... MAC-O-CHEE VALLEY MAC-O-CHEE VALLEY BY MISS KEREN JANE GAUMER URBANA As the American people rush along in their hurried life often observing only the big things of the world they sometimes forget the pleasure and value which may be derived from the smaller ones Let us consider the importance and significance of the lesser May we go into a very little valley which has been prominent in our country's history When one scans the broad Ohio which affords so many commercial advantages he thinks of ...
... A SURVEYOR ON THE SEVEN RANGES A SURVEYOR ON THE SEVEN RANGES BY B H PERSHING By the Treaty of Paris of 1783 American ownership of the region later known as the Old Northwest was acknowledged by Great Britain Much however remained to be done before the land could be occupied by actual settlers The British flag continued to wave over the posts at Detroit and Michilimackinac while scowling Indian tribes announced that the white man should not pass across the Ohio River The settlement of the ...
... GENERAL SIMON KENTON GENERAL SIMON KENTON By ALBERT L SLAGER Introduction By ORTON G RUST There are Homeric men in every age men filled with the spring of life superabundant a perpetually flowing fountain of youth men whose every action attracts the attention of their fellow men and whose lives count for human progress Simon Kenton was such a man Tradition as well as history has placed him among the strong the swift the brave an explorer of hitherto unexplored regions and a pathfinder for the ...
... THE MIAMI COUNTRY 1750-1815 THE MIAMI COUNTRY 1750-1815 AS DESCRIBED IN JOURNALS AND LETTERS by ELIZABETH FARIES Senior Assistant Reference and Catalog Department Dayton Public Library During the late 1700's and the early 1800's the Miami Country was a definite geographic area in the Northwest Territory This area has been defined as a region of approximately 5000 square miles in southwestern Ohio with a small adjoining wedge of southeastern Indiana It was particularly the land that forms the ...
... THE SANDUSKY RIVER THE SANDUSKY RIVER LUCY ELLIOT KEELER The Russian peasant's phrase The road that runs would have appealed to the primitive people who in generations past paddled upon the waters and occupied the valley of the Sandusky River For some eighty miles it traces a winding way through northwestern Ohio rising in the Palmer Spring of Richland county flowing through Crawford Wyandot Seneca and Sandusky counties its mouth directly ...
... 64 Ohio Arch 64 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications and of course there is a constant demand for new vessels Further along after traversing a portion of the Ohio river the same author writes The boats which float upon the Ohio river are various--from the ship of several hundred tons burden to the mere skiff Very few if any very large vessels however are now built at Pittsburgh and Marietta but the difficulties incident to getting them to the ocean have rendered such undertakings infrequent ...
... THOMAS WORTHINGTON THOMAS WORTHINGTON BY FRANK THEODORE COLE Secretary of The Old Northwest Genealogical Society About the middle of the seventeenth century two brothers of the ancient Lancashire family of Worthington1 arrived in Philadelphia bringing with them some fair amount of property After some time one of them went to New England and the other Robert with his son Robert a mere lad went to Maryland where he bought land in the neighborhood of Baltimore and established iron works which in ...
... GENERAL HARMAR'S EXPEDITION GENERAL HARMAR'S EXPEDITION BY BASIL MEEK FREMONT OHIO JOSIAH HARMAR was born in Philadelphia Pennsylvania in 1753 and there died in 1813 He was a captain in the First Pennsylvania Regiment Continental Army Lieutenant Colonel of the same and served till the close of the Revolutionary War He was in Washington's army from 1778 to 1780 In 1783 he was made Brevet Colonel First U S Regiment In 1787 he was breveted Brigadier General by Congress and assigned to duty in ...
... MEMBERSHIP IN THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEMBERSHIP IN THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF OHIO BY B H PERSHING Professor in Wittenberg College Since pure democracy is not possible in any country with a numerous population every republic finds itself under the necessity of devising some system of representation The emergence in America of geographical areas having in every case a historical background and a political consciousness has made the problem more complex here than in lands in which artificial ...
... Editorialana Editorialana 467 stimulation of his firm assurance that all is well here below and all will be better in the world beyond His life was above reproach his career an inspiration None knew him but to love him none named him but to praise No organization with which he was connected seemed to give him greater pleasure than the Archaeological and Historical Society Its field of investigation its province of collecting and preserving the records of the past and its work of storing the ...
... INDIAN ATTACK ON FORT DUNLAP INDIAN ATTACK ON FORT DUNLAP STEPHEN DECATER CONE Mr Cone is a resident of Hamilton Ohio During a long life he has been a student of Ohio history has written many articles for publication and with Mr Bert S Bartlow was one of the co-editors of the Centennial History of Butler County-- EDITOR In the far-famed Miami valley nine miles below Hamilton on the banks of the Miami river more than one hundred and fourteen years ago there occurred an incident of our pioneer ...
... 374 Ohio Arch 374 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Upon whose bosom snow has lain Who intimately lives with rain Poems are made by fools like me But only God can make a tree' After the formal reading of Logan's Speech by John R Horst from McGuffey's Fourth Reader edition of 1853 informal addresses were made by J W Johnson of Circleville editor of the Democrat and Watchman Professor C C Miller of Lancaster and Mrs Orson D Dryer of Shepard Ohio Mrs Dryer's contribution to the day's ...
... LUCAS SULLIVANT TABLET DEDICATED LUCAS SULLIVANT TABLET DEDICATED On Saturday December 9 1927 the Franklin County Pioneer Association founded in 1866 met in the southwest room of the Franklinton Public School Building for the purpose of unveiling and presenting to the city a bronze tablet marking the home of Lucas Sullivant founder of Franklinton The house that Lucas Sullivant built or a part of it is now incorporated in the larger buildings of the House of the Good Shepherd and it was by the ...
... EARLY CINCINNATI EARLY CINCINNATI JOSEPH WILBY CINCINNATI The following article was written by Mr Joseph Wilby and read before The Optimist Club Cincinnati March 1st 1902 Mr Wilby is at present the president of the Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio -EDITOR The first council meeting of the town of Cincinnati is said to have been held on the 5th of March 1 80 2 The present occasion lacks a few days of being the one hundredth anniversary of that date but affords a fitting opportunity ...
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS THE C ROGHAN CELEBRATION LUCY ELLIOT KEELER It was not bad usage of the old Romans to bring down from its niche the waxen image of an eminent ancestor on the anniversary of his natal day to recall his features and achievements to their own minds and impress them upon the younger generation A like tribute the patriotic citizens of Fremont Ohio pay from time to time to their local hero Major George Croghan on the anniversary of that notable ...
... WAYNE AND THE TREATY OF GREENE VILLE WAYNE AND THE TREATY OF GREENE VILLE by DWIGHT L SMITH It has generally been assumed that the chief architect of the Treaty of Greene Ville at the end of the Indian Wars in the Old Northwest was General Mad Anthony Wayne The discovery of hitherto unknown manuscript material however furnishes documentary evidence that Wayne was operating under very specific orders from the war department Further a draft treaty for his guidance and use predetermined to a ...
... GEORGE CROGHAN GEORGE CROGHAN BY CHARLES RICHARD WILLIAMS PH D LL D Address delivered at Spiegel Grove Fremont O August 1 1903 before the George Croghan Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution on the occasion of the celebration of the ninetieth anniversary of the battle of Ft Stephenson Mr Williams is editor of The Indianapolis NewsE O R I Happy the country that has no history is an old old saying It falls trippingly on the tongue It passes current at unquestioned value in the ...
... THE LUDLOW LINE THE LUDLOW LINE R W MCFARLAND It is well known that Virginia claimed most of the territory northwest of the Ohio river by reason of the grants made by the sovereign of England to the colonists In 1784 in accordance with a formal request made by Congress in 178 0 Virginia ceded to the United States all her claims to the territory reserving only the lands between the Scioto and the little Miami rivers This tract is usually called the Virginia Military District It was reserved for ...
... INDEX TO VOLUME XIII INDEX TO VOLUME XIII A Articles - Concluded Abolition in Ohio 50 History of Ft Hamilton Miller Adams County - 97 Todd's Trace in 318 Historic Worthington Parsons 71 Trebor Tavern in 307 John Brough Hooper 40 Zane's Trace in 318 Kenton's Gauntlet at Chillicothe Agriculture Prehistoric people engaged Brown 483 in 189 Marcus A Hanna Dick 355 American Economic Association MeetOhio in the Spanish and Philippine ing of 288 War Anderson 551 American Historical Association 121 K ...
... ADDRESS OF JUDGE JOSEPH COX ADDRESS OF JUDGE JOSEPH COX THE BUILDING OF T HE STATE THE first settlement in this State at Marietta and organization of the Northwest Territory under the Ordinance of 1787 were the most notable events in the history of our country and deserve to rank among the greatest of the civilized world The Territory having been wrested from the domination of foreign nations by the combined strength of the American Colonies after the eight years' struggle of the Revolutionary ...