Ohio History Journal

Index K Results

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Klement, Frank L.
"Vallandigham as an Exile in Canada, 1863-1864,"
151 - 168, notes 208 - 210 Volume 74/Summer 1965/Number 3
Klement, Frank L./editor
"I Whipped Six Texans: A Civil War Letter of an Ohio Soldier,"
180 - 182, notes 203 - 204 Volume 73/Summer 1964/Number 3
Klippart, John H.
"John H. Klippart, Secretary of the Ohio State Board of Agriculture, 1856-1878,"by John F. Cunningham
51 - 63 Volume 61/January 1952/Number 1
Klopfenstein, Carl G.
"The Removal of the Wyandots from Ohio,"
119 - 136 Volume 66/April 1957/Number 2
Knabenshue, S. S.
"Indian Land Cessions in Ohio,"
249 - 255 Volume 11/October 1902/Number 2

"Mound Builders' Fort Within Toldeo's Limits,"
381 - 384 Volume 10/January 1902/Number 3

"Old Fort Industry,"
26 - 127 Volume 12/April 1903/Number 2

"The Great Seal of Ohio,"
489 - 491 Volume 10/April 1902/Number 4

"The Mound Builders of Ohio,"
148 - 151 Volume 11/July 1902/Number 1

"The Underground Railroad,"
396 - 403 Volume 14/October 1905/Number 4
Knight, George Wells
"George Wells Knight,"
352 - 359 Volume 41/April 1932/Number 2

"Reading of Memorials: George F. Bareis, Edward Orton, George Wells Knight,General J. Warren Keifer,"
567 - 582 Volume 41/July 1932/Number 3
Knight, George Wells, Works by:
"The Society and the Quarterly,"
79 - 82 Volume 1/June 1887/Number 1
Knights of Labor, The
"The War at Mingo Junction: The Autonomous Workman and the Decline of the Knights of Labor,"by Elizabeth and Kenneth Fones-Wolf
37 - 51 Volume 92/Annual 1983
Knopf, Richard C.
"A Surgeon's Mate at Fort Defiance: The Journal of Joseph Gardner Andrews for the Year 1795-II,"edited by Richard C. Knopf
159 - 186 Volume 66/April 1957/Number 2

"A Surgeon's Mate at Fort Defiance: The Journal of Joseph Gardner Andrews for the Year 1795-III,"edited by Richard C. Knopf
238 - 268 Volume 66/July 1957/Number 3

"Fort Miamis: The International Background,"
146 - 166 Volume 61/April 1952/Number 2
Knopf, Richard C./editor
"A Surgeon's Mate at Fort Defiance: The Journal of Joseph Gardner Andrews for the Year 1795,"
57 - 86 Volume 66/January 1957/Number 1
Know-Nothing Party
"Lewis D. Campbell and the Know-Nothing Party in Ohio,"by William E. Van Horne
202 - 221, notes 270 - 273 Volume 76/Autumn 1967/Number 4
Knowledge of Coal and Iron
"Knowledge of Coal and Iron in Ohio Before 1835, The,"by Paul Wakelee Stoddard
219 - 230 Volume 38/April 1929/Number 2
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