... LAWRENCE GROSSMAN LAWRENCE GROSSMAN In His Veins Coursed No Bootlicking Blood The Career of Peter H Clark Peter H Clark was one of the most prominent black leaders of the nineteenth century Working as a schoolteacher he emerged as a champion of the antebellum Negro community in Cincinnati achieved recognition after the Civil War as one of the leading black men of Ohio and became a figure of national importance in racial matters by the 1880s Though Clark's fame proved ephemeral an understanding ...
... 550 Ohio Arch 550 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications LITTLE LOGAN ELMS Sometime early in the current year it was suggested that possibly under the spreading branches of the Logan Elm might be found some seedling baby Logan Elms that with proper care would grow up through the years into sturdy trees like the parent The little park surrounding the Elm is mown every year and the young seedlings fall before the scythe Upon investigation however a number of stubs were found with good live ...
... 508 Ohio Arch 508 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications ing food and supplies She quoted the words of President Lincoln that without the women of the north the union could not have preserved The speaker dwelt at some length on the honors that Ohio women had won in various pursuits and callings that over one hundred of them had been given medals for their part in great achievements She gave a number of important actions benefiting womankind in which the initiative was taken by Ohio women Mrs ...
... REPORT OF THE FORTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FORTY-FIFTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY HELD IN THE MUSEUM AND LIBRARY BUILDING OF THE SOCIETY MARCH 26 1931 The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society met in annual meeting March 26 1931 at 10 o'clock a m in the auditorium of the Museum and Library Building On motion of the Secretary Mr Arthur C Johnson President of the Society was chosen President of the meeting The minutes of the previous ...
... A SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY A SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY ARCHAEOLOGY AND NATURAL HISTORY AUGUST 1950-JULY 1951 Compiled by S WINIFRED SMITH AGRICULTURE Centennial Souvenir of the Ohio State Fair A Century of Agricultural Progress in Ohio Columbus Columbus Chamber of Commerce and Franklin County Historical Society 1950 11p DODDS Gilbert F Centennial of the First Franklin County Fair Franklin County Historical Society Bulletin III 1950-51 50-52 DODDS Gilbert F The ...
... FRANK L FRANK L KLEMENT Ohio and the Dedication of the Soldiers' Cemetery at Gettysburg Ohioans had more than a passing interest in the dedication of the Soldiers' Cemetery at Gettysburg on November 19 1863 A decisive three-day battle fought in the surrounding countryside on July 1-3 1863 had claimed the lives of many of the state's soldiers some of whom were hurriedly buried in shallow graves or merely covered with spadefuls of dirt where they had fallen No other governor not even ...
... ROBERT J ROBERT J ZALIMAS JR Contest MY seat sir Lewis D Campbell Clement L Vallandigham and the Election of 1856 After the October 1856 elections a heated political controversy arose in Ohio's Third Congressional District which mirrored the regional and factional turmoil dividing the nation The District lay in the southwestern part of the state and included three politically diverse counties Butler Montgomery and Preble In the election Democrat candidate Clement L Vallandigham lost to ...
... Ben Wade and the Negro Ben Wade and the Negro By HANS L TREFOUSSE IT HAS LONG BEEN A MATTER OF DISPUTE whether the radical Republicans of one hundred years ago were really sincere in their professions of friendship for the Negro Were they merely interested in economic gains for their followers and political preferment for themselves making use of the Negro question simply to hide their true objectives or were they genuinely concerned with uplifting the downtrodden race This question of ...
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Thomas Worthington Father of Ohio Statehood By Alfred Byron Sears Columbus Ohio State University Press for the Ohio Historical Society 1958 viii260p end-paper illustrations bibliography and index 550 Jeffersonian republicanism or Jeffersonian democracy as many prefer to call it is one of the great inheritances of the American people but it is a difficult one to approach From one direction it appears to be monumental symbolized in the eloquence of the Declaration of ...
... Index Index COMPILED BY LAURA RUSSELL ABBOTT Grace 107 10 8 112 117 134 Abolitionism Newspapers in Battle The Dayton Empire and the Dayton Journal During the Civil War by Carl M Becker 29-50 Towards a National Antislavery Party The Giddings-Sumner Alliance by Beverly Wilson Palmer 51-71 Accidents of pregnancy 119-120 Action 40 Adams Charles Francis 56 66 Adams John Quincy 54-55 58 60 61 Administration Division Ohio State Department of Health 114 Agricultural Extension Service OSU 127 Alexander ...
... NEGRO RIGHTS AND WHITE BACKLASH IN THE CAMPAIGN OF 1920 by RANDOLPH C DOWNES I believe in equality before the law You can't give rights to the white man and deny them to the black man But while I stand for that great great principle I do not mean that the white man and the black man must be forced to associate together in the acceptance of their rights Harding address in Oklahoma City October 9 1920 as reported in The Daily Oklahoma October 10 1920 The greatest indignity suffered by Harding in ...
... STANLEY C STANLEY C HARROLD JR The Southern Strategy of the Liberty Party The great debate among American abolitionists prior to the Civil War centered upon the question of the proper method of ending slavery How was a movement with negligible support outside of the northern states to abolish an institution that existed in the southern states The alternatives appeared to be convince southerners to voluntarily give it up take federal action against it or use indirect methods to make ...
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The Life and Times of Daniel Lindley 1801-80 Missionary to the Zulus Pastor of the Voortrekkers Ubebe Omhlope By Edwin W Smith New York Library Publishers 1952 xxx456p illustrations end-paper maps biographical table glossary and index 550 This is a record of the colorful and adventurous career of one of the first American missionaries in South Africa The name of Daniel Lindley has been perpetuated in the name of a town in South Africa and a large airplane has been ...
... Public Opinion and the Chinese Question 1876-1879 by GARY PENNANEN Diplomatic problems are not considered to have been of much consequence during the presidency of Rutherford B Hayes While not many preWorld War I judgments concerning the history of the period have escaped revisionism an assessment of Hayes's diplomacy made by Charles R Williams in 1914 has withstood the test of time Few subjects of large importance in the foreign relations of the Government demanded action or attention during ...
... Dedication of Ohio's World War Memorial 473 Dedication of Ohio's World War Memorial 473 tions in manuscripts newspaper files and local history being especially notable ADDRESS OF CHARLES T GREVE At the conclusion of Mr Cathcart's address which was liberally applauded Professor Siebert introduced Mr Charles T Greve Secretary of the Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio and well-known author who spoke as follows Mr Chairman and Our Hosts The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical ...
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Teach the Freeman The Correspondence of Rutherford B Hayes and the Slater Fund for Negro Education 1881-1887 Edited by Louis D Rubin Jr Baton Rouge Louisiana State University Press 1959 Two volumes lv236302p index 1000 Through the philanthropy of a textile manufacturer of Norwich Connecticut the John F Slater Fund for the Education of Freedmen was established for the purpose of uplifting the lately emancipated population of the Southern States and their posterity by ...
... Socialist Party of Ohio-- War and Free Speech by Richard A Folk D uring World War I Ohio Socialists faced the dilemma of what action to take when two imperialistic-capitalistic economies come into conflict According to theoretical Marxism Socialists could not support a struggle the purpose of which was to expand the capitalist system In the United States the Socialist party's National Executive Committee followed this doctrine in August 1914 when it proclaimed the party's opposition to the ...
... BACKGROUND AND YOUTH OF THE SEVENTH OHIO BACKGROUND AND YOUTH OF THE SEVENTH OHIO PRESIDENT1 BY RAY BAKER HARRIS News still traveled slowly in the 1860's Although the telegraph was by that time in use between principal cities news to a large degree continued to be transmitted by stagecoach by trains such as they were by boats and by human carriers However belated its appearance in print the news in the public press during the week of October 30 1865 was of considerable historic importance In ...
... EARL IRVIN WEST EARL IRVIN WEST Early Cincinnati's Unprecedented Spectacle When Isaac G Burnet Cincinnati's newly elected mayor called a meeting of the city's leading citizens for Tuesday night April 7 1829 to make arrangements for a debate between Robert Owen and Alexander Campbell this can be considered an official sanction for the extraordinary event that was being planned1 Robert Owen social reformer lecturer and founder of the then defunct communitarian colony at New Harmony Indiana had ...
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 64 NUMBER 4 OCTOBER 1955 The Correspondence of George A Myers and James Ford Rhodes 1910-1923-IV Edited by JOHN A GARRATY RHODES TO MYERS Boston May 22 1920 Dear George I have yr two valued favors of Apr 30 and May 12 the latter enclosing two editorials from the P D which I have read with great interest Senator Lodge is a very able man The contest has been between him and the President The President has had a stroke of ...