Ohio History Journal

Volume 43 Results

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Contents, Volume 43

"Ohio's Squatter Governor: William Hogland of Hoglandstown,"
by Randolph C. Downes
273 - 282

"The Report of the Forty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society,"
283 - 314

"Tribute to Dr. W. O. Thompson,"
292 - 293

"Joint Committee Plans for Archival Surveys,"
by T. R. Schellenberg
301 - 306

"Some Experiences in Making a State Historical Survey,"
by W. D. Overman
307 - 314

"Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society,"
315 - 327

"A New Deal in History: An Abstract of Address Given,"
by John W. Oliver
324 - 326

"Appendix: Report of the Registrar and a List of Accessions 1933-'34,"
by H. R. Goodwin
332 - 336


"A Life of Charles Hammond: The First Great Journalist of the Old Northwest,"
by Francis Phelps Weisenburger
337 - 427

"The First Ten Years of the Toledo Blade,"
by Douglas C. McMurtrie
428 - 440

"Here is La Fayette,"
by John Merrill Weed
441 - 451

"Finns in Ohio, The,"
by Eugene Van Cleef
452 - 460

"Three Vallandigham Letters, 1865,"
contributed by Charles H. Coleman
461 - 464

"Archer Butler Hulbert,"
by Charles B. Galbreath
465 - 470

471 - 476


INDEX (Ohio History)
479 - 487

INDEX (Ohio History)
488 - 490

"Index to the Minutes of the Forty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society and the Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees,"
488 - 490
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