Ohio History Journal

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"Forty-First Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society (October 6, 1926)," Volume 35, Number 4, October, 1926, pp. 603-667.
... FORTY-FIRST ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHI FORTY-FIRST ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHI STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY SOCIETY BUILDING COLUMBUS OHIO Wednesday October 6 1926 900 A M The meeting was called to order by Secretary C B Galbreath There were present B F Prince Arthur C Johnson C B Galbreath Mrs C B Galbreath Edward Orton Jr H R McPherson Mrs H R McPherson Mrs Howard Jones Mrs Anna M Keirn Dr J M Dunham E F Wood Dr F C Furniss Dr William C Mills Theodore A Wegener Joseph C Goodman B ...

"Robert Cumming Schenck, First Citizen and Statesman of the Miami Valley," by Fred B. Joyner. Volume 58, Number 3, July, 1949, pp. 286-297.
... ROBERT CUMMING SCHENCK FIRST CITIZEN AND ROBERT CUMMING SCHENCK FIRST CITIZEN AND STATESMAN OF THE MIAMI VALLEY by FRED B JOYNER Professor of History Miami University In 1937 in a radio address celebrating Founders Day of Miami University President A H Upham called attention to the fact that the university had sent two ambassadors to the Court of St James Whitelaw Reid was one Robert Cumming Schenck was the other The work of the former is well known The career of Schenck is less well known A ...

"The Haydn Society in Cincinnati, 1819-24," Volume 52, Number 2, April-June, 1943, pp. 95-119.
... THE HAYDN SOCIETY OF CINCINNATI THE HAYDN SOCIETY OF CINCINNATI 1819-1824 BY HARRY R STEVENS When Theodore Thomas the famous German orchestra conductor came to Cincinnati in 1869 he found the finest musical center of inland America The community he discovered here had a long and rich musical background Twenty years of German musical activity had been preceded by more than half a century of native growth Near the beginning of this development was the Haydn Society one of the earliest musical ...

"Soldier Votes and Clement L. Vallandigham in the 1863 Ohio Gubertnatorial Election," by Arnold Shankman. Volume 82, Numbers 1 & 2, Winter-Spring, 1973, pp. 88-104.
... ARNOLD SHANKMAN ARNOLD SHANKMAN Soldier Votes and Clement L Vallandigham in the 1863 Ohio Gubernatorial Election The Ohio gubernatorial election of 1863 was a hotly contested election with overtones extending to the national level The nation was engaged in a bitter civil war which showed no signs of terminating and many citizens of the Buckeye State were rapidly tiring of the conflict A large number of Ohio Democrats were dissatisfied with the Lincoln administration's handling of the war and ...

"Life Among the Lowly: An Early View of an Ohio Poor House," edited by Frank P. Levstik. Volume 88, Number 1, Winter, 1979, pp. 84-88.
... edited by edited by FRANK R LEVSTIK Life Among the Lowly An Early View of an Ohio Poor House The care of the poor in Ohio during the early nineteenth century was largely based on English legislation of the sixteenth seventeenth and eighteenth centuries In 1795 statutes of the Northwest Territory provided a means whereby the poor could be employed through a system of annual farming-out to the lowest bidder The farmers were thus authorized to keep the poor at moderate labor For the next two ...

"The Development of the Judicial System of Ohio," by F. R. Aumann. Volume 41, Number 2, April, 1932, pp. 195-236.
... THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE JUDICIAL THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM OF OHIO By PROF F R AUMANN Ohio State Unive r sity Before Statehood--Any attempt to discuss the growth of the judicial system of this State would carry us back to the time when Ohio as a part of the Northwest Territory was controlled by the Federal Government On July 13 1787 the Congress of the United States passed the Ordinance for the Government of the Territory of the United States Northwest of the River Ohio Although ...

"Duncan McArthur: The Military Phase," by C.H. Cramer. Volume 46, Number 2, April, 1937, pp. 128-147.
... DUNCAN McARTHUR THE MILITARY PHASE DUNCAN McARTHUR THE MILITARY PHASE By C H CRAMER Duncan McArthur had won his military spurs before the War of 1812 broke out and had been commissioned a general in the State Militia In the spring of 1812 with war looming on the horizon Congress authorized the President to organize a number of volunteers who were to be ready to march on short notice The Ohio quota was 1200 men1 McArthur ordered his militia division to assemble and used his forensic powers in ...

"'A Baptism of Power and Liberty': The Women's Crusade of 1873-1874," by Ruth Bordin. Volume 87, Number 4, Autumn, 1978, pp. 393-404.
... RUTH BORDIN RUTH BORDIN A Baptism of Power and Liberty The Women's Crusade of 1873-1874 Throughout the winter of 1873 and 1874 a grass roots women's temperance crusade swept through Ohio the Midwest and parts of the East Thousands of women marched in the streets prayed in saloons and organized their own temperance societies in hundreds of towns and cities of the American heartland The Crusade had an immense impact on these women Cut loose from the quiescence and public timidity that was their ...

"Presbyterians in the Ohio Temperance Movement of the 1850's," by Donald K. Gorell. Volume 60, Number 3, July, 1951, pp. 292-296.
... PRESBYTERIANS IN THE OHIO TEMPERANCE PRESBYTERIANS IN THE OHIO TEMPERANCE MOVEMENT OF THE 1850's by DONALD K GORRELL The agitation for the abolition of slavery which pervaded the Ohio scene during the decade preceding the Civil War was accompanied by other reform movements one of which sought to curb intemperance In that age no other cause with the exception of abolition was pressed more by moralists than that of temperancel and no other group was more prominent among the advocates of ...

"The Underground Railroad: A Re-evaluation," by Larry Gara. Volume 69, Number 3, July, 1960, pp. 217-230.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 69 NUMBER 3 JULY 1960 The Underground Railroad A Re-evaluation By LARRY GARA FOR MANY YEARS discerning scholars have suspected the inadequacy of traditional accounts of the underground railroad yet the elusive nature of source material for re-evaluating the history of the mysterious institution has apparently discouraged such reinterpretation1 Even some recent encyclopedia articles textbooks and monographs describe the ...

"Some Experiences in Making a State Historical Survey," by W. D. Overman. Volume 43, Number 3, July, 1934, pp. 307-314.
... Report of the Forty-eighth Annual Meeting 307 Report of the Forty-eighth Annual Meeting 307 SOME EXPERIENCES IN MAKING A STATE HISTORICAL SURVEY By W D OVERMAN The Historical Survey now in progress in Pennsylvania was started in December 1933 and is under the direction of the State Archivist The survey was carried on as a state CWA project until March 29 1934 and since that time has been continued with a greatly reduced quota of workers as a project under the FERA At its inception the director ...

"Pioneer Days in Central Ohio," by Henry B. Curtis. Volume 1, Number 3, December, 1887, pp. 243-254.
... PIONEER DAYS IN CENTRAL OHIO PIONEER DAYS IN CENTRAL OHIO1 IT is pleasant my friends to realize the sentiment that not only peace has its triumphs as well as war but that domestic and home life hath its excitements and enjoyments as well as the political arena In this day of public strife-in the middle of a campaign in which the embattling squadrons of the several political parties of the day are arrayed against each other in the contest for civil power-we rest on our arms and come together as ...

"The Black Hand," Volume 13, Number 4, October, 1904, pp. 444-459.
... THE BLACK HAND THE BLACK HAND JOHN D II M KINLEY The Licking river the Pataskala of the Indians as it draws near the eastern boundary of Licking county Ohio flows in a winding course for a distance of about two miles through a narrow and picturesque sandstone gorge known as the Licking Narrows High hills border upon both banks their rocky sides exposed in many places to a height of fifty to sixty feet almost continuously on the north bank and often rising out of the bed of the stream Just at ...

"President Hayes and the Reform of American Indian Policy," by Kenneth E. Davison. Volume 82, Numbers 3 & 4, Summer-Autumn, 1973, pp. 205-214.
... KENNETH E KENNETH E DAVISON President Hayes and the Reform of American Indian Policy The closing of the frontier by the white man's unbridled expansion into the transMississippi West during the post-Civil War years created the most critical period of Indian-white relations in American history No longer could the Indians simply retreat or be removed to lands farther west beyond the pale of white culture A majority of Uncle Sam's 300000 stepchildren lived directly in the path of two advancing ...

Volume 54, Number 4, October-December, 1945, pp. 409-427.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The Midwest Pioneer--His Ills Cures and Doctors By Madge E Pickard and R Carlyle Buley Crawfordsville Indiana R E Banta 1945 346p Frontispiece 500 At the time of the celebration in Columbus of the one hundredth anniversary of the founding of the Medical College at the Willoughby University of Lake Erie 1834-1934 a group of those who are interested in local medical history began cooperative work in this field First there appeared a source book in which was chronicled ...

"The Chillicothe Germans," Volume 75, Number 4, Autumn, 1966, pp. 212-225, notes 270-273.
... The Chillicothe Germans by LA VERN J RIPPLEY For nearly a century an element of German culture could be observed in the community life of Chillicothe Ohio Until World War I brought an abrupt end to the general use of their language the Germans developed their own churches schools publications cultural societies and special activities on a scale comparable with other Ohio localities Now however half a century later the Chillicothe Germans as an ethnic group are little more than a dim memory ...

"Nine Letters of Nathaniel Dike On the Western Country, 1816-1818," Volume 67, Number 3, July, 1958, pp. 189-220.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 67 NUMBER JULY 1958 Nine Letters of Nathaniel Dike On the Western Country 1816 - 1818 Edited by DWIGHT L SMIT H IN JUNE OF 1816 a young prospective lawyer set out from Haverhill Massachusetts to seek his fortune in the West As was not unusual then for one who traveled a long distance he wrote home letters of considerable length to describe his journey and the new land to which he came But in this instance the traveler was a ...

"Birthplace of John Brough," Volume 28, Number 4, October, 1919, pp. 369-374.
... BIRTHPLACE OF JOHN BROUGH BIRTHPLACE OF JOHN BROUGH The following article is reprinted with slight corrections from a Marietta paper published some years ago-E 0 R The wrecking a few years ago of the old jail just opposite the Court House at Marietta brought to mind several historic facts of no mean importance This building was a little more than fifty years old having been erected in 1848 on the site of the pioneer Court House which was the first Hall of Justice in the Northwest Territory The ...

"Commercial vs. Scientific Collecting. A Plea for 'Art for Art's Sake,'" Volume 13, Number 1, January, 1904, pp. 112-117.
... COMMERCIAL VS COMMERCIAL VS SCIENTIFIC COLLECTING A PLEA FOR ART FOR ART'S SAKE WARREN K MOOREHEAD Curator of Archaeology Phillips Academy Andover Mass It occurs to me that so far as it could be accomplished without infringing upon the rights of individuals museum curators should combine against dealers in archeological specimens There seem to be two classes of these men and the one should not be confounded with the other Of recent years the dealers of archaeologic specimens have increased to ...

Volume 101, , Summer-Autumn, 1992, pp. 159-160.
... Index Index Saunders Richard Erie Railroad 7 Scale and Scope The Dynamics of Industrial Capitalism by Alfred D Chandler Jr rev 61-63 Scarlet Woman of Wall Street The See Erie Lackawanna Railway Company Scharff Virginia Taking the Wheel Women and the Coming of the Motor Age rev 64-66 Schob David E Schob book rev 147-148 Scioto Company The 117 Scioto River 119 120 Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks One Hundred Years of Preservation and Resource Management California History by Lary M ...