... FAREWELL SONG OF THE WYANDOT INDIANS FAREWELL SONG OF THE WYANDOT INDIANS JAMES RANKINS UPPER SANDUSKY Mr Emil Schlup President of the Wyandot County Pioneer Association is authority for the statement that Rev James Wheeler the resident missionary preached the farewell sermon at the Old Mission Church Upper Sandusky in the forepart of July 1843 to the assembled Wyandot Indians Squire John Greyeyes a converted Wyandot Indian preached the sermon in the Wyandot language which sermon was ...
... WATER HIGHWAYS AND CARRYING PLACES WATER HIGHWAYS AND CARRYING PLACES E L TAYLOR COLUMBUS The 2d day of May 1497 was one of the most eventful for great results for good of any in human history On that day John Cabot a Venetian by birth but who was then living at the old sea-faring town of Bristol on the west coast of England with eighteen hardy British sailors weighed anchor on the small but good ship Matthew and passed out upon the broad and turbulent waters of the Atlantic on a voyage of ...
... The Harrison Table Rock and Ball's Battlefield The Harrison Table Rock and Ball's Battlefield 363 No other county in the state is so rich in early history as Sandusky A British post was established here during the Revolutionary War Here the first permanent white settlers located and the first marriage between whites was performed Especially during the War of 1812 was it a famous battleground In marking one by one these historical places we as an organization are not only showing patriotism in ...
... OLD FORT SANDOSKI OF 1745 AND THE SANDUSKY OLD FORT SANDOSKI OF 1745 AND THE SANDUSKY COUNTRY LUCY ELLIOT KEELER My story will be confined to the sixteen miles which separate Fort Stephenson at the Lower Falls of the Sandusky river now Fremont from the banks of Lake Erie at the mouth of the Portage river Port Clinton the point visited by all Indians and French in coming from or going to Detroit and the northwest and later the point from which General Harrison's army left American soil to ...
... Address of Hon Address of Hon W J Gilmore 241 ADDRESS OF HON W J GILMORE DELIVERED AT GREENVILLE OHIO AUGUST 3 1895 Mr President Ladies and Gentlemen I acknowledge the kindness of your committee in giving me by their invitation an opportunity to address you on this occasion In coming back to Greenville after an absence of years there remain on this side of the great river that separates this from a future state of existence but a few of those warm friends who welcomed me when I first came to ...
... INDEX TO VOLUME XVI INDEX TO VOLUME XVI A Atwater Caleb 451 Avery's History of United States 508 Aborigine Use of term 407 Axes Copper 154 155 157 158 Aborigines See Indians Aztecs 425 The 421 Confederacy of 431 Addresses Dodge Samuel D 18 Fairbanks Chas W 27 Harris Andrew L 30 Meek Basil 35 Bailey Anne Sargent Family connecMoore J P Groghan Celebration tion of 344 at 52 Heroism of 345 Randall E 0 31 Life of 341 Allen County Welsh churches in 223 Ball's Battle 47 48 Welsh settlements in 222 ...
... BRADY'S LEAP BRADY'S LEAP BY E 0 RANDALL In what is known as Tract 29 issued in 1875 by the Western Reserve Historical Society the tradition-as the Tract calls it-of Brady's leap is related That a famous leap by Brady was made at the place generally designated as the site there is little or no doubt The time and attending circumstances of the achievement are much in dispute and wrote Mr L V Bierce in 1856 the numerous traditions respecting Brady's Leap across the Cuyahoga River and many other ...
... 480 Ohio Arch 480 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications SOME ERRORS CORRECTED BY CHARLES E SLOCUM M D PH D DEFIANCE OHIO The following regarding several historic places in north western Ohio is submitted as a plea for greater care by writers and speakers that errors in historical data may lessen rather than increase FORT MIAMI THE STILL-EXISTING EARTHWORKS OF WHICH ARE WITHIN THE PRESENT LIMITS OF THE VILLAGE OF MAUMEE OHIO The pamphlet containing the Appeal of the Maumee Valley Monumental ...
... ISRAEL PUTNAM ISRAEL PUTNAM READ BY MRS II G EDGERTON BEFORE THE COLONEL GEORGE CROGHAN CHAPTER D A R In the days when forests covered most of New England when the Indian war-whoop still echoed on its borders when children ate corn-meal porridge from pewter porringers and their elders stirred their hot drinks with a poker heated in the fireplace -- in those good old days two centuries ago there was born one of the great heroes of our Nation To be more exact on January 7 1718 in an old ...
... MAC-O-CHEE VALLEY MAC-O-CHEE VALLEY BY MISS KEREN JANE GAUMER URBANA As the American people rush along in their hurried life often observing only the big things of the world they sometimes forget the pleasure and value which may be derived from the smaller ones Let us consider the importance and significance of the lesser May we go into a very little valley which has been prominent in our country's history When one scans the broad Ohio which affords so many commercial advantages he thinks of ...
... 362 Ohio Arch 362 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications The short inscription of this tablet we are honoring today gives concisely historic facts which all may read It does not need a very vivid imagination to see and feel all the labor sacrifice bloodshed aching hearts and desolate homes which are summed up in these facts We exult over the victories achieved and thrill with horror over the martyrdom of Col Crawford His name is on the bead-roll of fame and we all unite to honor his memory ...
... THE EVOLUTION OF OHIO COUNTIES THE EVOLUTION OF OHIO COUNTIES By J F LANING It is probable that the people who read this article will all know that the State of Ohio was not always divided into the number of counties there now are and that to evolve the present map a long period of time and many mutations of county outlines were necessary But few people however know the extent of the evolution that has been going on in bringing Ohio counties within their present environments From the erection ...
... The Croghan Celebration The Croghan Celebration 87 PETERSBURG VA 4th March 1880 Colonel According to promise I will now attempt to tell you what little I know about Croghan and Sandusky The opening of the spring campaign in 1813 found the garrison of Fort Meigs exceedingly weak General Harrison having gone in the states to hasten forward reinforcements leaving General Clay in command The British and Indians in considerable numbers knowing perhaps of the absence of the General-in-Chief and our ...
... JONATHAN ALDER JONATHAN ALDER COL WM CURRY The tales of adventure and bloodshed related by the early pioneers of Ohio of their dangers and hardships have been familiar to me since boyhood Among others of whom I heard many harrowing stories related by my father and other pioneers was of Jonathan Alder who was at one time a resident of Union county Ohio and a noted pioneer and frontiersman Like Captain Samuel Davis the famous Indian fighter he was taken captive by the Indians and the latter part ...
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS COLONEL WILLIAM CRAWFORD1 BY JAMES H ANDERSON UPPER SANDUSKY OHIO May 6 1896 Hon J H Anderson Columbus Ohio DEAR JUDGE I am directed by the officers of the Wyandot County Pioneer Association to extend you an invitation to deliver an address at the picnic to be held at Crawford Thursday June 11 on the occasion of the 114th anniversary of the burning of Colonel William Crawford Hoping to receive a favorable answer so that you can be duly ...
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA A CHAPTER OF CORRECTIONS R W MCFARLAND History is never free from imperfections Particularly is this true of the collected and collated records and data of pioneer periods--the beginnings of history This is most natural as the memoranda are furnished by different authorities who discern the events recorded from various points of view or who are not accurate in their method of statement The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society endeavors to gather and ...
... THE OHIO FRONTIER IN 1812 THE OHIO FRONTIER IN 1812 DIARY OF THE INDIAN CONGREGATION AT GOSHEN ON THE RIVER MUSKINGUM FOR THE YEAR 1812 WRITTEN BY REV BENJAMIN MORTIMER In the Summer of 1798 David Zeisberger accompanied by several brethren of the Moravian Colony departed from their then temporary home the town of Fairfield on the Thames in Canada and proceeded to the Tuscarawas Valley where they founded the settlement called Goshen located seven miles northeast of Gnadenhutten In the party of ...
... GENERAL JOHN GRAVES SIMCOE-- GENERAL JOHN GRAVES SIMCOE-- The Canadian Governor Who Attempted to Make Ohio a Part of Canada Annual Paper by JAMES A GREEN Historian of the Club American visitors to Canada are always struck with the beauty and charm of Lake Simcoe which is situated fifty miles north of Toronto in the midst of one of the most fertile regions of Ontario It is a lovely lake blue as Como Joined to it by a short and narrow strait is Lake Couchicing equally lovely In the city park of ...
... TECUMSEH AND HIS DESCENDANTS TECUMSEH AND HIS DESCENDANTS BY C B GALBREATH Much has been written of the famous Shawnee Indian chief Tecumseh who was born in Clark County Ohio in a village near the site of Springfield and who died leading his braves in the battle of the Thames Canada where the Americans under William Henry Harrison signally defeated the combined forces of the British and their Indian allies Nothing remains to be said of this natural born leader of his race but those who have ...
... The McGuffey Society at the Logan Elm 357 The McGuffey Society at the Logan Elm 357 3 Speech of Logan reading by John R Horst of the McGuffey Society from McGuffey's Fourth Reader Edition of 1853 4 Singing of Songs from the McGuffey Readers by members of the Society 5 Short talks by residents of vicinity 6 Picnic dinner followed by toasts and responses from the McGuffey readers Mr John F Carlisle the president of the McGuffey Society in an appropriate address explained the purpose of the ...