... INDIAN LAND CESSIONS IN OHIO INDIAN LAND CESSIONS IN OHIO BY S S KNABENSHUE Ever since the civilized nations of the world began to occupy lands peopled by savages they have based their claims upon the right of discovery followed by occupation This principle has been judicially affirmed by the United States Supreme Court which declared that discovery gave an exclusive right to extinguish the Indian title of occupancy either by purchase or conquest and also to sovereignty Johnson and Graham's ...
... The Croghan Celebration The Croghan Celebration 73 three tremendous cheers The day was a glorious one for the cause of freedom This of course foreshadows the civil war Who used Old Betsy last asks the Journal of January 23 1857 It has been standing in the street for several weeks now Captain Parrish should see to this old servant In a long article on the celebration of August 2 1 860 the Journal says At 6 o'clock Captain Parrish brought out 'Old Betsy' and fired a salute of thirteen rounds ...
... 52 Ohio Arch 52 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications The name Croghansville for the village was probably first suggested by Josiah Meigs Commissioner of the General Land Office in a letter from Washington City April 12 1816 in which among other words are these If it were left to me to name the town at Lower Sandusky I should name it in honor of the gallant youth Col Croghan -and should say it should be Croghansville The name is still preserved in that of the school on the hill on the East ...
... THE INDIANS WHO OPPOSED HARMAR THE INDIANS WHO OPPOSED HARMAR By OTHO WINGER We have a few original sources of information about the Indians of the Northwest in and about Kekionga now Fort Wayne at the time of Harmar's expedition in the fall of 1790 George Croghan in 1765 traveled the length of the Wabash to Kekionga and gave an excellent report to his superiors in the East In the winter of 1789-90 Henry Hay representing British merchants in Detroit visited Kekionga and kept a diary of his ...
... INDEX TO VOLUME XXIV INDEX TO VOLUME XXIV NOTE -That portion of this volume embracing the monograph entitled A History of Banking and Currency in Ohio Before the Civil War contained in pages 235-533 is separately indexed on pages 534-539 and is therefore not included in the General Index of this volume A Articles Editorialana - Concluded First Catholic Church in Ohio 226 Adair Gen John Burr's associate 121 History of Banking and Currency Be123 fore the Civil War 235 Adams County Early ...
... MAUMEE VALLEY TRAVEL TOUR MAUMEE VALLEY TRAVEL TOUR By MAUMEE VALLEY INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL CONVENTION From From Toledo Fort Wayne Miles Miles 000 Commodore Perry Hotel Toledo 1069 Superior Street entrance South 12 block to Monroe Street Turn right W 2 blocks to Erie Street Turn left S on Erie Street 5 blocks across Swan Creek to Anthony Wayne Memorial Trail 09 Anthony Wayne Memorial Trail 1060 Turn right on Anthony Wayne Memorial Trail which is a new super-highway constructed upon the bed ...
... 86 Ohio Arch 86 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications one officer and myself went to New York on recruiting service That was in 1814 I remained in New York about two years When we left New York we marched with recruits to fill up the companies stationed on the northern frontier I had re-enlisted on the 23d of November 1816 for five years We marched to Sackett's Harbor and I was there assigned to Company D Second Infantry The other recruits were distributed at the different stations I was ...
... The Croghan Celebration The Croghan Celebration 35 HISTORICAL ADDRESS BY BASIL MEEK ESQ FREMONT OHIO We have met today on this ground famous in history because of the victorious defence of Fort Stephenson then standing on this spot by Major George Croghan and the band of heroes under his command ninety-three years ago--not only to commemorate that brilliant achievement but also to further consecrate and make sacred the spot by the re-interment of the remains of its gallant defender To Col Webb ...
... INDEX TO VOLUME XVII INDEX TO VOLUME XVII A Twenty-third annual meeting of O Adena 185 189 A amp I S 132 Description of 191 Washington's Tour of the Ohio Distinguished visitors to 191 and articles of The Mississippi Allread James I Address of 120 Company 431 Amos J O Sketch of Loramie village Atwater Caleb mention of 254 by 9 B ArchaeologyBacon David - Collection in 144 Cabin site of 289 Mound Builders and the Lost Tribes Death of 292 208 Discomfiture of 290 Some Ohio Investigations in 94 ...
... EVOLUTION OF OHIO COUNTY BOUNDARIES EVOLUTION OF OHIO COUNTY BOUNDARIES BY RANDOLPH CHANDLER DOWNES M A Instructor at Marietta College 1925-1927 FORMATION OF COUNTIES The first of Ohio's eighty-eight counties was established in 1788 The last revision in the boundaries was made in 1888 exactly one hundred years later The following study has taken all the data concerning the boundaries and by arranging them in eighteen chronological groups has presented graphically the evolution of Ohio's ...
... HARRISON-TARHE PEACE CONFERENCE HARRISON-TARHE PEACE CONFERENCE COL E L TAYLOR COLUMBUS On the 28th of June 1 90 4 the Columbus Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution did themselves and their organization great honor by placing in Martin Park in the western part of the City of Columbus a large bowlder of igneous origin bearing a very handsome designed tablet in commemoration of the important council or conference which General William Henry Harrison had with the chiefs of certain ...
... 80 Ohio Arch 80 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications arrive at its position till the first assault was nearly over After a volley or two in which the British sustained some slight loss the troops at this point also were ordered to retire The loss amounted to 26 killed 29 wounded and missing and 41 wounded most of them slightly and brought away total 96 The Americans state their loss at one killed and seven wounded Considering the way in which they were sheltered and the circumstances of the ...
... 18 Ohio Arch 18 Ohio Arch and Hist Society P ublications Time like an ever-rolling stream Bears all its sons away They fly forgotten as a dream Dies at the opening day 0 God our help in ages past Our hope for years to come Be Thou our Guard while troubles last And our eternal home Thou who hearest prayer for Jesus' sake give ear to these our prayers and praises which we sum up in the words of our Lord Our Father Who art in heaven Hallowed be Thy name Thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth ...
... THE ORIGIN OF PUBLIC EDUCATION IN OHIO THE ORIGIN OF PUBLIC EDUCATION IN OHIO BY WILLIAM MC ALPINE M A A certain very excellent history of education says that in Ohio public education was a victory of the New England element over the other parts of Ohio's population In the same work there are certain maps taken from Mathews' Expansion of New England Certain parts of the state where the New England population is supposed to have predominated are marked white The remainder is black The ...
... SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON'S JOURNEY AROUND SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON'S JOURNEY AROUND LAKE ERIE By CATHALINE ALFORD ARCHER Lake Erie and its borders have received some unusual attention lately including the explorations and early settlements Herewith is some pertinent material which seems not to have been reckoned with but which seems essential to the full story Harlan Hatcher's Lake Erie 1945 for example presumably the latest and best-organized account of the period does not mention the journey of Sir ...
... The Harrison Table Rock and Ball's Battlefield The Harrison Table Rock and Ball's Battlefield 363 No other county in the state is so rich in early history as Sandusky A British post was established here during the Revolutionary War Here the first permanent white settlers located and the first marriage between whites was performed Especially during the War of 1812 was it a famous battleground In marking one by one these historical places we as an organization are not only showing patriotism in ...
... The Croghan Celebration The Croghan Celebration 75 I greet thee Thou art just in time To tell of victory most sublime Though told in unconnected rhyme Thou art welcome in Ohio But since thou canst thyself speak well Now let thy thundering voice tell What bloody carnage then befell The foes of great Ohio And then she thundered loud PROCTOR'S REPORT OF THE BATTLE OF FORT STEPHENSON The following letter recently unearthed by Col Webb C Hayes in the Canadian Archives at Ottawa is most interesting ...
... THE EVOLUTION OF SANDUSKY COUNTY THE EVOLUTION OF SANDUSKY COUNTY BASIL MEEK The limits of the following sketch will allow only in brief outline some of the more important facts and incidents pertaining to the governmental relations of that portion of country lying immediately south of Lake Erie which became Sandusky County and also of the greater area known as the Northwest Territory holding the same in embryo while it was passing to its organic limits as a separate county A view of the ...
... TARHE-THE CRANE TARHE-THE CRANE The Editor of The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly has often received inquiries as to sources of information concerning Tarhe the famous Wyandot chief and also the Half King Pomoacan Mr Basil Meek the historical writer and a frequent contributor to the columns of the Quarterly has had occasion to gather these sources and we herewith publish them for the benefit of any student desiring to avail himself of these valuable references - EDITOR ...