Ohio History Journal

Index B Results

Brito, Patricia
"Protective Legislation in Ohio: The Inter-war Years,"
173 - 197 Volume 88/Spring 1979/Number 2
Broad Street Presbyterian Church
"The Gospel of Burnished Steel (An Address Delivered at the Broad Street Presbyterian Church May 25, 1924),"by James Edwin Campbell
48 - 53 Volume 34/January 1925/Number 1
Bromfield, Louis
The Ideal of Nature and the "Good Farmer": Louis Bromfield and the Quest for Rural Communityby Philip J. Nelson
26 - 47 Volume 110/Winter-Spring 2001
Brooks and Burlingame
"Brooks and Burlingame,"
614 - 615 Volume 34/October 1925/Number 4
Brooks, Frank S.
"Robert White McFarland,"
170 - 179 Volume 14/April 1905/Number 2
Brooks, Preston S.
"Brooks and Burlingame,"
614 - 615 Volume 34/October 1925/Number 4

"Sumner-Brooks-Burlingame: or, The Last of the Great Challenges,"by James E. Campbell
435 - 473 Volume 34/October 1925/Number 4
Brotherton, Alice Williams
"The Buckeye,"
180 - 181 Volume 12/April 1903/Number 2
Brough, John
"Birthplace of John Brough,"by Edgar Ervin
105 - 111 Volume 17/April 1908/Number 2

"Birthplace of John Brough,"
369 - 374 Volume 28/October 1919/Number 4

"Groping Toward Victory: Ohio's Administration of the Civil War,"by Noel Fisher
25 - 45 Volume 105/Winter-Spring 1996

"John Brough,"by Osman Castle Hooper
40 - 70 Volume 13/January 1904/Number 1
Brouse, Edwin W.
"The Akron Centennial: July 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 1925,"
522 - 547 Volume 34/October 1925/Number 4
Brown County (Ohio)
"Stone Graves in Brown County, Ohio,"by Gerard Fowke
193 - 204 Volume 9/October 1900/Number 2
Brown, (Captain) Benjamin L.
"Captain Brown Outfits the Mount Vernon Blues for the 'Toledo War,'"by Paul L. Massa
39 - 40 Volume 73/Winter 1964/Number 1
Brown, Charles E.
"The Wisconsin Archaeological Society, State Field Assembly, July 29-30, 1910,"by Charles E. Brown
333 - 359 Volume 19/October 1910/Number 4
Brown, Charles P.
"Death of Grandson of John Brown,"
312 - 313 Volume 36/April 1927/Number 2
Brown, Edwin Witherby
"Reminiscences of an Ohio Volunteer,"by Philip D. Jordan and Charles M. Thomas
304 - 323 Volume 48/October 1939/Number 4
Brown, Ethan Allen
"Ethan Allen Brown and Ohio's Canal System,"by John S. Still
22 - 56 Volume 66/January 1957/Number 1
Brown, Jeffrey P.
"Chillicothe's Elite: Leadership in a Frontier Community,"
140 - 156 Volume 96/Summer-Autumn 1987