardly realize the demands on my

time. Your work in all parts of the good cause of charities and

correction gives you a right to call on the friends of the work.

Without hesitation, therefore, I will try to attend September 13,

at Cleveland, and if possible give a short testimony in behalf

of the Board of State Charities.

                                     RUTHERFORD B. HAYES.

  He came according to his promise, and responded to the ad-

dress of welcome, and participated in our discussions, and was

helpful in many ways.  How large a concession this was to the

Board of State Charities can be apprehended more fully when

we remember that he was the president of the board of trustees

of the Slater Fund, which took weeks of his time every year; the


president of the Indian Conference; the president of the Negro

Conference; the president of the Ohio Archaeological and His-

torical Society; the president of the National Prison Associa-

tion; the commander of the Loyal Legion; and an active member

of boards of trustees for half a dozen colleges; and an annual

participant in scores of military organizations; and he was con-

stantly in demand for all sorts of gatherings, civil and religious.

His heart, however, was mainly in philanthropic work, because,

in his view, it was for God and humanity. To this work he de-

liberately devoted his life, after he left the Presidential chair; and

upon his return to Ohio, he declared that the only public office he

would again be willing to accept would be that of a member of

the Board of State Charities.

  In 1870, when the National Prison Congress was organized at

Cincinnati, Governor Hayes was present, and was selected to

preside over its deliberations, and was deeply interested in its

proceedings. In 1884, when the National Prison Association was

reorganized, he became its president, and was reelected annually

until he died. During the past eight years, he has been present

at every one of our annual meetings, and the priceless value of

his services is known to all our  members.  In his annual ad-

dresses, he discussed all the various phases of the prison question

in a broad-minded, practical way,  and  his conclusions  rarely

failed to carry conviction to his audience. Whilst he was no

theorist or sentimentalist, still his purview of prison questions

was from a lofty standpoint, and dealt with causes rather than

remedies-prevention rather than cure.  His favorite theme, or

hobby, as he sometimes called it, was education, and especially

industrial education.  I do not remember an annual address in

which he did not refer to it in some form. In 1885, at Detroit,

he said: "If I were asked to name a measure of reform which is

practically within our reach, and best fitted to prevent, or at

least largely to diminish, crime, I would say, let our young people

of both sexes, and of all conditions, be taught, as a part of their

education, to know the value of work, to catch the spirit of work,

and to form the habit of work, not only with their brains but also

with their hands and eyes. The young man who despises labor

             GENERAL BRINKERHOFF'S TRIBUTE          191

carries with him into every walk of life one of the most danger-

ous temptations to crime." In 1887, at Toronto, he said: "Prison

reform recommends the general education of the youth of both

sexes in industrial pursuits, employing and training the faculties

of both body and mind in productive labor, as an efficient means

of preventing crime." In 1888, at Boston, he said: "If the young

of all conditions of life and of both sexes, were trained to in-

dustrious habits, taught some form of useful labor; if education

gave them the love of labor, the spirit of labor, and the ability to

labor, we should soon see the tide turn in our prison statistics.

Instead of a constant demand for more prison room, we should

be gladdened by a permanent decrease in our prison calendar."

In 1889, at Nashville, he said: "Education, as I undertake to em-

phasize, is the means by which any prison can best reform the

convict.  .  .      Let me give one of my  favorite crotchets

which is, that no education is a fit education, complete and per-

fect, for any American boy or any American girl, that does not

fit him and her to earn their own living by the labor of their

hands." In 1890, at Cincinnati, he said: "I believe that, in this

country of ours, no education is complete for the rich man's son

or daughter, or the poor man's son or daughter, which does not fit

the boy or girl to make an honest living by his or her hands."

And, "I think no education is better fitted to prevent crime than

this, added to our present excellent common-school education."

  Another favorite theme was the non-partisan management of

prisons; and he often referred to it as an absolute necessity in

the reformation of prisons. In 1885, he said: "Party politics and

the prison have no agreement.  All experience proves that party

management is the ruin of a prison, and adds no permanent

strength to the party having it. The divorce between the prisons

and politics should be total and absolute."  In 1891, at Pitts-

burgh, he said: "Merit, ability, experience, ought to be the con-

trolling consideration in all appointments of prison officers. Mere

partisan appointments corrupt the prison, and add no strength

or prestige to the political party that makes them.  It was said

in the war, 'a good colonel makes a good regiment.'  A  good

warden, with ample power, will make a better prison, even under


a bad system, than a poor warden under the best system. The

spoils doctrine is nowhere more out of place than when it con-

trols the appointment of prison officials."

  On a still higher plane, he constantly inculcated the law of

Christian brotherhood, and the duty devolved upon us as our

brother's keeper, and God's helper. In 1886, at Atlanta, he said:

"We believe that society is so compacted together, that Providence

hath so ordained and doth govern things, that, whether we would

have it so or not, we must be, and are, our brother's keepers. No

man's family is safely entrenched against vice and crime, and the

shame and wretchedness to which they lead.  Let the outcast and

the criminal be forgotten or disregarded, and our whole society

will suffer from the taint of human degradation. Like a blood

poison, it will spread through and through the social system, until

it reaches the heart. This serious and mighty truth imposes a

duty which no society can afford to neglect. Civilized society

can not neglect it and live.  No  well-informed Christian society

ever will neglect it." In 1887, at Toronto, he said: "Society is

silent and inactive in the presence of many recognized evils, be-

cause society has no faith -they are accepted as inevitable, and

endured because they are believed to be beyond cure; but in a

world that God governs, no notion can be more false or harmful;

- in  God's world, what  ought to be done  can be done.  The

longer it may take to remedy a recognized evil, to right an ad-

mitted wrong,  the sooner  will wise  men  set about  it;  the

harder the task, the more zealously good men will do their duty

in trying to accomplish it."  In 1888, at Boston, he said:  "The

citizen can not be loyal to his country and faithful to her true

significance if he neglects the children of misfortune, of poverty,

of weakness, and of wickedness, who are, or who are in danger

of being, enrolled in the ranks of crime.  From the dawn of

human society, it has been an irrepealable condition of its exist-

ence that all men are indeed their brothers' keepers.

                 'Verily, verily,

                 By each help you hold to them,

                 In so much your fingers touch

                 Of His robe the living hem.'"

             GENERAL BRINKERHOFF'S TRIBUTE          193

  General Hayes was preeminently a Christian man, and his

whole life, like Handel's oratorio of the Messiah, was keyed on

the Christ ideal, and yet, I have learned since his death, he was

never a member of a Christian church. He was an adherent

and member of the board of trustees of the Methodist

church at Fremont, Ohio, and for many years a member of

the board of trustees of the Methodist college at Delaware,

Ohio, but he was not a communicant. Why this was so I do

not know; but I was often with him, and repeatedly, in long

journeys, and in his own house for an entire day at a time, with-

out interruption from others, and yet, in conversations protracted

for hours, the whole trend of his philosophy in solving the rid-

dles of life was Christian.  This was more apparent in private

conversations than in public utterances; and yet, as you have

doubtless noticed, like a golden thread, it runs through nearly

all his annual addresses before the prison congress.  Some in this

audience to-night will remember that pathetic closing of his an-

nual address before the congress at Nashville, shortly after the

death of his wife, when, with tears, he said: "What spirit shall we

invoke to guide all who speak and all who act upon the great

questions relating to human conduct and to accountability under

human laws?  During almost forty years, it has been the crown-

ing felicity of my life to dwell with a companion, now gone to

the world beyond, whose gift and whose delight it was to shed

happiness on all around her. Her joy was so radiant, because

her life was  the very incarnation of these  few humble  and

precious words, which fell naturally from her lips: 'I know that

I am not good, but I do try to treat all others as I would wish

to be treated if I were in their places.'  Surely, surely, my

friends, if our laws and their execution, and if communities and

individuals, can be penetrated and controlled by the spirit of the

Golden Rule, a solution will be found for every problem which

now  disturbs, or threatens to disturb, the foundations of our

American society."

  Those who heard, and any who will read, that Nashville ad-

dress, will understand the power of this utterance more fully, in

the knowledge that it followed the boldest arraignment ever made

by a Northern man in the heart of the South of that barbaric



custom of wager of battle, in the duello system, which still sur-

vives.  Those present will remember the breathless silence of

that great audience, and its failure to respond.  Nevertheless,

those utterances were as magnificent as those of Paul on Mars'

Hill, under similar circumstances, and I have no doubt with sim-

ilar result. In all my intercourse with public men, I have never

known one whose conversation and conduct was more exemplary

than that of General Hayes.  In reply to a commendatory re-

mark upon this, he once said to me: "In avoiding the appearance

of evil, I am not sure but I have sometimes unnecessarily de-

prived myself and others of innocent enjoyments."  His talk was

always interesting and instructive, and always clean.  He liked

a good story, and sometimes told one; but off-color anecdotes and

profanity were an abomination. Upon the whole, as a model

American citizen, in character and conduct, in all the relations

of life, I do not believe we have a better example in American


  He is not yet appreciated in his true proportions by the world

at large; but, to me personally, he has been an inspiration in all

that is best in what I have attempted in my life-work, and as

the years recede, and as his life is seen in its true perspective in

history, I am very sure that no American President, who has yet

lived, will be remembered more gratefully by the American peo-

ple.  General Hayes  was  a typical American  in his develop-

ment and in his career, and made his way to all the positions he

occupied by honest and persistent effort. He was not a brilliant

or showy man, and manifested no transcendent genius in any

department of human endeavor, except, perhaps the genius of

common sense; but, in every position he was placed, he man-

ifested a broad-minded comprehension of its requirements, and

discharged its duties ably, and with marked integrity. By many

he has been considered a favorite child of fortune, and possibly

there may be something in that. He certainly was fortunate in

his home surroundings beyond the average of men.  He was also

fortunate in the affection of an uncle, Sardis Birchard,  his

mother's brother, who left him an estate which relieved him in

middle and later life from the drudgery of money-making; but

beyond that he was as fully the architect of his own fortune as

             GENERAL BRINKERHOFF'S TRIBUTE          195

any of his contemporaries in public life. In fact, I am not sure

but he had larger physical difficulties to overcome than most

men. Apparently, he was fortunate in a temperament so calm,

deliberate, and self-poised as to enable him to make the most of

every situation, without haste and without mistake. As we knew

him, this was doubtless the fact; and yet, according to his own

testimony, this temperament was as surely an acquisition as the

eloquence of Demosthenes was an acquisition over a stammering

tongue. In my last journey with him, last December to Balti-

more, we were together for a night and a day, and in our long

talk we discussed many things, and among others the power of

heredity and the possibility of overcoming it. He stoutly com-

batted the Lombroso fad, now so prevalent, of criminal neces-

sity, and maintained that the heredity was rare that could not be

overcome by proper training, or a moral purpose; and, to illus-

trate his meaning, he gave me his own experience.  "I was born,"

he said, "with a temperament, inherited from both sides of the

house, that was nervous to the verge of disaster. I went all to

pieces on the slightest provocation, and it brought me constant

trouble.  As I grew up, I became aware of my danger and its

causes, and deliberately determined to overcome  it.  By  ab-

stemious living, by physical and mental exercises, and by con-

stant will-power, I battled my  enemy,  until, in the course of

months and years, I became master of the situation, and came to

maturity a free man. Practically, I have no nerves. I can cut

off thought, and go to sleep at a moment's notice, whatever is

impending." He gave me several examples; but I have time now

for only one. "When the battle of Winchester was on, my com-

mand was seventeen miles away, when Sheridan ordered that

headlong rush to the front.  We  reached the  verge of battle

badly blown, and were halted for twenty minutes of rest before

going in. The thunder and blaze and smoke of the great fight

filled the air, but I knew what I needed, of all things, just then,

was sleep; and so I threw my bridle to an orderly, wrapped my

gloves together for a pillow, threw myself on the ground, and

slept for twenty minutes, as peaceful as a child, when the order

came for the charge, and they woke me up. No, no," he said,

"heredity is not an insurmountable barrier, or an excuse for


wrong-doing.  Every one has a bad heredity, in some direction,

and a part of our discipline in this world is to overcome it.

Heredity is no  excuse for crime, and the business of reforma-

tories is to train men out of crime; and they ought to do it in

most cases, at least with the young."

  Possibly General Hayes may have overestimated, somewhat,

his physical disabilities, and possibly better opportunities may

have come to him than is the lot of the average man; but yet,

after all, it was the preparation he brought to the opportunity,

more than the opportunity itself, that made him great.

  And now that he has gone out into the Infinite, it seems to me

that the lesson to learn from his life is, that the only way to

attain greatness is to be great, and the only way to get good is to

do good.

             "And I remember still

             The words, and from whom they came.

             Not he that repeateth the name,

             But he that doeth the will !"



              B. HAYES WAS PRESIDENT

  At a meeting of the board of trustees of the Ohio State Uni-

versity, held at Columbus January 19, 1893, the following me-

morial minute was adopted and placed on record:

  Rutherford B. Hayes was born at Delaware, Ohio, October

4, 1822, and died at Fremont, Ohio, January 17, 1893.

  lie entered Kenyon  College in, 1838, at the age of sixteen, and

was graduated in 1842, being awarded the first honors of his class.

He began the study of law at Columbus, but entered the law de-

partment of Harvard University in 1843, graduating in 1845.

He was admitted to the bar the same year and began the practice

of his profession at Fremont, but subsequently located at Cin-


  In 1852 he married Lucy  W. Webb, of Chillicothe, Ohio.

  On  the fall of Fort Sumter  he abandoned his practice and

began the work of raising troops.  On June 7, 1861, he was

             STATE UNIVERSITY ACTION          197

commissioned by Governor Dennison, major of the Twenty-third

Ohio Infantry.  After five months' service in West Virginia, he

was promoted to lieutenant-colonel. His intrepid conduct at the

battle of South Mountain, where he was wounded, secured his

promotion as colonel, on October 24, 1862, of the Twenty-third


  As commander of brigade or division he fought in the battles

of Cloyd's Mountain, Winchester, Berryville, Opequon, Fisher's

Hill, and Cedar Creek. At the last-named battle, on the recom-

mendation of General Sheridan, he was promoted to the rank of

brigadier-general. On March 13, 1865, he was promoted to the

rank  of brevet  major-general for gallant  and  distinguished

services during the campaign of 1864 in West Virginia, and par-

ticularly at the battles of Fisher's Hill and Cedar Creek. He

was wounded six times in battle, and had four horses shot under

him in his four years' service.

  His political services began with his appointment to the office

of city solicitor of Cincinnati, to which office he was subsequently

elected, and which he filled with marked ability for three years.

He was elected to represent one of the Cincinnati districts in the

Thirty-ninth and Fortieth Congresses.  While serving as a Mem-

ber of Congress in 1867 he was elected governor of Ohio, and

was reelected in 1869.

  While serving his second term as governor he was influential

in securing the legislation under which the Ohio State University

was located and organized.

  In 1875, against his personal wishes, he was again renominated,

and reelected governor of Ohio.      While serving his third term

as governor, he was elected President of the United States.

  On May 13, 1887, be was appointed a member of this board

of trustees, and at a meeting  held  November  22, 1892, was

elected its president. He attended and presided at the meeting

of the board held at Columbus, January 10 and 11 1893, and on

Thursday, January 12, left for Cleveland with the purpose of

making inquiry relating to the position of director of the new in-

dustrial department.  On Saturday, the 14th, while in Cleveland,

and about to depart for home he had a severe attack of neu-

ralgia of the heart. He continued his journey, however, and ar-


rived at home that evening. He died surrounded by his family,

at the family homestead at Fremont, at 11 o'clock P. M., Tues-

day, January 17, 1893.

  The members of this board feel deeply the irreparable loss

the university has sustained in the death of President Hayes and

share in the general sorrow of the State and Nation.

  A great and good man is dead, a life full of honor is ended,

an  illustrious career is closed, and  nothing can be said that

will add to his reputation. That belongs to our common history.

  Of pure life, of unsullied honor, of gentlest disposition, of

lofty courage, moral, temperate, industrious, free from every

vice, blessed with every virtue, almost faultless, the life of this

good man will always remain with us a shining model for the

students of our university to imitate.

  His life was most happy, his success most brilliant. The love

others bore him carried him over every obstacle and bestowed

upon him the highest honors of the republic.

  Unassuming in his manners, polite, scholarly, studious, accom-

plished, he made all who knew him his friends. He bore without

complaint the most severe and  unjust censure.         In reply he

uttered no word of resentment. He had charity for all, malice

for none. A Christian and a gentleman, he lived above the

ordinary feelings and passions of his fellow men, and leaves to

us the imperishable memory of his good name, his virtuous life

and noble character.

  Mr. R. J. Alexander in presenting the above memorial and

resolution said:

  "Ex-President Hayes will be a grand character in our coun-

try's history.  His whole life seemed to have been a triumphal

march.  With an exalted sense of truth and right, he showed the

highest courage in their maintenance.  A  warm friend, kind to

all, abounding in charity, social, liberal, courteous, all were at-

tached to him  who knew him.  With active intellect, rare good

sense, sincere, earnest, eloquent, and with ready use of language,

he was a great orator. None of our public men could so well

entertain an audience, for his words had no sting, his heart no

bitterness.  'When  he  was  reviled  he  reviled  not  again.'

             STATE UNIVERSITY ACTION          199

Wounded and sore, he spoke no words of resentment. By pro-

fession and practice he was a Christian. Free from envy, pride,

arrogance, and avarice, without repulsive dignity, of most happy

disposition, he will always be honored and loved by the people

he served so well. His name in the future will be a tower of

strength for this university and an inspiration for the students

in its halls. Mr. President, I move the adoption of the memorial

and resolution."

  The motion having been seconded, the president stated that

further remarks were in order.

  Mr. D. M. Massie spoke as follows:

  "General Hayes played a great and honorable part in the his-

tory of our country. Others better qualified than we will pay

the well deserved tribute to his fame as a soldier, statesman, and

ruler. It was our privilege to know him after he had achieved

the highest possible place among his countrymen.  Herein we

are most fortunate, for there could not be a more charming

great man than ex-President Hayes. Education and experience

had given him wide knowledge and great wisdom. A kind heart

made him considerate of the opinion of others. He never used

his position to impose his ideas or wishes upon his associates,

and was always willing to receive suggestions from others and to

lend his aid in assisting them in efforts in behalf of a worthy

cause. Herein is the best and greatest part of General Hayes's

career.  He was always actively engaged in promoting the truest

and best interests of his fellow men. Called by the nation to the

highest place in the land, he discharged the duties of the great

office worthily and well.  When it was finished he did not rest

on his laurels, but used his great influence in active work in be-

half of education, advancing the cause of truth.  What more

can any man do, be he great or humble, than help forward the

cause of truth wherever and whenever he can.  We all know how

much he did for the university, how wise he was as a counsellor,

how active as a friend, and what a tower of strength he was to

us.  There will be many memorials and monuments erected to

his memory, but none shall be more worthy of him than our

university, in whose organization and development he bore so


conspicuous a part.  Through it, though dead, he shall still speak

in living words to generations yet unborn."

  Mr. W. I. Chamberlain spoke as follows:

  "When  General  Hayes  retired from  the Presidency of the

United States, he did not settle down to a life of mere literary

enjoyment, so tempting to one of high scholarship; nor, on the

other hand, did he turn his attention to increasing the ample for-

tune he had partly earned and partly inherited.  He quietly and

unselfishly gave his last twelve years of life to the service of

his fellow men--the prisoners, the negroes, the Indians, the

poor and downtrodden.      But if he had a special hobby it was

the industrial education of the common people. The beautiful

School of Industrial Art, just erected at the Ohio State Uni-

versity, has the words Hayes Hall cut deep in the great stone

arch above its main entrance, to remain for centuries a memorial

to the illustrious statesman who inspired its erection, and did so

much to put the university on an ample and enduring financial

basis.  Just one week ago, in perfect health, he looked through

the completed structure, and expressed his deep gratification at

its elegant adaptation to its future work.  We can never forget

his constant devotion to the industrial interests of this great in-


  "He was, if possible, the most democratic of all our Presidents.

There was never the least exclusiveness, arrogance, or assump-

tion of superiority.  From seeing and conversing with him, no

one who did not know the facts would have guessed, that in suc-

cession he had held the highest places in the power of the State

and Nation to bestow.  No secretary or attendant travelled with

him. He arrived always unannounced, and gripsack in hand,

he went quietly on foot or by street-car to the hotel or office

where he was to meet the board, to which he freely gave his

valuable services.

  "He always showed the most courteous deference to the opin-

ions of all his associates.  None ever came close to him in asso-

ciation without being made better and more unselfish by the con-

tact, for they felt him to be the highest type of the unselfish

Christian gentleman.  His faith in God and in the future was

             STATE UNIVERSITY ACTION          201

serene, and his belief in the honor and good sense of the Amer-

ican people really brought to a crucial test, was well-nigh as

unshaken as his faith in God. No life is worthier of imitation

and remembrance. The memory of the just is blessed."

  The vice-president, Mr. Schueller, calling one of his associates

to the chair, said:

  "De mortuis nil nisi bonum has become a maxim in such gen-

eral use, that it has advanced almost to an indisputable axiom,

to the greatest disadvantage of all truly good and great men.

This maxim, more than anything else, has falsified history and

distorted character, elevated rascals to glory and turned scoun-

drels into saints. Thus it has become almost a farce, and is con-

sidered by many a fabrication, to speak in high terms of appre-

ciation of a beloved dead, who, by his words and deeds, deserves

the greatest honors bestowed upon him by his countrymen, nay,

by all mankind, to whose interests he had devoted the latter part

of his eventful life.

  "No posthumous transformation of character is needed in be-

half of our departed colleague and president of our board, ex-

President Rutherford B. Hayes. His life has been an open book

with leaves unsullied, inscribed but with kind words and good

deeds originating in an all-loving mind.  Being a political op-

ponent, and meeting him for the first time three years ago with

a certain degree of misgiving, all ill feeling that may have ani-

mated me vanished before his genial demeanor, pure character,

and self-sacrificing love for all that is noble and good, like clouds

before a bright summer sun, leaving but reverence and admira-

tion. Ever since leaving the Presidential chair of the nation, he

has devoted his life exclusively to the elevation of mankind. His

constant aim has been to raise the people to a higher level of

intelligence and corresponding morality, by educating mind and

body harmoniously, thereby ameliorating the social condition and

material resources of the laboring classes. Not, as it is gener-

ally preached and practiced, by giving alms which degrade and

degenerate, but by giving them self-reliance in their physical

powers and intellectual faculties, and thus aiding them to become

independent laborers and not mendicants or beggars.

  "The words of Schiller, in the prologue prefacing his trilogy


'Wallenstein,' voice my feelings and sentiments in regard to our

departed friend better than any words I might give utterance to:

         'A noble master occupied this place,

         And bore us upward to the realms of art

         Upon the wings of his creative power.

         A brilliant model rouses emulation

         And leads the judgment on to higher love;

         For he who satisfies the best of his own age

         Lives not for them alone, but for all future time.'"

  Remarks expressive of their deep sense of personal loss in the

death of their distinguished colleague, and of appreciation of his

noble character were also made by Messrs. Lucius B. Wing and

T. J. Godfrey.

  The secretary (Alexis Cope) said:

  "On Thursday of last week, after the meeting of this board,

President Hayes came to the office, and said in his pleasant way:

'Now let us go up and call upon the governor. He is going to

talk to the State Board of Agriculture and we can go up with him

to the senate chamber and hear his speech.'

  "We walked up to the governor's office together, saw the gov-

ernor, and went up to the senate chamber, where we heard him

make a short address, and then came back to the office.

  "On the way the President said: 'You know we have always

taken a great interest in McKinley and hope to see him President

some day.'

  "He soon started for the train and I took his grip to go with

him. He protested that the weather was very cold and that I

must not think of going to the station. I insisted, and he re-

luctantly consented. He took my arm and we walked to the

station together. Arriving there we found his train a half-hour

late. He proposed that we take a cup of coffee, so we climbed

onto the high stools in the luncheon room and had our coffee.

Something drew him  to talk of his early life, of his father's

death, and his Uncle Birchard taking him, a half-orphan boy,

under his care; a care that left no childish or boyish want unsat-

isfied. He seemed to be nervously depressed and anxious for


             STATE UNIVERSITY ACTION          203

  "When we parted he said he would go to Cleveland to see a

proposed candidate for the position of director of manual train-

ing. We learn that he went to see this person, walking several

blocks in the face of a violent snow-storm. This was the last

public service President Hayes performed.

  "It touches us deeply that this service was in behalf of the

university, and that the exposure incident thereto may have

caused or contributed to the illness which resulted in his death.

  "But touching as this reflection is, we know that President

Hayes, could he have chosen the field in which his life should be

given up, would have chosen no other than that of loving service

to his fellow men. Could he have chosen the manner of his death,

he would have chosen that which came to him; the sudden pang,

and the peaceful, unconscious passing of the spirit.

  "A friendly intimacy which, during the years he has been a

trustee of the university, has constantly grown and strengthened,

justifies me in thus confidently speaking of our beloved friend

and associate.

  "He was fortunate and happy in his life; he was happy also

in his death. The rancor and bitterness which followed the dis-

puted Presidential contest in which he was successful were rap-

idly passing away.  He saw his countrymen turning toward him

with constantly increasing reverence and respect, and was happy

in the reflection that in discharging the duties of his high office

as his conscience dictated, he had made 'the safe appeal of truth

to time.'

  "We may congratulate ourselves that of the many important

public trusts he held at the time of his death, the university was

foremost in his heart. He was the most active and perhaps the

controlling agent in its organization and location. He shaped the

necessary legislation, procured its passage, and appointed the

board of trustees which located the university, prescribed its gen-

eral courses of study, and elected its faculty. His interest in it

was constant and he was always ready to make any sacrifice of

time and personal effort to serve it. In the years to come his

name and fame will be dear to all who come within its influence."




                   WAS A TRUSTEE.

  At a meeting of the board of trustees of the Western Reserve

University, held at Cleveland March 1, 1893, the following resolu-

tion in honor of Mr. Hayes was adopted:

  In common with the people of the United States, we mourn

the death of Rutherford B. Hayes, which has taken away a man

whose patriotic services as a soldier, whose pure and able ad-

ministration of the Government, whose noble devotion of his last

years to works of philanthropy and the promotion of the public

good, and whose true and upright life made his example worthy

of the imitation of all "who love their fellow men." And as

Trustees of the Western Reserve University we especially mourn

the loss of one whose exalted character, clear mind, and sound

judgment have contributed so greatly to the success and pros-

perity of this institution.



                   WAS A TRUSTEE.

  At a meeting of the board of Ohio Wesleyan University, held

at Delaware June 22, 1893, the following minute in honor of

the memory of Mr. Hayes was adopted and placed on record:

  The Board of Trustees desires to place on record its high

appreciation of Rutherford B. Hayes, ex-President of the United

States, who died January 17, 1893.

  President Hayes has been for nine years past an honored

and valued member  of this board.        His  wide experience, his

great wisdom, his deep interest in the cause of higher education,

and his sympathy with all that is noble and good, gave to his

services as a member of this board an exceptional value. He

entered heartily into all plans for enlarging the work and in-

creasing the usefulness of the university, for which he cherished

the highest regard.  He was faithful in his attendance upon the

meetings of the board, and allowed no other of the numerous

             WESTERN RESERVE AND WESLEYAN          205

calls that pressed him to deprive the board of his presence and


  We  recognize the worth of his distinguished service; and as

a corporation and as individuals, shall always cherish his memory,

which will be to us all an inspiration to imitate his virtues, and

to live lives of equal value to society and to the world.

                           DAVID  S. GRAY,  Chairman,

                           JOHN  M. WALDEN,

                           WILLIAM LAWRENCE,

                           ISAAC F. KING,

                           WILLIAM A. INGHAM,

                           GEORGE W. ATKINSON,

                           CHARLES W.  FAIRBANKS,

                           RICHARD S. RUST,





  On January 18, 1893, the president of Kenyon College reported

to the faculty the death of ex-President Hayes, Kenyon's most

noted alumnus.  It was voted that if the president be unable to

attend the funeral, Professor Devol be requested to represent the

faculty.  It was further voted to appoint a committee which shall

express the sentiments of the faculty in the form of resolutions.

Prefessors Devol, Brusie, and Peirce were chosen. This com-

mittee will also transmit copies of the resolutions to the rela-

tives of the deceased, and attend to publication.

  On January 20 the above committee reported the following


  "The faculty of Kenyon College desire to express their deep

sense of the loss which the college has sustained in the death of

General Rutherford B. Hayes, LL. D., of the class of 1842, and

to pay tribute to the memory of his pure and noble character.

  "The public services of Mr. Hayes are familiar to every in-

telligent citizen of the nation. His bravery, his wise statesman-


ship, his philanthropy are known to all his countrymen. We,

however, especially rejoice that it was the privilege of Kenyon

to have nourished such a son, and we point to him as a type of

the lofty character which colleges should aim to produce, -that

of the patriotic, cultured, Christian gentleman. As such, Kenyon

will cherish his memory as one of her most precious possessions.

  "It is ordered that this memorial be entered upon the records

of the faculty, that it be published in the Kenyon Collegian,

and the daily papers, and that a copy be sent to the family of the



                           IN MEMORY OF

               RUTHERFORD B. HAYES, CLASS OF 1842.

              Rosse Hall, Gambier, Ohio, June 28, 1893.

    President of Alumni Association, Hon. George T. Chapman, '56.

                        Music by the Band

Prayer of Invocation ......................Rt. Rev. William A. Leonard

Hayes the Student and Friend ..................Hon. Guy M. Bryan, '42

Hayes the Alumnus  ................................Col. J. E. Jacobs, '58

                   Music - "Lead, Kindly Light,"

                         Kenyon Glee Club.

Hayes the Lawyer  ............................Judge M. M. Granger, '50

Hayes the Soldier  ............................Gen. John G. Mitchell, '59

                        Music by the Band.

Hayes the Statesman  ............................. Hon. Columbus Delano

Hayes the President  .........................Hon. J. Kent Hamilton, '59

                    Music by Kenyon Glee Club.

Hayes the ex-President and Philanthropist ............Wm. C. Reynolds

Hayes's Religious Character  ...........................Rev. John H. Ely

               Singing--"Old Kenyon, Mother Dear."

Benediction ................................... Rt. Rev. Boyd Vincent


  At the annual reunion of the Twenty-third Regiment, O. V.

V. I. held at Lakeside, September 4, 1889, the following resolu-

tions were adopted:

  WHEREAS, At this, our Annual Reunion, we have to bear testi-

mony to the steady depletion of our ranks and to the annual de-

tails for service in the Grand Army beyond; and,

             ACTION OF KENYON COLLEGE          207

  WHEREAS, At this, our annual meeting, we have to ac-

knowledge with unfeigned sorrow the departure of one who was

early identified with our organization, an active participant with

us in our joys and sorrows, and one who at all times was ever

ready with heart and hand to console the afflicted and to lessen

life's burdens; and

  WHEREAS, We recognize in the life of Lucy Webb Hayes a

lamp by which our feet may be guided to a better life, and while

we regret her departure hence, we accept with humility the man-

date of the Great Architect of the Universe and yield cheerful

acquiescence to His will; therefore,

  Resolved, That we renew our allegiance to each other, and

offer to our honored commander, comrade, and friend our last-

ing friendship until the final summons shall call each and all of

us to the silent camping ground of the dead.

  Resolved, That these resolutions be entered upon the records

of our association and a copy be sent to our honored commander

and his family.

                             J. C. BOTSFORD,

                             J. S. ELLEN,

                             BEN KILLAM,


  At the annual reunion of the Twenty-third Regiment, O. V.

V. I. held at Lakeside, Ohio, on the 16, 17, and 18th of August,

1893, the following resolutions were adopted:

  WHEREAS, Our old commander, General Rutherford B. Hayes,

closed his eyes in death on the 17th day of January, 1893, at his

home in Fremont, Ohio, his spirit winging its way to the God

who gave it; and

  WHEREAS, By his death this association has lost its best friend,

while the Nation has lost one of its wisest statesmen and most

patriotic citizens, and humanity one of the purest and most ex-

emplary of men on earth; and

  WHEREAS, The loss to his family, to the Nation, and to the

world is irreparable, and seems to each and all of us, as almost

too much to bear complacently; and


  WHEREAS, We know that he had no dread of death or the

future, but regarded the great change as a sure and certain pro-

motion from this world of care, sorrow, and disappointment to

a life beyond the grave, where he would be joined by wife and

friends gone before, with powers and opportunity for doing

good, so far beyond our comprehension as to be indescribable;

therefore be it

  Resolved, That the members of this association will cherish

his sainted memory as long as life shall last, not forgetting that

he taught and lived the Divine instruction, "Love one another"

and "Do right," and that as he believed he would be with us in

spirit at all our future meetings, so we hope and pray it may be

granted him and us; and that when these reunions are over and

the roll of the Twenty-third Regiment is called on Judgment Day

every member shall respond, "Aye, Lord, here am I."

                           CYRUS W. FISHER,

                           D. H. KIMBERLEY,

                           JAMES HAYR,





                      IN MEMORIAM


                  United States Volunteers

"The impartial historian  will not fail to recognize the conscien-

   tiousness, the manliness, and the courage that so strongly

           characterized his whole public career."


  Major Twenty-third Ohio Infantry June 7, 1861; Lieutenant-

Colonel, October 24, 1861; Colonel, October 24, 1862; discharged

to accept promotion October 19, 1864.

             TWENTY-THIRD OHIO RESOLUTIONS          209

  Brigadier-General U. S. Volunteers October 19, 1864; resigned

and honorably discharged June 8, 1865.

  Brevetted Major-General U. S. Volunteers March 13, 1865,

"for gallant and distinguished services during the campaign of

1864 in West Virginia, and particularly in the battles of Fisher's

Hill and Cedar Creek, Virginia."

  President of the United States March 4, 1877, to March 4,


  Elected July 6, 1881, in the Commandery of Illinois. Class I.

Insignia 2175.

  Transferred to Commandery of Ohio May 3, 1882. Charter


  Commander of Commandery of Ohio February 7, 1883-May 4,


  Senior Vice-Commander-in-Chief  October 21, 1885-October

17, 1888.

  Commander-in-Chief of the Order October 17, 1888-January

17, 1893.

  Born October 4, 1822, at Delaware, Ohio.

  Died January 17, 1893, at Fremont, Ohio.


                   BIRCHARD HAYES,



                     JANUARY 18, 1893

  Companion Brevet Major-General Rutherford Birchard Hayes

died at 10:45 last night at his late residence, Spiegel Grove, near

Fremont, Ohio.

  Companion Hayes was a member of the Ohio Commandery of

the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States from

its organization and was its first Commander. At the time of his

death, he was Commander-in-Chief of the Order.

  Due notice of the date of the funeral services will be given

through the press.



  Instructions have been given for forwarding the Commandery's

floral tribute.

  A committee of Companions will be appointed by the Com-

mandery to prepare a memorial tribute, in conformity with

the Commandery's by-law.

  At the request of the Recorder-in-Chief, Lieut.-Colonel Cor-

nelius Cadle has been appointed to represent the Commandery-

in-Chief at the funeral.

  The following named Companions are appointed to represent

the Ohio Commandery at the funeral services:

  Major Wm. McKinley, Bvt.-Brig.-General R. P. Kennedy, Bvt.

Major-General M. F. Force, Bvt. Brig.-General B. R. Cowen,

Major-General M. D. Liggett, Bvt. Major-General James Barnett,

Captain John M. Lemmon, Bvt. Lt.-Colonel R. L. Nye, Bvt. Ma-

jor James L. Botsford, Major W. R. Thrall, Bvt. Major T. M.

Turner, Bvt. Brig.-General W.  H. Enochs, Lt.-Colonel H.  C.

Corbin, U. S. A., Bvt. Major-General John G. Mitchell, Bvt.

Brig.-General John S. Casement, Bvt. Major-General J. Warren

Keifer, Bvt. Major-General C. C. Walcutt, Bvt. Brig.-General W.

H. Raynor, Bvt. Major-General A. C. Voris, Bvt. Brig.-General

T. W. Sanderson, Lieut. E. S. Wilson, Major W. D. Bickham,

Lt.-Colonel W. B. Nesbitt, Bvt. Lieut.-Colonel W. R. Warnock,

H. S. Buckland, Esq.

  All other Companions who can do so are requested to attend

the services.

  By order of

              MAJOR GENERAL JACOB D. Cox, U. S. V.,






  At a meeting of the Ohio Commandery, at its headquarters in

Cincinnati on February 1, 1893, there were present a much larger

number of Companions than usual at stated meetings. After

routine business had been transacted, the commander, Major-

General Jacob D. Cox, said:

             OHIO LOYAL LEGION ACTION          211

  COMPANIONS: - We have been looking forward to this evening

with an extremely pathetic interest. Among the bereavements

which the Loyal Legion has had to suffer all too frequently dur-

ing the past few years, none has come to us more suddenly and

unexpectedly than the death of the Commander-in-Chief of the

Order, who was so recently our commander in this commandery


  I had habituated myself to think of General Hayes as of one

who had, if any man had, the assurance of a quiet and protracted

decline of life in happiness and in rest. He had lately to bear

his own great griefs; yet he had so far overcome them that I

think he looked upon the remaining portion of his own life as a

quiet period of decreasing activity, not to be dreaded or shunned,

but to be calmly and hopefully used. With the appearance of

robust health, with absolute system of habit, prudent care, cheer-

ful employments, full of good works, not rusting but living a

life which was a model for men retired from great public re-

sponsibilities, we had the right to expect that we should greet

him here frequently in years yet to come. Thus it was that the

blow came suddenly, almost stunningly.

  You will wish to hear from some of his Companions who were

closely associated with him in his military career or who have

learned to appreciate him as a statesman and a patriot; but, be-

fore calling on either of these, I shall ask you to listen to the

reading of a letter written by one whom we used to greet very

often -now becoming old and feeble, but whose voice and heart

retain the melody and activity of youth--our old friend, James

E. Murdoch. Companion Captain George A. Thayer, who has

the letter, will kindly read it.


  COMMANDER  AND  COMPANIONS: - My  venerable  neighbor,

James E. Murdoch, has kindly delegated me to deliver to you

his message for this memorial occasion.  Now among the eight-

ies, he finds it best that most of his remaining strength should

be husbanded in bed. Among his many regrets that the great

outside world, in which his interest has lain so long, is slipping


away from him, the most serious I think is that he loses touch

with this Companionship.

  With that sort of perversity which often characterizes men who

have won eminent success in another field, I think he feels that

the greatest honors of his life were that he cheered the soldiers

of the Chattanooga army by his readings; and that the patriotic

ardor of audiences all over the north was stirred by his recita-

tions of Buchanan Read's poem  of "Sheridan's Ride," verses

which he declaimed so often that he might feel as if he had been

an active participant in the Shenandoah campaign.

  It is said of King George IV, who was subject to various hal-

lucinations, that he had persuaded himself that he was present at

the battle of Waterloo.  On one occasion he appealed to the Duke

of Wellington to testify that he had indeed fought at Waterloo.

Wellington diplomatically answered: "I have often heard your

majesty say you were there."

  If Mr. Murdoch was not with Sheridan in person, he was there

in spirit. This is his letter:



                        CINCINNATI, OHIO, February 1, 1893.

To the Commander and Companions of the Military Order of the

  Loyal Legion of the United States, Commandery of Ohio,

  James E. Murdoch, from an Invalid's Headquarters, sends fra-

  ternal greetings.

  Among the irksome taxes assessed by Father Time upon a

protracted lease of life, the hardest to bear by an active mind

is physical disability to take part in the love-feasts of our Order,

and those sad gatherings where the last honors are paid to the

memory of departed Companions.

  The hand of death has removed from the Companionship of

our Order a master spirit and a national leader. Rutherford B.

Hayes has run his earthly course and finished his mortal career.

At the call of the Omnipotent Commander he has joined the

army of the faithful, whose ranks are daily filling up by a "draft"

whose fiat is imperative and admits of no "substitute."

             TRIBUTES OF OHIO COMPANIONS          213

  The words of Holy Writ tell us to "mark the perfect man and

behold the upright."  Among the men of mark called to the fore-

front of national command, there has been no one (save two ex-

ceptioiial cases) to whom the spirit of the scriptural text will

more aptly apply than to him whom the Loyal Legion so deeply

mourns and so truly honors.  Of our venerated chief it may be

truly said, his motives were pure and his actions honorable; in the

field or in the cabinet, his conduct was fearless and above re-

proach; his record bears the stamp of those attributes which mark

the character of a pure man and a true American citizen.

  The voice, face, and form of our beloved Commander-in-Chief

are indelibly impressed on the "tables of my memory" as the fea-

tures of one "who loved his fellow men," and strove to live by

the Golden Rule, which enjoins us to do unto others that which we

would others should do unto us.

  In the spirit of patriotic fraternity I am ever, Commander and


                       Faithfully yours,

                                         JAMES E. MURDOCH.


  Among those who were your committee to represent you at the

funeral of President Hayes, was Lieutenant-Colonel W. R. War-

nock, to whose honorable career as a soldier have been added the

laurels of distinction at the bar and on the bench.  Fresh from

the moving scene of Fremont, it is fitting that we should ask him

to give expression to the feelings which the memory of our dis-

tinguished Companion  aroused, and which we  all would  fain

share with him.


  COMMANDER AND COMPANIONS :- In the few minutes allotted

to me I can only speak of our late Companion, General Hayes, in

the most general terms.

  Rutherford B. Hayes was a great man.  Not because he was

made great through the fulsome praise of a subsidized press.

Not because he was made great through the affected or purchased

enthusiasm of claquers or henchmen.  Not because he was born

to a title, or inherited a crown; but because he was born with a


true nobility of spirit that ripened into a broader manhood that

made him the leader of men.

  Rutherford B. Hayes was great, not only in what he did for

his country, but he was great in the simplicity of his character.

He was the same simple, dignified gentleman in the White House

that he had been in his home at Spiegel Grove.

  Rutherford B. Hayes was not only great in his simplicity and

great in what he accomplished, but he was great in the influence

that he exerted over this land for all good and worthy objects.

  He solved the problem, and answered the question that has

been so often asked, What shall an ex-President do?  How could

it have been answered more eloquently, more completely than for

twelve years as trustee of different institutions; as the constant

attendant upon reunions of old soldiers, gatherings for all worthy

purposes, devoting his life, devoting his time, devoting his energy,

giving his means to the building up of those institutions which

are for the benefit of his fellow men.

  I was very much struck a few days ago, when as a representa-

tive of this commandery of the Loyal Legion, I attended his

funeral at Fremont. For the first time I saw his modest home.

For the first time I saw his library. I saw the surroundings. I

got an idea of how the man lived at home. A complete, ideal

American home; and I said that it was characteristic of the man

that had lived among us all these years, who had lived in that

modest home at Fremont, as the evidences showed that he had

been living.

  No reference to Rutherford B. Hayes is complete without a

reference to his domestic life, and to her whose name to-day is

a household word in every Christian home throughout America.

The home of Rutherford B. and Lucy Webb Hayes was the

model home of America.  But Rutherford B. Hayes is no more.

No tender tokens of regret, no sorrows we can cherish will avail

anything to him. As one has well said, there will be music and

song, revelry and mirth, the seasons in their bright rounds will

come and go, hope and joy and great ambitions will rise up as

they have risen, battle storms will smite the earth, peace smile

upon it, love bless it, hate curse it, history will write great chap-

ters in the Book of Time, generations will pass away on the swift

             TRIBUTES OF OHIO COMPANIONS          215

flight of years, but he will come to us again no more forever.

His life is blended with that mysterious tide which bears on its

current events, institutions, empires in the awful sweep of des-

tiny. Neither praise nor censure, nor love nor hate, nothing can

touch him further.

  When the wealthy men of this land die and leave their fortunes,

even though they may be colossal, to their families, what good

does that do to the world or to the cause of humanity?  But

when such a man as Rutherford B. Hayes dies, a man whose life

has been filled up with good deeds and good works, a man who

gave four years of his life to the perils and the hardships of a

soldier's life-when such a man dies, then his courage, his pa-

triotism, his endurance, swells that heritage of patriotism which

has given to the world this glorious republic of ours, and made

us a free people.

  Hayes, Grant, Sherman, Sheridan, Thomas, Logan, Doubleday,

and Meade.  Look at the list of heroes that have gone on before.

  Ah, my Companions of the Loyal Legion, we are now like a

forest in which more than half of the trees have been cut down.

The winters have snowed their years upon us; our steps begin

to falter, and we are growing old. The battle of life will soon be

over. Heroes are waiting for us from Shiloh, Andersonville,

Vicksburg, Gettysburg, Chickamauga; from every battle-field for

the defense of human rights the heroes come, and as we gather

in, one by one, to swell that grand reunion above, may we all

be so fortunate as to hear from the Supreme Commander of the

Universe, "Well done good and faithful servants."


  We  have here to-night one of our best known Companions,

General Keifer, whom  I never meet without thinking of his

service at the very beginning of the war. His was a name en-

rolled in one of those regiments of Ohio volunteers that were

designated by the small numbers of the first contingent of the

State.  Some of you remember the First and Second Regiments

that went off to Washington at the very first call when Sumter

was fired upon, and we who remained behind to organize other

regiments thought we had been left almost alone because they


had gone to the capital of the country in advance of us. Next

after them came the Third Ohio with the then Major Keifer in

the list of its field officers. When we assembled at Camp Denni-

son to break ground for the Ohio Camp of Instruction, a train

load of troops came from the North, and a train load of lumber

from the South.  The men unloading the boards from the cars,

carried the lumber on their shoulders to the foot of the hills

skirting the valley to make a camp there. The Third Ohio was

on the north end of the line of regiments that faced the railroad,

and made the beginning of that camp about which for a little

while centred almost all of the interest of the State of Ohio in

her young men preparing for the war. The Third Ohio was or-

dered away to take part in the first campaign in West Virginia,

and there met with the Twenty-third Ohio, of which, as Cincin-

natians so well remember, Rosecrans was the first colonel, Scam-

mon  its second, with Stanley Matthews  for lieutenant-colonel,

and Hayes its major. The association that began in that early

campaign under McClellan, was honorably and even gloriously

continued to the very end. Hayes and Keifer fought as com-

rades in campaigns in Virginia of the West, and in Virginia of

the East, among the mountains, in the Valley of the Shenandoah,

not always in the same corps, but participating in the same great

events. He certainly is competent to speak of Hayes as a soldier,

as well as of his larger public and political career in which his

own honors also culminated about the same time with those of

our departed Commander. I therefore, invite you to listen to

General Keifer.


  COMMANDER AND COMPANIONS:--To make a fitting address

and one worthy of our departed Companion, would require more

of thought and care than I could give under the circumstances in

which I have been recently situated. I have been very deeply im-

pressed, as have all who knew General Hayes, with his sudden


  At the time of his death and burial I was myself indisposed

and was unable to attend his funeral. I feel that it was a great

privation to me and I felt also that General Hayes - ex-Presi-

             TRIBUTES OF OHIO COMPANIONS          217

dent Hayes--was a man of all others who never overlooked an

occasion to pay due respect to the death of any comrade. He

was in that respect a model.

  I have reflected a great deal about this matter of paying due

regard and respect and honor to the dead - especially since our

Companion's death.  I have had a thought of gratification in line

with a thought that belongs to me, and that is this: That as an

organization, not only in Ohio, but all over the United States, the

Loyal Legion has done its duty in the highest sense it could in

honoring the distinguished dead, soldier and statesman, while he

lived. I believe in honoring the living while it will do them some

good.  I think, in that respect then, the Loyal Legion of the

United States, the Commandery of Ohio especially, have always

been proud, in the life-time of Hayes,  in honoring,  in giving

preference to, and in tendering him on all occasions proper re-

spect; and therefore we can come, with the feeling of having

done our duty, to consider him when he is in his grave.

  I knew General Hayes very well; early in the war I met him,

and I had occasion in more than one instance to personally come

in contact with him during the war, and to get the key to the

character of the man from pretty close observation and some

striking incidents.

  I met him, in October, 1861, in the valley between Rich and

Cheat Mountains in the Tygart's Valley campaign, when a por-

tion, at least, of the Twenty-third Ohio, with other troops, were

sent to Camp Elkwater to reinforce General Reynolds's command,

partly located in the valley and partly upon the top of Cheat


  I shall not go into that campaign;  but sometime  we  ought

to, and perhaps can, revive some of the history that belongs to

that early incident, where General Lee was sent to organize an

army to attack and take the positions at the mouth of Elkwater

and on Cheat Mountain; and where as a matter of fact he made

a most signal failure.  There Major Hayes came with a portion

of his regiment.  He was then a man of mature years, sound and

deliberate judgment, the same I have seen him exhibit under all

circumstances since: sincere, candid, frank; never putting on any

show that was not absolutely essential to the occasion under


which he was acting. He was the same as a soldier, as a citizen,

as President of the United States, as Governor of Ohio, all the

way through life.

  I did not meet him for a number of years after meeting him

at the place I have named. But incidentally I saw him in the

Shenandoah Valley a time or two during the brilliant campaign

of Sheridan in 1864. At the battle of Opequon, sometimes called

Winchester, on the 19th of September, 1864, there was an inci-

dent in the military history of General Hayes that he himself,

when he would talk frankly and freely at the fireside, always

spoke of as though it was the crowning incident and event in

his military career. The battle of Opequon was in a certain sense

commenced by a portion of the troops of the Sixth Corps very

early in the morning, forcing a crossing over the stream known

as Opequon Creek; there was a suspension, and the Sixth

Corps and the Nineteenth Corps were brought into position; and

about 12 o'clock an effort was made by those corps, with General

Crook's corps absent, so far as taking part in the then engagement

was concerned, with the exception of being moved to the left of

the other forces, and intended to be thrown into Winchester, or

to the south of Winchester to cut off the retreating troops of

General Early's forces. But we were so far unfortunate in our

attempt to force the enemy back that our right was broken, and

the Nineteenth Corps was driven back, and a portion of troops

of the Sixth Corps, and the battle did not seem to be with us.

The whole movement of General Crook's forces, composed of two

divisions, one commanded by General Hayes and the other by

General Duvall, was changed.

  General Crook's command was thrown to the right, and in-

structions were given to it to move around the right of our army

to the left of the Confederate forces, commanded by General

Breckinridge. It was ordered to attack and force back the ene-

my's left in every way possible.

  General Hayes moved his division in the direction of Stephen-

son's depot, and suddenly found in his front a swamp or morass

that was regarded, in that country, by the residents, as entirely

impassable. They treated it so, and did not cross it. The troops

of Hayes's command encountered this apparently impassable

             TRIBUTES OF OHIO COMPANIONS          219

swamp, opposite of which was the infantry of General Breckin-

ridge's corps of the Confederate army.

  Hayes's instructions were to charge whatever was before him.

A successful charge seemed impossible, but General Hayes took

in the situation, knowing that the soldiers in a body could do what

individuals could not do; and, knowing the importance of success

and the consequence to the whole army of a failure of the move-

ment, he gave the command to charge through  the swamp, and

with his sword drawn dashed on horseback at the head of his

command into the morass.

  The charge was audacious! Breckinridge's old soldiers stood in

awe until the gallant command was upon them. They were driven

in disorder from their well chosen position. If there was any

credit to any special one that day, it was to General Hayes.  Had

he hesitated, as he might well have hesitated, as many might have

hesitated--yes! as many general officers would have hesitated,

as the day was fast passing - it is not at all sure that the battle

of Opequon would have been won.

  He was in the general movement with General Crook that

passed around the Confederate left, and skirted along the moun-

tain, across the Cedar Creek Valley, and drove Early out at Fish-

er's Hill, three days later.

  Late in the afternoon of the 19th of October, after Sheridan

had reached the battle-field at Cedar Creek, and after his cele-

brated ride, made immortal by the poem of T. Buchanan Read, I

met him again under peculiar circumstances. We had some ad-

versities during the morning, and it had fallen very heavily upon

Hayes's division and the other division of Crook's Army of West

Virginia.  Hayes's troops were broken  up considerably.  An

order was given to assume the offensive about three o'clock in the

afternoon, and to make a general attack all along the line. The

instruction to General Getty, who commanded the Second Di-

vision of the Sixth Corps, the left of which rested upon the val-

ley turnpike near Middletown, was to charge forward; and to me,

then commanding the Third Division of the same corps, to dress

to the left and protect General Getty's right in the charge.

General Wheaton, commanding the First Division, to the right

of the Third, was ordered to go forward, protecting my right.


  In making the preparation for the attack that was soon to be

made, I rode to the left of my line to understand the position

fully. I found some troops that did not belong to the Sixth

Army Corps. On questioning them, I found they belonged to

Hayes's division. I looked about and found General Hayes was

a little distance back. There was no firing, except a little skir-

mish in advance, for before that General Early had ceased to be

aggressive, and had fallen back upon an amphitheater of hills, and

was  hastily  fortifying.  Hayes  was  dismounted,  resting with

some of his staff around him.      I explained to him the orders,

and asked him whether he was going forward  with the troops

that belonged to him.  He put his hand up to his head, then

mounted his horse, and said: "I have no orders, but, if you are

ordered to go forward, I'll go too, without orders.  If your orders

are to go forward, I will fill the gap with my men." This illus-

trated his character as a soldier.

  The attack then made won the battle of Cedar Creek. He

never sought to shirk a duty or spare himself. He was a great

man in the great things that he had to do. He dealt with the

things that were before him. He was never dealing with imagi-

nary things. If he had work to do, he devoted himself to that.

In that way he crowned himself with greatness; and this was in

military matters and in civil matters, in official life, in private life.

And this is the highest encomium that we can pronounce upon an

American citizen. He was, like Americans, born to no greatness.

They have no expectancy in the line of blood as American volun-

teers,  Amrican  soldiers,  American  citizens.    Everything  we

call accident, if you please, luck, if you please- I don't care what

you call it - if it is in the hands of the masses, has to be won by

the successful man. He wins his accident, if he is worthy of it,

or his luck. Hayes lived in a great epoch in this country; in a

period of great things and great events, and he filled to the full

all of the opportunities that were brought to him. In the army

he was devoted to his work; brave, patriotic, capable of com-

manding an army, but proud to command a division or a brigade

and to become a success there. He never worried because he was

not at the head of the army. He would have been a patient

colonel all the time. These were the things that had much to do

             TRIBUTES OF OHIO COMPANIONS          221

with making up the elements of greatness in the man.  There are

many things that we might say about President Hayes that ought

to be said by a person who takes the pains to take his history up

step by step. To generalize upon his life is to say to you only

the things you well know.

  He succeeded after the war in his profession, became a mem-

ber of Congress and three times governor of Ohio; the President

of the United States, and in all these exalted positions, he was

singularly pure, true, and great. I served in the Congress of the

United States during the entire period of his Presidential term,

saw him frequently and under all circumstances- and it was not

always fair weather; but President Hayes was cheerful and on

duty all the time by day and by night faithfully, and making his

work count for the present and for the future. President Hayes

never had a scandal about the White House.         Nobody ever

dreamed of his being anything but patriotic.  Everything was

clean and pure about him.  Men criticized him from one stand-

point, and some from another; yet as has been said before to-

night, he never turned aside from his duty as he saw it. He had

his standard of duty, and he lived up to it. And the result of

it was, that if he erred and had shortcomings, he had no apolo-

gies to offer; and criticism has never fazed his pure administra-

tion of the Presidency.

  And when dead, he stood higher in the nation's estimation,

with all the tests that can be applied to him, he stood higher, than

at any other time.

  Hayes was prepared all the time to die. He had a singular

cast of mind.  Perhaps, since the death of his wife, whom he

adored and loved so much, he had some things that were peculiar

about him.  It was said that when he went upon a journey, he

carried in his trunk fine large photographs of his wife. The first

thing he did when he went into his hotel room, where he was

going to stay overnight, was to take them out and stand them

around the looking-glass or upon the bureau, where they were in

sight during the time he was to remain there. He never talked

much about his bereavement.      He hardly ever spoke of that,

especially to strangers; and I am told not to his friends; but I

am told that was his sorrow; and it is said that one of the things


he uttered last was, "I am going where Lucy is." A friend of

his and mine was present in the Grand Pacific Hotel in Chicago

when President Hayes reached there very shortly after the sud-

den death of his friend General Crook. He went with General

Hayes into the room where the body of the dead general lay.

President Hayes, without a tear stood for a few moments and

viewed the body and turned around and said: "Colonel, I never

envied General Crook before." What that all meant coming from

the uttermost depths of his soul you can probably imagine. He

was prepared to die. Notwithstanding his death summons came

so suddenly, I have no doubt there was with him no regret: al-

though we learn  from a  few things that he did say in his

fatal sickness, that he thought his life had been exceptionally

happy: yet he was ready and was willing to die.

  We look upon Hayes as one of us. He was not young.

Seventy years of age. He had lived past the three score years

and ten.   He  had lived to that full, round  period of life

when he could afford to die. He had done his work as a citizen.

Why could he not die, feeling that he had accomplished the work

set before him as an American citizen? He was a patriot and

statesman, and above all a pure American citizen.

  You very frequently hear it said that he lives, though he is

in his grave. President Hayes was so fond of his military life

that I believe that he felt in a broad sense that he never would

die. On a former occasion I have referred to that incident at the

close of the life of a Revolutionary general as an illustration.

General Rufus Putman, distinguished in the Revolutionary War

-doing some very brilliant deeds, was a devoted friend of Wash-

ington and a great patriot. When the Revolution ended he came

West and settled near and finally at Marietta, Ohio. He devoted

his life to good works. He was a patron of the public schools

as fast as they could be established. He was a devout Christian,

building up the church; and he was one of the first in the then

wild West to advocate the establishment of Sabbath-schools. He

was above all a proud patriot soldier of the Revolutionary War.

When he was old, tottering and feeble, and no longer able to go,

as was his custom, to his church, a very sincere minister of the

Gospel called upon him at his house and asked whether he was

             TRIBUTES OF OHIO COMPANIONS          223

prepared to die. It is said that he tottered from his rocking-

chair with his cane in his hand, and straightened himself up and

said: "No! no! I shall never die! I shall live forever in the

great deeds that I have helped to perform in giving liberty to


  We see in this life, I believe, of our dead distinguished Com-

panion what warrants us in also saying: He will never die! He

will live forever in the great deeds he helped to perform in the

cause of humanity.


  We  would like to hear a word from our Companion Judge

Samuel F. Hunt of the Superior Court:



haps no better word can be said of any man than that he has left

the priceless legacy of a good name.

  Rutherford B. Hayes filled every position he held with singular


  There are those here to-night who have spoken of his services

on the field of battle. He did not hesitate at the call of an im-

perilled country. He realized the very consciousness that that

country bore the name and the sign and the glory among the na-

tions of the earth. He saw that idea inscribed on the banners

of armies, and knew it to be stronger than its bayonets. He be-

lieved with Lincoln that the South would make war rather than

let the Nation live and that war should be accepted rather than

let the Nation die. He devoted himself to the cause with single-

ness of purpose. He had an undying affection for those who

bore the heat of battle. It was my fortune to stand with him as

we together delivered addresses at the dedication of the monu-

ment to the soldiers and sailors of Hancock County, and listen

to his story of the privations and hardships of those who died

for the cause.

  It can be said of him, too, that he faithfully met every obli-

gation in civil life. As solicitor of this city, as Member of Con-

gress, as Governor of Ohio, and in the discharge of the high


duties of President of the United States, he responded to every

call of duty.

  He assumed the Presidency under circumstances, perhaps the

most trying in the history of the Republic, and yet his Adminis-

tration was characterized in a spirit of glorious magnanimity for

all parts of our common country. There was neither pelf nor

self in his conduct of public affairs.  The historian must say,

that there was neither scandal nor gossip in public places during

the four years he administered the affairs of government.

  He thought that the cause of education had a right to the best

zeal and the warmest affection of every citizen, and thus devoted

his late years to this great work. He extended a helping hand

and thus exemplified the lasting truth that the individual is only

small while humanity is great and after all the title to immortality

is to associate one's name with some overwhelming truth or some

undying cause.

  The name of Rutherford B. Hayes will stand as year shall

follow year, as the patriotic soldier and as the upright citizen.


  We have with us to-night a Companion who was lieutenant-

colonel of the One-hundred-and-twenty-fifth Ohio Infantry, and

afterward, for a time, pastor of the church which General Hayes

attended while Governor of Ohio. I will call on Colonel D. H.



  COMMANDER AND COMPANIONS:-I came just this near being

connected in military service with General Hayes: That in 1861,

when a pastor at Marietta, I was tendered the chaplaincy of the

Thirty-sixth Ohio. I did not feel that I was competent to be a

chaplain, and so declined. Otherwise, I might have participated

in that union of those two wonderful regiments, the Twenty-

third and the Thirty-sixth, when they mingled in each  other's

blood in the battles of Virginia.

  Subsequently, going into the service, I was near enough to

General Hayes, Colonel Hayes, or whatever his title might have

been at that time, to hear the roar of his guns at South Moun-

             TRIBUTES OF OHIO COMPANIONS          225

tain. After that, the fortunes of war carried me southward, and

I was in nearer touch to our distinguished Commander of this

evening, General Cox, than to our lamented Commander whose

memory we cherish in our hearts. After the war I was called as

a pastor to our church in Columbus, at the time General Hayes

was Governor of the State, in 1868. Whatever trials he had en-

dured up to that time, I am a competent witness that he endured

patiently the trials which I inflicted upon him week after week

as he sat in my congregation.

  I am sure, Companions, that I learned the secret of that great

man's greatness during these two years I was permitted to sus-

tain that intimate relation with him and with his household.  Not

a member of the church, not a communicant, yet he was never

out of his place in the sanctuary.  In all his walk and conversa-

tion respecting and recommending the principles of our most

holy religion, he showed to me the secret of his power as a com-

mander, and of his character as a citizen. He believed in God.

The faith that he learned from his Vermont mother, and the

truth of the gospel that he took into his young heart as a boy in

Ohio, he carried with him everywhere; and like another great

American, there never was a period in his history that he would

not rather have been right than President.

  To my thought, looking back over the life of this wonderful

man, whom we all lament, his greatest characteristics were those

that shone out when he was the object of so much contumely,

vituperation, malice, and slander.  A  man can endure all things

better than these. But these he endured as though they were not

majestically lifting himself above the storms that beat piteously

upon him, and showed how a man may suffer and be strong, and

be courageous and triumphant.      Have you ever thought that

his death has been the means of bringing out some of the broader

and better elements of the American character?  How  those

voices that were rasping in criticism have softened into tenderness

and pity at his bier. And how from the South, as well as from

the North, from the lips of political opponents as well as from

political friends and supporters, has come sincere and earnest

this final verdict: "Lo! this was a true man. This was a great

man. This was a good man, the noblest work of God."


  The following letters of regret and appreciation were received

by the recorder of the commandery:

                                    EXECUTIVE MANSION,

                            WASHINGTON, February 1, 1893.

  MY DEAR SIR: -I very much regret that it is not possible for

me to accept the invitation of the Ohio Commandery of the Loyal

Legion to be present at the Memorial Meeting to be held for the

late Commander-in-Chief, General Rutherford B. Hayes. Gen-

eral Hayes was a splendid soldier and a loyal and affectionate

comrade. His career, both in the army and in civil life, was

great and useful. His example is most valuable and instructive.

I had an affectionate regard for him, and would have been glad

to give expression to it at your meeting, if circumstances had

allowed my presence.         Very truly yours,


    Cincinnati, Ohio.

         SENATE CHAMBER, WASHINGTON, January 31, 1893.

  MY DEAR SIR: -Your note of the 28th is received. Nothing

would give me greater pleasure than to join with you on next

Wednesday evening in an expression of praise and well-deserved

honor of Rutherford B. Hayes, but my duties here are of so

pressing and imperative a character that it is impossible for me

to leave.              Very truly yours,



                               COLUMBUS, January 31, 1892.

  DEAR SIR:-I very much regret that I will be unable to be

present at the memorial services of the Ohio Commandery upon

the death of our late Companion, General Rutherford B. Hayes.

Nothing but an imperative engagement here would prevent my

participation in that sad but interesting occasion.

  I knew General Hayes well, and admired his great qualities

from the first day I met him, in 1861, at Camp Chase, up to the

day of his death. He was the first major of the regiment in

             TRIBUTES OF OHIO COMPANIONS          227

which I served, and in every rank he held he was the same sim-

ple, dignified gentleman and brave and kindly officer.

  His old comrades of the Twenty-third Ohio have lost a dear

friend, one whom they loved so well. The State has lost one

of its most distinguished citizens and benefactors, and the country

one of the purest and most dignified Presidents we ever had.

  Please convey to the Commandery my sincere regrets, and be-

lieve me,                   Sincerely yours,

                                      WM. MCKINLEY, JR.


                   BELLEFONTAINE, OHIO, January 30, 1893.

  DEAR CAPTAIN:-Your invitation to be present at the Ruther-

ford B. Hayes memorial meeting received. The dangerous ill-

ness of my wife prevented my attending the funeral, and her con-

tinued and perilous sickness will prevent my being present at the

memorial meeting on Wednesday evening next.

  Permit me to add my tribute to the worth and character of

Rutherford B. Hayes.  For more than thirty years I was well

and intimately acquainted with him, and in every walk of life

he was full of the spirit of loyalty, and courageous and manly in

the performance of every duty, public and private.

  My acquaintance began at the very beginning of the war,

when as a young man I joined the Twenty-third Ohio as a second

lieutenant, and from that hour until his death, retained his

personal friendship, and, like all the young officers who served

under him, remember well his courtesy, his kindness, and the

words of encouragement which he was ever ready to bestow upon

the younger members of the regiment.

  No soldier who ever went into the great war ever bore upon

his shoulder or sleeve an insignia of rank or station that was

more ennobled by the wearing of it than that which distinguished

the rank and character of Rutherford B. Hayes.

  In the camp, the march, the bivouac, or the battle, he was at all

times, and under all circumstances the splendid soldier and the

Christian gentleman. Filled with an abounding loyalty and an

unending devotion to his country, he gave himself without re-


serve to the preservation of the Union and the liberties of the


  His whole army service can almost be summed up in the char-

acter of it by recalling the remark he made to me on the battle-

field of South Mountain, when, as the adjutant-general of bri-

gade, I went to carry him orders (luring the battle and conduct

his command to position on the field; turning to me, he said: "I

shall depend upon you for orders today; give them to me  dis-

tinctly, and then depend upon me for executing them."

  It was only necessary for him to know his duty to perform

it; and he performed it at all times with a forgetfulness of self

that was the highest measure of devoted patriotism.

  So inseparably is interwoven in the memory of every old

Twenty-third Ohio boy the gentleness and tenderness of his lov-

ing and devoted wife, that it is almost impossible to think of him

without at the same time recalling her.  She came to our camps,

and shared with us our tents and our discomforts, only to make

their hardships seem easier and their duties and dangers lighter.

I recall the very moment of her arrival, in the midst of the mud

of a West Virginia winter.  At the instance of Colonel Hayes,

I went to the boat to meet her and escort her to camp, and I cau-

tioned her against the mud. "Oh," she exclaimed, "you must

know I came prepared for everything, and I am ready for it."

There was not a tent in the camp that was not more cheerful for

her coming; there was not a sick face which did not become

brighter in her presence.  The memory of Lucy Webb Hayes is

as dear to the boys of the Twenty-third Ohio as are the visions

of their angel mothers who have gone before.

  As one who knew, and had the opportunity of sharing the lov-

ing-kindness of the one and the gentle motherly love of the

other, I come, and with loving hands would place a tribute upon

the graves of Rutherford B. Hayes and his noble and devoted


  The nearly thirty years of time which have passed since that

great conflict has only tended to soften its animosities, and at the

same time to unite as with bonds of steel the ties of friendship

which were formed amid the smoke of conflict and the thunders

of battle.

             TRIBUTES OF OHIO COMPANIONS          229

  The men who stood side by side at Mission Ridge, Antietam,

South Mountain, and Gettysburg, who marched with Sherman

and followed the banners of old Pap Thomas, are standing side by

side, as they stood more than a quarter of a century ago; and as

the call of the death angel comes to them one by one, the ranks

are closing, and elbows are touching to the right as they touched

on the fields of conflict, and [they] are answering with unfalter-

ing courage the last challenge, and responding to the last roll-

call "Here!" as they responded so many years ago.

  The coming generations, inspired by their heroism and imbued

with their patriotism, will transmit "a government of the people,

by the people, and for the people," to all the ages.

                     Yours, very respectfully,

                                       ROBT. P. KENNEDY.



      Cincinnati, Ohio.

                   MOUNT VERNON, OHIO, January 31, 1893.

  DEAR CAPTAIN :-Severe indisposition will prevent me from

being present at the meeting  of the Ohio Commandery of the

Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, on to-

morrow evening, where Companions will naturally give expres-

sion to the grief caused by the decease of our late loved and

respected Companion, ex-President of the United States Ruther-

ford B. Hayes, and commemorate and do honor to the many

distinguished and valuable services rendered by him to our coun-

try.  The career of General Hayes as a private citizen, as a

legislator, and as Chief Magistrate of his State and of the United

States. all bear evidence of the sincerity of his convictions, and

his manliness in acting in accordance with them, while his in-

tegrity as a soldier reflected additional lustre on our arms.

  I am, with great respect, your Companion,

                                      GEORGE W. MORGAN.





                       ZANESVILLE, OHIO, January 28, 1893.

  MY DEAR SIR AND COMPANION :-It pains me to find that I can

not attend the meeting of Ohio Commandery, February I, and

hear the comrades tell their recollections of our dead comman-

der-in-Chief, Rutherford B. Hayes; but duty requires me at

work in court in one of our neighboring counties on the morn-

ing of February 2.

  Writing a friend who knew him and admired him for years, I

last week expressed my feelings thus:

  "The very sudden death of President Hayes came as a heavy

shock to me. From my college days I have admired him and

held him to be thoroughly manly, pure, honorable, brave, and

capable. Noble and good and great men have sat in our Presi-

dential chair, but no one nobler or better, and few greater than

he. It seems to me that time will make more plain how faithful,

capable, and useful he was in all the relations of life."

  I hope it will be possible for you to tell the Companions at

the meeting that one who is most unwillingly absent would so

speak of our great and good dead commander, if I could be with

you that night.             Very truly yours,

                                      MOSES M. GRANGER.


    Cincinnati, Ohio.



 Series of 1893.

            HEADQUARTERS, PHILADELPHIA, January 18, 1893.

  I. The Senior Vice-Commander-in-Chief in great sorrow an-

nounces the death on Tuesday, January 17, 1893, of Companion

Brevet Major-General RUTHERFORD B. HAYES, Commander-in-

Chief of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United


  II. To the Companions of the Order, who venerated him in

military and civil life, it is unnecessary to recite his career. It is

the history of the Republic.

             ACTION OF COMMANDERY-IN-CHIEF          231

  III. Appropriate action will be taken by the Commanderies

of the Order, and as a mark of respect, the colors will be draped

for three months.

  By command of

                   REAR ADMIRAL JOHN J. ALMY, U. S. N.,

                     Senior Vice-Commander-in-Chief,


                               JOHN P. NICHOLSON,

                       Brevet Lieutenant-Golonel U. S. V.,


                      IN MEMORIAM

  The committee to whom  was referred the preparation of a

minute commemorative of Companion ex-President Rutherford

B. Hayes, deceased, late Commander-in-Chief of this Military

Order, submitted the following:

  In commemoration of its deceased Commander-in-Chief the

Commandery-in-Chief recalls that in May, 1861, he wrote pri-

vately of himself "that this was a great and necessary war, and

that it demanded the best strength of the whole country; that I

would prefer to go into it, if I knew that I was to be killed in

the course of it, rather than to live through and after it without

taking any part in it."

  Upon being importuned to leave the field and canvass in his

own behalf a congressional district in which he had received a

nomination which was unsought and unwelcome, but if followed

up would probably result in his election, his reply was: "Your

suggestion was certainly made without reflection. An officer fit

for duty who at this crisis would abandon his post to electioneer

for Congress, ought to be scalped. You may feel perfectly sure

I shall do no such thing."  Being nevertheless elected, he did

not take his seat until the war was over. Grant's commendation

of his military service was that "his conduct on the field was

marked by conspicuous gallantry, as well as the display of higher

qualities than mere personal daring."


  At a later period, when it was obviously possible that he would

be nominated for President of the United States, in reply to a

friend who begged leave of him to labor to that end, he wrote:

"I am not pushing directly or indirectly. It is not likely that I

shall. If the sky falls we shall catch larks. On the topics you

name, a busy seeker after truth would find my views in speeches

and messages but I shall not help him find them. I appreciate your

motives and your friendship.  But it is not the thing for you and

me to enroll ourselves in the great army of office-seekers; let the

currents alone."  In the same connection, he wrote in his diary:

"I feel less diffidence in thinking of this subject than perhaps I

ought. It seems to me that good purpose and the judgment, ex-

perience, and firmness I possess would enable me to execute the

duties of the office well. I do not feel the least fear that I should


  In his letter of acceptance he announced: "Believing that the

restoration of the civil service to the system established by Wash-

ington, and followed by the early Presidents, can be best accom-

plished by an Executive who is under no temptation to use the

patronage of his office to secure his own reelection, I desire to

perform what I regard as a duty, in stating now my inflexible

purpose, if elected, not to be a candidate for election to a second


   In the contest following the election he wrote to the Hon. John

Sherman, his friend and representative in the Senate of the

United States:  "You feel, I am sure, as I do about this whole

business. A fair election would have given us about forty elec-

toral votes at the South-at least that many.  But we are not

to allow our friends to defeat one outrage and fraud by another.

There must be nothing crooked on our part. Let Mr. Tilden

have the place by violence, intimidation, and fraud, rather than

undertake to prevent it by means that will not bear the strictest


  And the words in his inaugural, "He serves his party best who

serves his country best," were the keynote maintained throughout

his Administration. At its close, returning to his neighbors in

             TRIBUTE OF COMMANDERY-IN-CHIEF          233

Fremont, he said: "The question is often heard, 'What is to be-

come of the man-what is he to do--who, having been Chief

Magistrate of the Republic, returns at the end of his official term

to private life?' It seems to me that the answer is near at hand

and sufficient: Let him, like every other good American citizen,

be willing and prompt to bear his part in every useful work that

will promote the happiness and the progress of his family, his

town, his State, and his country. With this disposition he will

have work enough to do, and that work of a sort which yields

more individual contentment and gratification than belong to the

more conspicuous employments of the life he has left behind."

  This was so emphasized by his remaining years that his face in

its coffin wore a look of ineffable peace; and the prayer with

which he was committed to his grave was pervaded with thanks-

giving for his life.

  This was the soldier, the President, the man, who reckoned

it becoming to himself to serve this Military Order, and who

served it faithfully and loved it well. The Order has been hon-

ored by that service, more even by his manhood than it has been

by the exalted station he associated with that service. His vir-

tues are its heritage, his affection for it is a lasting contribution

to its ties.

                      WAGER SWAYNE,

                             Brevet Major-General U.S.A.

                      LEWIS MERRILL,

                             Brevet Brigadier-General U.S.V.

                      ARNOLD A. RAND,

                             Colonel U.S.V.


                      IN MEMORIAM


  WHEREAS, In the death of the Commander-in-Chief of the Mil-

itary Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, this sacred

Companionship loses its most distinguished representative, the


Nation loses a preeminent citizen who had honored and been

honored by the foremost elective administrative and executive

position on the face of the earth, and the world loses a great and

a good man; it is fitting that the Commandery of the State of

Pennsylvania should express its loving regard  for his memory,

and its deliberate estimate of his high personal worth, and of his

important public services; therefore,

  Resolved, That in Rutherford Birchard Hayes we see a typical

American citizen and a typical volunteer Union soldier of the

war for the preservation of the nation's existence. Born in the

common walk of our American life, he rose by his industry, his

intellectual ability, and his personal character, to a position of

honor in our national Congress, to the governorship of his native

State, and to the Presidency of the United States. Volunteering

for the defense of the national government in the hour of its

peril, he won honor and did good service by conduct that Gen-

eral Grant characterized as "marked by conspicuous gallantry as

well as the display of qualities of a higher order than mere per-

sonal daring"; and this while he had none of the advantages of an

early military education. And when the war was over, and he

had served his term as President, he deemed it a privilege and

an honor to walk with the humblest private soldier in the ranks

of the Grand Army of the Republic along the main avenue of our

national capital, which his devoted patriotism had aided to save,

and which his simplicity and purity of personal worth had given

added grace to, when he passed from Capitol to White House as

the nation's President.

  Resolved, That we honor the memory of him whom we mourn

because of his stainless personal record, and of his unflinching

fidelity to duty in every position which he was called to occupy;

because of his high courage on the field of physical battle, and

of his higher courage in the moral field of conflict, by putting

country above party in an honest effort to perfect by fraternal

feeling that peace between conflicting sections which had been

won by the sword; and we bear love for his memory because of

             PENNSYLVANIA COMMANDERY          235

the warm heart that endeared him to every soldier or citizen who

knew him as he was.

                 LEWIS MERRILL,

                        Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. V.

                 JAMES M. FORSYTH,

                        Commander U. S. Navy.

                  SAMUEL BELL,

                        Brevet Lieut-Colonel U.S.V.

                 EDWIN N. BENSON,

                 WILLIAM MCCONWAY,

                        2d Lieutenant 102 Penna. Infantry.

                 H. CLAY TRUMBULL,

                        Chaplain  10th Conn. Infantry.


                      IN MEMORIAM


  The Board of Officers of the New York Commandery of the

Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, shar-

ing in the sorrow of the whole Order on the announcement of

the sudden death of its Commander-in-Chief, Brevet Major-Gen-

eral Rutherford B. Hayes, of Ohio, late President of the United

States, having assembled in special meeting, deem it proper at

this time to record their sense of his worth.

  Entering the service of his country on the 7th day of June,

1861, as major of the Twenty-third Regiment of Ohio Volunteers,

General Hayes served with distinguished ability until the close

of the War of the Rebellion, rising to the rank of brigadier-

general, and receiving a well-merited brevet of major-general "for

gallant and distinguished services during the campaign of 1864 in

West Virginia, and particularly at the battles of Fisher's Hill and

Cedar Creek, Virginia."

  The people of his own State three times testified their appre-

ciation of his worth as a citizen and his virtues as a man by elect-

ing him their governor, and the people of the whole United


States affirmed their judgment by electing him to the highest of-

fice in their gift. Never has his earnestness of purpose, rectitude

of intention, fidelty to duty, loyalty, courage, or patriotism been

questioned. His unstained record is the proudest inheritance he

could have left to his children. As his companions in arms and

in our Order, we share in their pride in his life, and more than

others realize the loss they and the country have suffered by his


  Resolved, That we offer to the family of our deceased Com-

panion the tender sympathy of this Commandery in their sorrow.

  Resolved, That this minute be spread upon the records of this

Board, and that the Recorder transmit an official copy thereof

to the family of General Hayes.

                    WAGER SWAYNE,

                           Brevet  Major-General  U.S.A.


                    CHARLES N. SWIFT,

                          Brevet Lieut.-Colonel U.S. Vols.


                      IN MEMORIAM


  The Commandery of the State of Maine, Military Order of

the Loyal Legion of the United States, in all honor and affection

adds its leaf of memory to the many tributes which his attached

companions and grateful countrymen have placed upon the grave

of Rutherford Birchard Hayes, Brevet Major-General and Com-

mander-in-Chief of the Order, who died January 17, 1893.

  His record as a soldier is honorable and without stain. He

responded promptly to the call of his country, served her faith-

fully and well, and sheathed his sword only when the war

was ended, although months before he could have exchanged,

without the slightest impeachment of his honor, the military serv-

ice for the post of civic usefulness to which he had been elected.

  The record of his civic services is long and illustrious  ..

             NEW YORK AND MAINE COMMANDERIES          237

The recital of his illustrious services is eloquent eulogy: sol-

dier, statesman, patriot, companion, and citizen, in every capacity

he was faithful and loyal, and merited well of his countrymen,

not only for duty rightly done in their behalf, but for the noble

example of American manhood he gave to the world.  Under the

guidance of principle and patriotic devotion, he steadfastly trod

the path of duty with firm and assured step, without halting or

swerving; and therefore history will hold for him the growing

fame which attends the memory of the true and just.

  The Loyal Legion reciprocates with full hearts the great love

and honor in which he held the Order, and will bear in grateful

remembrance the distinguished services which he took pride in

rendering it.

  The closing words of his address at the celebration of the

twenty-fifth anniversary of the founding of the Order give the

keynote of his character as a statesman and patriot, and deserve

to be remembered by his countrymen and companions as the ut-

terance of one whose deeds illustrate his precepts:-

  "Let the American people - and especially let all who stood by

Lincoln on the perilous edge of battle in support of the rights of

human nature--remain steadfastly true to the ideas and the

thoughts for which they fought in the great war, and we shall

then do all that in us lies to link the destiny of our country to

the stars and to entitle her institutions to share in that immor-

tality which, under the allotment of Providence in the affairs of

nations, belongs only to eternal justice in the dealings of man

with his fellow man."

                           SELDEN CONNOR,

                                 Brigadier-General U.S.V.

                           WM. B. LAMPHAM,

                                 Brevet Major U. S. V.

                           SAMUEL W. LANE,

                                  Captain  U.S.V.



                      IN MEMORIAM


  The Board of Officers sorrowfully announces to the Com-

mandery the death, on January 17, 1893, at his home in Fremont,

Ohio, of General Rutherford B. Hayes, Commander-in-Chief of

the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States,

and presents tender tribute to his memory.

  The whole Order mourns his loss, and its draped banners tell

not only of official grief, but testify the tenderness and affection

of many a heart.

  The death of General Hayes brings vividly before us the de-

voted service, the virtues and many excellent traits of his char-

acter-his sturdy early life, his successful practice at the bar,

his foresight of and preparation for the conflict which he felt to

be inevitable, his early entry into service as major of the Twenty-

third Ohio Volunteers, his faithful performance of every duty,

until with well-merited promotion, he was appointed to the rank of

brigadier-general, with brevet of major-general of volunteers,

for "gallant and distinguished services during the campaign of

1864 in West Virginia, and particularly at the battles of Fisher's

Hill and Cedar Creek, Virginia."

  His fame with us, as a military organization, will not alone

rest upon his military record, and while his memory will be

honored as that of a gallant soldier, he will be remembered by all

who had personal or official intercourse with him for his unselfish

devotion to duty, his sweetness of temper and purity of life, his

tenderness of heart, and his philanthropic instincts.

  As President of the United States he knew full well the dan-

gers of politics and the difficulties of statesmanship, and with

record unstained by the contaminations of the one, and dig-

nified by the successes of an Administration which brought to

the country a new era of peace and good will, he served the na-

tion without fear, and returned to private life without reproach.

  Impartial history will write his name high upon the temple of

fame as one who served his country faithfully in a great crisis

-to whom the fates decreed self-denying duty -who served his

God and loved his fellow men.

             MASSACHUSETTS AND CALIFORNIA          239

  To the Loyal Legion General Hayes has been a most devoted

officer, and this Commandery might well repeat in tribute to his

memory the touching words and tender phrases which he pro-

nounced before it in praise of another- mourning his loss as

one who has led us faithfully, guiding to higher, more lofty pa-

triotism - earnest in all labor, wise in all council, pure in mo-

tive and in life, an ideal commander, a typical American.

                  THOMAS SHERWIN,

                        Brevet Brigadier-General U  S.  . 

                  ARNOLD A. RAND,

                        Colonel U.S.V.


                      IN MEMORIAM


  Rutherford Birchard Hayes, Brevet Major-General of Volun-

teers, ex-President of the United States, and Commander-in-

Chief of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United

States, died at his home in Fremont, Ohio, on Tuesday, January

17, 1893.

  His record is a part of the history of our country; in what-

ever position he was placed he did his full duty; he was a gallant

soldier, a statesman who considered only the interest of his coun-

try, a man of the purest character, upon whose name no blemish


  He always took the most active interest in the Loyal Legion,

and never missed a meeting of his Commandery or of the Com-


  The country and our Order cannot well spare such a noble


  We extend to the Commandery of Ohio our sympathy in the

loss of a well-beloved Companion, and with a heart full of sorrow

we give our sincere condolence to the bereaved family of our de-

ceased Companion.

                     W. R. SMEDBERG,

                           Brevet Lieut.-Colonel U.S.A.,



                      IN MEMORIAM


  General R. B. Hayes, the Commander-in-Chief of the Loyal

Legion of the United States, is dead. It is therefore eminently

fitting that this Commandery should briefly express its apprecia-

tion of the life and character of the distinguished soldier and citi-

zen who reflected honor upon our Order by his official relation to


  In many respects General Hayes is worthy of the highest ad-

miration and praise. As a lawyer he was not astute to make the

worse appear the better reason; as a statesman he was not elo-

quent to command the applause of listening senates; as a soldier

he was not a military genius to plan and win great campaigns and

bring the world to his feet; but, as both citizen and soldier, no

man has excelled him in the faithful and intelligent discharge of

his duty to his country, to his fellow men, and to his Creator.

  Before the war General Hayes was a close and careful legal

practitioner. When Sumter was fired upon he did not hesitate a

moment, but laid aside his briefs and his books and immediately

volunteered. During the war he rose from captain to major-

general on his merits alone. After the war, in places of the

highest public trust, he discharged the functions of office so faith-

fully that even his enemies said "well done." His entire life

showed him to be a truly great man, in that he had great fixed

principles around which his whole life revolved.

  He had a loyalty to his country, a fixedness of purpose, a

broadness of view, and a simplicity of life which lifted him above

ordinary men. When commanding his troops in the field it was

suggested to him that he better get a furlough and go home to

promote his political prospects. He promptly replied that any

man who would leave the field under such circumstances for such

a purpose ought to be scalped. When selected for the Presidency

of this great nation, with a lofty patriotism and a wise and ex-

alted statesmanship, he declared that he would not be a candidate

for reelection, and conscientiously kept his word. When as

President he was urged by party leaders to take a course which

would result in injury to our currency and our credit, he clearly

             WISCONSIN COMMANDERY'S TRIBUTE          241

foresaw the consequent evils and courteously but firmly insisted

that the Government should keep its money sound and its plighted

faith unsullied.

  After filling the highest official place, he retired to his quiet

country home to actively devote his ability and experience to the

public good wherever the way opened before him, whether it was

in mending public highways, or on national boards of charities

and reform, or in the administration of immense benevolences.

  General Hayes as a professional man was high-minded and

honorable. As a soldier he was brave and thoroughly devoted to

his country's service. As a public official no man, however dis-

tinguished, ever left a cleaner record behind him. As a citizen

no one has been more public-spirited or a better example to this

place-seeking, gold-hunting age. As a Christian gentleman, as a

model husband of a model wife, and as a faithful father, no

words of commendation can be overdrawn.  When such a life

has gone out from among us, we honor ourselves in honoring the

man who lived it.

                            JOSEPH V. QUARLES,

                            CHARLES H. Ross,

                            GEORGE F. SUTHERLAND,

                            CHARLES H. ANSON,

                            FREDERICK C. WINKLER,


                      IN MEMORIAM


  On the evening of January 17, 1893, the Commander-in-Chief

of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States,

Brevet Major-General Rutherford B. Hayes, at his home in Fre-

mont, Ohio, passed from the life which now is to that which

awaits us all beyond the grave. As Companions of that Order,

and a part of the survivors of those who fought to maintain the

integrity of the Union and the authority of its Government during

the great civil war, we desire to express our deep sorrow at the

loss of our honored and beloved commander, and our apprecia-



tion of his personal bravery as a soldier, and his eminent skill

and dauntless courage as a commander of men on fields of battle,

where it was only by the exercise of such qualities that victories

were won which saved our common country from destruction.

He fully possessed all those elements of character, which, if they

did not excite wild enthusiasm, certainly did attract and retain

the esteem and absolute confidence of those placed under his

command.    They knew that he not only shared with them all the

hardships and dangers of a soldier's life, but that he was as ready

as any of them to die, if need be, that the government of a free

and united people might live. . . .  Though often wounded,

as soon as strength was regained he returned to the fields of

strife, and only retired when the last armed foe had surrendered

to the reestablished authority of the lawful government.           He

fought a good fight and was literally "without fear and without


  It is not inappropriate to refer to the distinguished services of

our late Commander in the civil branch of the Government . ..

He was called to the discharge of the highest executive duties

by his State and the Nation during the formative and reconstruc-

tive period after the war, when the passions of men were greatly

stirred and momentous issues divided the allegiance of his own

party and excited the bitterest hostility of its opponents.  It is

doubtful if the country yet appreciates what it owes to the fact

that its executive authority was then in the hands of a man who

thoroughly believed that public office is a trust for the whole

people, who was without ambition of reelection, of great cool-

ness of temper, of high moral convictions, and of dauntless cour-

age in the assertion and maintenance of them; all resting upon a

private life so pure and free from blemish that hostile criticism

found no place for lodgment.

  We cannot express our estimate of the life and character of

our late Commander in more just terms than in the language of

another Companion, now the President, who has just proclaimed

to the people of the United States: "He was a patriotic citizen,

a lover of the flag and of our free institutions, an industrious

and conscientious civil officer, a soldier of dauntless courage, a

             ILLINOIS COMMANDERY'S MINUTE          243

loyal comrade and friend, a sympathetic and faithful neighbor,

and the honored head of a happy Christian home."

                         JOSEPH B. LEAKE,

                         JOHN MASON LOOMIS,

                         ARTHUR C. DUCAT,

                         ISRAEL N. STILES,

                         JOHN E. SMITH,

                         WALTER Q. GRESHAM,

                         GEORGE L. PADDOCK,


                     IN MEMORIAM


  Tlie committee appointed to formulate resolutions expressive

of our feelings upon the death of our Commander-in-Chief, re-

spectfully report the following:

  Resolved, That we formally express a profound sense of our

bereavement in having lost by death our eminent Commander-

in-Chief; a soldier, brave on the field of battle and true in the

performance of his duty; a citizen of proved and unblemished

integrity; a Companion and comrade, wise as a counsellor; and

a man, faithful as a friend.

  Resolved, That by his death we but the more fully appreciate

the many excellences of his character, his varied attainments,

the soundness of his judgment, the evidence of his philanthropy,

the purity of his motives, and the distinguished ability and suc-

cess with which he filled many important offices -including that

of President of the United States, the highest in the gift of the

American people.

  Resolved, That official copies of these resolutions be trans-

mitted by the Recorder to the family of the deceased and to the

headquarters of the Order.

                            THOMAS WILSON,

                            HENRY E. ALVORD,

                           JOSEPH S. FULLERTON,



                      IN MEMORIAM


  The splendid leaders, who something more than a quarter

of a century ago won for themselves fame and distinction upon

the battle-fields of their country, and for their nation an imper-

ishable heritage of renown, are fast passing away.

  The soldiers of the Union, under whose banners the greatest

armies of the world's history went from conflict to conflict, and

from conquest to conquest, and before whose triumphant legions

the hosts of rebellion and disunion fell as the grain falls before

the reaper, are being summoned, one by one, by the Omnipotent

Commander-in-Chief to join the victorious  battalions of their

faithful comrades, who have passed the final reviewing-stand,

and over the great river into the peaceful camps beyond.

   What shall we say of this splendid soldier who has just been

"mustered out" of earthly service?

  What a splendid life-work he has left as an heritage for those

who are to come after! How full of good deeds are the years

which were allotted him on earth!

  His works and charities enrich and ennoble his memory, and he

has left behind him a wealth of good deeds more priceless than

worldly riches.

  Rutherford B. Hayes was one of nature's noblemen. Unas-

suming, he yet possessed the courage of strong convictions, and

was ever ready to defend his opinions and judgment to the last.

  That he was a courageous soldier, not one of those who knew

him will for a moment doubt.

  With an earnest reliance upon a Divine Power he was free

from hypocrisy and pretension.

  He went to the battle-field like one of the knights of old, ap-

parently without fear, and with an esprit that inspired his com-

rades with his own courage, and won the admiration of every

soldier who saw or knew him.

  While he seemed to be reckless in the exposure of his own per-

son and forgetful of his own safety, he had the most solicitous

care for the soldiers whose lives were entrusted to his keeping,

             OHIO COMMANDERY'S EULOGY          245

and he guarded with the greatest devotion those who were subject

to his command.

  Every battle-field which saw his presence witnessed his devo-

tion. Every contest testified to his intrepid valor, whether lead-

ing the splendid regiment with which his name is and will be

forever associated, or in wider fields, gathering the renown which

his patriotism, courage, and ability won from the willing hearts

of his countrymen.

  That he was an enthusiast in behalf of the country and the flag

he so dearly loved, and a patriot filled with the spirit of loyalty

and devotion, no one who remembers his early history in the war

can question.

  Leaving his home at the first call to arms, he refused the most

seductive and tempting offers to return to private life, and re-

mained to see the gigantic rebellion crushed, and the flag of his

country everywhere honored and respected.

  True in his friendships and lasting in his devotion to his old

comrades,  he never  forgot a friend, nor  failed to remem-

ber the sacrifices they had made. And those who had served with

or under him always found him the same generous, manly, and

kind-hearted companion.

  His devotion to his old companions in arms was earnest and


  He stood by the dead form of his old commander, Major-

General George Crook, and gave testimony, in tears, to his ten-

derness of heart, and bowed his head in loving admiration of

the soldier who had filled all hearts with his gentleness, and the

country with his fame and glory.

  He followed with uncovered head and reverent love the sol-

dier's bier, no matter whether it contained the great leader or

the private soldier; to him they were alike- companions in arms.

  The political preferments which came to him at the hands of

his countrymen did not spoil him nor destroy his usefulness and

sincerity; but from every position to which he was elevated by the

suffrages of the people, he came with a self-consciousness of

having performed his duty ably, honestly, and faithfully; and

after generations will do him the justice to recognize him as one


of the wisest and best of the nation's great leaders in the most

trying hours of national reorganization.

  His judgment was just, and his aims pure; and he put his hand

to every undertaking with the firm resolve to perform his part

with an unshaken confidence in the final triumph of honesty and


  In private life he was no less distinguished than he was while

occupying positions of great public confidence and trust, and his

endless charities and self-sacrificing devotion to the welfare of

the more unfortunate of his fellow men, are but further proofs

of the greatness of his heart and the finer instincts of his nature.

  In his home life he was the kind-hearted and indulgent father,

and the most devoted of husbands.

  There is not in all the land a more beautiful domestic story

than that which tells of the love and tenderness of Rutherford

B. Hayes and his noble and devoted wife.

  The most touching incident connected with his death was that

moment when, informed by his physician that his life was fast

going out, he said, with an evident sense of relief in being freed

from life and care, and with an abundant hope and faith in the

hereafter, "I know that I shall soon be where Lucy is," and then

his spirit winged its eternal flight and joined the loved ones on

the other shore.

  The country has lost one of its great statesmen and one of its

most faithful defenders.

  His old army comrades have lost a brave commander, an

honorable associate, and a wise counsellor.

  The Loyal Legion one of its most devoted and beloved Com-


  And as citizens we have, each and all, lost a devoted com-

rade, a true and faithful friend.

  That which remains for us to cherish is the memory of this

clean-handed, mild-mannered, clear-minded, noble-hearted pa-

triot, statesman, and philanthropist -

            "A combination and a form, indeed,

             Where every god did seem to set his seal,

             To give the world assurance of a man."

             MICHIGAN COMMANDERY'S MINUTE          247

           "Rich in saving common sense,

            And, as the greatest only are,

            In his simplicity, sublime."

                             WILLIAM MCKINLEY, JR.,

                             ROBERT P. KENNEDY,

                             MOSES M. GRANGER,


                      IN MEMORIAM


  The Michigan Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal

Legion records its deep sense of loss in the death of the dis-

tinguished Commander-in-Chief of the Order, General R. B.

Hayes. It is a loss great in itself and saddening in the force

with which it brings home to our minds the rapid departure of

the men foremost in the late war and foremost in our member-

ship. Each Commander-in-Chief of the Loyal Legion has served

until removed by death.

  General Hayes's life was distinguished for service.  He gave

devoted service to his family, to his country, to his fellow men, to

his God. His patriotism, ability, conscientiousness, and high

standard of honor made his service not only of great value in its

time, but exalts it as an example to be emulated and a memory to

be cherished.

  His career need not be recounted here.  It is known to the

whole country and adds to the glowing illustrations of American

manhood and American possibilities.

  General Hayes's motto seems to have been "I serve," and in

the difficult part of ex-President of this country it led him to

seek paths of usefulness to humanity rather than a life of idle


  The Loyal Legion will not only recall with pride General

Hayes's chief place in its membership, but it will delight in his

many gracious words to and of the Order. The best enunciation

of the purpose and character of the Loyal Legion is to be found


in his speeches, and they can always be drawn upon for all-suf-

ficient reasons for the existence of the Order.

                             W. H. WITHINGTON,

                             R. A. ALGER,

                             I. C. SMITH,

                             O. M. POE,

                             F. W. SWIFT,

                             SAMUEL E. PITMAN,


                      IN MEMORIAM


  The death of General Rutherford B. Hayes, Commander-in-

Chief of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United

States and nineteenth President of the United States, has filled all

our hearts with sadness, and led all members of our Order to

bow their heads in grief and tears.

  He was born in Delaware, Ohio, October 4, 1822, and died

at Fremont, Ohio, January 17, 1893.

  His life has been one of sincere devotion to the welfare of

his fellow men, and of earnest work in the broadest fields of

usefulness, with the greatest self-abnegation and as high achieve-

ments as it has been permitted any man to attain, with the ex-

ception, possibly, of the first President of the Republic.

  In his efforts to promote the welfare of his fellow men, he

sought and performed the hardest service, where his personal

peril was the greatest, and exposure and hardships were un-

avoidable.  No public honors, none of the allurements of political

life, no services that might be rendered the State in secure retreats

in time of war, had any such influence as tended in the least to

draw him from that higher and more perilous service required by

his country, to resist and overthrow armies organized for her de-

struction. He was carried by the instincts and impulses of his

nature away from all civic honors into the military service and

to the field of battle at the first dawn of war. He graced and

adorned every position and every rank held by him, from major,

             MINNESOTA COMMANDERY'S EULOGY          249

in 1861, to that of major-general in 1864, and rendered most

gallant, conspicuous, and valuable services on many fields of

battle.  In leading a charge with his regiment and carrying the

enemy's position and holding the same although severely wounded

at South Mountain in 1862; in moving a portion of his com-

mand in a manner to check the raid of the Rebel General

Morgan in Ohio in 1863, and forcing the surrender of a por-

tion of that force; in successfully storming the position of

the enemy at Cloyd's Mountain in 1864, at the head of a small

force; in conducting the retreat of the defeated assaulting

column at Winchester in July, 1864, without disaster; in leading

the assault across what was considered an impassable morass

upon a Rebel battery, with a small detachment of forty men, and

capturing the same at the second battle of Winchester; in his

successful pursuit and capture of men and material of General

Early's command at Fisher's Hill in September, 1864; and in out-

manoeuvring and defeating the enemy in his front at Cedar

Creek in October, 1864, he not only demonstrated his deep de-

votion to his country in her hour of peril, and his readiness to

sacrifice his own life for the happiness and welfare of others, but

also demonstrated the possession of the highest soldierly instincts

and qualities, and an unflinching determination to preserve and

perpetuate the constitutional government established for us by

our fathers.

  Immediately upon the defeat of the Rebel armies and the res-

toration of the authority of the Government, he flew from the

field to the forum and took an active and prominent part in the

adjustment of all those intricate and difficult public questions

evolved by and growing out of the war; in demanding the res-

toration of the rebellious States by their old territorial lines

and organizations to the Union; in standing everywhere and

always for the sacred character of the public debt contracted

in the conduct of the war, and insisting that it must be paid in

money that is legal tender in all nations; in demanding that

discharged Federal soldiers in the seceded States, without regard

to color, must have at least all the rights, legal and civil, that had

been conferred by the proclamation of President Johnson upon

the paroled soldiers of the Rebel armies; in working out the re-


sumption of specie payment at the earliest time practicable after

the close of the war; in efforts, marked and able, to secure a free

ballot and fair count at all elections, and an improved and honest

civil service; in recommendations and measures to establish the

national credit upon foundations immutable and everlasting;

in taking the first steps and adopting the first policies, even to

tendering a cabinet position to prominent officers of the Rebel

armies and appointing one to that position, to restore fraternal

feeling between the loyal and disloyal States and their respec-

tive inhabitants, and thereby laboring to secure the quiet and pro-

tection of the negro race in the South, and securing to that weak

and defenceless race during his Administration a quiet and pro-

tection not before enjoyed, after the war; and in the general

administration of the office of President, with a purity and

patriotism unexcelled, he exhibited the highest qualities of states-

manship and showed himself to be more a tribune of the people

than the vigorous, dashing leader of any party.

  Considering his services and achievements, military and civil,

and his labors since the close of his official career to ameliorate

the condition of the criminal and unfortunate classes throughout

the land, we must conclude that he stands second to no statesman

or philanthropist of any age; and in the sombre and subdued light

that surrounds his tomb we discern, more clearly than in the noon-

tide splendor of his life, those high moral traits and aims which

prompted all his acts, and the zeal and ability devoted to their

development and establishment, that vastly surpass those of com-

mon men, as well as those of most of the leaders of his time, and

in comparison with which the glory of party leaders simply,

however bright, pales and fades away; and the election of such

a man by the common acclaim of his countrymen to the seat that

had been filled by Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Jack-

son, Lincoln, and Grant, demonstrates as well their clear discern-

ment of his real merit and character as the patriotism and high

qualifications of this illustrious soldier and citizen for the exalted


  Resolved, That in the death of our Commander-in-Chief the

Order has lost one of its most illustrious members, distinguished

for his military services not less than for his high civic career;

             OREGON COMMANDERY'S MINUTE          251

the Nation one of its purest statesmen; the world a devoted

philanthropist and one of its wisest men.

  Resolved, That this Commandery tender the sympathy and con-

dolence of all our members to all other Commanderies of our

Order in this common bereavement, and that each member will

wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days.

  Resolved, That this Commandery tender to the relatives and

friends of the deceased our deepest sympathies in their affliction.

  Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be forwarded to

each member of the family of the deceased, and to each Com-

mandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United


                            ALEX RAMSEY,

                             JOHN B. SANBORN,

                             J. W. BISHOP,

                             EDWIN C. MASON,

                             C. B. HEFFELFINGER,


                      IN MEMORIAM


  Whereas, The life, character and public services of Ruther-

ford B. Hayes typify the highest ideal of American manhood,

Christian living, and exalted statesmanship, illustrating the senti-

ment that to be great and good is to have the homage and admi-

ration of the American people, and dying, leave a name as well

as fame worthy the emulation of those who come after; and

  Whereas, After he had adorned the highest position in the

power of the American people to give, and stood in first place in

the hearts of his countrymen, he honored the Military Order of

the Loyal Legion of the United States, in which he with us was

a Companion, by accepting and acting as Commander-in-Chief of

that organization; thus adding the lustre of his good name promi-

nently to the illustrious record of names whose military service

in the time of the nation's greatest peril not only entitles them

to membership with the association, but also to the gratitude

and esteem of every loyal citizen; therefore be it


  Resolved, By the Commandery of the State of Oregon, that in

the death of Rutherford B. Hayes, Commander-in-Chief of the

Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, the

country to which he belonged has lost one of its purest, best, and

most illustrious citizens, good citizenship one of its most exem-

plary members, and this organization a Companion in whom

every Companion felt a just pride, and to whose life, character,

and services we point as an example for the emulation of the

youth of our land, conscious that the name Rutherford B. Hayes

will stand enshrined in the hearts of our people and in the his-

tory of our times as one of the noblest products of free

American institutions.

                            JOHN W. FRENCH,

                            JOHN H. WOODWARD,

                            STEPHEN R. HARRINGTON,


                     IN MEMORIAM


  The members of the Loyal Legion of the Commandery of

Missouri, in common with their brethren throughout the United

States, have heard with profound sorrow of the death of their

Commander-in-Chief, General and ex-President Rutherford

Birchard Hayes.

  Distinguished alike in his military and civil career, he has left

to his country, to his comrades, and to posterity a character which

all men will delight to honor, and the influence of which will

deepen and broaden as time rolls on. His contemporaries and es-

pecially his companions in arms can feel a just pride in knowing

that the history of our country, already luminous with great lives,

will gain additional lustre in bearing upon its pages the record of

a citizen whose ambitions and achievements were always con-

spicuously blended with public and private virtue.

  Men upon whom devolve the responsibility of legislation and

the administration of public affairs will take courage in the as-

surance here presented, that the American people love and

venerate a statesmanship which pursues the ways of wisdom and

             MISSOURI COMMANDERY'S EULOGY          253

patriotism undismayed by madding strife and untempted by sel-

fish greed.  Women from whose maternal purity posterity must

draw all that is beneficent and uplifting in the civilization of the

future, will gather inspiration from the reverence which a great

people has paid to the sweetness of life and the noble dignity

that characterized the wife of our departed friend.

  No braver soldier than Rutherford B. Hayes ever drew sword

in a just cause, and none ever sheathed it more gladly in the hour

of triumph. While the fight was on, he was the incarnated

energy of war, always in the front of battle, unwearied and un-

dismayed. When it was over, he was foremost to assuage the

bitterness of defeat, and to rekindle the fires of fraternal love for

a reunited country.

  It was a fitting complement to his services as a soldier that

the great State of Ohio, rich in illustrious sons, thrice elected

him to the highest office within her gift. His administration of

public affairs as governor of his State needs no encomium other

than the recital of these exceptional and distinguished honors.

Succeeding in 1877 to the august office of President of the United

States, after a political conflict of unparalleled fierceness and one

that was fraught with great public peril, he assumed the duties

of Chief Executive under circumstances that were well calcu-

lated to daunt a spirit less serene and self-poised.  His services

as President  are a part of the history of our country.  The

period of his Administration was one of grave political and eco-

nomical problems in the solution of which there was but little

guidance from the lamp of past experience. Whatever opinions

may be held as to the political tenets of President Hayes, or as to

his wisdom in solving the complex questions of that day, the

American people with undivided voice will bear grateful testi-

mony to his purity of life, his integrity of purpose, magnanimity

of conduct, and his patriotic zeal in the creation of a new era of

national brotherhood, in which the bitterness of the past would

be swallowed up, and upon which the new citizenship that was

born of the war would be all-embracing and ever-abiding.

  Retiring to the walks of private life, his subsequent years were

characterized by a dignity of bearing, a genial suavity, and a

gentleness of temper that made him a favorite in every circle,


and nowhere more welcome than to the society of his well-beloved

comrades of the war.

  The Loyal Legion of the United States paid him the highest

honor of their Order by a unanimous election as Commander-

in-Chief to succeed the lamented Sheridan. His presence, which

has so often graced its gatherings, will be seen no more.

  His fervid eloquence, which has so often rekindled the old

fires, is forever hushed. But his intelligence, so broad, so wise,

so strong, and so pure, will remain a living influence to the youth

of our land, instructive and inspiring.

  Be it Resolved, That this memorial be placed upon the records

of the Commandery, and that a duly authenticated copy of the

same be transmitted to the family of the deceased with the tender

sympathies of the Companions of the Order.

             NELSON COLE,

                         Junior Vice-Commander-in-Chief,

             JAMES F. How,

                          of the Army of the Tennessee.

              S. H. FORDYCE,

                          of the Army of the Cumberland.

             FRANK R. RICE,

                          of the Army of the Potomac.

             M. S. STUYVESANT,

                         of the U. S. Navy.

             W. H. POWELL,

                         of the Army of West Virginia.


                      IN MEMORIAM


  The Commandery of Nebraska, of the Military Order of the

Loyal Legion, has official information of the recent death of its

distinguished and beloved Commander-in-Chief, General Ruth-

erford Birchard Hayes; therefore,

  Resolved, That we unite with the sorrowing Companions of

the entire Order in expressing a grief that is poignant and

without consolation.

             NEBRASKA COMMANDERY'S MINUTE          255

  We do not offer worship at the shrine of greatness, measured

by the world's judgment; but we come with lamentations over

the loss to our Companionship of a valiant soldier, a pure citizen,

and a shining type of American manhood.

  A Christian without a creed, a philanthropist without preten-

sion, benevolent without ostentation, and of conspicuous charity

to all, his nobility of character was emphasized in valorous deeds

of war, in magnanimous  deeds of peace, and in that exalted

heroism which "suffers and is silent."

  Loving and cherishing the memory of his estimable private

virtues and his eminent public worth, we bow in reverent and

sorrowing submission to this dispensation of the Great Ruler of

all destinies - the God of our faith.

  To the family, mourning for him whom  they loved, and in

whom they trusted without measure, we tender in their great be-

reavement our deep sympathy and earnest condolence.

  Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon the minutes

of the Commandery, and that an engrossed copy be sent to the

family of the deceased.

                            JOSEPH W. PADDOCK,

                            MICHAEL V. SIIERIDAN,

                            THADDEUS S. CLARKSON,


                     IN MEMORIAM


  Companions in an Order founded upon the rock of country-

love, and embodying that exalted patriotism which cherishes the

motto that "it is sweet to die for one's country," we have been

summoned to consider a central and eternal fact, that God rules

in the affairs of man. Our ranks and battalions are broken, and

melt away as He chooses to recruit from the earth to multiply

and marshal the hosts of eternity. The fleeting existence of man

here is lost in the immovable will of God; and the deeds of time

must stand ready to yield to the decrees of Omnipotence, which

often come through thick darkness in the hands of an unseen


messenger. When least expected the gates of futurity are swung

back to let in some one most cherished by his associates, most

needed by his kind.

   Our Companion, our countryman, our trusted friend and Com-

mander-in-Chief, Rutherford Birchard Hayes, was thus sum-

moned, and before we could feel the coming event he passed

through, and the gates were closed behind him.

   In common with the Companions of the Loyal Legion in our

whole country, we now come together clothed in the sanctity of a

great grief, to coin, as best we may in words, a tribute of respect

and affection to the memory of our late Companion and Com-

mander.  We  recognize that the name of Rutherford Birchard

Hayes requires no expression of homage, no marble to mark his

couch of lasting earthly sleep, to perpetuate its memory. For al-

most a third of a century, from April 15, 1861, when he put on

the royal robes of American citizenship, the uniform of a volun-

teer soldier, to January 17, 1893, the day of his death, his

name was woven into the grand fabric of our nation's his-

tory, a continuous thread of gold, not more brilliant as a general

in war than attractive as the Governor of his State and the Presi-

dent of his country in peace; and in neither of these does it shine

more brightly than in his daily walk as a pure, upright man. In-

deed, it may be truthfully said that his fearless gallantry and

intrepid coolness in commanding an army upon the field of battle,

or his equally unselfish and dispassionate administration of the

affairs of his State and Nation as Governor and President, were

not more grand in themselves, more valuable for the honor of his

country and the emulation of his kind, than the even tenor of his

simple, pure, and faithful private life, which was a sublime illus-

tration of possibilities and accomplishments in a government

where the citizen is the sovereign, and the subject the ruler of

his country.

  Could the life and character of Rutherford Birchard Hayes as

a private citizen be made the accepted model of men in our

cherished country, then would the problem of representative re-

publican government be solved, and the American Union be per-

petuated as long as the loom of time continues to weave months

and years into centuries.

             KANSAS COMMANDERY'S EULOGY          257

  The simple, unostentatious elements of a true manhood were

the source and the substance of his towering grandeur as a soldier

and statesman. He never sought to pluck fruit from the tree

of political cunning, nor to disguise his acts in the specious robes

of deceit. He always moved direct and fearlessly along the path

of a well matured judgment and deeply inwrought conviction.

Hence he was not popular when the incumbent of civil trusts, but

gathered public confidence and favor as soon as he left them to

the test of time and the unprejudiced judgment of men; and it is

safe to predict that the student of coming generations will turn

back the pages of history in vain for a page more brightly illum-

inated than the one whereon the public administration of Ruther-

ford Birchard Hayes will be recorded.

  Those who knew him best will never recall one expression of

uncharity, one declaration of envy or passion. He stood at all

times the defender of the assailed, turning a deaf ear to the un-

generous criticism of men, as if believing everything false which

ought not to be true. This was particularly true of him in his

feelings toward those who had borne arms for their country with

him. As an illustration of this characteristic, and as a lesson for

the careful study of us all, it may be well to recall an incident re-

lated by him in an informal talk made to his own commandery

some four years ago, and only made public since his death.

  General Sheridan, in his history of the world-renowned Shen-

andoah campaign, relates that when riding through our shattered

forces to gather them up and assume command, there arose out

of a hollow before him a line consisting entirely of officers of

Crook's army and of color-bearers. The army had been stam-

peded in the morning, but this singular group was not panic-

stricken. In Sheridan's own words: "These officers seemed to

rise up from the ground, one of whom was Colonel R. B. Hayes,

since President of the United States." The reader is left to un-

derstand that there were no privates, no army, nothing but of-

ficers and color-bearers.

  In correcting this error of history General Hayes said: "The

fact is that in the hollow, just in the rear, was a line of men, a

thousand or twelve hundred probably, and they had thrown up a

little barricade and were lying behind it. He came up and saw



these officers and did not see the men, or seems not to have

seen them; but I had no idea at the time that he did not see the

private soldiers in that line, but he now tells that singular story

of a line of officers, a line of color-bearers, and no force."

  He made the correction of this error the occasion for drawing

a moral at once characteristic of himself and valuable to us all.

He said: "I do not, of course, mention this by way of criticism.

It only shows that the wisest, best, and bravest men cannot see all

that occurs in a battle, and this has led me very often to regret to

see the accounts that we sometimes see in print. We hear that

such an organization behaved badly, from a person who perhaps

knew nothing of the situation of that organization. Soldiers, it

seems to me, should be very charitable toward their neighbors. It

is so difficult to put ourselves in their places.  .  .  .  And so

with three-fourths, I don't know but nine-tenths, of the unpleas-

ant controversies that we see in the magazines and papers between

soldiers.  .         No one is authorized to say that in some dis-

tant part of the field there was bad or inexcusable behavior. There

may have been disaster, but if I had been there with my own

troops the same disaster would perhaps have occurred. Let us

then be charitable to our comrades  and companions."           Rare

indeed is it in the composition of men that the rugged forceful-

ness of the soldier and the severe methods of the statesman are

thus warmed and illuminated by the higher and sweeter impulses

of charity and forgiveness.  Upon his whole life appears in liv-

ing letters:  "To err is human, to forgive divine."

  It is painful to contemplate the oft-repeated tolling of bells,

the reappearance of the emblems of mourning which tell of be-

reavement, and sadder still to dwell upon the constantly recur-

ring vicissitudes in the destinies of our Companions, who are

taking their "leave of absence" to rejoin us no more in our

councils here. But it is a sweet sorrow, a gentle dispensation of

an indulgent Providence, when they go out from us leaving such

a priceless legacy of name and fame, as a comfort to the living

and an inspiration to the generations to follow, as did our Com-

mander-in-Chief, Rutherford Birchard Hayes.

  Your committee respectfully recommend that this memorial

             IOWA COMMANDERY'S TRIBUTE          259

be spread upon the records of the Commandery, and that copies

thereof be sent to the members of the family of the deceased.

                             GEO. T. ANTHONY,

                             HORACE J. SMITH,

                             ABNER J. ALLEN,


                      IN MEMORIAM


  The Commandery of Iowa, Military Order of the Loyal Le-

gion of the United States, pays this tribute to the memory of

our  late  distinguished  Companion  and  Commander-in-Chief,

Brevet Major-General  Rutherford  Birchard Hayes, who  died

January 17, 1893.

  The years of his distinguished and useful life were cast in

eventful times; times that called for the strongest and sternest

qualities of manhood, and told with unerring certainty the true

character and qualities of men.     Of the pages of all history

whereon the success of men are written, none contain a more

honorable or brilliant record than those which tell of our la-

mented Companion.

  The echoes from Sumter had hardly died away when the voice

of our Commander was heard in the assemblies of the people

pleading for the Union. At once he organized a literary club of

which he was a member into a military company of which he

was made captain.  Though not received into the service, this

company under his discipline and drill became so proficient that

over forty of its number were called to fill commissioned of-

fices in the army, several of them as generals.

  June 7, 1861, he was commissioned major Twenty-third Ohio

Volunteer Infantry, to the drill and discipline of which he devoted

his entitre energies, thus fitting it for the distinguished services

it rendered under his leadership.

  October 24, 1861, he was promoted to lieutenant-colonel, and

October 24, 1862, to colonel of his regiment. October 19, 1864,

he was promoted to brigadier-general, on the field of Cedar


Creek, by order of General Crook, for gallant services; and on

March 18, 1865, was brevetted major-general "for gallant and

distinguished services during the campaign of 1864."

  Declining to quit the field to accept civil honors, our Compan-

ion remained at the post of duty until June 9, 1865, when, with

the Rebellion crushed and the Union saved, he retired from the

army to take the seat in Congress to which he had been elected.

  Twice a Congressman, thrice Governor of his State, and once

President of the United States, was the career in civil life that

awaited him. The same patriotic devotion to country and to duty

that marked his career as a soldier emphasized his services as a

legislator and executive officer. Such honors as were his come

to but few men, and few indeed are they who so well deserve

them. While we point with pride to the record of our Com-

panion as citizen, soldier, and civil officer, it was as a Com-

panion that he stood with and nearest to us in these later years.

He was ardently devoted to our order, ever giving it his active

support from the (lay he stood as a charter member of the

Commandery of Ohio until the day he was called from the hon-

orable position of our Commander-in-Chief by death.

  With grateful hearts we reciprocate the love and honor in

which he held the order.

                JOSIAH GIVEN,

                 Brvet Brigadier-General U. S. V.

                C. H. GATCH,

                  Lieut.-Colonel  135th Ohio Infantry.

                J. N. PATTON,

                 Lieutenant 136th  Ohio Infantry.


                      IN MEMORIAM


  In the death of our Commander-in-Chief our order suffers

an irreparable loss; for among the distinguished patriots who pre-

ceded him in command and to the Beyond, none exhibited greater

interest and ardor in the well-being and honorable standing and

             COLORADO COMMANDERY'S EULOGY          261

career of the Loyal Legion than he; and while we testify in

mournful accents to our deep sorrow at his death, we do feel

an honorable pride in the history of his career, and in the flag

and the civilization that it represents, that made it possible for

an obscure orphan boy to rise from the common level of the

average citizen to the rank and power of the most influential and

powerful potentate on earth.

  He was born October 4, 1822, in Delaware, Ohio, and was a

descendant from George Hayes, a Scotchman, who came to

America and settled in Connecticut in 1682.

  His early years were so carefully cared for that in 1842 he

graduated with high honors as valedictorian of his class at Ken-

yon College.  The three following years he devoted to the study

of law at Harvard Law School. After his admission to the

bar in 1845, he opened a law office at Fremont, Ohio, where he

remained until 1850, when he removed to Cincinnati, in search

of a wider and more promising field for his activity.

  For eleven years he gave his entire attention to the law, and

in 1861 was standing in the very front rank of his chosen pro-

fession, when President Lincoln issued his first call for seventy-

five thousand volunteers to defend the Government.         He  im-

mediately tendered his services to the Governor of Ohio, and was

appointed major of the Twenty-third Ohio Volnuteer Infantry.

His military career was an active one in the enemy's country.

He soon distinguished himself for meritorious service, and rose

to the command of a division in the Army of West Virginia.

March 13, 1865, he was brevetted major-general for gallant and

distinguished services during the campaign of 1864.

  Upon the urgent solicitation of his many friends in Cincinnati,

he accepted a seat in the Thirty-ninth Congress as representative

of the Second Congressional District, and took his seat December

4, 1865; was reelected to the Fortieth Congress in 1866, and was

elected Governor of the State of Ohio in 1867, to which position

he was reelected in 1869.  He was tendered the nomination of

his party for reelection in 1871, but declined the honor.

  In 1875, after much urgent solicitation from his party friends,

he accepted the nomination for Governor of Ohio, and for the

third time was elected to that distinguished and honorable posi-


tion. The following year the Republican National Convention

nominated Governor Hayes for the Presidency of the United

States.  He was elected, and March 4, 1877, was inaugurated at

Washington, D. C.  His administration of the government was

patriotic and without scandal.  He did all that in him lay to

reunite the North and South under one Constitution and one flag.

>From the first, like many before and since, he declared he would

not accept a second nomination, and like none, either before or

since, he was consistent.

  At the close of his official career in 1881, he asked the ques-

tion, "What shall the ex-President do?" Answering the question

himself, he said, "Let them do all in their power to promote

the welfare of their fellow man." During the twelve years of

retirement, from 1881 to 1893, he exemplified his earnest belief

in this precept.

  He was elected a member of the First Class in the Order by

the Illinois Commandery, July 6, 1881; was transferred to and

chosen Commander of the Commandery of Ohio, February I,

1883, in which capacity he served until May 4, 1887, when he

declined another election.  He became Senior Vice-Commander-

in-Chief of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United

States October 21, 1885; was elected Commander-in-Chief Oc-

tober 17, 1888, and by reelection held  that distinguished po-

sition until the day of his death.

  He took the most intense interest in the welfare of the Order,

and never missed a meeting of his Commandery or of the Com-

mandery-in-Chief.  In 1883 he was elected President of the Na-

tional Prison Association, in the work of which he took deep in-

terest and accomplished much good. He believed firmly in prison

reform and advocated it, though never injudiciously. He took

great interest in all educational movements,  especially in the

South; was a member-at-large of both the Board for the Direc-

tion of the Funds for Southern Education and of the Board of

Education for Freedmen.      In 1886 he presided over a large

convention of directors of education in the South, and was the

prime factor in movements for the bettering of the school sys-

tems there.  He took great interest in the manual training schools

and all other educational enterprises for the elevation and ad-

             COLORADO COMMANDERY'S EULOGY          263

vancement of the colored race; and they may well say that in his

death they have lost one of their most active and efficient friends.

  He was much sought after by educational institutions in the

North; he was at the same time a trustee of the Western Re-

serve College at Cleveland, Ohio; of the Ohio Wesleyan College

at Delaware; and of the Ohio State University at Columbus,

Ohio.  The new manual training building at the latter university

was named in his honor "Hayes Hall," a fitting monument to his


  Descending from the exalted position of President of the

United States of America to the walks of private life without

ostentation, he devoted his days to doing good.        In all efforts

for the advancement of the people, in all desirable reforms, he

was earnest and active, and his ability made him  a leader.  In

that hardest of all hard stations to fill, that of ex-President,

he won the approbation and respect of all, as he had done in the

several exalted public positions which had sought him.

  The Companions of the Second Class of our order, as well

as all other of the virtuous youth of America, can find for imi-

tation and emulation no name more conspicuous in all the public

and domestic virtues than that of our deceased Companion,

Rutherford Birchard Hayes.  A friend has said of him:

        "Some say, 'No kind of genius made him great-

            He was a common, plodding sort of man.'

         My answer is: If you can imitate

            That bravery which took him to the van

         Of bloody battle for our Nation's life;

            If you can reach a manhood true as his

        To public trust, to neighbors, home, and wife;

            If you, between dread Scylla and Charybdis,

         Shall ever safely guide through stormy days-

            With many foes on board - our Ship of State;

         Poets to you a monument will raise,

            And on it put the sentence, 'He was great

        In all that Heaven delights to recompense:

         His genius wore the garb of Common Sense.'"

                                 CYRUS W. FISHER,



                      IN MEMORIAM


  It is hard to bow with resignation to the stroke of death that

took from us our beloved Commander-in-Chief.  Did we not be-

lieve that the Great King doeth all things well, the spirit of puny

rebellion would fain put out its hand in opposition; but it is bet-

ter, as we lay him away under the snow, to count the days of

the years of our own lives and be reminded that the ripe age of

three score and ten that crept upon him is also creeping upon us.

  The country has produced but few men whose lives were so

beautifully rounded out in all the qualities that go to make up a

man. As a boy he was a leader of boys, and the pride of a

widowed mother, who believed in him. As a man he went not in

the paths of the ungodly, but with an ambition to attain the ut-

most of his possibilities, he strained every nerve for the accom-

plishment of that end.

  When our country's flag was fired upon by traitors he sprang

forward among the first to defend it. With a warm but hasty

farewell to wife and children, he gathered together a company

of his friends and led them, as their captain, to the nearest camp

of patriots, where they became a part of the Twenty-third Regi-

ment Ohio V. I. Without drill they were pushed into Virginia,

to become victors in the first battles of the war.  Promotion

began at once; he was first made major, then lieutenant-colonel,

then a colonel's eagle served him until 1864, when, while command-

ing a brigade amidst the horrors of the 19th of October, on the

bloody field of Cedar Creek, he was made a brigadier-general.

There were brave men there that day, but none more brave than

General Hayes.

  When the last armed foe had surrendered at Appomattox he

returned to again embrace the loved ones at home, but here

new fields opened to his view. While leading his brigade in

Virginia he was elected to represent his district in Congress.

Before his term expired he resigned to accept the office of

Governor of his State.

  A second and third time did the people of Ohio honor him with

their suffrages. We all remember the stirring times of 1876, when

             INDIANA COMMANDERY'S EULOGY          265

it required the utmost wisdom and forbearance to avoid an event

second only in importance to the great rebellion itself.       Dur-

ing the whole period there was not the slightest ground for be-

lieving that General Hayes sought in the remotest degree to in-

fluence the action of the Electoral Commission. which declared him

elected to the Presidency. Accepting this, the highest position

within the gift of the people, he promptly set about putting in

force the principles laid down in his letter of acceptance. In

thus with Spartan courage obeying his convictions of duty as

the official head of a great nation rather than the head of a

great political party, he was sometimes under the necessity of

disregarding the advice of political friends. Their displeasure

did not deter him from going straight ahead with what he be-

lieved to be right, although their defection often hampered him

in the accomplishment of his purposes. Yet in spite of all, self-

government was restored to the South; specie payments were re-

sumed; civil service was rescued from annihilation; and the na-

tional debt was refunded at a low rate of interest.

  No candid man of whatever party will fail to acknowledge

these beneficent and patriotic services during this dangerous

period of reconstruction, nor the purity of purpose that graced

every act of his public career. Released from the cares of state,

he sought repose under the shadows of the oaks at Speigel Grove,

at Fremont, Ohio. At the side of a wife distinguished for her

nobility of character, surrounded by children that did honor to

such parents, in the midst of books of careful selection, he en-

joyed the happiness of a home adorned with love, intelligence,

and religion.

  Companions, we mourn not with the conventional sorrow usual

on these occasions, but as children we suffer the heartache of be-

reavement. Our nation mourns, but bows submissively to the

decrees of Him whose ways are past finding out.

  A defender of our flag has been called home. He had no

thirst for military fame, but drew his sword to preserve a na-

tion's liberties and to set the bondman free.

  Firm in discipline, yet those whom duty required him to punish

loved him. On the long and weary march the soldier, fainting

under his heavy knapsack, had his burden lifted from his back


and tied to the commander's saddle, or was himself placed


  His scars attest his courage on the field of battle, yet was he

never drawn into a reckless exposure of person to win applause,

or when such would serve no good purpose. In civil life his out-

stretched arm was ever leading in works that would promote the

welfare and happiness of his fellow man. The prisoner in his

cold and lonely cell; the unfortunate, whether from appetite,

disease, or unfortunate circumstances; the widow; the orphan;

the ignorant, and even the depraved, drew upon his sym-

pathies according to their needs.  Every fibre of his great soul

was wrapped in a tissue of tenderness.

  He was not callous, but keenly sensitive to the arrows of ad-

verse criticism by disappointed place-hunters, but conscious rec-

titude lifted him above resentment, and that page of his record

remains spotless from the fact that he sought the greatest good

to the whole people.

  In the world and of the world, whatever he was or was not,

few men during the last two decades so impressed themselves

upon history, upon civilization, and upon the hearts of his con-

temporaries.  His amiability and open-handed  courtesy were

conspicuous points of his character, but these were never tar-

nished by obsequiousness or loss of dignity.

  Standing on the summit of earthly honors, he drank the ap-

plause of his countrymen at every turn of his pathway during

the closing years of his life; yet in the quiet of his soul he turned

and "with the grasshopper sang his evening song."

  His greatness was not the flash of the meteor racing across

the sky, but the steady light of living, operating truth.

  The immortal Lincoln will forever stand at the top of the roll

of statesmen developed by the Rebellion, because of his annoint-

ing by Almighty God. Morton won laurels as a leader in the

hour of trial. Untimely death shortened their days of usefulness

and glory. The lengthened years of Hayes were filled with en-

thusiastic service in the cause of learning and humanity.  He did

not write his name on the sand washed by the waves or drifted

by the winds, but on the hearts of a people of a great nation; and

of his virtues will we speak to our children for their emulation.

             WASHINGTON COMMANDERY'S MINUTE          267

 We have laid his form by the side of his beloved wife on the

wooded shores of Lake Erie, and as we turn away to our homes,

let us not think of them as sleeping there under the snow or green

sods, but as arm in arm in the bright halls of the "mansions not

made with hands," greeting kindred spirits gone before.

  "I know that I am going where Lucy is," were sweet and

fitting words to close the lips that will be heard no more forever.

              WILLIAM C. STARR, Lieut.-Colonel U. S. V.

              JOHN LEE VARYAN, Adjutant U. S. V.

              J. S. OSTRANDER, Brevet Major U. S. A.


                     IN MEMORIAM


  The shadow of death has again fallen on the chair of the Com-

mander-in-Chief, and for the second time in five years we are

called on to mourn the death of an illustrious Companion and

the head of the Order of the Loyal Legion.

  General Rutherford B. Hayes was one of the marked men

of our time, and he illustrated in his career as well perhaps as

any other citizen, the spirit and genius of our American life.

Born in humble station in the early history of the West, and

with only ordinary opportunities for advancement, he achieved

by industry, perseverance, and the development of high char-

acter, the highest honors in his own country, and assured fame

throughout the civilized world.

  General, Governor, President, Commander-in-Chief of the

Loyal Legion, these high places, all of which he successfully

filled, measure the extent and fulness of his abilities, and they

will surely give him high place in American history.

  General Hayes's life was distinguished by the best qualities of

human nature; patriotism and philanthropy were exhibited in

all his public and private life; and patience, industry, courage,

and fortitude were natural traits of his character.  Whatever

his relative rank may be in history among generals and Presi-


dents, he will be one of the most eminent men of his day for

love of country and love of his fellow men.

               HENRY C. BOSTWICK,

                   Major and Surgeon  9th Kansas Cavalry.

               B. W. COINER,

               L. P. BRADLEY,

                   Brigadier-General U. S. V.


                      IN MEMORIAM


  As Companions of the Loyal Legion, we join the other com-

manderies of our order in placing upon record our sense of

heavy loss in the death of its Commander-in-Chief.  As com-

rades we mourn the departure from  earth of one who  right

worthily wore the army blue, and who held responsible command

on battle-fields where many Vermont soldiers faced the foes of

the Union. As Vermonters we claim as belonging in good part to

us one who was born but three months* after his father left our

State for his new home in Ohio, and who was of Vermont

parentage for two generations.

  His biographers have told us that the ancestral motto on the

coat of arms of the Hayes family was the single word "Recte,"

-and rectitude expressed in a single word his rule of life.  As a

lawyer, he was upright and straightforward. As a politician, he

was high-minded and patriotic. As a soldier, he was brave,

modest, devoted to duty,--rising by his merit alone from  the

rank of major to that of brigadier and brevet major-general;

and winning enviable laurels by his firmness and capacity as a bri-

gade commander under Sheridan in the battles of Winchester,

Opequon, Fisher's Hill, and Cedar Creek.  As a Member of Con-

gress, it is recorded of him that he never shirked responsibility, or

dodged a vote, or was connected with any measure of which an

honorable and loyal man could be ashamed.

  * This is an error. Hayes was born October 4, 1822, more than five

years after his parents left Vermont.

             VERMONT COMMANDERY'S TRIBUTE          269

  Thrice elected Governor of the great State of Ohio, the

office sought him and not he the office, and he left it with a high

reputation for executive ability and for tireless promotion of

measures of public beneficence.  Called to the Presidency of the

United States under more trying circumstances than any Chief

Magistrate since Washington, he so bore himself in that high

office as to win the respect of good men of all parties, and the

hatred of traitors, bigots, and public plunderers.

  In private life his political enemies were glad to be known as

his friends, and all who had intercourse with him recognized his

genuine courtesy, kindness, and manly worth.  In every capacity

he left an unsullied record, and proved himself, if not one of

the world's greatest, one of its truest and best- a genuine Chris-

tian gentleman.

  General Hayes was devoted to the interests of the Loyal

Legion.  He was a charter member of the Ohio Commandery;

was four times elected its commander, and for nearly five years

held the highest office in our order, which he was filling with

undiminished honor when he died. In this as elsewhere he was

blameless, respected, and beloved.

  Let his life be an example and a guide to us in all that is pure

and unselfish in motive, honorable in conduct, and well-pleasing

to God and man.

                             GEORGE G. BENEDICT,

                             E. HENRY POWELL,

                             F. STEWART STRANAHAN,

                             LEVI G. KINGSLEY,

                             FRED E. SMITH,


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